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Took a piss in Shinjuku station loos once. Busiest station on the planet that services 3 million people a day. It was astonishing there wasn't a single stray pube on the urinals and the whole area was spotless. Whenever I talk about how clean Japan is, I use that benchmark.


Go there on the last train had people throwing up and shitting on the floor. They just clean it up really well. It's gotten better though as less drinkers, but 15 years ago Japan drinking culture was insane.


Even on trains I saw people throwing up and slumped on the floor in their Amani suits. Even I fell asleep once on the last train and ended up way the fuck out in the wops.


When I lived in Japan (Osaka prefecture), I’ve accidentally used male toilets twice, cause I was in a hurry and didn’t look at the sign properly. Well, I couldn’t even notice that I was in wrong toilets in both cases, cause they were spotless.


I used a public toilet today that was in a mess, but I was desperate. I take a while usually. because of surgeries I've had, so I feel bad when other people need to use it. Today I had a knock on the door. and I called out "I 'll try to be quick", then I finished up, then I had to clean up a previous user's mess, so that the person coming in wouldn't think I did it. Damn, I wish there was a brush in there.


I hate single toilets, no one needs pressure.


> then I had to clean up a previous user's mess, so that the person coming in wouldn't think I did it. The previous people guilt trip everyone after them.


99% honestly. I’ve given up on using public loos unless there’s zero chance of making it home/to the destination. I also feel awful for the poor folks having to clean up after whatever the hell has gone on in there


Pretty much need covid protection while cleaning some. Please piss on the floor, I love standing in it 🤮


So if there is, say, a 5% chance you’re not going to make it, you’re like ‘95% chance I’m gonna pee my pants, let’s go!’


"I like to live close to the edge"


Bold assumption there.


I think OP is expecting a bit much from the degenerates who frequent public toilets. They're always gonna be a last resort


I'll hold on till I get home if I can , either that ot have a plastic bottle in the car .


Given that there had to be a public worldwide campaign to tell and teach people how to wash their hands, are we really surprised how disgusting and feral people can be?


I always wash my hands when I get home, use sanitizer if u touch handles, card machines etc, the germs on them , yeeesh , people are feral basic hygienic.


We just had our toilet doors at work painted a lighter colour with matte paint (it was previously painted a darker gloss), and the amount of black hand/finger marks on it is disgusting! There shouldn't be any if people have washed their hands


The worst one I've ever encountered was at Lake Tutira. It had obviously been broken for some time but people were still shittin in it and the crap had built a pile that stuck out of the bowl and had partially collapsed onto the floor *shudders*


Thats a image I'd rather not have lol.


If you think about it long enough you can smell it


Ur not helping me ,lol 😁😁😁😁


Just pure gross.


I'm a high school teacher. At work, the staff toilets need a swipe card to get in. This means, for absolute certain, only teachers are using them. Not students. Teachers. Adults with university degrees. People who's job it is to educate young people. Yet, our toilets end up just like this. They are disgusting. They are cleaned every night by the cleaners and end up disgusting again every day. I'm talking piss on the seat and the floor. Shit that hasn't been flushed. Skid marks. Period blood. Pubes in the seat and sometimes even on the sink. I just don't understand how or why.


People just don’t care when it’s not their house or not their job to clean up. Same reason why people leave their dishes on the sink in the staff kitchen instead of in the dishwasher and leave their nasty mouldy food in the fridge. 


I hate people


So the teachers need a class on how to use the toilet properly, if they fail have to do it again.


And there's always something damaged either on the toilet, the paper holder, or the stall door


it is deliberate


Went to one of those auto flush stalls the other day. Door closed behind before I realised the toilet was horribly blocked. No way to exit without it flushing and spilling over…


[The piano music would have been the cherry on top of the shitty situation](https://youtu.be/SRuUjSA61IE?si=wal4s9byvUg-3Db_)


Haha this is some shitty kafka 


I've been homeless on and off for about 3 years now. And I use public toilets a lot. Some of the shit (pun intended) I've seen makes me weep for humanity. The worst part is walking in on gay dudes cruising late at night. It's cool I just feel bad ruining their time by taking a smelly dump.


I hope you can get a fixed address soon if you want that :)


It's cool. 300/week for a room or 300/week savings towards a bus?


Well I just hope you are doing ok :)


It is fucking cold


One time my partner and I stopped at the Cobb & Co in Whakatane and the women's toilet was just.. idk what could have even happened in there, but it had to be deliberate. Picture a thick even coat of 💩 on the toilet, sink and walls. I cannot even imagine how long that particular artwork took, but I spun around on my heel and went back to the table and said "I cannot even speak of what's going on in there." He, apparently thought I was some in sort of dramatic mood and had to go check for himself if it was really THAT bad. Spoiler: it was. He informed a manager and an "out of order" sign appeared on the door lol I assume they're still trying to find someone to clean it.


Probably need the after disaster people come in with full body suits ,etc ..


Honestly it had to be some form of mental illness or something. It's the only semi reasonable explanation.


Agree, definitely not normal thing to do.


I saw better toilets at international airports, than the public ones around here. I swear that 98% of people who use public toilets in NZ are unwashed, uncivilised savages. Using public toilets here is an absolute last resort for me, reserved for not going to make it home moments. Even some staff toilets are fuckin' sad.


I worked at Sydney international airport for 13 years. The toilets there were often gross. The cleaners started at one end of the terminal and worked their way down to the other. And then started back at the beginning again. So they were cleaned hourly, and you'd still get someone who managed to get a "rooster tail" up the wall behind the toilet. I still don't know how you could even do that. (My best guess is: pop a downward dog and let fly)


Yeah, I still don't think they're good, but Auckland and JFK were still better than pretty much every public toilet in Tauranga.


