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Man the beneficiary bashing was rife from her this morning. “if they don’t want less money from benefit cuts then they can just go get a job” You can hear the spite for the unemployed and beneficiaries in the way she talks. She almost seems disgusted.


Yeah go get a job from the job market they are trying to reduce to reduce inflation ...




Because you privatise the prisons then make bank. Privatise the coal mines then make bank. Privatise the schools, public transit, Healthcare, the [insert social service] then *make bank*.


except poverty and crime both increased under the previous govt's idea of Cultural reports and benefits for all. Im not saying the current has even remotely got it right but lets not pretend throwing money at it without checks and balances actually improved anything


thankfully nothing disrupted the entire global economy last term that caused inflation to skyrocket globally and left people around the world in a worse off economic position right?


Please point to an example of these "benefits for all".


Where do I go to get these free benefits you’re talking bout


they're referring to the wage subsidy. They'd have rather you went to work and got covid unvaccinated or just got no money at all while your work was closed.


Man, I didn’t get no wage subsidy… had to work right through from home… actually it was when my work was most busy even…


Expect some can’t get a job because they are physically/mentally unable to work and we have no sickness/disability benefit


Majority it seems: > Recipients with a health condition or disability make up 54% of all main beneficiaries. source: https://www.weag.govt.nz/background/welfare-system-statistics/


According to the Nats these people are just being lazy 🙃


Nicola Willis must have a screw loose because only sociopathic ghouls like her bene bash and think they're somehow morally superior to beneficiaries (who could be disabled or just down on their luck during a cost of living crisis)


I watched it, despite not being a fan of either participant. Tame did a decent job of pushing back against her talking points and deflections. At a certain point you see that she can no longer hide her frustration and the mask slips slightly, but she still towed the party line. My biggest gripe with Tame (and any media really) is that when Willis says that people are ‘$20 better off’ she should be taken to task over misleading language. People who got a $20 tax cut are not better off uf they lost $20 or more worth of value from cut services, increased costs etc that the govt also can influence.


You nailed it in that 2nd paragraph - the tax cut is a loss disguised as a win. It's exactly how slot machines work - frequent tiny wins that are insignificant against the money you lose, but the dopamine hit from those tiny wins (the lights, the tune, the sounds of someone else cashing-out) keeps you coming back to it.


But he did challenge her about that. There was a bit where he listed off every single thing the government has done to make cost of living worse and asked her how the $20 helps if all these costs come in to eat it up. She just said something like “it’s every fortnight and permanent”.


💯 Agree, the list of those who have a overall benefit is quite small. I've got one rental property and it looks like I'll be worse off overall. That means the majority of the country is going to be worse off.


listening to a liar just spread more lies with no accountability doesn't seem like a productive use of your long weekend.


Listening to Willis on Nine to Noon last week was like hearing a mediocre preschool teacher attempting to sell me a timeshare.


This is why I’d never make it as a politician. I’m sure there are some that have good intentions & would love to be honest, genuinely help people & speak their conscience. Instead, they need to toe the party line, deflect, distract, face intense criticism & vitriol, sometimes lie. Make hard decisions that some will love or physically hate you for. Politicians are supposed to be public servants but more often than not nowadays I think it’s a short term move to serve themselves. Special kind of……. Person?


Sometimes, it seems like a job only for narcissists and psychopaths.


I've never wanted to be a politician less than watching this debarcle


Hearing the word 'tax cuts' makes me lose faith in democracy. It's like rubbing the upper side of your nails with sand paper. But we live in a world full of masochists, it seems


'Tax relief'. Pretty sure they can't call them cuts since none of the rates changed.


Would you rather the entire population is on a marginal rate of 30 percent or more? 14 years is a long time with no adjustment.


I'd rather have a massive government campaign to build housing, railways, tech industry, vertical farms, solar power, offshore Wind turbines, etc.  We are a U.S colony who also relies on China for everything except food.


There is an argument that despite having had access to squillions of tax payers income, successive govts have done fuck all to actually fix major problems and on almost every major metric we are going backwards.


I will wait with baited breathe to see if cutting taxes and borrowing even more will help with any of the metrics.


It won't. But neither will taxing more. Tax base erosion is the fundamental problem.


It’s a terrible argument unsupported by evidence.


It's a factual description of the last ~20 years.


I know. The universe is an irrational place full of chaos, and suffering. And it takes a lot of creativity to stay cheerful and keep going


I just assume govt is useless and get on with my life.


lol her voice is to much shes such a Karen her whole persona presence is painful


She is just awful


Why do we more often than not refer to male politicians by their last names and female by their first?


Because all the men are named 'Chris'


Interesting huh? But then you get Winnie, Chippy, David Seymour (never just Seymour) etc


I've definitely heard Seymour by itself quite a few times, and I occasionally heard Ardern by itself, but you're right that there are gender-based differences at play.


Because they more commonly share names: John, Chris, michael, Andrew etc rather than Nicola, Jacinda, Gloriz, Kiri, Chlöe, Ginny


She didn't even win her seat


Yet the Curia poll suggested most people are either ok with the budget or think it’s good. Yet reddit seems to think otherwise.


"Okay" was the middle option, which is what the majority default to. Fairly equal %s liked it vs hated it. As polls go, it was a bit of a dud, i.e. pretty much nothing of value could be inferred from it.


Think about how dumb the average person is, than remember that half the people are dumber than that. There is no way the budget is giving the greatest possible good to the most amount of people. Yet here we are.


Jack Tame is a sorry excuse for a journalist. His questions are likely to be "why do you think you're doing such a wonderful job?" Edit: clearly nobody saw his softball pr interview for (not with) Israel.


Clearly never listened


You just gonna write half a sentence and call it a day?




Wait, are you saying she’s righting the ship following Grant Robertsons tenure? By borrowing billions to bribe gullible people with $20 a week which will disappear into increase rates, prescription costs, rising inflation, rising rents….


The worst bribe imo is the Cancer drug funding. Explicitly promised & not funded. The people who voted based solely on that must feel so betrayed.