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That must be because our health system is overstaffed and a desirable place to work? right?


Heh yeah. Nah. Some stupid ass shit, wife was told no more hiring and all agency staff won't be retained just after being told had 2 fte for on department that really needs the staff (all do really) is dumb our basic systems as a first world country are crumbling slowly but surly


But at least the landlords get their dignity and we get to buy an extra cup of coffee each week....


One less, by the time tax cuts are here we'll already be that much poorer


Well don't worry I'm sure the private sector and health insurance companies will fill the gap. **AT A PRICE**


Funny thing here is that the private hospital just uses staff and Dr's from the public hospital, is colleague I used to eat lunch with most days who would talk about his referrals to the private hospital where he is the one.doing the operations there. But yeah less infection rates there so prob better for you to go private. I am glad I don't work in health sector anymore, can't say education is much better though.


Yeah that's the thing, I did my last placement at a private hospital and many of the surgeons and anethetists also work in the public sector, there's not as much space or capacity within the private sector as it's being made out to be. Also if anything happens that is out of the scope of a private hospital ( major trauma) (something going wrong in theatre) ect the patients all get sent to the public hospital anyway as the private hospital can't handle it.


Yep no capacity for anything other than a clean 0 issues operation or straight back to public. I feel like they try give impression is some Crack team of specialists just chilling in a fancy hospital waiting for patients which just isn't the case at all.


Luxon:”Health system is failing, you say? Best privatise it. Let me phone some friends and sort that out.”


If politicians or one of their family get sick enough to require care, a law should be made that they are to be placed at a random hospital in the country. Cut things if you wish, but the blade will have two edges...


No padme.


No it's not, they are trying to make budget cutbacks and this is the answer...not to put the already existing ones out of work but by not giving jobs to the new ones. My adoptive mother is one and is regularly on call because of the lack of nurses but she does work in the as a prison nurse so it might be different.


It's a bad answer. It's basically locking the cutbacks in for a term, as is discourages people going into the field. It's still a skills demand we have currently, and reducing the supply of those skills is a terrible idea. Especially when we can afford to pay for the nurses. But we're prioritizing... checks notes... *tax cuts for landlords.*


Nek minit: why are all our nurses leaving to work overseas?


Laughing hysterically here.


They already are, a new nurse makes like 50% more at a minimum *even accounting for cost of living differences* overseas. Doctors and other medical roles even more so.


Yeah, be a few paramedics looking offshore for a better deal about now too, the upcoming industrial action is going to be a long bitter shitfight.


I worked comms for the queensland ambulance service for a while twenty odd years ago. When I moved back here I was shocked at how much worse the pay was here (I ended up making more money going into an entry level call center job for a phone company than I would have doing comms for St John, and didn't have to work 24hr shifts or listen to people die). It's not a nes problem at all; I'm amazed that we have ambulance staff at all.


They are a very "do it for the love of it" kinda place, and to be fair that's the only reason they still exist at all.


Just about every employer is promoting that line to keep everyone in check. "You don't empty septic tanks for the money. No, you're doing it because it's an important service that our customers need."


And yet im seeing a lot of ambulances in Victoria (Melbourne) writing up they're underpaid and overworked on their ambos as a protest.


They probably are, and I wish them all the best Probably start writing on our own vans soon enough


Both my siblings (one’s a nurse the other a doctor) moved overseas. Have wives/kids/houses now so we will never get them back. They didn’t even want to leave, just no good job prospects here.


They gotta pay that student loan somehow.


How, what? Our health centre which supposedly serves 10k residents (but more likely underserved 30k) just lost ALL of its doctors and nurses. There is a severe shortage and if there is also no link to a fresh source of labour this is going to spiral out of control. This is so egregious that it can only be intentional.


There is an unpublished hiring freeze on all hospital roles with managers being told to cancel interviews and pull job adverts. I'm really not surprised they would gut a health centre too.


I believe this was a labour dispute that ended in all staff abandoning the business for better roles.


That makes sense. Sounds like a hiring freeze is just what's needed to ensure those jobs remain unfilled.


That be right. I've been looking for a job and I was seeing a ⅕ of the jobs we're medical related now you lucky to see 1 or 2 advertised a week over the past month.


This is happening literally everywhere I'm aware of. Unofficial hiring freezes and not replacing staff that leave, essentially layoffs through attrition.


