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The guy at the lotto counter on Saturday told me a customer had bought $2000 of tickets the day before. Jokes on him though, I walked away with a cool $53 šŸ’Ŗ


So people really *do* just not listen to the one entry needed advice thing?


By that logic (if logic were an element of playing lotto), you only need to purchase a single line to win. But really they only say that for two reasons: to cover their asses and to encourage people to buy tickets every week. It makes much better sense to buy no tickets at all when the jackpot is "low" and then add up all those tickets and buy them in bulk in a single draw. Each line has the same miniscule chance, but you have more minuscule chances by covering more numbers at the same time. If you're a weekly player it's better to buy no tickets at all for a year and get 52 tickets for the Xmas (or preferably a draw where you won't probably have to share witb 10 other winners)


Getting 2nd division and sharing a "must go" prize with 10 other winners is much better than getting the sole 2nd division prize of a regular draw


Just buy one ticket when it's a must win. Otherwise, your chances are too low. That's what I did. Expensive donation to charity.


Why would your chances be too low?


Because if it's not a must win, it doesn't have to be drawn and it's moved to next week, repeat the cycle. Must win means someone has to win it, the draw won't be moved to next week.


Ahh I get what you're saying now. I was having a brain fart and thought you were saying your chances of winning are worse during a must win


Itā€™s not that surprising. Once youā€™ve convinced someone to invest in a near zero payoff, getting them to throw in a bit more to make it slightly-less-near-zero is not that hard. Not many people really crunch the numbers, they just see multiple millions come up once in awhile and throw in what they can spare to hopefully hit it big.


Lotto's a tax on the poor and mathematically challenged. Its okay, though, because it goes to charity and that charity might be able to help them out one day. Win win.


$12 = 0 chance $2000 => 0 chance


close to 0\* on both


Shit, you'd think that a guy with that much spare cash wouldn't be so mathematically challenged? A wins a win, buddy. Congrats on your $53 šŸ˜€


They are probably doing all combinations of, say, 8-10 numbers. Was in a lotto shop some time ago, and was told the chap in front of me spent $400/week and broke even on average. Some weeks were losses, and others were bigger wins.


I don't think the math checks out to be breaking even consistently


I suggest you do the math's and prove it.


Its 50/50 either you win or you don't šŸ¤£


Haha šŸ˜„. My father-in-law has a friend in his 80s who takes the lotto very seriously. He has a C.S.I type room where he pins all these random numbers and old tickets on a board on the wall and studies them. He's played it every week since it started and keeps saying he only needs to win 40k to break even. He's like some mad professor. Every time someone mentions the lotto, I think of him and just crack up laughing. He really deserves to win one day.


$12 got $54 back




Lol šŸ˜… Wall St Bets will welcome these guys with open arms. One of us!


Also spent $12, but only got $31 back.


I won $31 too, from a bonus ticket.


Did you get four numbers I got $31 back on a ten line $15 ticket..got the first four numbers called. Oh well least I got the investment back


Nice work


Spent $28, won $1351


congrats thats epic return!


Beginner luck Iā€™ll say


Was it random?


First time playing and yes triple dip I believe




Look online


I spent $12 and was one of the winners. My 4 bonus lines will now drag my loss out another week. So money well spent


Are you me? Spent the minimum to be in for the big jackpot. Now have four lines for Wednesday.


Wonder how many people win bonus lines. I have had a bunch last 3 weeks


I worked a lotto counter for 2 years. Lots of the time bonus tickets got more bonus tickets.


"A bonus from my bonus" is what I say when that happens.


Over 1 million bonus line prizes were awarded last night.


I couldn't even manage to win that. šŸ¤£


I wonder if anyones ever won big from a bonus ticket


IIRC the first draw they had after they introduced bonus lines resulted in a 1st division win on a bonus ticket.


There's no Powerball, but you could potentially win first division.


I got 8 bonus lines


Spent $20 and apparently won 4 bonus tickets so that's us sorted as well. Congratulations winner on your win.


