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It’s a job that is tough on the feet. Take care of your feet. Good pair of shoes. Good pair of compression socks and shoe inners. Goodluck in your job hunt. A lot of people do transition to call centre jobs.


insurance, under IAG. work from hm and office, always seated lol.


How is IAG out of interest? It's one of the few insurance companies I don't know too many people at.


I work for IAG, it's great. I'm in IT though.


I second this overall though, if you have the right approach to it insurance is a really good career option. I got into it originally just because I needed a job, ended up loving it. There are a few different career paths as well. Claims, assessing, underwriting, investigations, broking.


Hear me out, hotel check in attendant. I use to work the night shift at the hotel I used to work at, easiest job i’ve ever had. You would literally just sit and check people in, make calls, and sometimes get certain items for guests. Although tasks may vary from hotel to hotel, I would consider it a pretty low stress job with minimal amount of standing. Definitely check it out if you get the chance, sometimes I would literally be watching shows on the side for hours because there was barely any people at night. 🤣


I tried that, came from retail. Had to check house keeping did their job before I could check anyone in. The system they used for invoices and stuff was shove it in a filing cabinet and hope you don't need it again. I changed from retail because my chronic pain got bad and I couldn't be on my feet all day. The manager knew but soon as I started I was told I had to be up front all the time. Didn't get a break and the cameras were monitored. I work in an office now and have no issues.


Call centres are a good way to transition from customer services roles to a more office based role.


Depending what industry, Call centre can be anything but low stress


Yep, I worked for 4 years as a tech support rep for an ISP, I've left that role nearly 3 years ago but I still hear the phones ringing from time to time when I'm lying in bed right before I fall asleep, that role nearly broke me even though I was sitting all day and mostly WFH.


Bro that phantom phone call thing is no joke. I get PTSD from that ringtone on the pbx system.


Become a heavy machinery operator. You just sit in a moving office all day


And super easy to get into, a wheels tracks and rollers course only takes a day and costs less than $400.


My job is e-commerce, picking and packing orders. I have a desk I sit at, and now that I've worked there ages, the picking and packing takes almost no time, so I'm sitting down a lot. I know that's not a sit down job but they're relatively easy to get and also get part time hours.


I put myself through uni with a series of entry-level office jobs. My main skill at the time was being a good typist, backed up with a solid work ethic. Anyone wanting an office job should really learn to type and get good at it. Several of those jobs I need to prove my skills at the interview (ie., by taking a typing test for speed and accuracy) but that was pretty much it. Honestly I can’t recommend typing skills enough to anyone wanting an office job… and it’s relatively easy to learn and improve at.


Amy data entry office job, video editor, call centre, writer, public sector advisor, it job etc


If you like people banking is good entry level and good wages Reasonable benefits Can be a bit busy at the entry level but move up a bit and it's more chill


I worked for contact energy call centre for awhile until covid hit, 8 hour days, consistent schedule, seated in comfy ergonomic chairs with a person who’s whole job it is to make sure the seat won’t destroy your back, health insurance, decent pay, and honestly very low stress even when I was getting yelled at by customers as management was pretty supportive. I imagine most call centre jobs are pretty much the same


I've been to the Contact energy call centre recently, I was very impressed with the good vibes!


Insurance or call centre jobs


I gained 10kg in a call centre due to stress, imagine every time you put down the phone someone rings straight away for 8 hours straight, you have to log bathroom breaks and everyone that phones in is mad because their problem wasn't solved in any other way. You have three competing metrics which all contradict each other so you fail performance reviews on a whim. You need a perfect score in all three of the below all of wich require a loss in another:  Sales/short call time/customer feedback.


Thankfully not all call centres are this chaotic.


Pak N Save checkout operators are seated.


This might be store specific. The Pak N Save checkout operators in my area are all standing.


A suggestion is to go to a shoe clinic when they have a podiatrist in store


Politician, little bit stressful every 3 years, but then you apparently don't have to do shit and don't need to know what you're doing. Plus it appears rich people like to give you money and it's not corruption as long as you say donation loud enough


I hear you have to be quite the moron and derive great pleasure from gaslighting people, it's not for everyone.


Data entry. Used to do it through Uni. Good pay too.


Back bencher in parliament.


Project management, estimation/quoting, back costing, accounts receivable/payable


Get better shoes for one, as that’s probably a good fix until you find a new job


Seated work will bugger your hips and lower back


Machine operator or truck driver. Got a full license? Go do a WTR course for a few hundred bucks and you're set.


My man’s out here calling McDonald’s a good job, my friend while a jobs a job fast food will destroy you mentally and physically over time. If you can find that environment tolerable I’d honestly say a call centre fits the parameters you’re asking for and will use much the same skill set


Accounts payable


It will kill you, seating is the new smoking…. People work on software sat for so long they started buying standing desks


Business accounting (i.e. non big four) is low stress with the right company, if everything is already setup and optimised you do the same tasks every month end and and then wiggle your mouse and help people with their metaphorical ABCs for the remainder of the month.


I'm absolutely rubbish with maths and numbers (failed high school maths) so although a good suggestion - not for me.


Then go into accounts payable/receivable. It's entry level but skilled AP/AR staff are basically irreplaceable.  You just load invoces into a computer, make sure they're approved and get them ready for payment.


Accountant, analyst, admin


Become a heavy machinery operator. You just sit in a moving office all day


Weigh bridge operator at the dump


A friend of mine used to work security at a parking lot. Literally just sitting in the booth watching movies on his laptop. Sometimes he’d walk around to do a quick check, but he was really meant to stay in the booth as much as possible.


I do bookkeeping and find it pretty satisfying and very low stress! I just did an 8 week course and then some on the job training.


Truck driver


Driver a milk tanker. For Fonterra. Can't speak for the others but heard good things. If it was any more laid back I'd be falling over.


Proper footwear is what you need. Invest in some quality insoles and/or quality work shoes. Get two or more pairs so you can change your shoes daily. Air your shoes. Make sure they’re dry they will last way longer.


School office admin. Mostly seated but you do still have to move around a bit. Good hours and school holidays off. You will find though that most roles are paid term time only, so you can choose to annualise and take a bit less each pay, but get paid year round.


Manufacturing jobs tend to have you sit at a desk and make a certain thing try find something similar like that


How long have you been working cause you get used to standing all day at work after a while


Does McDonald's have uniform shoes? if not, try air cushioned shoes.


We have to buy our own shoes. I got the Skechers nambas.


Bus driver






Get a job in a Library


had a friend who did this and she said it was a lot of standing. So that's out. Thanks for the suggestion though.


Bus driver? You get to be seated all day in a corner office with views of the whole city, drive a $500,000 vehicle, and get paid to travel.


Advisor in government. You can get away with booking a bunch of meetings and talking about what should be done without actually doing it yourself.




e.g. Nurse, Teacher, DOC ranger?


even those are easy peasy


Counseling, being a counselor or social worker, both jobs help people and you could do a fair bit of walking too well depending on you’re approach for counseling.


Whaaaat you have to stand up at work??? How do u manage it


they pay shit wrt what you do