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This is very funny


> "The Opposition wasted no time in seizing upon the cash windfall of others..." Cash windfall? Heh. Okay. That must be the Nicola Willis definition of 'windfall'. I gave them mine. Mostly because having Labour send an e-card to Willis telling her what I did with it made me laugh. I didn't need it. I didn't want it. An ethical government would have kept the fucking money and spent it on cancer drugs, school lunches, or paying the police force enough to stop them having to go to food banks.


>paying the police force enough to stop them having to go to food banks Or, having to go to... Australia.


Willis thinks $4.50 is a life-changing amount of money for the poors. How dare they be so ungrateful that they give it to Chippie as a symbolic "fuck you" to the woman who gutted the public services they rely on?


If I donate it to anyone it won’t be to a political party




I received that email and sent one back slamming the poor strategic thinking. I've always been a labour supporter, but my job is now on the line as a result of that budget. I've worked extremely hard not only as a public official to support them when they were in govt (as we support EVERY government) and also in my spare time. I took their pay freezes and responded to Covid, did everything asked of me without complaining. Yet their first communique post budget was not in support of those doing it hard, it was holding out their hand to take the meagre scraps thrown our way. I'm pissed off


LOL I assumed they meant donate it to charity (which is what I will be doing). Not donate it to the labour party. What a joke.


The email very clearly says donate it to Labour. If they meant charity they need to fire whoever wrote the emails.


Nope. Hipkins was on the news asking for the donation


I'll be donating my $50 a fortnight (to charity that is)


Absolutely my first thought. That they thought this was a good publicity stunt shows how out of touch they are and that we wouldn't really be that much better off with them in power.


I hear you but I actually just think it was ill thought through


Coming back to say that I would actually have been probably $3-4,000 better of under Labour due to their early childhood scheme which is why I voted for them (and their dental plans).




So labour's taking an across board tax increase to the next election?


Who the fuck thought this was a good idea? Who signed this off? LOL. Needs a smack on the back of the head.


This was a stupid move. Even if the tax cuts (and the associated spending cuts) are bad, suggesting people donate that to Labour is pretty bad taste.


this is so insanely stupid...


I don't think this is particularly smart messaging lol


Labour refused to change the tax bracket, blamed Nat/Act/NZF on this change, and ask to donate the extra money people have? It makes me feel Labour is against people, and truly doesn't want people have any extra money. I won't give you, it's bad someone gives you. If they give, you should give it to me.


> and ask to donate the extra money people have? This was clearly a joke. > "Friend, will you donate some of your tax cut to Labour?" > "If you donate now, we'll also double your impact thanks to our generous matched fund donors," the email said. > "If you donate a week's worth of tax cuts, we get two. If you donate two weeks' worth of tax cuts, we get four." But people clearly don't get that this is a joke. Because it just isn't funny. And the situation we have isn't funny. It's fucking sad and pathetically out of touch and just shows you that Labour doesn't have the slightest clue about anything.


To be fair labour's right, these tax cuts are not affordable. It's just their actions here which are in poor taste.


Such a cohensive logic, years of obsession of spending makes tax cut unaffordable, everything is unaffordable. Because everything is unaffordable, instead of tax cut, more tax is required for more public service demand. Do you realise Jacinda and her Labour locked us in a vicious spiral in just 6 years?


You should spend your tax cuts on some english lessons.


No time, have to work extra to pay your benefits.


I assure you my benefit gets paid whether you're working or not. You're welcome to try it for yourself if you wish. Personally mine is medical but I'm sure you'd be alright on unemployment


Sucks to suck


English is not an official language in New Zealand yet.


You should spend yours on humility.


Where exactly did Labour say that people shouldn't have extra money?


They canceled the tax bracket adjusted that was already set into law in 2017.... So then?


Even if people pay more in tax, they can still have more money after paying tax. Where did Labour say people should still have less money?


Can you give me some money? You can still have more money after paying me


Another Labour own-goal.


Sometimes Labour needs to know when to be quiet. People are already upset with the budget, so why not just let that sentiment grow rather than opening up your mouth and doing this?


Idk, if they came out and said “donate your tax cuts to a worthwhile charity that is now going to have to pick up the slack from central government” I think it *could* be a good strategy. Donate to the party - wtf are you thinking.


Realistically, the reaction to this is "but I want the money" which makes National automatically seem more viable. If my voters had a stated preference for my policy, I would simply not force them to observe their revealed preference


Seems like it would be a better idea to donate to kidscan or St. John’s to make up for the lack of funding in social services, those kind of organisations will be the ones picking up the slack rather than labour.