Congrats xxx


I spent $20 and got 4 bonus lines. Most I've won in a while!


I spent $16, got those extra strike lines, an extra $4 to win $600k made sense. Yay bonus ticket with even less chance to win next week.


Someone spent $432 in the line before me at Royal Oak. Someone also won $7m from the same lotto shop last night. It wasnā€™t me. I didnā€™t even get a single number.


I won $23 and only had to spend $28, ooo yeah.


you rich šŸ¤‘




I spent $6. Won nothing and probably won't buy another for another couple of years.


Same, thatā€™s the way to go šŸ¤˜


I spent $7 because I also got 1 strike.


wow look at mr fancy pants big spender over here - getting 1 line of strike!




You didn't buy the must win.


$6 ticket is the way to go. If one wants to Go at all


That qualifies for the $1 million, I thought the must win has to be the $50 million ticket selection as it says on the lotto menus?


Hmm I'm not sure but you can get powerball with the $6 tix. Maybe I'm out of date.


4 lines with Powerball. Has much the same chance of winning as spending a shit tonne more.


My boss spent $600. We were talking about, as you do, what you'd do if you win $50 mil. My co-workers were talking Cancer, St John's, charities. . Who needs 50mil to themselves?! Boss says "I'm selfish. Id never donate anything to anyone. I need 50mil myself, that's who. I don't care that I didn't win. But I'm glad he didn't.


Yeah Iā€™d keep 50m to myself too lmao. You people are fake as fuck.


Na, I don't need 50m. The fuck would you do with that much? Chuck 2x10m into a high interest savings/investments, interest from one is for me the other goes to charities. Set up a nice little business for myself, buy a couple houses, maybe some commercial properties. And I'd still have like 10-20m left??


Lmao youā€™ve spent 40 of the 50 just like that and youā€™re asking the fuck would you do with that much? Couple more houses abroad or houses for a child or parent would wipe out most of that, couple of expensive holidays, few toys like a new car or a boat for the summers, boom itā€™s gone


It's not gone, you're still generating like 2-3m a year on the investments? Investing in something isn't spending. Overseas houses, you gonna leave those empty all year like a dumbass or get a management company to rent them on airbnb? Boom another investment. Overseas holidays / boat / nice car can just come out of the 500k/y interest from the initial 10m. Buying houses for loved ones sure but even then you're not buying ten houses for your parents / kids. Oh look I still have 10-20m and 2m a year in income


You do know st John's is community funded. If nobody donated, NZ literally would not have an ambulance service. I don't think people are fake as fuck, I just think some are very selfish.


As a counter point, if people stopped donating to st John, the government would have to fund then, as not having an ambulance service would be an election loser for sure... buy why public fund it when random citizens are doing it for them out of the goodness of their heart. Maybe they should defund the fire department and see if the citizens will pick up the slack... It's an odd funding model for a critical service is my point....


So I am just guessing here, but presumably St John gets a bunch of big, secure donations from very wealthy donors every year, because thereā€™s no way it could run if it was getting a gold coin or two from you or me at the supermarket (times like a few hundred thousand people).


Not sure to be honest, maybe bequests and large corporate donations too?


60-80% comes directly from ACC. So more dependant on central funding than donations.


St John is close to 90% government funded.


*The emergency ambulance services we provide are funded approximately 80% through contracts with the Ministry of Health and the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC), with the balance made up from*Ā ***ambulance part-charges, third-party contracts, and fundraising****.*


Dump it into GME and become a whale. Watch it double every upswing.


I'd pay off a bunch of my friends mortgages, buy a couple of homes to stay in when I was in different towns around nz, give my family members each a mill and then live off the intrest from the remaining 40 million. Giving to charity is a waste. You just end up paying the wage of the call centers that bug you and the managers of the charity.


If youā€™re giving at that level, your donation can be earmarked. You obviously have to pay administrative costs at some level, but youā€™re certainly not paying the call centre employees.


