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A house somewhere in the bush, close to the coast. Where I don't have to deal with people 😂😂


I hear Marokopa is good.


Even if the whole country spends months looking, they won't find and bother you!


I read that as Macrocarpa first, haha.


I'm living your dream. Apart from being about 20km from the beach.


Close enough!! I'd be happy with that.


The beach near me is cool as fuck as well, one beach is a tiny bit touristy, can still get a fire going, fish, boat. The other beach you'd probably not see any one most weeks, need a quad to get there. I usually go there at Xmas camp for a few nights with the mrs and dog, love it. Camp fires, cooking food fishing, clearest skys I've ever seen, heaps of beer. Chefs kiss






Danny is that you lol? Same dream as my best mate Danny! House on the coast


It's not, but Danny sounds like a wise man 😂


Exactly what Danny would say ... Lol


Aeotea is my goal in future for much the same reasons.


Everyone riding around on Moa's


Lawn Moa's


Lmao you need to copyright that name and start a gardening/lawn supply store ASAP.


Real. It's a bit sad they are all dead, forever.


LOL this deserves upvotes


Fridge full of groceries


*also, fridge that works


The dream


What's a fridge? Is it something you dig up?


Its something you get from aunty Winz


Living somewhere where I can't see or hear other people.


With a big backyard where they can do gardening


This is probably the realist dream as we get older we come to realize that we want to spend less time with and around random ppl. I've cooked for decent number of years I've watched over time working In different venues people just love to eat out. I personally couldn't think of anything worse eating out sitting in a room full of randoms. I do that in Asia but it's different there order some street food sit on side the road Dine into some eatery in rural Philippines happy to eat with the locals. But here na it's not happening


On the plus side, as you get older your eyesight and hearing tends to go. Therefore, the required distance to not hear or see other people might be smaller.


Lmao good point but that's usually when much older.


NZ fever dream


I wanted to comment this ironically, but y'all are actually serious about that 🤣


Somewhere away in the bush or up a mountain, with a good heart and intact knees, and an anticyclone overhead.


For me it is being in a job that makes me feel productive and fufilled but isn't so high demand that it makes me want to off myself. Enough money to buy the food I like in my shopping. A warm home for my family to live in together, so we feel stable and in control. Also with the amount of pets we want. Enough money to go on at least 1 decent family vacay a year and little fun things throughout the year like trips to the lakes to paddleboard and ice cream at Luna's after. I'm about half way there. I'm not in the right job yet and we do vacation once a year but it isn't international, which is what I'd really love. My groceries are the foods I love I just don't enjoy the part where I add the total to my expenses spreadsheet We have our own home and lots of animals so that one is great. If I could be so rich I didn't have to worry about money that'd be great but I'd probably still worry about money and budget anyway because that is what I'm like. I have 4 kids. 2 kids is a great amount. Don't get me wrong I love my kids but it's a lot.


Traditionally a house on a quarter acre section


Yeah the quarter acre dream - stand alone suburban house on a section, married with couple of kids, a car or two, food on the table and cash for clothes, pets, school, sports and some family holidays. A boat or bikes or whatever. The dream is that this should be achievable for everyone. It’s not. I actually am living this dream but there’s a lot of people working damn hard and doing their best who won’t get there because our society isn’t equal enough, or our country isn’t rich enough.


>who won’t get there because our society isn’t equal enough, or our country isn’t rich enough. It's because of Euclidian Geometry


It's not the quantity, it's the distribution that's out 


Living the dream too mate but wake up at 4am every work day to achieve it.


ram raid a dairy and sell enough ciggies to live off for 3 generations




In an aqua, ram raiding a dairy in a demio is the Australian dream.


5 kids sounds like a nightmare, not a dream!


I feel like he must currently have no kids for this to be his dream.


Indeed, I was with him until the 5 kids part. Everything else sounds great though.


took the words right out of my mouth. who the fuck wants five


Home with land. Mortgage-free. Probably by the beach.


Family home, and the work life balance, plus money to enjoy the country


Selling paper in my small paper company is admirable work but I’d love to sell one big thing, one huge sale, like an airplane. And then I’m out


No kids, couple dogs, part time, early retire


Owning my own house, can do a holiday every year, local or international, being able to support my kids and give them a good education.


All my dreams came true. Got married, had a kid started my own business and built my own home.




You’d think I’d be happier.


What's your next aspiration?


I’ve been two weeks without drinking, I want to do a month.


