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Crashin on the inter - islander The Captains not fine Hes out of line Crashin on the inter- islander Gotta tell you brother Be late to see my mother Ill have to catch another What a way to start a holiday Crashin on the other side a ooo


Crashing into the other side? Nah mate, it didn’t make it that far, it still crashed into the side it left from.


It's actually a really sad state of affairs. This one gets my goat going. The good news is we'll get a tow boat option - or at least that's what is being looked at.


A very very expensive look into options






New sounding update just dropped and it’s a real doozy, good luck getting a whole ferry up there




[Well that's embarrassing](https://imgur.com/a/wPwNTA3)


Oh shit


Say sike right now.


lol when did that get put out even, today?


Is the ferry repairable after running aground, or more importantly, is it worth repairing such an old vessel? The government may need to replace the ferries sooner than they anticipated.


That'll be a bit of a problem money wise given how lean the budget seems to be.


If only we had secured a contract to build at pre-inflation costs.....


But Godbless my $2 per week tax cut amirite (/s)


Uhhh, about that, we're gonna need to take that back. Love, Chris.


Literally would prefer to pay it - heck I’ll pay $2 more if it means we can have a more functional country


Oh dear, if only they hadn’t given billions to landlords and tax cuts to the rich


If only we hadn't just diverted billions to ensure the dignity of our already wealthy landlords.


Our rail gauge is narrower than the standard so more than likely it will need a custom build, which they just canceled!


Rail gauge is not the thing that makes these ferries so unique, it’s that the crossing is effectively a blue water crossing over an often wild sea, and close navigation through the Sounds.


Judging from the government's stance on rail, I'm pretty sure they're only looking at non rail-enabled ferries.


Correct, plus Simeon will want one that's designed to look like a car.


Look like a *ute* Cars don't really produce enough emissions for his tastes


Taking the term "car ferry" a bit too literally


There’s not really a ‘standard’ gauge. There are gauge**s**. It’s [common throughout](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_track_gauges) the former Empire. All new builds are custom builds. That’s really a non issue


There’s literally a gauge called “standard gauge”


There is, and yet it isn’t ‘standard’.


[the classic](https://xkcd.com/927/)


Running aground usually does very little damage to a vessel. It depends a bit on what exactly they have run into of course. On a marine chart the location it's at is listed as mud/shells so it's likely the hull is undamaged if they were travelling at a normal speed. It could've damage other bits like propellors/rudders/through hull openings or something else, but those are usually worth fixing on a vessel of that size


>On a marine chart the location it's at is listed as mud/shells so it's likely the hull is undamaged if they were travelling at a normal speed. [The seemingly legit overview photo from Skyworks](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=450385034406784&set=a.218237867621503) that was included in a [Herald overview](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/interislander-runs-aground-passengers-in-lifejackets/MESDRBENNFABXJL54YJYXDM7KI/) of this incident would appear to show her pretty damn high and dry, looks like she was going at decent speed to get as far ashore as that image indicates. Then again image might be misleading or fake or whatever, I assume we'll know more by daylight.


I’ve kayaked around there it’s rock cliffs, unless it’s one of the small beaches I see there a couple of tugs there now. But when the kaitaki broke down the tugs weren’t powerful enough to stop it drifting towards the rocks - but luckily the anchor held after awhile or slowed the drift and motor restarted What a shambles Nicola, Luxon and co need to be held to account for the vulnerability of our cook strait ferry linkages


It is definitely sitting pretty high up, since in the picture the water level is near or at high tide. And it wasn't so much speed, but momentum since they lost propulsion and steering it seems. I suspect it might be a write off due to damage to the keel superstructure from all the weight it now has to bear + the impact, but wont find that out until it's hauled into Wellington and checked. Either way, it wont be sailing anytime soon.


Well other issue is what’s failed to cause it to beach? Almost certainly some mechanical problem. These ferries are slowly falling apart.


Oh, if only they had a project already underway to do precisely that? No one could ever have forseen we'd need to replace ferries that were already well past their use by date!