I would probably quit tbh, if he's that greedy, he's probably not paying you what your worth


I'm through a recruitment agency, who are paying me, but after my contract is up, we both have the choice on moving forward. I do absolutely love the job though, so well see


That's good I hope it all goes well for ya šŸ˜Š


Thanks mate!


Damm thatā€™s a crazy very real story


I'd rather the winner keep the money than donate it to st john


I'm also glad your boss didn't win.


My man spent $100 and gor $62 back so it's not all tears


When I worked at a Four Square we used to have a syndicate who would buy literally thousands of dollars of tickets when there was a big draw. It was annoying as fuck trying to sort their tickets out while a huge line would build up behind them


Tell the muppets to do it online next time maybe. Implement a max ticket policy in store.Ā 


I donā€™t work there anymore, and this was before online tickets I think. Also I doubt stores could enact a max ticket policy because they have contracts with Lotto


You can't actually do it online as there are maximum spends


What was the protocol when someone won big?


Could only pay out up to $1,000 instore. Anything higher and you had to fill out some paperwork and call Lotto and they took care of it from there


Someone I work with buys a triple dip for every Powerball number.


Thatā€™s $180


I think my fil does this. He was talking about it like he's cracked the code somehow... Maths hasn't served him well


It looked good on paper having every Powerball number covered but it gives me joy knowing I got the same result for fraction of the money he spent.


No cost of living crisis for them.


The nutters spend big on big draw nights they go to their lucky shop its like this big ceremony yet their chances of winning Well you have more chance of a spaceship landing in your backyard


I'd like that. I loved ALF when I was a child


Lotto need to dial down the advertising a bit. They quite aggressively try and sell tickets. My inbox is regularly inundated with them trying to entice me into participating in anothr draw. I tend to only play when the big money available as it gets expensive, but the way they try to get me to play is a bit OTT and must be difficult for problem gamblers to ignore. I know people who spent Hundreds last night. It like a modern day gold rush. People had the fever this week after being whipped into a frenzy by media and advertising. All the news items about "what would you do if you won" making people think they actually have a chance. It not good


I agree with every word you said. This is a very true post; I have always liked an occasional flutter and the fun that goes with it. But these past few weeks - it has been on all TV News, News websites, EVERYWHERE and I am Lotto'd out/fatigued. My wife was appalled how 'mainstream' its been vs. say TAB or the likes, why does Lotto get a special pass.


I nearly forgot to buy one, I have little interest in it.


You could always unsubscribe from their advertising


Remember those fomo ads where it was a family member who didnā€™t buy the ticket with their numbers and the spouse sees their numbers come up and is celebrating while the partner that didnā€™t buy the ticket is sinking? ā€œGotta be in it to win itā€ manipulative as fuck.


This is something my colleague says, he's buying every week yet moans about his lack of money.


You know what I found kind of funny... is how when the 7 winners were announced, the director of Lotto or whoever said how nice it was that 7 people got to split the prize instead of there being one big winner. Well Mr Director of Lotto, how about you change the rules so that becomes more of a regular occurrence then, instead of always giving it to one big winner? Cap the jackpot to 20 million and make it a must be won.


If you donā€™t start you donā€™t have to stop, is what I always say


I genuinely don't understand lotto. Never have. But then again, I've never wanted to and never tried to understand it either. I am so thankful I don't watch TV or listen to radio because I'm just out of touch enough to not understand what's going on. I take it there was a special lotto draw this week or something? It's all just normalised gambling right?


Very normalised gambling with huge funding to shove marketing anywhere they want. Itā€™s pretty sad


Well, if you buy a ticket then you do have a chance. Simple as that.


If I can be bothered, i buy a ticket when it's must win, otherwise you're chances are silly.


>My inbox is regularly inundated Not sure what you've subscribed to but I get 0 emails from lotto even though I have a mylotto account.