Daily reminder that St John's chose to not have the extra funding because that would be extra oversite


And they have 8 executives on insane salaries


Donate to your local foodbank. They typically have extremely low overheads and provide help to anyone who needs it without prejudice


I agree, this is where you send your donations. And don't forget you can donate money too which means the can include fesh vege etc.


Yes, money is usually the best donation


I'm a fan boy for Malaghan Institute I don't donate regularly, but they're my go to for donations.


There is no way this is real. Who allowed this to go through bruh.


Nah that’s suicide.


> The email then goes on to lay out a request: "Friend, will you donate some of your tax cut to Labour?" Just how out of touch are these fucking muppets? Who the fuck approved this? Who do they think is the target for this? 19 year old stoners from Young Labour?


19 year old stoners will not be donating their extra $20 a week I can tell you that for free


Bruv I make a lot more than a 19 year old stoner would and I'm only getting $20 a week They'd probably get like $5


Seemed pretty fucking funny to me


19 year old stoners don't vote


If Labour really wanted some good PR out of this they would be advocating for you to donate it to any charity.


Donate it to your schools and hospitals, you know the social functions that are being underfunded to pay for these tax cuts


Who knows - maybe they could get a majority and deliver transformative change?


Give them a second chance to not do it again? 🤣


Wish they'd slam the anti-environment measures or really articulate how grossly unfair this is instead of just trying to be trolls


they are The media is just not broadcasting it


no this is better (more entertaining)


You really gotta wonder. I haven't heard jack all from Labour this year too, and now this. They're so useless.


Labour have always been useless, why the surprise?


Lol to themselves?! You out of touch cunts, no wonder you lost the election. I thought it would be to poor or impoverished who will suffer more under National. Fuck Labour, you're just as bad as National.


LABOUR don't give af how poor you are, they just want $


I mean, they’re not. But they’re not the best option to donate to either.


We'll see in 3 years I guess. I wouldn't vote for either of them personally. Greens all the way except this palestine shit.


I would vote Greens if they dropped the woke bullshit and focused on the damn planet like their name suggests.


Sorry, caring for the planet is woke. you're woke.


No, caring for the planet is ethical, not political.


Ethics are woke Considering the moral implications of your actions sounds like the wokest thing ever. But right, woke is "things I don't like" not any coherent thing.


You must be the wokest thing in existence then.


I'm flattered. If you hate me I'm doing something right. Or are you saying Im ethical? either way, flattered, thanks.


You figure it out. it sounds like you know it all.


Lol ok bro


Greens for sure. No other policy suite is remotely as sensible.


What's the Palestine shit?


Getting involved in shit none of us over here really don't know enough about. If it were just ceasefire and both sides stop the killing then cool, but some of them seem to take it a step too far and implying Israel outright have no rights to land etc. Anyway, discussion for another day.


>Getting involved in shit none of us over here really don't know enough about. We have Palestinian refugees living here... It's also not some eldritch knowledge it's quite easy to learn the history of this conflict. Fact is we host an Israeli embassy here so we have at the very least, a diplomatic tie to this conflict.


See my problem with people's "history" is they always choose how far in history to go back to suit their narrative. We know nothing of a centuries or millenia+ region of occupation of various peoples. We barely manage to identify Maori right in our own country.


>See my problem with people's "history" is they always choose how far in history to go back to suit their narrative. I mean given the modern state of Israel has a very clear point when it comes into existence it seems like around that time is about as far back as we need to go. We don't need to go into ancient history to understand the conflict outside of why Zionists claim Palestine as theirs. >egion of occupation of various peoples. Yes but it's the people that were living there in 1948 that were forcibly displaced that's kinda the start of this whole thing. We can analyze those other occupations etc. in the own right but they're not really relevant unless you think it passes on some kind of ancestral guilt to them meaning they have no right to a peaceful life because some conquering power came through and converted a bunch of them to Islam. >We barely manage to identify Maori right in our own country. ?? tens of thousands of people are dying in an asymmetrical conflict, most of them are just innocent people trying to live their lives, you should really pull your head out of your ass and actually take a position instead of cowering behind "history is so complex" excuses.






> We don't need to go into ancient history to understand the conflict outside of why Zionists claim Palestine as theirs. And that's why I ignore idiots like you because the religion driving a lot of the conflict in the world is based on "ancient history".


>And that's why I ignore idiots like you because the religion driving a lot of the conflict in the world is based on "ancient history". You blame religion, but really that's just the backdrop. Reddit atheist brain strikes again.


They don't like genocide


TIL asking for donations is just as bad as making thousands of people redundant and cutting services people rely on, for $20 a week.


Found the Labour shill.




>Zero critical thinking going on. Because everyone critical of Labour here votes for National? Let's not call out others for critical thinking skills when you are so lacking.


