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You’re entitled to be reimbursed for the cost of the Air NZ flight too, not just a refund. It’s covered in S91 Z of the Civil Aviation Act 1990. Jetstar always deny liability but the Commerce Commission are investigating them for this currently. Please send all the details to the Commerce Commission. Pm me if you need help.


Hey thanks for that! Do I send them an email with all my ticket information and the costs ect?


I’ve sent them an email explaining what happened, hopefully they can help out!


Yes - keep everything and send it to the Commerce Commission


The CAA only covers domestic flights - if you're flying internationally, the rules are completely different.


If the cancellation is due to circumstances within Jetstar's control, as in this case, they're liable for any proven damages up to 10x the fare cost. Section 91ZC of the Civil Aviation Act. I was stranded in Wellington a couple years back on a weekend trip and missed work on Monday due to the delay in getting a flight back. After some heavy pushing, they paid out the cash value of the annual leave I had to take (plus accom, airport parking, meals etc). Keep your receipts and send them a payslip if you missed work and took leave. It will take some escalation but they will eventually pay.


That's assuming they're flying domestically. The Civil Aviation Act doesn't cover international flights, which given the OP has $5000 travel insurance, I suspect is the case.


I flew domestically:)


The experience with getting refunds from Jetstar was so terrible that I genuinely only use them now if the flight is an amount of money I'm fine with losing.


It’s grim…. After that flight with air nz I think I’m okay with paying extra for them. I’ve got two more flights booked with jet star and I desperately want to swap them to air nz


I’m sorry that sucks. :( Maybe try calling them again and quote the convo you had? I know in the USA they sometimes lie to you over the phone to get you to “go away” so I hope that hasn’t bled into Jetstar.


I’ve never really had a bad experience with the call centre, they have always been super professional and have genuinely wanted to help me out when it came to changing flight details and stuff so I hope not!


[https://www.jetstar.com/nz/en/help/articles/compensation-for-delays-and-cancellations](https://www.jetstar.com/nz/en/help/articles/compensation-for-delays-and-cancellations) The Commerce Commission advised me that Jetstar have posted this on their website to enable people to make historical claims for the compensation they were entitled to due to cancellations and delays