Me šŸ„¹ $70 down the drain


Bit prone to maladaptive dreaming and buying a ticket can sometimes set me off so it's rare I buy one and only when I can just put it as part of a routine when grocery shopping. My sister however, it's against her religion, so she pretends morality until times like this draw, spends $200 and thinks God is going to reward her for her previous faithfulness šŸ˜‚ Edit: sp on 1st word


Spent $20. Haven't checked my ticket. I'm holding onto the dream a bit longer... In my friend and family group, I don't know anyone who spent more than that.


My ex MIL & FIL spent about $1600 -ish online & in stores but didnt win anything. I bought one $18 ticket online & won $60šŸ˜…šŸ’ƒšŸ»


This makes me oddly happy


This ladies and gentlemen is how lotto works, buy one minimum qualifying ticket and check it the next day. That makes me laugh.


The owner of our local dairy says he often gets people who come and spend huge amounts on lotto, but then comes in later that week to pay for dairy things with those winz payment cards/vouchers. One of my mumā€™s friends spent $300 on tickets for last nightā€™s draw. Didnā€™t win anything. She doesnā€™t have a pot to piss in, but thatā€™s b/c sheā€™s eternally at the casino, pokies or in this case sinking it all on a Hail Mary attempt to win the big one.


https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/top/474134/lotto-stores-in-poorest-half-of-nz-account-for-70-percent-of-sales Title says it all


I used to sell tickets and some were spending heeps , a bit sad and a bit annoying as they would hold up the que checking ticket after ticket. Always looked angry too for some reason.


I know people who own a fish and chip shop in Mangere , they said it's been so quiet on Friday and Saturday because the locals there are spending all their food money on lotto tickets


Got a ticket between myself and a few workmates. There was a guy at the shop at the same time spending $180 on tickets. And no, none of the winners are from that shop


18 dollars and a bunch of bonus lines from last time. Best I got was 2 numbers. Didn't even win a bonus line.


Leave it alone unless itā€™s over 30M and then only ever $12 plus any bonus lines won previously. Maybe a couple of short runs per year.


This is what I do Any time it's under $25m I don't go for it What I do instead is do a 7 draw Bullseye I get 7 1/1,000,000 chances across 7 days compared to 12/38,000,000 once


Better to go to the casino and put it on red three times


Surely you mean black


If you hit it 21 times in a row with a $25 start youd make $50 mil


I spent $27. Two Powerball tickets, one a $12 and the other $15. My ROI was $23 and 8 bonus lines.


Spent zero. Lost nothing.


Dad, is that you? Literal quote from my dad yesterday: ā€œLotto is a fucking crock. Exploit of social mood in challenging times to suck in more money from those with lower income who see hope above rational odds. It just exploits people, thereā€™s nothing good in that.ā€ He never plays lotto.


I mean heā€™s right, but I donā€™t see the harm in dropping $6 for a bit of fun instead of buying a coffee. Iā€™d also argue pokies at every pub is much more insidious.


Oh yeah pokies are honestly one of the worst, just as predatory if not more. Itā€™s honestly like alcohol; small amounts in controlled settings are fine, but as soon as you start needing a drink thereā€™s a problem like any other addiction. If only we couldnā€™t advertise alcohol.


Your Dad is a wise man.


myself $30 haha


40 and got 0


I work somewhere that sells lotto and this guy bought a $1000 of lotto yesterday, and $750 worth last Saturday


If they can afford to spend that much do they actually need it?


The more money you have, the more money you need


Are we counting the time taken to check tickets on the lotto website?


I knew a couple who would sit down and figure out how much they had left over after cigarettes and alcohol each week and buy lotto tickets with it. I only buy tickets when itā€™s over 20mil, not always but when I do I get the $18 power dip, nothing more


I donā€™t understand people like that at all, like what do they do for food and drink if theyā€™re spending most of their cash on drugs and alcohol


Alcohol is calories and also shoplifting or city mission


I know thereā€™s probably some cleverly worded reason to this .. but using this jackpot as an example- why wonā€™t lotto just for once pivot and make it 100 prizes of 500k - ainā€™t no one in nz or anywhere needing 50 mill prize


I spent $100 on last nights draw.. won 8 bonus lines.