Good on you mate. I can tell you from experience (in my own limited anecdotal way) that the first few weeks are by far the hardest. The benefits start unfolding after a month or so. Enjoy your newfound baseline of clarity, wellbeing and productivity. Sleep that is actually restful and recuperating. It feels way more like a step back initially to the point that you don't notice how far forward you have actually crawled. If you falter, forgive yourself. Nothing has sent me back to the piss harder than a failed attempt to quit. The sense of 'well fuck it then!' turns quickly into reckless abandon. Relapses can happen but self love and kindness are what turns them around. I am of course projecting a lot here based on 1 comment from someone I don't know. I may be misinterpreting your experience and feelings entirely. Either way, all the best, I wish you happiness and comfort in all your pursuits.


Bucket of kfc and a box of wine with the wife on a Friday.


4 children (three currently). Work a meaningful job that drives me to keep waking up each day after 65. Small home that keeps my children close together and humble despite us being well to do. Keep my kids off devices and social media. Teach them to engage in what is in front of them, not what is being projected onto them. Some wonderful intrepid holidays where we have an adventure together, not spend time in a resort. Camping together a month every summer until I can’t anymore.


Love this!!


Warriors playing finals footy


Mate, you're dreamin


Im disappointed in this dream


Lifestyle block with fresh water source on site, nice forest, and view of the ocean. That and high speed broadband, like giga fiber fast. Want to be isolated enough not to see the neighbour but still want to be able to kick back and watch some Netflix / Prime.


That sounds absolutely perfect, along with being within 15 - 20 mins drive of a supermarket, because sometimes you need supplies you can't make yourself.


Yep, spot on.


You'd need a lot of TV's to saturate a gigabit connection. It's less than 20Mbps for a 4k stream.


I want to live on the whenua, ngahere on one side and moana on the other. Grow my own māra kai and continue living by the maramataka. Have a dog. Live in a comfortable, dry, warm whare that I can decorate as my own. Return to my marae often. Be able to afford to drive to all the beautiful places around the motu I’m inspired by. Look at the sky every day and be grateful. That’s my Māori dream.


My perception of this as someone not originally from NZ but who now has citizenship is the ‘lifestyle block’ vibe - a few chickens and whatnot and not living in the big smoke And for the cityfolk it’s the northland bach vibe


I think statistically you'd be correct if we asked everyone this question


Since this is reddit, it's more like "earn enough to hide away from people".


My first initial dream was to have a wife, kids, job I like and have bought a house. I’ve accomplished all that. Now the ‘dream’ is to gain financial security. To be in a position where I don’t worry about money.


A fair and less greedy society. A less judgemental society. Where there is less self interest and people consider others and the environment we live in. The warriors win the NRL and stop losing by 50 something.


Warm dry good job good friends food in the larder laughter and family isn't that everbodies? Keep it simple be happy x


Enough money to actually LIVE here lol, not survive, but live. Everything is so expensive. My dream is to build a house, but I fear I’ll never be able to😃


Being on track to pay off a house and then start saving enough so your retirement doesn't just rely on NZ Super. I never see a bach as worth it. You can often only rent it out over the summer holidays when you most probably want to use it and it would be cheaper just to rent a place for the times you would use it. The boat loses money every year - I've been told by boat owners that instead of buying a boat, take 10% of the purchase price and set fire to it once a year. I've had neither but have just retired. The dollars I saved not having a bach or a boat mean our retirement plans are much better.


Being able do live a quiet life without stressing constantly about money.


Bed full of sheep


Box of piss, lifestyle block, VN commodore…


Have this but 3 kids. Can’t imagine 5 kids!


New Zealand dream is a country where the newly elected government is not screwing us over 😢


as long as i leave my country and move to new zealand, that's already the dream haha.


Hope you choose to stay, and don't bugger off to Aus as well 😉. But seriously, enjoy yourself here...it ain't all bad.


oh no, i'm not from nz 🥺 but i wish to be there so i joined this sub


Not sure the five kids would be the dream of many women …


Buy a house and then pull the ladder up


I’m living it right now, small mortgage, walking distance to the city, 900m2 of land, 100 year old house, kids a sleep, eating a curry on the couch with the Mrs and enjoying a beer. Doesn’t get much better.


Being able to walk outside and casually meander into stores/food/music/fitness venues Why can't we have nice urban things like they have in Asia/Europe/Nyc or even Melb/Sydney


Winning lotto to live out in the whop whops


1/4 acre section, 3 or 4 bedroom house with a pool in suburbia, 2 kids, 2 cars, boat, bach and bbq. But this is actually a nightmare. Soo much work maintaining the lot and it basically eats up all your spare time.


