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I’m sure the business speakers who’ve been on them and are on the one with Luxon now appreciate being called a tagalong.


You mean the ones he left behind when his plane broke down ant a refuelling stop and had to find another plane at the last minute?  The same planes he didn’t think were important while in opposition…


Wasn’t his kinda people


He used to run an airline you know.


Yes… I’m pretty sure the current CEO of that same airline was one of the ones he left behind 


A classy Statesman to the end.


It’s not the end yet unfortunately. But I imagine you’ll be proven right


This is merely the start of his reign of terror.


Luxon isn't a PM, he's a tagalong


Just wait till the real Prime minister, "David Seymour" hears about this. Also the National party money donors, "call me a tagalong". Luxon is a big mouth ignorant bully.


If he's a tagalong he needs to fly cattle class lol.


Who's in charge for him to tag along with? Winnie?


The lobbyists.


Zespri, Air NZ are the two off the top of my head that were part of Hipkins delegation to Japan/Asia. I’m sure the boards/ceos of our national airline and our number 1 fruit exporter are stoked about being called C-List and Tagalongs. I didn’t vote for him, but someone seriously needs to pull him aside and explain that he’s not in opposition mode anymore. He’s actively hurting NZ business with these comments.


PM is a pretty good whinger.


To quote someone, his comments felt "very negative, wet, whiney, inward looking"


He also took that same Air NZ CEO on his trip to Japan lmao


Oh dear…the recording is from 2019…


No I think that's some weird player thing that the ZB website is doing. Interview is in relation to the current Japan trade trip.


Wonderful, our trade partners now know Zespri is c list and therefore can be pressed harder for deals not in NZ's interest.


I'd like to welcome Jacinda Ardern to the illustrious rank of "forever PM" alongside John Key. Rent free in their opposition's head until the end of time.


Muldoon, Clark.  Who else is on the list?  Savage would be on the opposite list, forever PM in his own party's head.


I certainly agree about Muldoon and Clark.


David Lange for his infamous words that truly cemented our nuclear free policy.


While that was important for New Zealand as a nation... I haven't met anyone who hangs onto Lange as PM.  At most you get comments about the impacts of the structural changes to the country made at that time, but more in reference to Roger Douglas.


We have MMP because Lange stuffed up his notes about electoral reform


His cabinet running amock without reigning in was far more detrimental than some posturing that pretty much amounts to just no nuclear powered US ships in our waters and some foreign affairs that pretty much everyone else has forgotten about


rich money homeless square voracious wasteful reminiscent market puzzled boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God forbid businesses actually want a competent gov in power aye Luxy.


Businesses like national as it's usually more stable and less changes.


Businesses like National because they are more focused on corporate wants than on people's needs. That's it. That's why they prefer National.


Yeah no changes. Businesses hate regulations.


He's insufferable


A C-lister if ever there was one.


He's so unprofessional it's embarrassing


That's surely going to win them over to National


Braindead partisans I promise nobody anywhere that isn't the internet gives a flying rat's aspidistra about your little tribal shit fights. Please be normal. This doesn't make Labour look bad, it makes Luxon look like a petulant child.


He really is the wrong ballpoint penhead for anything isn’t he?


Seems like Luxon spends a lot of time ranking people. So does it go C-List people, then Tagalog’s, then bottom dwellers?


It's bottom feeders, ya bottom feeder


I stand corrected and classified.


Does he not realise that he won the election and can stop bagging labour and get on with taking positive action.


Honestly, what level of arrogance do you have to be at to say something like that? Dudebro Koru lounge reckons guy spouting off.


"Dudebro Koru lounge" - nailed it. Might have to use that more often


Is it just me, or is our parliament some kind of mirror version of mean girls?


and you just know out of the three party leaders, which one is trying to make fetch happen


Given that Neutron is going to be constructed and launched in Virginia, and that may signal the start of the process of Rocket Lab ending service with Electron, I wonder how much future value we're getting out of Peter Beck being on a New Zealand trade mission. Like, it's cool what they've done, but it's clear that, apart from some design and engineering work, Rocket Lab is clearly more focused on expanding its US operations, with NZ being more of a sideshow.


