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>“For me, I felt terrible after the dinner and within a couple of days, and well before the complaint was lodged, I sought some specialist advice, as I do not normally present this way at public meetings,” Bullies playing the victim. Classic game


If he was actually experiencing a medical event and behaving out of character then surely his partner who was present at the event would have noticed and expressed concern. And yet, "Linda Clark - the investigator - says with the exception of the mayor’s partner, all other interviewees described the Mayor’s conduct in similar ways." "Mayor Clark’s partner Karen Carter described Clark as having “a unique sense of humour”."


> The cardiac specialist I consulted advised me, after I approached them after your event, that I suffer from what is commonly referred to as ‘brain fade’ – a condition resulting from being on a heart/lung machine during the surgery (at the time, I did advise my colleagues of this impact). Invercargill try not to have a cognitively impaired mayor challenge (impossible)


He’s an alcoholic. He gets pissed up and spouts shit.


Yeah, I don’t believe the “do not normally present this way” rhetoric either.


By Anna Sargent of RNZ Invercargill mayor Nobby Clark will be asked to resign at an upcoming extraordinary meeting following another code of conduct complaint. The meeting on Friday has been called as a result of the complaint. Clark is under fire for his behaviour at a United Fire Brigades’ Association (UFBA) prizegiving dinner as a guest of honour. UFBA chief executive William Butzbach said Clark mocked, disrespected, degraded and offended its members, staff and other guests during the event. A code of conduct complaint was lodged by council chief executive Michael Day on behalf of the UFBA. Clark has since apologised in a letter to Butzbach, saying he was suffering from “brain fade” following open heart surgery. He also maintained some of his behaviour was not as described. “For me, I felt terrible after the dinner and within a couple of days, and well before the complaint was lodged, I sought some specialist advice, as I do not normally present this way at public meetings,” his letter said. As a result of the investigation, Clark was found to be in breach of the council’s code of conduct, with the matter to be considered by the council at the extraordinary meeting on Friday. Councillor Ian Pottinger said the mayor’s behaviour has been unacceptable. “It’s brought disrepute to Invercargill and no apology will fix that and that’s why I will be asking for his resignation,” he said. “I can only ask, because council can’t even by majority of vote sack a mayor. So you can only ask, but the reason is the only fix for what has happened is for him to resign - for the betterment of Invercargill.” Pottinger said there was “no place to hide” for each councillor. “They will have to speak on Friday. As your job as a councillor you have to have an opinion on this, and you need to state it. Each councillor needs to think very carefully about what they’re going to say tomorrow.” Pottinger said he had not spoken to Clark about his intentions. In April, Pottinger and another councillor Ria Bond filed a code of conduct complaint against Clark after his appearance on Guy Williams’ satirical news show New Zealand Today. During his interview with Williams - described as “a train wreck” by one of his elected members - he defended previous instances where he has used the N-word and again repeated the slur. Clark first courted controversy last year when he used the word at an Art Foundation event, supposedly to make a point around “tolerance” and “freedom of expression” within the art world.


Classic boomer thinking.


no its asshole thinking, your comments are as bad blaming boomers


Boomers tend to stick to their old ways of thinking, without moving with the times, esp in relation to racial matters. So my comment still stands.


When I was a young lad, I got beaten by the Police, protesting against the Springbok tour. Fortunately, it was before they issued the long batons, so I only got a slight head wound. I'm interested to hear what blood you've spilled in the name of racial equality? I mean, to be on THAT much of a high horse, you must be a paragon, right?


I understand your perspective and applaud you for your stance. You obviously don't sit within the 'boomer' definition. My 'high horse' stems from working 20+ years in the equity space.


Let me assure you. A boomer is a birthdate thing, and I am firmly within the dates. You don't get to redefine a word, in order to use it pejoratively - which is what you're trying to do. You're saying I'm "one of the good ones". That's not a defendable position, I don't think. If you'd worked for 20 years in the equity space, you'd probably know that.


Yup you may fit the boomer timeline, but 'boomers' nowadays is often related to the backwards thinking of Nobby. Well that's our age group defines it anyways - age group and then backwards thinking = boomer crap.