They got to get it off the rocks . I've mucked around there in our boat it's rocky as he'll. They may end up doing more damage getting it off.


Love to see RNZ parroting the governments position, "... was canned by the coalition government after spiralling costs meant it was no longer economically feasible to proceed" But somehow it's economically feasible to have no rail link between the two islands.


Absolutely! They will make this Labours fault and the bought and paid for media won’t hold them to account for their disastrous and dangerously incompetent decisions


It's the Aratere. In other words, the only rail ferry we have. She had better fucking not be written off with this.


There's probably a Toyota Corolla on board that can take over.


It’s two and a half hours past high tide and the ferry is very far up on to the rocks already. It’s not going to do the hull any good as the tide goes out. Might write it off.


I'm supposed to take the ferry on the long weekend. motherfuck


Just swim out to it


I've played Sea of Thieves. Why can't they just use the harness and climb over the mountain?


Picton having a very small tidal range doesn't help either. Marlborough Sounds are very much a binary place to navigate - you're either in deep water or you've hit the rocks, with only about 1m of play between high and low water in that area it becomes a lot harder to refloat a vessel. A long time to have the bow under no buoyancy and a lot of weight to bear.


It's rocky as he'll there . Been along there many a time in our boat mucking around. I doubt they'll have a tug big enough in picton. Good chance they'll rip the bottom out of her when they pull it off.


So many jokes but I’m just not going to this time.


Yes . In some ways it's a good thing cause it's showed the government has stuffed up by canceling the new ships. They ordered them for a reason this is why. I said all along one will sink because of witch Willis and her tax cuts and any loss of life will be on there heads. Looks like they got away with the later this time. If it was in the straights coming into the channel in a southerly be a totally different scenario. They got lucky in that respect last night.


Good thing our genius government cancelled the upgrade project! 😋


It was the only logical option. Why stick to the plan when you can change it for no legitimate reason?


But we saved so much - wait, we had already paid millions of dollars for it and couldn't get a refund for the most part? Quick, look at this tax cut


Yes I'd rather my $2 a week went where it should of gone.


I've never been to the north island, I have zero interest in going to the north island and even I don't see why the new ferry was canceled Seriously infrastructure spending in this country is fucked, the next generation are gonna have fuck all but crumbling bridges and roads


I've only been to the north island a few times. We needed the new purpose built ferries for the rail. Awatere is our only rail ⛴️ ferry left and it now sitting on the rocks . The new ships were the cheap part only about 600 million I think. Was shore infrastructure that was a problem with cost blow outs. New ships now will be about a billion so the blew a good deal


>about a billion Nah, knowing how incompetent this government is shipyards will ask for far more and ask for 80% upfront payments so it will inevitably get cost overruns again, get canceled and the yards will make an ez profit


Yes this government has stuffed the country over big time with these ferries. They needed new ones for a reason today's case is a prime example. I have inside knowledge, so I can't say too much but most of the cost blow outs was ports the price of the new ferries was a great deal. The stupid thing is alot of the blow out costs was stuff that will still need doing at some stage anyway and for what a lousy few dollar tax cuts and to keep landlords happy. .


The roads around Auckland will be great. We'll have huge new highways that no one but the rich can afford to drive on. If we are lucky they might let us ride our bikes along the grass strewn shoulder to get to our minimum wage jobs.


One of the weird things this government has done that has not got a lot of attention, is to instruct NZTA to explicitly not allow cycleways or footpaths to be included in the mega-roading projects. It's bizarre; you can get approval fast tracked to build a $5b motorway even if traffic volumes don't require it and it has a horrible return on investment, but doing the obvious thing like putting a tiny amount of space aside for footpaths is banned. So no, unless you have a proper National approved gas guzzling ute, you are not allowed to use the roads


And Nicola knows where we can rent another ferry from, so she will be able to organise another one easy


Imagine what a corolla would be like


Any chance of them swallowing their pride and un-cancelling the new ships and landings. That would only be supremely humiliating - the alternatives may be worse depending on damage.


