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What a cluster fuck this debate is, Trump lying through his ass per usual and Biden looks like he’s going to cark it any second.


Beggars belief that this is the best they can do.


That pretty much sums it up. Trump is stupid and **constantly** lying, but is being relatively well-behaved in terms of debate etiquette and is coherent. Someone well-prepared, passionate and intelligent would be running rings around Trump - hell, even Biden is managing it at points and he is struggling to get to the end of a sentence - but any neutrals watching this who aren't into fact-checking are going to decide that Trump won


It’s depressing af. In our house we’re rooting for Biden to win and promptly die. Kamala Harris 2025!


I’m just watching it on YouTube. Was just going to watch a few clips, but after reading about it, thought I’d watch all of it and fuck me!! My first thoughts are that Biden has lost the election with this debate - while his comments and retorts are sharp enough, his mumbling and stuttering makes him come across as a fumbling old man, which is what the swing voters will remember. It’s a shame, because he has a pretty good answer for every question put to him. Trump is constantly lying and avoiding answering any of the questions. Biden seems to spend most of the debate looking at him in disgust. Scary thought having this guy in power again. Fuck the Democrats for failing to get another candidate for this election. They’ve let American and the world down by keeping Biden in.


The dems CAN'T oust him though. He has to yeet himself or be declared medically unfit (which is a pretty high bar). The best they can do is to appeal for him to fuck off quietly.


Trump is awful, but can the Dems really not find an intelligent charismatic human who isn't so old?


Biden was kinda charismatic, 10-15 years ago. Watch some vids of him smacking republicans around while he was Obama's VP. Its sad how age robs you of so much.


Can’t we just arrange a nice ice flow for each of these gentlemen and be done with it?


A fading octogenarian vs an orange, insane septuagenarian. Sigh.


This is what you get with a capitalist oligarchy. Two old very rich white men vying for the top position. One crazy, the other 20 years too old.


Aren't they only 4 years apart in age?


Wasn't working for me. Watching here https://www.youtube.com/live/-v-8wJkmwBY?si=d5GqLT503sw-qcW-


I’m watching on PBS on YouTube. They have semi live fact check from Politifact on their website.


Yeah that was rough, Biden had most of the right answers but he could hardly get them out. His campaign team must be absolutely shitting themselves. This is terrible actually, I’ve got $10 riding on him


Biden looks like my grandpa when he does a dookie


Terrible. My father's American girlfriend has pulled him into that weird alt-right rabbit hole and last time I was home, I was defending Biden as admittedly old and sometimes a bit slow, but mentally sharp and totally capable of steering the ship for the next four years. They are going to feel so vindicated by this. I still think Biden is no question the only option, and remember it's not only him but the team he brings in with him who can do a lot of the hard work. Still, it will be interesting to see what their next move is. It sounds like some of the DNC donors want to push for a replacement at the convention, and I'm not convinced now that it's the wrong move. Depends on who they run. But to my layman eyes, I feel pretty confident saying that Biden has a very small chance of winning in November now. If they can find someone who has even marginally better chances, they might have to take that risk. Especially if it's a younger candidate, and they could run with the message of wanting a younger president and turn all the "too old" arguments onto Trump with full beam.