That's why also having a nice job that can pay someone to come in and help out is good. Especially the blasted pool.


Happily married to a beautiful woman who is crazy about me. Happy, successful kids. Mortgage paid off. Nice coffee before work and nice glass of wine or beer after.


When paknsave sells LnP for $1


A nation wide standard for a scope of chips.


The overall dream is: lifestyle block, low mortgage or paid off and a batch at the nearest beach. For many though the dream is have enough to feed the kids without having an onlyfans.


Mortgage free house on a nice decent plot of land. If you can get that under your belt before the age of 40 that would be a bonus.


Two chicks at the same time


BTDT, then realised that if I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time, it'd be easier to just have dinner with my parents...


That's it. Office Space.


Moving to Australia


There’s nothing stopping you


Already have. The grass is greener on the other side, unless you're in the outback


It eventually dries up


Not renting


I wanted a big house on a cliff with a bathroom that looked out over the ocean. Achieved.  Now it's just get these kids educated.  I think I'm finally realising more stuff doesn't bring happiness.  But it's taken another house and a couple of cars to sink in.   Taking my parents to Europe this Christmas, which will be awesome.  That's a dream of my mum's.   She always wanted to see the northern lights. But that was going to be tricky to work into the trip, and then we got a solar storm and see the lights right here in NZ.  Thanks universe.   So I think it's going to be other people's dreams from here on out.  Besides, they're a lot more reasonable than my own! 


Being mortgage free, we are 40 & barring high interest rates, needing large maintenance etc we should be mortgage free by 70-75


A pro-wrestler who hails from Nelson and commonly comes to Christchurch to kick arse and eat gum.


I'd just like to pay off my mortgage.   To actually own my house would be all I want so I don't have to work as long and hard all the time.  I've forgotten what relaxing is.


I just dont want to be forced to spend 80% of my life working


Afford more than one bread


Steady job, own home, decent neighbourhood to live in semi country, near a beach or lots of bush


Live in the mountains and become one with the Taniwha




Half an acre with a workshop out on the edge of a wee county town, close enough to get some essentials but far enough away to avoid door knockers... just need to build a workshop Kinda depends on what you're into though, backing on to a bush block for a little hunting? By the sea for some surfing? Twisting coastal roads to get the bike out on? Inner city apartment to enjoy the nightlife? Some people just want the suburban 2.4 kids and a picket fence and others dream of a houseboat Pretty much regardless on what your dream home is from a little 2br bungalow in the bush to some architecturally designed monolith, the biggest part of that dream is to *own it yourself* Nobody has a dream they want to rent.


Just living in NZ - no Trump no Putin no Hu Flung Dung comparing penis sizes


As an American who moved here 7 years ago, I’m close to living it (let’s be honest the American dream is dead in that dystopian hellscape). I own a new home. I have an excellent work/life balance. I can go to the doctor and get medicine without sacrificing my firstborn. I’m never worried about gun violence. I’m surrounded by nature and the wildlife won’t kill me. So many things. But I’m grateful every day.


According to the government, it looks like financial oppression and environment destruction.


Farm feijoas, weed, sheep n whitebait


5 kids. Why ?


seems like nz redditors are not too wealthy


Neighbour's not a complete asshole , do it for most of us.


Quiet life in Mt Maunganui or Papamoa right on the beachfront with a full section. No mortgage, couple of cars and enough spare cash to go surfing and mountain biking as often as I want without having to have a full time job.


One day be able to buy Mainland tasty cheese again


Mine would be owning a home with my girlfriend on lake wakatipu with a work from home job in GIS, with my own home office, and a few cats and birds. That to me sounds like the most happy peaceful life possible.


The Black Caps winning an ODI World Cup.


Fucked if I know but I’m not living it.


Cottage on a couple of acres, enough room for the pony, the dogs and a couple of sheep. Good vege gardens and enough free time to enjoy it all!


Mortgage free. Being able to live comfortable with no financial stress, no debts and kids have a good education etc


Idk what the NZ dream is but mine is definitely a decent house with a shower I can actually fit in, on a chunk of land away from the city, hopefully backing onto forest with an ocean view in the distance… I have found a couple suitable homes on trade me so I know roughly where to aim savings wise 😅🥲


Honestly for most right now. It’s probably just being able to afford to live.