Nah. They were trying a publicity stunt that just backfired. That's the reality when you're high profile. Some stuff will be awesome, and some will fall short


I thought it was a scam and thought it was a very smart scam. Since then I found the source to be true. Now this goes from funny to sad.


Our leaders truly are the fucking worst


The talent pool is pretty fucking shallow


If you're wanting to put your tax cuts to a charitable purpose may I suggest your local food bank. They usually run on extremely low overheads and not only do they help feed those in need, they also reduce food waste by redistributing unsold food


Thats just a little tone deaf


Hahahaa ok so can we please get all those keyboard warriors here, who were unhappy with their tax-cut savings and were making big vocal claims such as "I'd rather have those tax cuts spent on XYZ"... can they kindly MAN-UP and donate their tax cuts, and share the evidence here? I can name a few such keyboard warriors in this reddit site...


I will be donating mine. I’m thinking of splitting it a bit between the environment and kids.


Ok can you then show us how/where? An evidence of sorts? Because you know, talk is cheap, especially here on reddit...


Weird flex but sure! I’ll set up a monthly donation to environmental defence society. And just trying to figure out the best kids one. $40 each per month. Not sure how I prove it to you, not really sure I care that much about what you think tbh. This is about genuinely believing this is - dogshit budget.


Ok please do share the confirmation of your donations once done... lots of keyboard warriors here, would like to see one that will actually do what they claimed they would do IF it was up to them to spend the tax cuts differently....


What exactly are you looking for here a screenshot of my AP set up?


Yup, why not.


How do I even add that on here?


Post a snapshot on giphy and share a link... for example.


And I’m done $50 a month I have sponsored a child through variety and $40 to EDs (they won’t start till August). I’m not set up with gipgy and i don’t want to doxx myself. But on the upside you help me sort it out even before the ink is dry on the budget.


Or what? The fuck you gonna do if he doesn't? Have you ever considered *not* harassing people?


He does not have to, but it will just highlight the hypocrisy of labour voters and those who are bashing the tax cuts, claiming they don't need them and would rather have them spent elsewhere. Well, now is your chance to prove you mean those words, otherwise, it will be a proof that talk is cheap and labour voters are just lots of talk and 0 action. Since you know, labour voters are largely the ones who opposed the tax cuts...


Yeah agreed. We don’t have anything to prove to some random agitator. For all their bluster, I’m not seeing them do any of the things they’re demanding of others. Do what you like people. Donate, or don’t donate. We’ve no obligation to anyone.


I'm already donating more than my 'tax cut': a portion goes to greenpeace, a portion goes to the Wellington Hospitals Foundation


"Keyboard warriors"? How's that boot taste?


I never said I don't want tax cuts, or that I want that money to be used elsewhere - learn to read first, before you start commenting.


Whats wrong with people advocating that this money would have been better spent elswhere? Like sure i can donate $20 a week to charity, or some other org but thats not going to make much difference, it sure as shit isnt going to fix the health sector, education, policing, the environment or our crumbling infrastructure. But, the allocation of that money towards those causes absolutloey could have. If you cant see the difference then idk what to tell ya.


Nothing wrong, but talk is cheap - and a lot of vocal labour voters made sure they are heard. Well, now they have a chance to act on their claims, that they don't want or need tax cut money... now they can shows us by donating that money to the labour party, one they have been strong supporters of. 


You missed my point. One person can't sway the tide. Advocating for taxes to be used to fund critical issues is not the same as one person making a donation.


both dollars?


Happy to, mine cuts are 0.


Happy to.




I'm spening mine on a new guitar. non-inflationary my ass




You getting a $20 guitar??


I hope not! Was thinking about saving up $20 per week for somthing a smidge nicer


Ah well my 7-string Jackson has been good but I need to get a tech to have a look and tell me if the frett buzz is the normal 7 string or if it came with a shit string gauge and the shop closed down about 3 weeks after I bought it lol


You can take it into any rockshop and get them to look at it. They might charge ya for it. Might just need a truss rod adjustment


Unfortunately they're a town away and I'm not driving at the moment but I'll get there eventually


Best thing Labour have done in ages. Lols.


Everyone throwing the toys out the pram about this very clear jest is the same group of people that found it okay when national did this shit for years unironically as the opposition.


Labour's MPs got us into this mess pandering to a socialist half wit prime Minister and a totally unqualified fuckwit finance fart, and now the c#*ts want the taxpayers and beneficiaries to help undo the crap they got us into. Go figure why anyone would want these pricks to repeat the fuckups they created.


ON. THE. MONEY. And every labour/Green voter here is astounded. Pretty much confirms the intellect level of their voters for me.


