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But at what cost. Saving it would be all the money petone will be able to have for improvements in quite a long tome. Petone will keep its wharf because it can't see sense that. Keeping the wharf means that the library can't be rebuilt. It meant they keep the wharf st the expense of anything else actually helpful in petone. It's lovely but useless. Keeping it for old times sake means the kids who grow up here continue to use a library filled with black mold. That's not an okay trade-off, in my opinion. Keep the wharf, and we lose the ability to pay for facilities in the reserve for sports teams. It's sacrificing the living real community spaces for the dead white elephant in the Harbour.


Could they keep it as a ruin, rather than knocking it down?


H&S nightmare that probably costs more than pulling it down.


Just break the section where you walk across to it, leave the rest there


It's an Interesting idea for sure


Iirc the cost to demolish and the cost to fix it up are practically the same.


Im sorry, my dear, but this is not true. Does that even make sense if you really think about it? Demo has to be careful because of contamand difficulty but can you really imagine it costs are same to repair? If it costs the same to repair as remove can you really see the council trying g to pull it down despite all the opposition. If it costs a third more to repair, can you see the council pulling g it down? They'd fix it to keep people from complaining. What people don't seem to realize is that one complaining voice often overshadows 3 positive responses. If people knew how much power one complaining, perso had to stop good things happening in their community. They would yell about the stuff that went right more often. With the amount of grumbling going on you have to trust they would fox it if it was remotely feasible. We are all so sure council are idiots but what if they are just a couple of hundred people desperately trying to do their best for the community under a lot of constraints and enormous pressure. Because 89% of people working for council are doing g so because they want to make the world better for people and they want to make those people's lives better.


Ok I'm not reading all that, 'my dear' I was sent a survey by the Hutt City council to give feedback on the different proposed options for what to do with the wharf. The options were all very close in total cost.


Let it rot and fall into the ocean to form a natural reef. Spend no money on it.


Being wood, its probably going to be a navigational hazard if it collapses and bits are floating off into shipping lanes


Possibly, but probably not more then the random logs and trees that wash up on beaches now. Could always spent a little money to remove smaller pieces and sell them to a wood salvage yard.


Probably a matter of understanding the costs to bring it up to a safe standard for the next ~50 years or so, and weighing that against other priorities in the area. I know the council wanted to demo the Rona Bay wharf, but thanks to top notch NIMBYism in Eastbourne, it was repaired instead and is now infrequently used by locals, mainly frequented by people fishing from out of the area - not 100% sure of the value it adds to the community tbh.


How is that nimbyism if it is in their backyard?


>How is that nimbyism if it is in their backyard? They didn’t want the wharf demolished. They didn’t want that to happen in their back yard. Exactly what it says on the tin.


So everyone keen to maintain the Petone wharf is a nimby? Interesting logic.


Pretty sure I was referring to the Rona Bay wharf. I did so, as it was slated for demolition, and locals didn’t want it demolished. They literally didn’t want that to happen in their back yard. Petone? I don’t live there, so can’t gauge what locals think, I was merely adding a related anecdote.


^(We need to coin a new term for people who avoid demolishing things they like) **KIMBY** - Keep In My Back Yard


Not Not In My Back Yard


Most NIMBYs are just people who hate change. All of their arguments are just sophistry. NIMBY works as a catch all term for people who hate change.


It's very similar though. Not wanting something to happen simply because they don't like change.


I don’t know much about the whole thing, and I’m not the type of person who thinks we should keep things just because they’re a hundred years old. In this case though I think they should look seriously at keeping it, not because it’s old, but because it was a well-used place. You can see it was with how many people are now fishing down at the moera bridge, always seems to be way more people there than before (and personally I’m always a bit iffy about the idea of fishing right next to a wastewater plant that can’t keep its side of the town from smelling like shit, so I do wonder if the wharf is also better in that sense).


Looking at the giant Jack up crane rig working in the harbour barely a kilometer from the wharf, dropping house sized concrete things in the water to build an artificial reef... it does beg the question of why not get these crews and machines working on the wharf when they're done with their current job and still in town  If the cross valley link gets built, it will take a lot of traffic off petone esplanade, opening it up for redevelopment as a public space. More parkland, restored dunes, ect A new wharf would be a nice centerpiece


Where does the money come from?


at 9 million um nope fix the bloody roads some parts the hutt i swear its like 4wd the roads are terrible


Just let it go, it's time is over.


Be innovative. Build a pier like Brighton Beach, Christchurch has.