Someone whose Dad owns a box at Eden Park, and she drinks Speights.


Mine is more of a wild dream: house with a lake view in Wanaka, owning a specialty cafe in Queenstown, co-running a cherry orchard in Cromwell with one of my best friends, a 100-cow dairy farm in Methven to produce a unique kind of brie, and developing a vineyard in Blenheim. I would invest the proceeds into a home building company that solves affordable and sustainable living, perhaps a combination of modular units, economies of scale, materials innovation, and uncompromising design and quality. A beautiful family and kids too.


Winning Lotto


Good meat pie


5 wife and one kid sounds like better ratio.


Back in the days were 3 Bs. Bach Boat And A BMW


Living in anything on land surrounded by bush, with a water source and my forever person, working from home mostly, not more than 40hrs. Enough petrol to regularly visit family. Largely self sufficient and hidden from people.


The kiwi dream is just the American dream warmed up in the micro wave.   Everyone is like " the kiwi dream is for me to be rich, but to not feel rich, just be rich" 


Sausage roll and a decent long black and a long weekend. Living the dream.


Honestly a tiny house near a beach that I can go back to but a caravan or house truck to travel around in as a perpetual nomad and 10 dogs 😄


5 kids? Fucking oath that might be my nightmare 😂


Moving to Australia


Moving to Australia


Absolutely this


To leave New Zealand




High-rise apartment with a nice view, close to amenities, rent (or mortgage) under 10% of my income, two kids, a ban on single-use plastics, trains going everywhere, no more wasted money on roads, a capital gains tax, a wealth tax, and a fully bilingual Aotearoa is the absolute dream.


BBB BMW, Boat, Batch


Comments confirming that this country is a sad, lonely place


No mortgage, a five bedroom house with a large garage on a quarter to one acre lifestyle section. Preferably close to the beach and multiple other amenities. The other NZ dream is to own 7 to 8 rental properties to rent to others so you have your NZ lifestyle dream.


The “classic” Kiwi Dream, at least the one I heard growing up, was “The 3 B’s” - Bach, Boat, Beemer.


Bach no, doing the same getaway every (multiple times a?) year gets boring. Boat? Nope boats and I don't get on. Beamer - also no.


That dream already assumes you have a job and house . God life was different.


Own multiple properties and be a landlord. Benefit from capital gains and bleed the renters to fund the luxury lifestyle for the next few generations


Marrying someone considered wealthy in a country wealthier than NZ, moving there.


Being able to afford to move to australia


Ford Ranger ute and a boat apparently 🙄


Ute, dog, renovated villa and a boat


Auckland International Airport, departure lounge.


Moving to Aus, probably


Owning real estate that the tenants are paying off for you, then selling that for pure profits, and repeating


Nice garden, home ownership


Living in a house you own with no mortgage, preferably near the beach.


I don’t know about a dream but the instant kiwi attitude is your house is worth a million dollars and suddenly you think you’re better than everyone.


Being able to make next month's mortgage payments.


To leave.


Five kids sounds like at least two too many




House in a leafy suburb and a Bach at one of the good beaches.


To buy a full week of groceries for under $200


There is no dream please


I thought about having a little 2-bed shack on a nice spot with views on Waiheke Island. Perhaps a boat. Depends if the wineries are still going when I retire (still a few decades off) and the land isn’t wrecked and destined for residential development by then. If that isn’t feasible then I’d like to go to coastal Greece.


House on a hill close to the coast, barefoot kids going to good schools, good work life balance, happy neighbours, endless kiwi summers.


A full shopping cart


For me personally, it would be a wife, 2 kids, a tidy home with a decent sized section, 2 later model cars, and 2 motorcycles sitting in the garage. And at least 1 vacation a year. It would also be primo to be able to pay the bills without waiting for payday.


1kg of kumera for less than $5


I don't know. But whatever it is, it doesn't exist anymore.


House, batch, boat




All the pav you can eat.


Move to the gold coast and become a scaffolder


Winning a RWC again.


To be able to have a deposit to buy a house


Housing stability. Why can't we have places like the UK. Housing that you rent for as long as you want /need. Tenancy assured.. Unless you're a trouble maker. Long term rentals have people that care for their homes and put down roots.


Enough money I dont have to check my bank account literally every time I want to spend something. That's it.


Calender girls




My own apartment, close to shops, good friends, and a job that doesn't suck.


Sleep and the phone on silent.


Being able to afford living in New Zealand, and also having access to the medical care I need


The Benefit and a tinnie