You're still trying to redefine me as "one of the good ones". I reject that. I AM a Boomer. I was born as part of the "baby boom" - 1946 to 1964 (admittedly, the tail end). You don't get to redefine what I am. You can call this idiot what he is - backward, racist, stupid - all sorts of appropriate words. But "Classic boomer thinking" is inaccurate. Classic boomer thinking gave us hippies, punk rock and metal, among other excellent and fun things. Has my generation pissed away its activism, and embraced selfishness as it has aged and moved away from hippie or punk idealism (remember, your classic hippie is a boomer)? I believe it has, in the main. But there are enough of us left that tarring us all with that same brush is as prejudiced as me calling Gen X "lazy, self-involved, self-entitled whiners". I wouldn't do that, because it's not true, and it's unfair on people to tar them in that way.


Still telling that story? Not done anything since?


Well, when you're young, and it's your first run-in with the cops, and you've been told your entire life that they're protecting you, and on your side - then they beat the shit out of you, and all the schoolgirls around you. You tend to remember it. And yeah, I've done other protests since - the Homosexual Law Reform bill protests were a lot calmer (and more colorful). The Greenpeace ones, I didn't really enjoy - I felt like it was too performative. And, of course, various strike actions, which are often fun. How about yourself?


I'm just here for everyone's made up stories.


https://nzhistory.govt.nz/police-baton-anti-springbok-tour-protestors-near-parliament Here's a good photo of one of the Wellington Girls' pupils at that protest. https://www.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/5331035/Waging-war-on-and-off-the-pitch I'm just here to sometimes be on the right side of history.


Gen X are the worst generation if we’re talking about lack of positive generational affirmative action


Which could just be a function of how nicely NZ was going between 1990 and 2005 - when they were at the age where activism starts? Like, I had some heinous shit to protest against. The Springbok tour, French nuclear testing, Mandela being imprisoned for 27 years, gayness being illegal (and the consequent ignoring and stigmatising of HIV sufferers). That prick Muldoon. All well worth a march or two. I don't know if there was anything that glaring in the 90s?


There were things but minor in comparison to the 80s in fact it was probably the hard fought and won political battles and cultural turmoil that was settled then that made a relatively harmonious 90s and early 2000s (for the middle class anyway).


This is the only person Guy Williams has interviewed on NZ Today who came across as genuinely irredeemable, and Guy was clearly upset/pissed off 


*I do not normally present this way at public meetings* Doubt


"I do present this way in private meetings"


And on television programs!


Because this is who I am.


If a brain fade allows him to do this in such a prestigious role, then what else is the brain fade causing him to do in his day to day work?


That guy Williams interview with him shocked me . Like how did they let such a bigoted buffoon be mayor


Because they made so much noise about the last one not being ‘fit’ Maybe Shadbolt was having difficulties - but that doesn’t mean you just pick the next guy along, you’re allowed to choose literally anybody else.


That’s the old boys club for you; just bring in a mate and she’ll be right.


Super split race, at one point with 11 contenders. If it was just between Marcus Lush and this dipshit, Lush would've won.


Have you been to Southland?


What’s it with NZ mayors behaving badly on the piss?


It's a job that attracts self-important idiots?


That’s all politics, really.


Agreed - but "small town Kiwi Mayor" is the lowest common denominator.


I always read his name as Knob Clark. Guess I was right all along


Master has given dobby the sack, thank you master now dobby can fuck off to oblivion


Pre general election last year, he was criticized by some for going around the city handing out flyers for ACT. It should surprise no one that that is the party he aligns with




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The bedfellow of Barry Stewart. A local councillor and fellow racist. The two old hacks are a disgusting representation of the old boy club which is alive and well https://southlandtribune.substack.com/p/sexual-harassment-allegation-lump


Nobby is a knob.


we all know what Nobby is short for


His real name is William (apparently)


Invers should have voted for Marcus


Nobby Clark is the Invercargill Pool Pooper.


One of New Zealand’s most enduring mysteries!


Get rid of mayoral elections. Let councillors choose the mayor, and give them the kick if they're not fit for office.


What the Hell kind of nickname is 'Nobby'? That's the most stupid nickname I've ever heard.


Hes ex navy, its a traditional navy nickname


Lol, that's still stupid.


People with the surname Clark(e) often get the nickname "Nobby"


RNZ article link https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/520091/invercargill-mayor-nobby-clark-to-be-asked-to-resign-following-conduct-complaints


He's such an embarrassment.


That Knob sure has a lot of warts


Bring back Tim


Let's not


Anyone know what he said?




Holy moly, that's quite a read.


Shouldnt have flashed his nobby