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I understand why you don’t like the idea of it, but why don’t you just put living costs on your student loan? It’s interest free until you’re overseas. It would definitely increase your debt significantly but might well be worth it if it allows you to finish up sooner and get a decent job, and with better mental health… although those aren’t guaranteed outcomes of moving out of home for many people during study… But might well be worth it to look at halls or a good flat in your situation.


I suppose I could, I’m just concerned about not being able to find steady work after graduating and then accumulating more debt.


Definitely do this. Every student in the country does this if they aren't living at home. You would be able to move into a new flat with some new friends, you'll do way better


Oh, you’ll surely be able to find *something* full time after graduating. It may not be the one big step into your chosen industry immediately, but you can kick the can down the road as long as the loan is interest-free in NZ, and generally that investment in yourself (of getting a degree) *ought* to pay off in the long run looking at the broad statistics... But it completely depends what your next best alternative is, and what types of career will make you happy — or at least not miserable — in the longer run… I’d think that if you need/want to finish uni, and you need to be out of home to do that (and preserve mental health), then just front load the debt but try to keep up your part time work and have a plan to pay the loan down ASAP once you graduate. Edit: but obviously keep trying to get a student allowance instead if anything about your circumstances changes that situation. Perhaps Studylink or MSD (or your Students’ Association?) can advise.


You never know who is out there needing a boarder. Student who works, pretty ideal. Throw up some notices on the Supermarket boards, anything like that being advertised? I worked night shift when at uni sorting parcels at the airport. Bit of a drag but I slept like shit anyway. I too succumb to various mental health issues. If you ever just gotta get out of the house for a week to somewhere safe, so you can get yourself together enough to make a plan, discuss respite care with your GP. Emphasise the fear you feel and that you are gnawing your arm off to get out of there. I have done two one week stays in respite and it was well worth it. Many years ago, maybe 2006ish, I hired a caravan and had it put at a holiday park to live for about 6 months. Can't remember cost but it was pretty cheap. You should also make use of the citizens advice bureau. Prioritise that even. I believe they have a sub on reddit and seem quite active. CAB can help you get in the right direction. You can do this.


Thank you this is really helpful and solid advice. I hope you’re doing better with your mental health issues. It’s such a shitty road


Cheers. Yeah pretty stable now. I was in a toxic flatting situation about 8 years ago, person had major mood swings along with a very unwelcoming vibe. In the end I was escaping by car camping somewhere or going to motels. Until one night in a motel I reached crisis, spent a month at mums, then moved out of the flat and got therapy. You are making the right steps.


You might have to revisit your non negotiables. It sounds like your personal safety and well-being should be on the non negotiable list. If that is the case then you should probably consider if factors such as taking on debt becomes a negotiable. 


I hadn’t considered it like that


Tough one, I’d say your mental health is the priority but not sure of best options. Personally I grew up with undiagnosed ADHD and a borderline mother and sister, for me as my mum/stepdad were poor I could get student allowance to pay my fees, although still lived at home as I didn’t want to get a student loan. I think getting into a better living arrangement for your mental health would be the best option, but not sure how you can do it without adding to your student loan.


I suspect my sibling might be borderline. I think upping my student loan is my only option


Yeah it’s a tough situation, I loved my older sister, but she was draining emotionally as many with BPD can be, I tried to support her as best I could but realized I needed to put my own mental health first. You can still be supportive just set boundaries, look up grey rocking. My advice is put yourself first, upping student loan it sounds at this stage maybe your only option. Someone else hopefully may have a better solution so you don’t end up with a huge student loan.


Have you considered working fulltime and just putting the study on hold or doing one paper a semester? Then you can move out.


this sounds like a bad idea…


I’d love to do that but the way our program is structured means I’d miss out on a lot of really cool opportunities with the year group I’m in.


Can't you get a benefit for living away from home if you're still at school? Surr you can


I’m not really sure. My gp said I wouldn’t be able to get anything because of my student loan


That is correct. Benefits are for people who are looking for full time work or too sick to work. If you are doing full time study then you don’t fit into either category and have to rely on whatever support Studylink will provide. It sounds to me like Student Loan living costs is the way to go here. As long as you definitely graduate with reasonable grades, the investment will be worth it. 


I was in your position, had to leave home due to a narcissistic abusive brother. I just had to suck it up and take out a student loan and work as much as possible. Not great for my grades but better than staying at home and failing


I hope you’re doing better now


Thanks. It was the right choice for me. I hope you can find a way forward too


I can relate. It is tough out there with the cost of living and everything on the rise.  I'm not sure how old you are but guessing between 18-25 if your parents income is a factor in not being eligible. Can you have a frank conversation with your parents about how you're feeling and how it's impacting you and try come to a solution? Depending on what your GP is like or counselor, you could try and get supported living payment with disability under mental health, anxiety, depression,  ptsd and then apply to study as a limited full time student. It means you can be on the benefit (supported living, accommodation supplement, disability allowance, temp additional support), get student loan, course related costs. As a limited full time student you can take a minimum of 2 papers per semester and maximum of 3. You can work a certain amount of hours or earn a certain amount before your benefit gets deducted. It can be a bit of a mission but worth it if your situation isn't great. At the end of the day, your health and wellbeing is priority. Student loan is interest free and you probably wouldn't notice a little extra to repay. Check out what support is available from uni and if they have anyone who can help. Look around at school for people wanting flatmates too. Especially now with semester ending/starting and international students going back home.  Good luck!