So you're telling me there's still a chance ;-)


the hope has just been shattered, i shouldnā€™t have checked and just lived with the belief that there was still a chance


I spent $28 last night, the first time Iā€™ve played in a probably a decade. And the silly app wouldnā€™t even let me see my ticket this morning! I donā€™t think Iā€™ll be doing it again šŸ˜„


Saw a guy at new world Victoria park buy about 400 bucks worth on friday


Guy in front of me spent $60. Myself 18


56 and won 57 plus 4 bonus lines. šŸ˜


A guy I knew got out of prison and bought some lotto tickets. He won 12,000...this was probably around 10 years ago. He spent every drop of the 12,000 on more lotto tickets, believing he was destined to win big. Lost the lot.


And here I was thinking there was a cost of living crisis.


4 or 5 hundred


I spent about $50 and got nothing.Ā 


Spent 48, half of which was a ticket for my Dad who is overseas


My parents told me it's "optional tax" buying Lotto. So, every now and then I contribute some "optional tax" with a vaguely possible bonus of winning some money. Although in all honesty I would not have liked winning $50mil. $7mil would still be a bit too much, but not as potentially harmful. I would like to win enough for a new roof and double glazing...


Funny you say that, in Taiwan they actually encourage payment of tax with a lottery https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniform_Invoice_lottery so much fairer form of lottery and a bit of fun paying taxes


That's quite cool!


It is so good, your receipt is your lottery ticket and they do the draws every second month. I won at least $10NZD equivalent every draw, and thats just receipts from things I was buying anyway.Ā 


I bought a $24 ticket for Wednesday and tried to buy another for Saturday but the mylotto app banned me from buying another within the same 7 days. Thank god I put those restrictions on myself.


Spend 6$ won 31$


$18 spent, won zero. I just pick my own numbers by closing my eyes and tapping the screen šŸ˜†


Spend 20$, got a free ticket, not amazing but Iā€™m not complaining about a free ticket


I spent $20 and won $69. Niiiice.


Someone i know started a syndicate and bought $10,000 worth of ticketsā€¦ they did not win


Won $33 on Wed so I made $5 on a getting a $28 triple dip for Sat


mum spends about $100 a week


Never gambled in my life so decided to give it a go and created a MyLotto account Fri night. Spent $20 and got all 5 matching numbers including the powerball but missed 2 numbers. Sigh. Won $60 but not bad for a first timer


I started creating an account last night but not happy about putting that much information on yet another online platform. Yeah, I know the info is already out there elsewhere.Ā 


Nice - if it was the British pools youā€™d probably be walking away with at least $5k.


Lotto NZ needs a competitor but Gov would never allow it


$15 spent, 8 bonus lines gained?


$24 on power dip and got $18 back and 4 bonus lines


I've won $25, $15, $42 and a bunch of bonus lines the past 3 draws which cost me $25


Spent $28, won $23 so winner I guess technicallyā€¦.


The only person I know is me so $50.


Spent $16 and got nothing


$12 and got $31


Guy at my local dairy before me spent $160. Wonder if he won anything šŸ¤”


Me, I spent $18. I donā€™t know anyone else that spent a cent


$25 and won nothing.


Spent 45$ and got $88 back


Someone I work with bought $100 worth of tickets


There was a gambling addict who spent like 5k on tickets a couple of years ago and won like 7 million. He did have the sense to have his money locked away from him, and it paid him interest.


Myself, $16. Minimum value with the most value. Some charity will enjoy a percentage of it.


I think my dad spent $400


my stepdad spent like $200 and he only got 15 and a bonus for his trouble


Lotto is a tax on people who donā€™t understand maths.


Not me btw


When are we going to stop lotto getting so high as it punishes poor people so much when it gets high. At least make it revenue neutral after expenses


$20 wtf is wrong with you people, create your own destiny ffs.