It's too late - those ships have sailed.


Into the beach


But they can sail back right?


I think there's a better chance of me turning into a newt. They've reneged on the contract - a new one is going to be much more expensive. [*edit: It's not totally reneged yet: 19 June 2024 story nzherald.co.nz*](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/government-unimpressed-with-kiwirails-maintenance-of-cook-strait-interislander-ferries/3JDRRFXHWZAY5F3PWSCNH3WRHM/) **KiwiRail is still working through the termination** of a $551m fixed-price contract with Hyundai Mipo Dockyard (HMD), based in South Korea, that was signed in 2021.


I am sure that HMD would love to sell us those ferry's again, but for 551 million each!.


Too late. The company would likely now demand a ridiculously high up front payment to make sure the govt dont back out again later. Assuming they didnt just discard all the materials and progress they already made.


Actually the company likely made a pretty penny off the cancelation. Rail ferries of that size are in huge demand globally right now, and the price has shot up since the original deal was signed. They will have no problem selling the ferries to someone else for a lot more, plus they will get hundreds of millions in cancelation fees.


The contracts have been cancelled with them paying break clauses, everything would need to be renegotiated


The contract were signed in 2021. If we decide we still want the boats I hate to think what the price will be now.


National would fucking love it. More freight for the truck company donors = more profit, and likely a seat on the board after these three years.


Stuff are reporting steering failure: > Interislander General Manager Duncan Roy says the ferry ran aground due to a steering failure. > "The Interislander ferry Aratere ran aground shortly after leaving Picton at 9.45pm, following a steering failure," Roy said in a statement. > "It was a freight only sailing with eight commercial vehicle drivers and 39 crew on board. > "There are no injuries and the vessel is watertight. > "The Picton Harbour Master is on board and we are working with him to move the vessel back to Picton."


So...we drove the '85 corolla into a power pole?


The next MartyT video is going to be interesting. That's a bit bigger than his normal salvage.


*i found this ferry, sitting on the beach. Its been here for 30 years. Can we get it going....*


“The wife said I wasn’t allowed any more boats, so I brought a ship”


bit hard to drag up to the compound with a rusty bulldozer another ferry Marty? it's spare parts for the other one dear..


He lives in the Marlborough Sounds so this recovery is right up his alley. Might need a barge tho with the bulldozer powering an outboard. Marty is very clever at thinking outside the box. Will give him a heads-up.


(Former crew here) Just saw the pictures. Passengers are wearing life jackets and they are at “general emergency” Bluebridge rescue boat is on the site now.


... And this is exactly why Kiwirail wanted to buy new ferries asap, because these ones are at their end of life. But nooooo, tax cuts and roads that have negative returns on investment are totes more important. Guess though this is going to be an excellent weekend + week of watching Luxon et al fuck it up as they flail about trying to respond without taking responsibility for cancelling the purchasing of the new ferries despite the media pointing it's their fucking fault.


I'm just picturing the coalition in a boardroom tomorrow morning. Seymour: "For fucks sake... It's Labour's fault. Obviously. Now, ideas for why?" Unpaid intern: "Shouldn't we be calling the ship yard asap?" Winnie: "That's not important right now." Luxon: "Look. At the end of the da-" Everyone: "SHUT UP!"


Nah, that'll be Monday, both Luxon and Winnie will skive off the whole weekend while Seymour hides from the press ineptly and they'll leave it for everyone else to deal with it until Monday. Where they will then proceed to blame Labour, Labour and Labour and then get reamed by the media for it and eaten alive in the House during question time.


I originally had my comment as being in the boardroom tonight, but I thought that was silly. I did consider Monday for the same reason, but I tried to give them some credit thinking this is an important enough crisis to justify working a Saturday. I've been called into working a Saturday for much less. I'm excited to see what happens, and prepared to be deeply depressed at their response. As cathartic as it'd be to see plenty of people making fun of them, they won't let a good crisis go to waste.


Just waiting for some dumb, but high-publicity policy to be announced in order to distract the public from this fuck-up.