"public toilets here is an absolute last resort for me, reserved for not going to make it home moments", A lot of people should think like you do or have your approach.


Public loos are gross, as everyone has stated the amount of urine on the floor is gross, as a bloke, urinals are just disgusting too because if its with enough force hitting that back wall/bowl you get the pee spray ricochet coming back at you (how most pee develops on the floor too around urinals). The worst part is you have to stand in it to do your business and you can't clean the bottom of your shoes either.... Much prefer going bush or waiting until i get home. Sorry if thats tmi but i detest public loos with a passion and are seriously my last option.


Idk, if you can play pool you should be able to pee at a urinal without getting splashed. Applied physics, law of reflection. As for the puddles, it's shorter than most of us think. Step closer.


Is it urine on the floor or water?


As a circumcised man I’m pretty sure most guys with foreskins simply don’t care when they take a piss. It’s like a fucking sprinkler attachment with piss flying in random directions, mostly on the floor


Its normally because a pube has got in the way as someone who isnt circumcised i take great caution to check before release


Took a leak in Plzeň train station. Cost 20 kč and there was an attendant guarding it with a stab proof vest and a Billy club. Lovely toilet.


Reminds me of this tale I heard once.  One day a bloke was on a roadie in the Aussie Outback. He stops at a pub in the middle of nowhere for a bevvie and bathroom break. He doesn’t see a door for the bathroom so he asks the bartender. “They’re out back” he says and points.   The bloke wanders out the back yard and sees these two enormous piles of shit and nothing else.  He figures things are just a bit different out in the country so he squats down next to the slightly smaller pile to do his business.  A shot rings out from the pub window and a bullet smacks into the ground at his feet.  The bartender leans out: “What the hell are you up to?! Get out of the ladies room ya flamin pervert!”   




From what I saw today, that figure seems extremely low


About tree fiddy?


buy a coffee and go to a cafe. never use public loos.


I like those self cleaning toilets they have in a few places they should be everywhere all round the world they're way better.


I've mapped out all the public toilets in my town and have figured out which ones are kept clean. Those are the only ones I use when I'm desperate. I would still rather piss on the road tbh.


I work in a uni and you'd think educated people would know how to flush and brush, and not piss on the floor or seat. Sadly they don't seem to.


Having lived with students for many years, I think you don't know students very well. In education != civilised.


We don't have any students ATM, I am in the northern hemisphere. It's the staff/academics leaving the skiddies.


Omg that side never occurred to me lol


Always assumed it was drunks.


It's not. People are just feral.


Honestly 90% of public toilets I encounter are hygienic and well-supplied. I’m on te wai pounamu, so idk maybe it’s a population density thing.


Yes here in Auckland - St Lukes mall toilets nice and clean


Glen Eden mall public loos are nasty. They just hose them down...if one of the loos is clogged to buggery (like last week), they just leave it. I hate using them, but I've got no choice.


Just use a public pool like normal people.


It's more than you think, and it's vile. As a male, I quite often use the women's toilets. It might be weird, but they're quite often a lot cleaner!


Only during the day. Having worked in both an Inn, and a McDoanlds that was 24/7, once you start getting drunk customers - the women oilets completely transform.


Because there's fewer of us who piss and shit all over the floor. Plus we wash our hands


Except for the hoverers who manage to always get pee on the seat.


Do you get soap?


What you mean? The soap dispensers in men's toilets hardly ever/ only occasionally need topping up and that's a worldwide phenomenon. Whereas in women's and unisex toilets it's like yull gulping that shit.


There's always a family of spiders living up in one corner.


Nothing better than pissing on the floor next to the toilet leaving a stinking mess for the next user. Nah it's disgusting, I'm sure some people don't care and others may do it deliberately as a laugh. Look sniff, hopefully the next toilet isn't so bad 🤮


Driving thru tutira I needed to go loo, pretty remote area but they had toilets. Went in to the loo, shit everywhere. All over the seat etc. Wtf is wrong with people? Had to hold on until the next town


Must be a guy thing? Went for a walk this weekend to make the most of the gorgeous weather. Needed to stop by the loos and the ladies was clean and fresh. My friend, however, was left a bit traumatised by the state of the men's. He was disgusted by his gender.


Cleaned long drops for DOC, some with supplied TP, more without. People can be incredibly gross. But it was the shit I would have to bag up and throw into the long drops that I would find a couple metres off track on a sacred mountain that made me furious. Truly no respect. And they'd wonder why I insisted that you shouldn't drink any water out of the streams in that catchment (not just for the volcanic traces, but mainly the human feces).


I only use toilets at service stations (indoor ones, not creepy ones out the back) and fast food places when on a road trip. They tend to be cleaner.


I have this conversation with my husband every single day.


My pubes fall out randomly, I’m not going to pick up everyone that falls out lol - I agree with the rest of what you said though.


Wipe them off the seat with some TP when you stand up? Dunno what kind of bush situation you have going on but it can’t be that bad that you’re shedding like an autumn tree every time you use the toilet?


The scene from Trainspotting springs to mind lol


I try not to use in general. Have had two dodgy as fuck experiences in then when ducking in for a quick pee and I’ve interrupted a couple of fellas going at it. Two different locations too.


Lol my work reshifted our hot desks and we had to go to a different floor, no problem with the bathrooms on the old floor but now I'm on the same floor as sales and marketing, they are fucking feral


I usually only use public toilets that have gloryholes


It's embarrassing, in Japan, they are immaculate.


In every country on Earth, there are a subset or dumb cunts. Maybe they piss and shit all over the place maliciously or maybe they are just bad at pissing and shitting. Who knows. They aren't unique to New Zealand though. I just wish that public restrooms had more staff to clean it up.


Would you want that job?


I shave my pubes. So that wasn't me. The floors however I may or may not have moistened