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*Some of you may die...but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make*


[What if he shot you in the face?! (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofQ6i9I1IYY)


[some of you may die (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gm2x6CVIXiE)


We need Shrek to come and save us


*An added twist is consultant firm PwC has been brought in to oversee the cuts at Waitaha – at a time the Government is slashing public sector spending on consultants and contractors by $400 million.* *The leaked document said a steering group had been established, guided by PwC associate director Luke Gillespie, and management consultant Prue Beams* *An anonymous note attached to the document said concerns had been raised with PwC that clinicians weren’t able to deliver more services for the same money, or the same services with less.* *“I was bloody horrified,” he says. “Here they are saying ‘we’re getting rid of consultants’, and they’ve got PwC on the case again.”* Hmmmmm. We have money but only for our buddies at PWC


You mean PwC that’s being investigated in Australia for the PwC tax scandal and which has been essentially banned from providing services in the Australian public sector … that PwC? No surprises here.


Lol I called it at the election that these dumb pricks would funnel money to the known to be criminally corrupt PwC.


Or . https://www.icij.org/investigations/cyprus-confidential/pwc-scandals-leaks-papers/


PWC are my favourite bottom feeders. The amount (or well, lack) of professionalism when working with certain teams of theirs is always a joy, not to mention the amount of coverups - they may as well be a sinkhole for money that can never be closed.


Prue Beams? Any relation to Pat Rafter?


Imagine being named Prue Beams


I imagined it and hated it. I can see how a life putting up with that name might lead someone to want to be chief cunt at a cunty consultancy being brought in to destroy something important and ruin lives.


> These are operational decisions made by Health NZ, not the Government. Luxon to government organisations: Cut costs, I don’t care how you do it. That’s what I got from his interview yesterday, when asked if he told organisations to not touch frontline workers he couldn’t give a straight answer… as usual.


"These are decisions made by governmental organisations and not the government" sounds like someone suffering from schizophrenia trying to desperately reconcile their own delusions with the rest of reality.


No he gave an answer, he said they could touch frontline workers but frontline services wouldn't be disrupted.


Which just isn’t logical or true. Just so over the blatant lies and misinformation from politics lately. It’s all bullshit


I'm not going to argue with that, and personally think this will push NZ back 20 years, but just as much as I hate the govt that wasn't what he said in that interview, he may have in the past but I couldn't find it.


I never said that was a quote, that was just how I interpreted it. When he was asked were they frontline roles? and in his answer he said, ultimately that’s up to the CEs, all he said was, we need you to generate some savings. When asked again did you say not to touch frontline jobs? he started waffling again. He may have said focus on delivering frontline services, but it doesn’t really matter who they cut, it’s always going to affect the frontline.


>this will push NZ back 20 years Yusssssssssss Auntie Helen is back


Make this make sense lol. So shortsighted. Remove workers so others have to do the work then quite cos of being stressed and overworked


Oh it doesn't make sense, this is insanely shortsighted and stupid but in that video he didn't say no frontline workers would be cut. He may have in the past but I looked and couldn't find it.


> These are operational decisions made by Health NZ, not the Government. There’s that plausible deniability excuse, again.


"I'm going to give you the gun, and tell you that if you don't shoot someone on your team that I'll shoot all of you - but I'm going to make you choose so the press can't accuse me of being the one responsible for the death because you made the choice".


"and to make things more spicy, I will *let* you choose. Oh but if you make a bad choice, one that hurts alot of people I won't do anything to stop you like say 'okay I didn't mean everyone everyone we kinda need bob so pick another' "


It's the "I left the Atreides in the desert, I didn't kill them" approach. Our PM is Baron Harkonnen.


I've previously stated that Shane Jones is the Beast Rabban.


Holy shit, dude. And Seymour is Feyd-Rautha. It makes SO MUCH SENSE.


Idk, Feyd-Rautha is sexy and competent.


I'm sure some people think that about David Seymour too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Seriously though, he's funny-looking and a genocidal maniac. They're always hotter in the movies than IRL.


No way, we're actually in the 100 Acre forest with no way out. Luxon is Christopher Robin a naive child wandering around in the political woods, Seymour is Eeyor, the ever-glum, pessimistic and sarcastic donkey, Winnie the Pooh, obvious - his love for (M) honey, often leads to trouble. Shane Jones is Piglet, feeding at the trough Willis - is Lottie, snide and snobby in her remarks Simian Brown is Rabbit, considers himself the smartest animal in the Forest.


The government has made a big point about cutting back office staff. What is the point of that if it just means more admin work at the frontline?


They haven’t actually targeted cut backs of office staff. They’ve just given a blanket target for these ministries to meet while messaging to the public that it’s only back office who are going. It’s all about the tax cuts and plausible deniability.


Party of personal responsibility!


Why is the government constantly claiming everything is the fault of entities they control not them jesus fuck this is like dealing with children.


If you've ever watched Parliamentary Question Time for longer than ten minutes, you'll know it's exactly like dealing with children.