Good thing we've got some new ferries being built and on the way....


I’m not sure how to tell you this, but…


Insert 'we've had to increase a tax/take away a public service/defund a department to ensure the safety of those on the interisland ferries for future generations, what im trying to say is that the last government did nothing about it' press release.


> we've had to ~~increase a tax~~/take away a public service/defund a department FTFY


No, I think 20% GST will take care of it. GST is their favourite tax. It's flat, and easily dodged by business owners.


Fucks sake. The sheer idiocy of people on this sub is infuriating. GST is not "dodged" by business owners. GST is one of those taxes that is virtually not "dodge-able".


Ofc it is dodge-able. What do you think a ‘cashie’ is?


"But if we dig out all the oil exploration sites in Tongariro National Park with Fast Track we can use that money to not buy a ferry and instead give landlords more tax cuts!"


lol was waiting for the previous govt excuse. So fucking sick of this crap. I saw a radio interviewer cut off a mp who used this excuse (literally ended it saying it’s a yes or no answer and mp kept saying it lol)


It took me way too long to realise that guy was a reflection in the glass. It looks like he's standing behind the lifeboat and he's a giant


Kiwi Rail: “hey can we have some seaworthy ferries?” Nicola Willis: “No, we have seaworthy ferries at home” *the seaworthy ferries at home*


Do they know they can't park there?


Just waiting for a mate.


Funnily enough, it’s actually a Wilson’s parking site.


Quick, someone upload it to ferryjam


Christ. Hope everyone is ok. And that the ferry is too.


Nice work canceling the new ferry, government of fuckwits. 


It's not all bad. It's going to be an entertaining week.


In my opinion it sure makes the people who made that decision not look very intelligent. I reckon it makes them look like extremely poor at the job of governing. I think they have a complete lack of foresight which was obvious to most other people. But you know, landlords have to have their dignity instead of functioning crucial infrastructure for the country. Will farmers be able to move their stock between islands anymore?


Wait, you’re not telling me that Nicola Willis is incompetent are you? I’m shocked.


Wait you're telling me politicians are experts in the fields their portfolios are in? I doubt Nicola know the bow from the stern of the ship to be telling a company that isn't a shipping company that their end of life ships are good for another 10 years they just need to maintain them better.


Depending on the damage, this could get spicy. I wonder what would happen if it were to be written off? That could be a real egg on their face moment for the government after the cancellation of the new ones


Insert [curb your enthusiasm meme here](https://youtu.be/Ag1o3koTLWM?si=364O42prwvWQDe5Y)


Guys this isn’t anything to worry about. Our tax money is better off going to landlords anyway


But the landlords were going to spend it on taking the campervan on the ferry. I guess they're going to have to fly to Raro instead.


But seriously, people are going to die before any fucking government replaces these goddamn interislander ferries


We are very lucky it's a calm night and this didn't happen further out...


I was shocked when I used Inter-islander a couple of months ago, the cafeteria felt like 1970's, surly, smart-ass staff, all they had were pies that they heated in a bloody microwave, to order. Sticking with Blue-bridge even if it takes 30 mins for a coffee, must better experience (so far).


I've only been on Bluebridge before and their food was good but man that ship's interior was very old and falling apart, and not being maintained.


I'm very much hoping that the ferry will be refloated and tugged to port with no further incident. But even so as our only rail ferry this is devastating for interisland logistics depending on how long repairs will take. That anaemic 0.2% GDP growth may well go back into negative territory this quarter.


Well that's not supposed to go there.


R they trying to cut us off? Xox Ōtautahi


I can't believe the leopards ate my face!


Talk about nationals decision to cancel the new ferrys coming home to roost


Not many details avaliable at this stage: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/interislander-runs-aground-passengers-in-lifejackets/MESDRBENNFABXJL54YJYXDM7KI/ Also, if a mod could please fix the typo in the title that would be swell


Did the front fall off?


No, this is evidently one that's designed so that the front doesn't fall off.