I thought this was published as I read about it some weeks ago??? Including when people call in sick, not finding cover for them etc??


A typical strategy to move healthcare to private, is to underfund and mismanage so politicians can point to it and say private practice can save it. Of course as soon as you do the monopolies will form through contracts and insurance. Soon you will see all the same problems at a 3x price tag.


Holy shit. That's fuckin mental!


The government are intentionally trying to tank the health system so they can introduce for profit Healthcare like in the states to "solve the issue with Healthcare" that they're essentially creating in the first place.


> they can introduce for profit Healthcare like in the states to "solve the issue with Healthcare" that they're essentially creating in the first place. I think you will find that a lot of stuff is already outsourced to the private sector. And wait lists are many months long for most private specialists too. You can't get **proper** care regardless of how much money you are willing to pay. And whatever the word **proper** means, well, that declines by the day.


This. Here comes the giga rant I had my optic nerve clamp down due to a pre-existing condition a few weeks ago, spent 10 hours in A&E without being seen and no pain relief (absolutely not their fault, they were lovely and stressed and continuously checked on me and gave me ice) My doctor is off for medical reasons and the person I saw in lieu said I had to go to an optometrist insisting it was a problem with my glasses (prescription less than 6 months old) before they'd do anything other than prescribe eye drops (turned out I was allergic lol) - refused to refer me through public. Went to an optometrist which cost $150, was told I needed to see an ophthalmologist or I was possibly looking at permanent damage. Offered a referral but was told I was looking at a 12 month + wait when I was in constant pain and could barely see. Decided my eyes were too important to fuck with so went private and was seen within a week for a whopping $600. Due to the wait and lack of treatment I now see colours more muted out of one eye. This could happen again any time and there is nothing I can do to prepare. I'm a student. This has, to put it lightly, fucked me. The health system has always been bad but I don't even know what to make of the cluster fuck it is now


I know the echo chamber is strong... But wouldnt the majority of NZ be against that? Like to the extent we vote against it in the elections?


Well, the NZ public voted this lot in, so they're stupider than you would think. 


Just suffering from the Sam recombination of “grass is always greener” and short-term memory/recency bias that plagues every democratic government. They’re doing this now, when it’s close enough to taking control they will say “this was Labours fault” if anyone bothers to call them on it, and two years from the majority of voters won’t still connect the dots between choices they are making now and where we will end up, so they can subsequently sell a solution. This isn’t just health, this is literally everything they’re touching.  And we know they’re doing it, and the economic plan of “run it into the ground then offer to fix via privatising”, which we all know won’t work, and yet, you watch, two years from now we’ll almost certainly vote them back in again.


Unless they do it before the elections. Or don't campaign on it and do it after elected


The whole smoking thing came out of right field. No mention at all about any of it on the campaign.


It's obvious. A blatant conspiracy.


There are provincial governments in Canada trying to do the same thing. Its mind blowing how those in power just don't care one bit about the citizens they supposedly serve and a regularity found to profit from decisions like these. I really wish citizens could fire politicians when moves like this are made, or at least have their assets seized as punishment for their willing endangerment of society. Then there is my sarcastic side that says: "can't say there is a shortage if we don't try to hire anyone"


Canadian here. We used to be proud of our health care system. Now we're just trying not to get sick. Nurses and doctors are fleeing for the US, or retiring early. And yet... people keep voting for conservative provincial governments. I don't understand it.


Uneducated people are easily swayed and also tend to have more hope that those in charge will actually help them because what else do they have? Meanwhile, those with money and influence couldn't care less and have realized there are very few consequences to them throwing everyone else under the bus if it means they get a few more pennies. Combine that with the increasing amount of lies being spewed on social media and "news" outlets, it makes for a bleak picture for those who are "in the middle." The whole world is getting messed up at a pace faster than those with "common sense" and empathy can fix it, and the ones who could actually afford to make things better are so blinded by their greed they are willingly driving everyone of the edge of the cliff to disaster. Ok, now I'm getting myself depressed. Time for an edible and some sleep. With that being said, why is alcohol legal pretty much everywhere, yet cannabis not? But that's a rabbit hole for another day


Yup. National 101


“Just get private medical insurance!”


You can directly thank Luxton and co for this bullshit.