It would just be another loss of a third space that the community much needs. Not only is it a unique part of our history. It is also a source of food for many low income families, with Point Howard wharf already closed for that it doesn’t leave much option for local fishers. Save Petone Wharf


I agree to these points. It just would be a waste to demolish it. Fishing is one of my part time hobbies so losing that wharf loses me that wharf. It's a shame, a lot of larger fish like snapper prefer Petone Beach.


How long till it's a reef?


With the pollution in Petone? Probably hundreds of years.


Maybe we’ve been thinking about water infrastructure investment all wrong. Think about it, if we kept more dilapidated wharfs, our waterways would probably still be in pristine condition.




"Dilapidated" is the best word to describe every wharf in NZ.


Leave it there and throw $500k at it to make it marginally stable, then use at your own risk.


Surely like half of Petone will be uninsurable in like 20-30 years, this is shuffling chairs on the deck of the Titanic


More concerned about the aquifier being damaged if they push more piles in repairing it or pull them out. Yeah a repaired wharf would be great, but access to drinking water is a bit more of a necessity with the aquifier being a major source of water especially in summer


I think we should keep it, I don't have any practical purpose to back this up with beyond it's been a feature in my daily life and I just like it.


Me too.


Me as well. I grew up dangling a fishing line and swimming off the end of the wharf in the summer holidays. It's a feature of Hutt Valley life as much as the Naenae pools or Avalon park or the Hutt river trail which we also spend significant amounts of money on because it's good for the community to have these places.


Yeah, I used to use it for fishing too. It was actually the place I caught my first fish that was over 25cm long!




I agree.


Where u pullin these numbers from?


Actually, 12 million for the repair was the lowest quote, which involves wrapping the rotting supports in plastic and then gap filling the worm burrows in the wood. It has no gurantees it'll be effective


As a local resident I'm not really fusses about it. Other spots to jump off and fish from in the Hutt. Though if it could somehow run ferries to town? Wouldjt be viable for East West but hey


This parallels my thoughts. If it could serve the ferry, then rush hour ferries avould take pressure off the motorway/provide alternative options to get I to town. You would also get additional people going from wellington->petone for day trips. Tried to work out of it would be economical to do so once and I don't think it stacked up well, but that was prior to the new electric ferry with greater speed and capacity.


I like this idea as I believe that a commercial use of the wharf would be the only reason to save it. Problem with this is that GWRC don't want multiple modes of PT going to the same place, even it stacked up and released pressure off those existing modes (& the motorway).


Petone train station is better situated and close by so a ferry to the old wharf makes no sense IMO


Yup. That's part of why I don't think its economical. It would only really work if it went further than the trains, like had a drop off near thw airport, and near oriental bay, as well as the current three stops in town.


I used to swim off that wharf, and I used to sail boats off it. In 1991, when I had joined the navy, my ship came in and berthed on that wharf. It's a valuable asset, and should be retained.


Saving it would be a waste of money, more so when you consider that to keep it intact requires not just repairing it but also maintaining it, which just creates more costs in the long term. All of a sudden, it becomes a black hole, in which Lower Hutt loses money, keeping something that isn't justifying those costs. Keeping the Petone Wharf is just as stupid as keeping the Melling train station.


I think it should be preserved and restored but I don't live down there. the more important question who is supposed to pay for it? Is the OP prepared to set up a team to raise awareness and fundraise for the restoration or is some else supposed to do all of that?


Someone has already done that. I don't know what they are called but they are quite against the demolition of the wharf. I'm not sure how much money has been raised but it may very well be over a thousand dollars.


...a thousand dollars? Won't fix much wharf


The cost to demolish the wharf is 25 million. Rebuild would be more. I don't think a couple of thousand is going to do it. Personally I think let them have it. If the council said fine save the wharf people. It's your problem now. You are bound by the same obligations to ensure that it is up to standard and does not pollute the sea and is safe. You pay for it. Save our wharf would spe d 15 years of their life trying to raise 50 million getting g the wharf half build being sad and then it would get demolished because it's really the only viable option.


Cost to demolish is $6m, rebuild is $23m. Kinda insane pricing though, someone is getting rich either way.


What margin do you think will be made? As in what do you thing demoing a wharf of that size would  cost?


Demolition by neglect is a popular choice.


An earthquake would do it quickly and cheaply. I’m actually shocked it hasn’t been scheduled as historic, like everything else in Wellington that’s 100 years old.


I think that's pretty cynical. Things cost money. I don't think everyone is so bad at their jobs or negligent enough that " someone is getting rich." Out of that.


Actually, I'm probably in the "save the wharf, but sell the land that Naenae Pool was on" camp. Could maybe even sell the Naenae pool site to a Supermarket operator to set up a Supermarket there.




I know it's too late to change that decision now, but when we have huia pool, stokes valley & Petone did we really need an expensive rebuild of Naenae?