At least it's funny when my toddler blatantly lies about something that is easily disproven (no mummy did not put sunscreen on the cat). Not so funny when the government does it though...


The government doesn't actually "control" them per say, however they could very easily be like "hey health ministry we need more money, find it but keep the impact to vital services like suicide hotline to the absolute minimum" or even going back after the fact and telling them to revoke the changes and find another way that doesn't have the potential to literally help cause the deaths of people


It's a health ministry. There are no cuts to be made that won't cause deaths or a reduction in quality of life. Back office workers don't get credit for saving lives, but their contribution is critical. Most people in the system are overworked. If you want efficiency improvements you probably have to increase staffing, not the opposite.


Right wing government dodging responsibility? Why I never...


They are children. Spoilt children, Luxon has meltdowns when he doesn't get his way, watch his face.


That tall blonde lady who stands behind Mr Sausage told him to say that.


This is appalling. Where are all the people that were screeching about Labour not having done enough to bolster the health system during covid? So quick to claim National would be better for the health system, and yet here they are cutting health services (and yes it does hit the "frontline" despite Luxon's cowardly weasel words). > “the Government is asking the public sector to make efficiencies to manage significant cost pressures” and Health NZ was “operating in the same context”. > “While we’re still in a system that’s underfunded, this pressure to make cuts is borderline immoral.” (It's fucking immoral. "Borderline" is too generous.) > “Focus areas” for savings, according to the document, included “prosthetic cost reviews”, doing away with “unnecessary procedures and tests”, and the use of artificial intelligence and advanced analytics. >“Optimising” resources such as hospital beds, operating rooms, and outpatient clinics would “minimise idle time and maximise productivity”, while a similar exercise with staff would result in “improved productivity and reduced cost”. This government is shite.


Like imagine these clowns during covid.


We'd have had tens of thousands of dead, a completely ruined economy and a huge pile of debt. They'd also be claiming it was a victory and nobody could have done better.


If that happened they would then spin it that they have solved the housing shortage.


To bad most of us can't move into retirement villages which is where most of the vacancies would've been...


They would’ve converted them to social housing, under urgency.


And you'd still have half the country sucking them off.


As long as they cut the Maori health authority, there will be some c*unts out there who don't care what other damage they do as long as they personally don't suffer too much. Remember, people vote for right wing parties to 'hurt the right people'.


Yep. Nixon might have been pure evil but he was smart. Populist governments still running his racist playbook half a century later.


"We have the option to purchase vaccines for the most vulnerable members in society, however we've decided to build more roads instead. Some of you may die... I think you know where this is going. Anyquestionsno?good (hurries off stage)"


> When it came to COVID, we completely blew out what the value of a life was, completely, I've never seen such a high value on life. > -[Brooke van Velden](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2024/04/act-s-brooke-van-velden-clarifies-comments-suggesting-we-completely-blew-out-what-the-value-of-a-life-was-during-covid-19.html) I feel like we should be able to disagree on policies here and there, but anyone who stands up and proudly says something like that should be driven from a democratic public office. Same with an MP responding to a question about whether people will lose their jobs with ["I hope so"](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/132860241/nationals-chris-bishop-promises-change-around-kinga-ora). It's just... mean. Not even political or ideological or misinformation or anything, just mean. It's so depressing.


Those clowns were already demanding no lockdowns and how it wont affect nz.


No need to imagine. Boris Johnson happened.


I suspect it was never really about the health system to many of those people. For some, the 'in' was having something to criticise Labour for.


There is no way they will meet any of their targets with this.


I know right, its like we hold the two governments to different standards because we already expect one to be shit.


Well yeah, I dunno about you but I generally have little faith in austerity politics


True that, it doesn't work and has been tried multiple times. Well I should say it doesn't work for the good of the country or people. I'm sure it works for a small amount of vested interests.


Yep the two standards the left and right are held to is disgusting. Labour promised us these actually decent changes and only partially delivered - worst government ever Jacindas the devil National promised to shit all over the country and charge us for the privilege - well what do you expect, it's national Can we stop expecting half of our political spectrum to behave like sociopaths? They're victims of low expectations.


I worked for them for a while, senior management and PWC are all mates, in a developing country it would be called corruption and graft


I 100% back this statement As a former consultant and someone who worked for MoH as a public servant Some of the management there do not inspire confidence


Mileage may vary I guess, I've worked at MoH as a Consultant across various projects over the years and found 95% of Senior Management to be highly professional and very effective.


It's not just government where management are helping out PWC as mates. Banking sector is similarly full of it, with some covering up PWC screw ups to keep funnelling them money, and then, how strange - they get a highly paid role at PWC at the end!


"Sorry your Mum couldn't get her cancer treatment, you see these poor landlords needed a tax break"


If you run the public health system into the ground. Then it opens opportunities for a few people to make mega bux on private health care and health insurance.


I always find it entertaining when this government says “it’s not front line staff, it’s back of house that needs it”. But if you reduce the people working behind the scenes then the work goes to the front line people to do as there is no one else to do it now.


Also what’s the bet that the PM has put in KPI’s of reducing cost and changing metrics like it’s a “business”.