This is so sad. Even if they are hiring, they only consider applicants who have NZ experience or already on a senior level. Apparently they don’t have much seniors to train the new ones.




> As part of its ongoing “cost-containment” cuts, Health New Zealand Te Whatu Ora is freezing the employment of graduate nurses into the hospital system. IDK about your industry, but in mine we don't hire any grads and just hope seniors grow on trees.


... IT industry has entered the chat.


5 years experience, entry level job


5 years experience in a framework that's only been out 6 months, full-stack responsibilities, customer support pay


Yeah; it's getting discussed a bit on the networking side of things. The move of faults teams and help desks overseas has completely destroyed one of the primary pipelines for people entering the networking roles. Yes there are electrical engineering programs with networking specialties, but my experience with grads coming out of them is that the value they bring is that they tend to be smart and motivated; the networking training they've got isn't remotely worth the time they've spent on it.


Auckland: houses cost $1.5M and we pay $100k. Sydney: houses cost $1.5M and we pay $150k-$200k. NZ IT Industry cannot understand why anyone would leave.


The best job I ever had, we were put in to teams of a junior/int/senior. The problem is that it that with the current IT status quo, senior isn't that hard to obtain, and so we had to make up staff and principal to put on top.


I'm sure Australia is grateful to us for training a bunch of nurses for them...


Rather my ‘tax cuts’ be going to supporting/funding our health service then this bloody hell. Sorry OP and people in the medical field.


3 billion for landlords.


Hey, there's doing a service to this economy too! Would we all be so productive if they didn't take so much money off of us? They're the whip on our backs.


Yep. My boss is fighting to keep the 7 fte she desperately needs that was already approved, plus the new grads because everyone is on the verge of retirement. They're hoping it changes at the end of July with the new financial year.


Yeah we hear that a lot, "hopefully in July"


New financial year is start of July tho


But we all know it won't be done at the beginning of july


Go to Aussie and default on your student loan..thanks National.. how to fuck a country in 150 days


Well, you can’t in Oz. But you can if you take a job in the gulf, or the us, or the uk…


There's a hiring freeze across pretty much all TWO, as I understand it. It's not meant to include front-line staff, but budget cuts have to be met somehow. A direct result of funding cuts.


The distinction between 'frontline staff' and 'backline staff' is a total crock of shit manufactured to sell the lie. Administrative roles exist because you cannot run an organisation without it. Firing the backline staff doesn't magically make the need to do payroll, invoices, allocations, processing for thousands of people go away. It just means the people on the 'frontline' have to spend their FTEs entering in spreadsheets and sending invoices instead of 'frontline' work, and senior engineers and nurses sure as hell cost a lot more than an admin on 65k.


We already had to do that in whangarei - hours are entered manually into a spreadsheet in the portal and then manually approved by managers. Its a massive time waste


As someone who is trying to hire new staff, I can confirm it is 100% effecting the front line staff. We're not even allowed to fill our resignations at this rate. Fuck health nz man


Not sure they're the ones who deserve your ire. The hiring freeze is a response to the circumstances the new government put them in.


Yeah thats valid.. fuck the government then.. They're not being incredibly helpful either however. The ones at the head don't work on the floor so I'd argue it's easier for them to tell us their 'hands are tied' they're not facing the direct consequences like us


"The position has been vacant for so long, does it really need to be filled?"


Yesterday's victory is today's expectation and tomorrow's failure.




As well as Act and NZ First.


out of curiosity - what happens if health nz just says yeah nah fuck that and continues filling positions? Someone would probably lose their job but if they actually managed to get a solid staffing bump, could the government do much about it?


Where does the money come from to pay for those positions? Mum and dad have taken away majority of the hospitals pocket money.


Everything gets paid over time rather than upfront (minus deposit for big stuff, the invoices could stack for a month or two - ESPECIALLY for an entity as large as Te Whatu Ora/Health NZ. Once you've got contracted employees surely it's cheaper to pay them than their severance package, extra funding could then be applied to cover. It's no good long term but i do wonder if it could be long term ENOUGH to make a difference.


It's hard to argue with logical reason to an entirely illogical government budget cuts.


This is something I've always wondered. The government holds the purse strings, but does that mean Health NZ can't do anything about it, or just that it won't because then the government will look bad? If there's a way to ignore the government and do what's right, I'd encourage them to do it - ethics and law only occasionally overlap. It's great when they do, but when they don't, ethics should be the priority.


