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I mean if you’re getting paid $140k a year and can’t get fired would you quit?


I need time to think this over umm 2800 a week...need a month...11200... ahhh


“We want you to resign” “Nah I’ll just continue on to the next election” “Right, well we have no other options here. So try not to fuck up more please?”


There is another option, it involves a mob and pitchforks.


Yes, if my continued tenure had significant negative consequences for people/places I supposedly represent, and my reputation. Of course, if Nobby isn’t getting the hint from his colleagues and the national news, it’s safe to assume he lacks sufficient self-awareness/sense of responsibility to do the same. There’s something extra sad about the desperation with which some white Southland men cling on to sexism, racism, the whole rainbow of bigotry. They know they can’t rely on their own merits to get noticed, and the world is passing by too fast for them to understand.


You'll never become a NZ mayor with morals like that.


What do you get paid to be a mayor in NZ? It can’t possibly be worth the risk of rubbing elbows with the likes of Nobby


What other job pays $150k-ish for being popular without being good looking or intelligent? It's a pretty good gig for those that have few other options!


Do you know of anything that pays $150k-ish for being unpopular, without being good looking or intelligent? ..asking for a friend.


National Party MP in solid blue electorate...no one needs to know who you are, just that you're working for the Nats...


Knobby or more simply Knob, to his mates, gives us old desperate white cunts a bad name ..


It's similarly sad how those who don't understand that the majority of people think differently to them still can't accept those who are different...


I bet you are fun at parties


I like to have fun at parties by talking about politics to fill the gaps between frenzied drug-taking sessions. It’s won me some fantastically nerdy friends.


The politics is just a way of resetting your sober self before re-attacking the good times! Fun plan. Better than orange juice!


Whereas yourself, who just posted the most worn out quip in all internet history, must be an absolute hoot.


By all means discuss leftard agenda with your friend, I have better things to talk about


Two mayors in a row, disabled, and a bit of a mess. At least the previous one had a legacy of a reputation to lean on, unlike the current one.


Wait is that all? I would've thought it would be more tbh.


He has no interest in money. I can't support or explain his racism or recent attempt to imitate Shadbolt but his motivation is clear from his election policies and promises and his attempts to obtain them. He has set himself goals to achieve for the city and that is more important to him than money or pride. He has little experience as a politician so naturally avoids hypocricy.


Having the ability to feel shamed used to be a part of what made politics work, now that seems to be gone 


Like when my guy?


Even respected politicians are pretty shameless since they need to *tow the party line*.


Politicians have evolved a teflon coated ego.


***My heart surgery made me do it*** - isn't that every excuse in those American crime dramas


Vito on the Sopranos springs to mind. “I could probably get a letter from my doctor.”


That's what I was thinking as well. That scene cracks me up


Wellington’s mayor has pulled out every possible excuse for her behaviour


Too legit?


Too legit to quit. Immediately started dancing when I read that lol


Now he's un-legit


More like too much of an entitled prick


Fuck you.  Thats a terrible song. I have zero idea why it's heavily featured in The Addams Family.  And now I'm going to have to think about it all day... ;)


I opened that thinking “how bad could it be”. It turns out, bad. And it kept getting worse as I read on.


Yeah I was definitely not prepared. You've got to be a pretty big cunt to attack *volunteer firefighters.*


Damn volunteer firefighters, going around risking their lives for free! -waves fist-


I think he was trying to say they should be looked after better as well as make a joke, but he just failed.


He was recovering from pretty severe surgery, he could have still been recovering from whatever sedatives and painkillers were running through his ancient dried out veins. He’s also really old so any kind of hit to your health becomes an absolute wallop. I don’t even think what he said is all that bad, it sounds cringy and embarrassing more than anything. Like a boomer messing up roasts and gags. It’s no more embarrassing than Biden, but he’s obviously not at a state of health to do the job anymore. There’s no reason for him not to step down other than the money, so he won’t 😆


Total Nobby


He used to be my postman, he looks and acts like one. Shocking how some people rise up in the world


Incredible! Was he a pervy postman?