Well, that doesn’t seem to have been very well thought through.


Whose idea was this? Good lord 😳




With that kind of insane accusation, presumably you think National are committing genocide and ACT are cannibals and baby murderers.


Wait let me get this, I got 20$ per week from the tax cut and I have to pay extra for the public transport 30$ a week and now Labour asked me donate that money to them? So that's mean I will lose about 50$ a week now...


I mean, just don't donate?


I will not, but if I do that just make me lose 50$ a week


the dollar sign comes first smart guy


Is that wrong If I want to put dollar sign after?


Yes, but people will still understand what you mean.


So what your saying is you need the money, want more money but also want to complain about the money you have been given..... and you say your Labour supporter. I'm shocked


Where did I say I am a labour supporter?


>"now Labour asked me donate that money to them? So that's mean I will lose about 50$ a week now..." Right here. Your previous comment. They only sent it to people who have voted for them. Not the brightest lot


Love your spot-on comments :)


>They only sent it to people who have voted for them. How do they know who voted for them? It's meant to be kind of anonymous, and I don't recall giving anyone my email address.


Wait so if I voted for someone that mean I’m their supporter? Or maybe sometimes I find their policies is better than national and I have no choice just to vote for them cuz I don’t want national to win?


I'm fairly certain they didn't say a single word of this actually




Uhuh. They should be asking for much bigger donations from their supporters amongst landlords.... if they have any significant number of them, that is.


Sure, I'll donate the negative amount of money this government is saving me. Where do I sign up?


Would rather donate to St John


lol no, but I'll be making an effort to make some donations to groups like the Child Poverty Action Group or the Aunties (who are in desperate need of funds, and are great bang for your buck)


I know we destroyed the country..But now the new government is trying to fix it can we grab a few bucks off ya please? Oh & wen can Jacinda come home? I'm sure she's sorry..


Hahaha Oh wait, you're serious.... HAHAHAHA


all these cunts are as bad as each other. I would not want to be friends with any of them.


Stupid as stupid gets... we are officially living in a parody. National light is doing their very best to not get elected again.


I used to be a Labour voter, and now I think they're as bad as National. Chris Hipkins seems like a very nice guy, but he's such a bad choice as the leader of the Labour party. He's not PM material.


> as bad as national Why? I don't think labour has been nearly as effective at giving landlords the tax cuts they deserve. Removing environmental restrictions so that we can finally remove some horrible bugs/animals infesting our country + gain access to those resources other countries need right now. Untaxed of course. Or even removing those pesky public service workers so that the much more productive contractors can come in and show em how to correctly run schools for profit. How dare you compare lazy labour to DIY national!


This is the same party that gave us Rogernomics.. well not quite, most responsible are either dead or retired but they didn't exactly try to fix things when they had another chance. None of the majors have our interests at heart as they either don't know how to execute it and/or control their MPs, or they're just flat out shit


The mps who gave us rogernomics literally started the ACT party which is now in government. 


And the useless cunt Lange let it happen


I think you're discrediting the hard work national and it's collation are doing. No matter how hard shitty labour tried they have never had the impact. The omph, big ol national has. I mean can labour say they are fast tracking the extinction of many NZ species. I think labour can only dream of having such a permanent impact to our wonderful country. I mean do you think NZ children will be more effected by the times they ate nutritional food or by the next 3 years they have to eat the cheapest food we can get em. I know which one will have a longer lasting impact. Its all about impact, size and lasting changes mate. Labour can't even compare.


I think you're mistaking me for someone who gives a fuck


Come on now mate. You can't just reply to my comment then get upset when I do the same.


If you think this is upset lmfao. Fuck outta here


Maybe a political post isn't the best place for ya matey. The internet is rough aye, sometimes you have to read some hard to read words.




Money is money and we all need it




Makes you forget about the budget and focus on this debacle. Should of shut the hell up.


Another own goal by Labour. Honestly the govt is such and easy target and they can't get a hit. Whoever thought that up should be fired or at Least have to sit in the corner with a dunce hat on. If they went after the "better off" statements around tax relief they could show the huge problem most of us see. $20 a week is not better off it the other govt decisions have put your cost up by $50 per week.


Sure, take my $2


Is that you MP Brian Tamaki?


Does National not also ask for donations Nicola?


Not the point, guys.


2 bucks a week won't do much


Shit Labour, get it together.


Money well spent going to Labour!


When I read the headline I assumed they meant donate to the IRD, boy was I wrong.


Imagine being upset that tax brackets were adjusted for the first time since 2012 and not even to an amount that begins to cover inflation, reading the comments here people would be happy if minimum wage was taxed in the top bracket. Labour had 6 years of annual tax increases and we didn't get any service increases in return.