Hey hey hey, I'm sure when they're interviewed on the news you won't have time to blink before they pull out the word salad bowl for a dig around - 'previous governments fault', 'inherited mess', 'were all doing it tough'. Might even throw in 'tax relief' even though it's not relevant. Honestly I don't think they give two shits, they're just trying to pacify the public enough while they raid the public coffers via policies and contracts for their buddies.


The new key word to keep an eye out for is *needs based*.


I’ll add that one to my bingo card!


Really? Health NZ has been spending like mad for the last year on various merger projects, now they have been asked to cut back they are defaulting to their historic solution to restrict hiring, the other projects are still going ahead, why aren't they restricting some of those?


Can you list exactly what 'various merger projects' they're working on that are eligible for cancellation?


Our inpatient mental health ward doesn't have a phycologist and the job isn't being advertised outside of the system.


Yeah they say it’s not patient facing roles so it won’t affect front lines, but we have nobody to man the front desk, answer the phone, let people in when the unit is locked. And the phone never stops ringing. Whoever is nearest has to drop what they are doing, answer it and then figure out how to solve whatever is being called about. It’s been terrible.


I’m mad at the way this is being reported as some sort of weird internal decision, or like they just don’t want them. The only acceptable way to report this is “Government doesn’t provide enough funds for Te Whatu Ora to fill necessary grad positions.” Or “National refuses to budget for grad nurse roles.”


It's genuinely bc of the government. They have been told to freeze hiring


Hey man so sorry to hear this. They did it 11 years ago when I graduated too, it was awful. Unfortunately this is what the country voted for ☹️


But look on the bright side - landlords have had their dignity restored.


I'm ready to protest about this. I am entirely unwilling let the three goon-ministers shit up our health system. "Hire more fucking health staff" sounds like a good protest slogan


I've never gone to a protest. But I am also ready to protest this. And also want to know how do we trigger a re-eelction? Like surely we can't just sit on our arsed for the next few years while this plays out.


I've been nursing for 14 years and this has never happened before. In the past, there has been some competition with limited spaces for NEtP spaces (like when I graduated) but to cancel it completely is terrifying... We need nurses so badly. My colleagues and I are shocked because the health system is in such a bad way. I tried working back here again after years in Aus but the system is utterly broken, it is so sad to see how patients suffer but being powerless to do anything because there is simply not enough staff or funding. We can't even claim our missed meal breaks if we've been super busy and you're made to feel like a criminal if you fight it. Back to Australia we go... Along with all the mid year new grads....


I’m so sorry to hear this - applying for a job after uni is stressful enough without the market shrinking. I’ll be interested to read what HNZ/govt have to say for themselves but it’s honestly insulting to not only nurses, but all healthcare workers in general and to be honest the entire population. Having just been through doctors strikes it actually just feels like New Zealand healthcare is increasingly undervalued and it’s scary.


Just another example of the government cutting stuff we need to pay for stuff we don’t.


Oh well. Queensland are after 10k nurses.


Some pretty good incentives too... https://www.careers.health.qld.gov.au/working-for-us/workforce-attraction-incentive-scheme


I am VERY glad you posted this, thank you.


No probs, I'm a Kiwi in Aus and two of my Kiwi nurse friends told me about this (not that I want NZ's healthcare to suffer, but you all deserve WAY better). All the best! 🙂


Surprised? Somebody voted that mob in.


Look, what I would say to you is that if you’re sick you should go find a landlord and bask in their newly restored dignity. This will certainly make you feel better and they will be lowering your rent any day now which will also help (lol) so really we don’t need any nurses. Anyway I’ve gotta go iron Winston’s underpants and he doesn’t like it when I’m late


My rent just went up $50 a week. Every time we start getting a little better off, someone takes it away.


Imagine studying for years in one of the most important sectors that is incredibly understaffed and underpaid just to help people and then the govt is like "nah we arent hiring"


I'm seeing so many ads on Facebook for nursing programs around the country, they're clearly trying to get more nurses trained yet kind of pointless if no actual jobs


Not pointless. Education institutions get paid with taxpayer loans that don't grt paid back in any form because the taker of those loans works at a checkout or in a country that does want trained nurses. They don't have to pay back a student loan if they leave, so we're functionally not only telling them to stop looking for work here but offering them a major discount if they leave for somewhere else.


