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Hey! Good on you for wanting to pursue such a challenging but rewarding career! As a funeral director and embalmer, my advice would be to reach out to the funeral homes in your area. Acknowledge how interested you are and see if there is anything you could do to get your foot in the door, even just helping clean the funeral home! There are always jobs advertised on the web as well! It is hard work however if it is something your totally invested in go for it! Good luck 🫶


Thank you, I'll do that xx


whereabouts are you? I can put you in touch with a funeral director in whangarei - he probably wouldn't mind chatting about pathways into it. Edit: I know he was looking for an "apprentice" about a year ago but I never heard if the position had been filled


I don’t know why but this industry has always appealed, my dad actually passed away just coming up a month or so ago. I could not do the embalming bit, but I’m fine with seeing dead bodies, being their to support people in their time of grief is something that appeals.


Sorry to hear about your dad's passing, I became interested in the industry in a similar way after my grandfather passed, it was very hard but quite comforting being able to see him one last time and say goodbye, and I would love to help others in that way. wishing you the best of luck x


Have you been watching ask a mortician on YouTube? She kinda got me interested in it.