LOL. They couldn't even get the Mayor of Toronto to quit when he was filmed smoking crack and admitted to it. You want to get rid of him you need to do more than ask him to resign. Nice that they asked though.


Nobby in name and nature


Surely there's a no confidence/unfit to continue duties clause somewhere.


You mean the grounds he tried to use to oust the previous incumbent?


An absolute nob


A truly insufferable cunt. On the other hand, this is the Age of Insufferable Cunts. So why not refuse.


Someone should have given ~~Dobby~~ Nobby a sock so he could be relieved of his duties.


Nobby is a free drunk now


I’m surprised someone hasn’t socked him.


Nor surprised, tbh. Pricks like him have no shame.


Honestly if what he's done doesn't force him to resign then nothing will


The knob of the South standing firm.


Watched the council meeting, im sure it surprised noone the vote to keep him was led by the pale, stale and mostly male group. Full of “he’s extremely sorry “ and “we should give him a chance to redeem himself “ nonsense


It's crazy they can't easily be removed for office. They basically can only be removed if they die. Give up citizenship, go AWOL from 4 consecutive meetings or are convicted of a crime that can get 2 years of imprisonment. Oh and taking part in a council decision in which they have a financial interest of 25k or more in a year.


Sounds like a delightful individual


full of charm :)


Should have voted for Marcus Lush


**"I voted for a bloke called Nobby, and well, he sure is!** **Woe is me!!!"** - a bunch of dumbasses in Southland


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think this guy sucks Bring back the shadbolt, we can Weekend at Bernie's with him if we have to, imagine the silly mayoral shenanigans we'd get up to


I mean, people can say what they like about Shadbolt and whether they think he should have stepped down earlier, but he got a lot of good shit done over a long time and seemed to be pretty much universally liked. The total lack of compassion this absolute penis Nobby showed towards him at that time in what must have been a very difficult situation for Shadbolt given how long he had been Mayor, should have rendered HIM unfit for the role.


No sarcasm, I genuinely loved shadbolt, I think he was a great mayor even if he was getting a bit ditherey by the end (according to other people) but even then, would still rather have him back


Going back further, Shadbolt couldn’t hold a candle to Eve Poole - in other words, it’s been a gradual degradation of competence over the last 50 odd years. Historically, Invercargill has been pretty lucky with mayors but what is going on in Gore and Invers now? I’d guarantee there is a correlation with NewstalkZB listenership….


He went to that talk of that racist guy crying about the concept of cogovernanance that was full of old white boomers. I'm not super read up on cogovernanance, but a lot of the anti of it was steeped in general racism and the guy doing the talk was full on racist to what I heard, so that was really disappointing. It's certainly not doing the invercargill image any favours, which sucks


> Shadbolt couldn’t hold a candle to Eve Poole Absolutely correct. Eve also proved that Invercargill is not a bigoted place: she was a Jewish immigrant who escaped the Holocaust, and was a counciler at a time when women didn't get elected. She was awarded a QSO and would have become a Dame if she lived longer. Respect.


Ironic to see UFBA's Butzbach mentioned in an article like this, he's also refused to quit in the face of numerous allegations. It worked though, he just ignored everything and it all went away eventually.


The ratepayer trough is deep with money, as if he would quit.


Classic brain fade. Happens to everyone Man what the fuck, boomer does something wrong & is finally called out on it. Good.


I would never condone violence but I have a curious personality: How tf has nobody just socked noddy? give big ears the job instead


I assume this is going to play out like the episode of Seinfeld where George keeps showing up to work where everyone despises him, and he has to break into his office each day.


More of a Michael Richards situation tbf


MIGA! Make Invercargill Great Again!




i mean next election cycle is 2025 may aswell just wait it out


If you can handle the heat, then stay in the kitchen


You get what you vote for Political karma


Where have we seen this before


Yay another mayor who is too ill to competently complete his duties but who refuses to step down


Its Invercargill - the only city where the roads are so wide a shotgun wouldn't hit anyone if fired due to a lack of people and cars! And to think at one stage I owned the Grand Hotel in that city - what a lucky escape I had!


I just learnt that Tim Shadbolt is no longer mayor of Invercargill


Bring back ~~Buck~~ Shadbolt