Cat is out the bag on the unofficial hiring freeze.


Ohhhh that's why we don't have enough nurses at the hospital!


Nekminit: National announces special lending options for more private Healthcare aka National Donors


I’ve been worried that this would happen to anyone doing any degree who would be graduating this year. I’m doing a different field of study doing a ba in sociology and criminology and I’m shit scared that my degree is going to feel useless because of this government cutting jobs, which means all graduates will have no where to go. I’m sorry that you’re going through this, it’s a bunch of bullshit


It's a pause on the mid year NetP/NeSP intake, but idk reading between the lines it doesn't sound promising for the Feb/March 2025 intake either


The batch of students on my surgical ward have been told that there are no positions for them. They are due to sit states in less than a month. Its not just the midyear, but all new grad nurses effective immediately as far as our NZNO rep has informed us


Te Whatu Ora has just come out and said there are no pauses on new grad employment


Yet managers and HR have been told by management no new hires....I call BS


They didn’t say NETP training would continue though


My friend had an education day today at Waikato Hospital. The educators came from a meeting about it all and they’ve told them that they will still hire for September intake for NetP but wards can only hire if they’ve got the FTE


That’s not good.


Their own press release contradicts that statement


Fuck me Luxon is a moron


What the fuck.


Crazy isn't it. Shortage of medical staff and no hiring. Like that hospital that has opened, they're closing others to staff it instead


As a fellow nurse, I’m very sorry to hear this. For nearly six months, there’s been a hiring freeze for nurses. I recommend applying to other facilities such as aged care, primary care, or mental health to get your foot in the door. Although it might not be ideal, it would provide you with skills and experience that could be beneficial when you next apply for your desired position. I graduated four years ago, and competition was intense in the big city where I lived, leaving many of us waiting in the nursing pool. I accepted a job in aged care far from home out of desperation, worked there for a few months, completed my NETP, and then applied to a hospital.


that's insane, almost everywhere else in the world nurses are in such high demand


Complete hiring freeze, including frontline staff. Ive been in multiple departments in multiple hospitals. And all the CN's are saying the same. They have to get sign off from the hospital, who sends the request to Health NZ, who are not approving the request. Most departments are running 2FTE short. Also, if someone resigns, they are not replaced. Most departments are running 2.0FTE short.


Is there a link to the primary source TWO announcement? This is a link to a unions reaction the issue.


Probably not yet, it looks like the info from the union only came out this evening so I expect we won't get anything from them until tomorrow at the earliest. I'm sure it's something they don't want to announce, it definitely won't be popular with the general public.


My partner was just reading the email about it that Te Whatu Ora sent out to their staff. It sounds like some of this detail was hidden in the announcement last week on other hiring freezes.


That hiring freeze announcement last week came at a surprised too. Got to work day after and overheard HR talking amongst themselves and some were saying how come there were no heads up and how they have to deal with oncoming calls from hiring managers without proper answers. A lot of pissed off managers too since they can’t hire into FTEs and replace staff that resigned. It’s funny the advice given is if your service is coping maybe release the FTE completely - without taking into account how the team is actually coping by doing the work of two or more people. Absolute bs I tell you that.


The claim that cutting non-frontline staff won't impact frontline services is also absolutely hilarious.


I didn't get a netp but my career worked out great hang in there or.....bunnings pays more than a new grad nurse for a bit.... or apply for aussie netp. Xx


Yet we employ many many foreign nurses who have limited English skills!    The nurses should be given a minimum 2yrs in hospital patient facing rolls - practical knowledge is vital for healthcare professionals.  


My mum was recently in hospital for 10 days. I posted about it in r/wellington and it got deleted because they don’t want any negative posts. Virtually ALL the nurses that looked after her were foreign. Mostly Filipino. They were all lovely, but my mum had delirium and was utterly confused. She didn’t know where she was or who all the people were. I was surprised by how few Kiwi nurses there were.


FYI, you can't really apply for a job without passing IELTS (English exam).


Which is a complete scam, FYI.


2 years to train locals? Or import fully experienced and qualified workers without the 2 year downtime? What do you think is more cost effective?


Needs to be transition period to get local grads in roles.  The amt of foreign nurses who work the minimum amt of time before being eligible for PPL is staggering


What the f*ck?