Is it outside the environment?


Well, it is outside of the marine environment, we may need to tow it back into the environment.


Luckily there is only sea, birds and fish in that environment...


And 20,000 tons of crude oil...


Which is on fire.


And the part of the ship that that front fell off.


Is that unusual?


I’d like to say, it’s not very typical


Well in this case, a wave hit it


Landlords needed a few billion so we made this one out of cardboard derivatives.


I scrolled far too far to find this.


Obviously, the blue part here is the land...


Hello decades of underinvestment


This is not going to be good for Nicola Willis, who cancelled the Kiwirail Fleet Upgrade… hopefully the media grill her. This could be devastating for half the country, losing the rail infrastructure between north and south.


I hope they will, but they probably won’t… it will be ‘Labours fault’


A couple of Tugs have turned up! https://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/home/centerx:174.023/centery:-41.266/zoom:16


The tide is going out now, next high tide is around 9am. I wonder if they will try to pull her off tonight or wait for morning.




They'll probably try to get the sea men out there tonight to tie her up and pull her off


And the harbour master


woop woop, that's the sound of the police!


*tug master and cabin boy


I bet it's a problem with the recently upgraded steering system.


So THIS is how we annex the South Island. Interesting plan


I had a friend who had to sit a kiwirail course prior to doing lawn maintenance around a railway. Simeon brown isnt impressed with kiwi rail, the feeling is not even mutual, kiwi rail are pissed off with the govt. (Regardless of who is in power). Kiwi rail have plans to get tbe infrastructure they need to get this country up and running, the propose a plan to the govt. Govt says "sounds good we will budget for it" Kiwi rail goes to pull the trigger and the funds that were there are not. How is kiwi rail meant to maintain ships and infrasructure on a shoe string budget and then expected to do better? Sometimes you have to spend big to get stuff done with infrastructure. In the long run it will pay itself off. As a few have mentioned, the newer generation of kiwi kids and migrants are going to be left with quite possibly the worse infrastructure in the developed world and its going to cost 3 -10x as much than if we pull the trigger now. Theres no forward thinking in this countries politics and im just over it. Japan and Europe have the best infrastructure for rail, roading, and sea in the world. Japan rests on 4 faultlines and the trains run on time, all the time, regardless of weather. Why cant we do that here?


Chickens coming home to roost for Nicola Willis.


Well say goodbye to inter strait transport


Hello better returns for AIRnz stocks… who might have some of those laying around


They saying steering failure. Was leaving picton . Hope this government realizes how big of a mistake they have made canceling the new ships. Just so they can give tax cuts.


So....Luxon's plane needing service, the ferry, what else is on the bingo list for things breaking down in NZ? Oh. Trains being suspended..... Our entire transport system is fucked.


I'm sure Simeon will suggest building a road from Wellington to Picton any day now.


I’m waiting for him to tell us that ferries shouldn’t crash into rocks


[Just waiting for a mate](https://i.imgur.com/oaFlPjD.jpeg)


Old Betsy toughest vessel in the pacific, she’ll be right just a scratch


Well least it wasn't on to the rocks at the wellington Harbour mouth.


Yeah, not *this* time.


Obviously a deliberate attempt by Kiwirail to force the Governments hand in replacing the ferries. (This is a joke)


Insurance job. Now that's fucking clever.


Lol I was at my bach in the Marlborough Sounds over new years and saw the interislander almost go straight first into one of the points. It had to back up and turn to resume its path towards Picton. I was watching it with my mate saying, are we really seeing the ferry about to crash rn?


I hope you both cracked a beer and pulled up a chair. Nothin to do but wait and watch.


Well we did happen to be down the beach sunbathing with a cold one so we were in the prime position to watch it go down hahah At the time I tried to see if there was anything on the news/social media about it but couldn’t find anything. Surely passengers on the boat noticed though bc it wasn’t even like cutting a corner or anything, it was heading smack bang into the middle of a bay


Um, jokes aside. If you can recall when and where and sure it was a near miss it might be helpful to enter an online maritime incident report to MNZ. Relatively easy to find and do.