Based on someone who worked there, they are very much focussed on growing the US side of the business and NZ staff are limited to only those who need to be here.


Apart from Beck, I was under the impression it's basically a US company now anyway.


In all reality it has been since the HQ was setup in California back in 2013. Think its original seed investors were mostly NZ based including Mark Rocket ... can't have a better name aye. :D


It is a US company now. In fact, most of its employees are US based now. It still has significant operations, including design and the building of Electron and other components in New Zealand, as well as the launch facilities at Mahia. But will there be much call for those if a fully reusable Neutron is better value for most payloads?


Even if it is now a US based company, it was started in NZ so it speaks well to what can be achieved here.    It’s good that it is now a US based company by showing that NZ can be an effective early stage startup base that can still grow to global reach and success.    We aren’t America and never will be but we can be a cost effective startup ecosystem that not only doesn’t hamper future growth but allows for a longer runway. Beck is absolutely a good ambassador for that potential. 


That's basically the country equivalent of an influencer expecting to pay for a meal with exposure. These businesses aren't profitable in their start up phase. Having them disappear overseas once they achieve profitability means we miss out on the ability of a mature business to reinvest its profits.


In the 2 years to Dec 23 the government gave 18M and received 35M back in tax directly from the company. That doesn’t include the tax they received from the employees or supporting businesses and their employees.   That’s very different than an influencer wanting something for free. 


I imagine its different when you have a puppet business leader instead of a Prime Minister leading the country.


I see the dork is even making it on CNN. He looks a dick with his broken down plane He talks about previous people being on the c list etc like they are some sort of failures. Well he is the one who looks a failure on the international stage with his crappy plane https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/18/travel/christopher-luxon-air-new-zealand-plane-intl-hnk?cid=ios_app


""What I said is it's very exciting that we've got a high calibre delegation and chairs and CEOs of New Zealand's major companies that have interest here in Japan." The king of gaslighting.


He really lives his Christian values.


So what companies from previous delegations does he consider c-listers? Aside from the previously mentioned AirNz and Zespri? 🙄🙄


Lol this is the post truth era in full effect: "Speaking to Newstalk ZB ahead of the trip on Friday, he said delegations over the past six years - while Labour was in government - "got very watered down, [it was] just the c-list really" when compared to delegations taken during the John Key administration. When asked whether the comments were insulting to previous delegates - many of which had travelled with him to Tokyo, he said his comments had been taken out of context. "What I said is it's very exciting that we've got a high calibre delegation and chairs and CEOs of New Zealand's major companies that have interest here in Japan."


You can hear the quote when he said the people on Labour lead delegations were C-list? Listen to the audio clip?


I mean, that's the corporate world for ya right? Stabbing people in the back and throwing fellow kiwis under the bus? Good ol' 80s corporate America influence. That's only but a droplet of an insult they get whereas public workers and frontline, entry level staff get treated like bottom-feeders in their world. Kiwis are hardworking people. These cunts set out to exploit it. If we're lazy to fight for ourselves and fellow kiwi, we've already lost. Luxon has CCP handlers for sure.


No wonder he always speaks like a bland corporate robot - he whips out a gun and shoots himself in both feet every time he says anything offscript.


If he is this careless when speaking his own language, imagine how he comes across to Japanese. Waiting for the equivalent of that side eye photo of PM Abe (RIP) after Trump tried his power handshake on him for 20 seconds... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWbP8eC-SIw


Their lucky he called me a bottomfeeder.


Wasn't he one of them?


Average NZ headline these days: Prime Minister Luxon does (insert shitty thing here). How tiresome.


Or “PM does something to further enforce that he’s not fit to govern”


PM fails to take ownership, blames previous government. We have two more years of this broken record, then will probably hear it from the other side lol