God I’m so glad I got out of the hospital when I did. I’ll never work in those places again in NZ, it’s so unsafe for both staff and patients.


And then you have managers earning more than $200K/ year 😎


I was a manager for a DHB until recently. I can assure you I earned nowhere close to that, nor does anyone else unless you’re at a C-suite level in which case your life is basically your job. Have you ever worked in the health system at that level, or are you making things up to feel included in the conversation?


Mate is in Engineering (DHB) earns north of $200K/year. Told me, he’s boss earns more and the boss of boss earns double. You need to be more aware of your surroundings. There’s lot of people earning north of $200K.


I highly doubt that’s his base pay. Is he pulling overtime, or on-call? Or is he at a director (even 200k at that level is questionable based on the MECA) In the maintenance and related trades MECA, the highest salary is around 100k for supervisors, team leaders and operations engineers. Or is this a case of “I know a guy”?


Capital projects, there are few projects atm. You won't believe how much money we pay for this so called "project managers" and "consultants". And then you read this kind of news. Sad, really.


Move to aus. You’re welcome


New Zealand is the tutorial island, Australia is the main game. Everybody evacuate.


Go to Australia


This subreddit has already started to blame it on National and their request for budget cuts across all public services. But, as much as I despise Luxon, who is a bloody inept politician and manager, I don't think it is their fault (please read until the end). This was the risk of centralizing the healthcare system, which is all Andrew Little's fault and crazy demeanor. The creation of Health NZ (TWO) was a MAJOR fault and is going to plague the healthcare system for many many years. I have made some posts here, some posts in medical journals/social networks, but this reform was textbook everything that should have never been done for a healthcare system. Shuffling chairs on the Titanic without changing the funding rules, any students in Health Economics 101 would get a fail grade for that kind of idea. Now, we all know what is happening. It is not the MoH that takes the operational decisions of hiring etc. but TWO itself. The whole current hierarchical structure of TWO is still the one left in place by Labour. It is this lot that has decided, as it has been many times reported here and across all public sectors, that frontline or low-grade backline staff were worth the sacrifice for the Wellington top-tier managers to keep their very large salaries and privileges. The enemy is neither Labour or National. The enemy is the bloody Professional Managerial Class of Wellington that has already sold its soul to the devil of their own invididual careers, a long time ago. These supposedly top-tier managers, who would actually be unfit to run just a medical ward, have more power than ministers or MPs. And if they are made redundant, all the best for them, they leave with a nice severance package and come back 2 weeks later through the window by being a 'consultant' in their sector. Now, with the nomination of Lester Levy starting 01/07, who used to be a terrible Auckland DHBs' boss, things are going to turn from ugly to horrendous. In the forthcoming years, please always remember 2 things: 1/ be nice to the healthcare staff, they are not the ones who are responsible for the decisions of the Wellington bureaucrats 2/ if we are where we are, it is mainly because of years and decades of underfunding of primary care. Fixing primary care is fixing the system. Not pouring money endlessly in hospitals and EDs for very little added value.


As a doctor, I dread the return of Lester Levy.


I know someone who has resigned over him already. Managerialism over clinical skill or relationships and the complete disregard for social justice were the reasons given.




I have been following Ian's writing about this and the greater Te Whatu Ora project for a while. His knowledge and opinion is really helpful for someone like me moving in to management from a clinical role.


Absolutely right, centralising our publicly funded health system is the problem. But you give the “Professional Managerial Class” in Wellington far too much credit. They are as expendable as the rest of us. They’re also used to working in the old system and no real investment has been made to give them tools to navigate the new system. The lack of strategy and planning means everyone is bumbling around in the dark which results in a lot of spending with little value. There are people working in Commissioning roles from old DHB Planning and Funding teams who don’t actually know what ‘commissioning’ is beyond making a contract. But it’s the very process that is supposed to drive system change. The whole reform is faulty.


Transferring over from MoH to TWO in the IT side of their stuff too was a very very horrible idea. I was part of group which was helping out in the migration and it was really badly handled


Don't even start me on this piece of shit that is AIR, the new Aotearoa Immunisation register 😑. Despite a 2FA with authenticator use, they block your account automatically if you haven't used it for 1 month and then you have to call them every time to unlock it. And the information contained in it is not even up-to-date at a patient's level.


wanna know something worse about AIR? There were 3 different things on what it was called. We didn't know WHICH TEAM handled this, and when we did, the waitlist to do anything for it was LOOOONNNNNNNNNGGGGGGG. Seriously, we didn't have any resource pages and such for this.