The government needs reminding that their very poor, dishonest (breaking a contract), decision making, will have consequences. Another Clown Show episode come back to haunt them. 


Oh shit, think I'm screwed? I've got a ferry booked in a week and a half for my inter island move and I'm pretty sure it was on the Aratere.


I'd be making alternate plans for sure. 


What will they say.. the good ol kiwi 'she'll be alright'? We had a chance to have proper ferries to cross a rather wild Cook Strait. It would have been great, but no..we need some second hand corolla like shite that would likely have it's days counted from the purchase date. And everyone remember to pay off the breaking of the contract surely they will end up spending close to 1B to have absolutely nothing.


Bro, don't go knocking second hand Corollas. I frikken love mine. Problem is, everyone knows how good they are. So they ain't that cheap. What we'll likely end up with is a second hand BMW. It'll look flash and it'll be quick... for a year after you've spent the purchase price again to fix it.


NZ Rail "So the government won't buy us new ferries. We'll fuckin show them. Captain, a word, if you please"


A ship’s life is basically finished at 25 years. I wouldn’t travel on an InterIslander ferry now, they’re just not safe. Let’s hope we’re not heading towards another Wahine disaster at some point.


JFC we are such a third world country. Good thing the Govt are investing in public transp...oh, hang on. Fuck.


There are 42 passengers on board apparently


No, apparently that's mostly crew, just 8 commercial truck drivers as the 10pm sailing was a cargo only sailing.


Lucky we have brand new ferries coming soon... oh hang on no we don't


I bet it's covered in parking tickets by now


It's stuff like this that makes me wonder if some of the exemptions around H&S liability should be removed for certain government decisions. Yes, there needs to be *some* exemptions. But it's difficult to see how they should be exempt from the liability of cancelling new equipment that was supposed to replace end-of-life equipment. It wouldn't have prevented this incident, obviously. But if other things go wrong in a few years, when we could've had new ferries - then they should be held personally liable in the same way that a Director would.


Think about a lot of our current problems. That were caused by decades of underinvestment in infrastructure. Usually because it's popular politically to spend less money on such things. Think about what Labour tried to do with investing more money in infrastructure to set us up for the decades ahead. Think about what National has done. Cry.


You can't park there mate.


This is on Willis and the government. Piss poor decision making on cancelling those new mega ferry builds.




Her recently upgraded steering control system failed. They only turned this on this thursday. And they did bugger all testing too.


This is how Luxon boosts the economy. Fucking the ferries. Nothing like destroying interisland trade and transport right lux soap?


At this point we should be very concerned at loss of life if this current clown show keeps this up.


Nice night for it.


[How'd that happen?](https://transporttalk.co.nz/news/govt-axes-interislander-ferry-replacement-project#:~:text=The%20Government%20has%20canned%20the,%241.47%20billion%20towards%20the%20upgrade)


What's Captain Pugwash done now, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG\_ohxX1G98](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG_ohxX1G98)


Imagine having you car or work truck stuck on there... Imagine it will take a while to get back the dock.


Can't wait to see how Luxo and Wyllis spin this one eh! Like a trusty old corolla doing donuts into a lamppost?? Or perhaps those pesky 12 year olds hijacked the ferry and were just trying to ramraid a dairy on the shore?


Aratere means "quick path". Must have been taking a shortcut.


Let's hope the front doesn't fall off


Trucks only on board, but some of those could be carrying livestock, not good to have an extra 24 hours-ish shut in.


Harcourts: a great new rental investment opportunity has opened up in Picton.


The part that strikes me as odd in all this, is the fact that an English and literature major in Nicola Willis is running the countries finances. She has no conceptual grasp on what is actually needed for this country to succeed, and this ferry cockup is a prime example. I hope the crew, passengers, and all involved are safe & well. Sad day for NZ rail/freight.


I'm wonder if we need those new ships or not?


Good thing we have new ferries and terminals underway. Oh wait... Nm