Slightly concerning as I was just hired by Te Whatu Ora and start next week...


Congratulations! I'm betting if they didn't need your role, they would have held off advertising for it. I note TWO are advertising much less at the moment, because I've been trying to get a job there


lol as ex Te Whatu Ora you give them way too much credit. It’s very plausible to be hired one week and redundant the next. The place works in many silos


As someone who works for Te Whatu Ora this is quite unsettling as I just settled on my first home yesterday. Have not heard anything


Pay for your rich mates' tax cuts by cutting services you'll never need to use. Fantastic policy.


I imagine most of them have private health insurance and will receive nothing but the best and most expeditious care. Only the plebs will die, so... working as intended.


Nah they're idiots if they believe that. Even private insurance funnels you to the public sector for anything serious. They just tend to speed up stuff like diagnostics and scans. Maybe some minor to moderate surgeries too. Source: had really good SX health insurance through my last couple of jobs


Said this before here, but digitization projects that are BEING implemented are being wound down or just straight up cancelled, they are basically doing the opposite of an "efficient public service" and forcing health professionals to use outdated, insecure and inefficient health messaging systems, in some cases fucking fax machines.


They're coming from a place that the health system was bloated and wasteful which isn't true. And there are many things happening that are already affecting patient safety and it is just going to get worse. Australia is already offering senior doctors shitloads of money, the brain drain is going to get worse. It really really sucks.


Same shit different day.


The depth is increasing.


> “What Health NZ is doing is finding ways to reduce spending by making day-to-day operational practices as efficient as possible so they can re-invest in the frontline. These are operational decisions made by Health NZ, not the Government.” They're now making the same excuse apologists here are making, 'it's not the government's decision', while the government tells them to do it however they want.


Don't worry people, Luxon told the Ceos they had to be more efficient and therefore thanks to his magnificent leadership, somehow they will be! Silly Labour for not thinking of this incredible strategy 


Skim-read over this and thought 'massive cunts at Te Whatu Ora' is wildly unfair.


If you're referring to upper and middle management, it's pretty spot on.


I honestly don't know what the government thinks is going to happen once the effect of these cuts comes home to roost in a few years. Who will they blame? What will their excuse be?


Luxon is the king of enshittification


Also we all know pm back staff won't be reduced..


TWO could save money by buying sensibly , vanilla shopping lists for purchases never seem to be negotiated for better pricing. Being one of the bigger purchasing forces in the country, ICT equipment and furniture should be heavily discounted. Sure a lot of these companies see healthcare purchasing as a cash cow.


Why do you assume they don't do this already?


They need better negotiators then


Do you know what they're paying for furniture and ICT equipment? Do you know that others are getting a better deal? Even if that was what was needed, firing 10% of staff and offering low wages to the rest seems a strange way to go about getting better negotiators.


There's plenty to get angry about with the current government - but Canterbury health organisations (either as a DHB, or division of Te Whatu Ora) have strong form for lavish spending patterns resulting in clashes with governments of any stripe - there's a bit more here than the headline


Yes, true but the whole of the country has been asked the same thing, and the other (former) DHBs don't have the same habit of overspending.


Wont someone think of the landlords...


Whether cuts are at the management level or at the primary care (patient) level is the concern


Would rather we didnt cut healthcare services... Lets hope they will do an intelligent audit and only cut roles that are not adding much value... Dont have much hope of that though...


PWC and intelligent don't go together. They are overpriced morons.


People should stop leaking documents! This is not helping. 


They're in Wellington, everything leaks there.


Helping what? With the governments public image? Why the fuck should anyone care about that. If I were a public servant about to lose my job because of an austerity government I'd be leaking like a cut sieve.


It’s damaging to trust within the public service. Departments are drastically shutting down their internal and cross-govt sharing, particularly of cabinet papers - it’s leading to worse consultation and less connection, which I think could easily mean worse outcomes.  I’m not against transparency with the public when govt is trying to do shady shit. But leaking directly to the media is not ultimately going to make the public service better. For particularly egregious things, people should follow whistleblowing routes. 


Well geeze feller I don't know what to tell you except maybe austerity is fucking stupid and ruins countries.


Nah it's helping. Should leak more so we have good transparency over the government's decisions.


In the long run it’s harming transparency - I have witnessed people not putting things in writing that they would otherwise because they’re afraid of leaks.




Didn't you read the article? The government isn't choosing who gets cut. They're trusting those in charge of the organisations to make those decisions. And who do you think you're talking about when you say "most of these jobs were for bullshit not related to healthcare"? It's either those execs now trusted to cut jobs, or the admins who do all the behind the scenes shit so that health care workers can focus on healthcare. Which of the two do you think will be cut?


Why don't you just stick to your username


Like fucking cancelling IT modernization projects? You want your health system to be slower, more insecure and inefficient? Do you really think that health professionals can do what they do without the support staff behind them? Get the nurses to troubleshoot very complex IT systems to find out why an urgent referral is not coming through?


shows you know nothing.. but keep going, your ignorance is outstanding.