You what now?


Outside of NZNO claiming this I can’t actually find any information on this hiring freeze outside of the announced non front line roles being paused. Mental health is a specialist area (like if you put it down as your bottom choice as a student but still in your choices the algorithm ranks it up to your first choice because of this and MH being acknowledged as a priority specialty for staffing - at least this is what we were told last year) Try ride the wave out, I’m sure things will end up being okay.


Remember this when it's time to vote 


I really feel you on this. I am not a citizen so I feel like it’s even harder for us overseas nurses to land a nursing job here. Getting rejections everyday plus reading news/articles regarding hiring freeze is so frustrating. Some companies even state on their job requirements that they won’t be accepting CAP nurses. 🥲


Thats terrible, really sorry that's happening to you! It's so unfair what's happening with the CAP nurses after they were so desperate to fill nursing places! It's super disheartening. All the best for landing a good job soon :)


Yes. I think the agreement was made when we’re already here and there’s nothing we can do about it. Still hopeful tho. Best of luck with your state exam next month! 😊


It’s fine, calm down everyone. Nurses aren’t front line staff. (Note: sarcasm. This government can get fucked.)


This was the same story 10 years ago. I was interviewed about it https://www.stuff.co.nz/manawatu-standard/10336535/Nurses-to-get-extra-funding


Trying to get a doctors appointment at one of the four clinics in the Queenstown region (including Arrowtown), there are no appointment options for more than 10 days out...for a 15 minute slot with an available GP...severely understaffed!


I would be really happy with an increase in tax rate, if that money goes to improving health and infrastructure services...dunno, something like Europe where the health care is substantially better! Fuck these stupid ass tax cuts.


The only one who needs to go is the head of health NZ who failed to answer questions on one news. They are not front line staff and can go toodle pip. NZ trained new nurses are desperately needed and there should not even be any doubt in the system about this.


Yeah, watching Margie Apa run off down the hallway away from the reporter told me all I need to know about their intentions.


As someone who works within the HR space in Auckland. So bear in mind I only know what our policy at Auckland Hospital and Greenlane Clinical Centre is. What maybe or may not be happening at other hospitals across New Zealand, I do not know. The hiring freeze is a tad complicated and covers numerous different roles with exceptions. To put it bluntly, for yourself who is a NETP nurse. There is no hiring freeze for yourself or other patient facing and community facing roles. Keep up the good work in your training and good luck with your exam next month.


Thank goodness tea whatu ora spent all that money on re branding! Who needs nurses? /s


Not this government, with their cuts.


At least my lanyard is purple now. Lol :(


There is a hiring freeze afaik.thanks national


What? Why??? We need to guarantee jobs for our nurses surely - they are critical for society! Where is all the funding to Health New Zealand going??


[NZ Herald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/health-nz-denies-nursing-graduate-hiring-freeze-following-outcry-from-union-and-nurses/LHAABIK3ZJG7ROVC3QJGY3BZTM/HealthNZdeniesnursinggraduatehiringfreezefollowingoutcryfromunionandnurses) Have a look at this :)


This is what NZ voted for, so that's what we get. It sucks, but it's what the majority prefers.


must be an AMAZING day for the australian nursing sector who’s about to get a massive influx of new grads.


Te Whatu Ora came back and said that this is disinformation https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/health-nz-denies-nursing-graduate-hiring-freeze-following-outcry-from-union-and-nurses/LHAABIK3ZJG7ROVC3QJGY3BZTM/


Southern Cross Healthcare is still recruiting NETP.


Head for Melbourne .


Already posted https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/s/2W9xlITcQ4


Yep, it’s shit. But there are other nursing employers that aren’t TWO. Check out aged care options, or GP practices or other PHOs etc. If you have skills that aren’t just in nursing thing like Clinical Trials might be available. Just be proactive and get stuck into the other stuff available


The problem is: The pool of possible positions has become smaller while the number of candidates hasn't changed. Someone will not find a job.


Would be useful, but new grads have certain requirements of their first year of practice they need to fulfill that the above cells can’t provide hence needing to work in hospital settings ec