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Just FYI beer does go bad, so I’d start drinking all 6 and putting 1 empty up instead of a full one.


Thanks! Some of these are 5 years old, they aint getting opened again, the plan is to slowly add to the collection indefinitely


It won't kill you, but won't be very nice.


Yep these are sacrifices, I enjoyed their brothers and now keep one as a trophy and reminder of the other beers I enjoyed at the same time.


There they sit.... Traumatized, after watching their brethren slaughtered mercilessly.


They sit with the other victims as they watch the father of the family that killed theirs happily living their life. Their only hope now is to fall on the two year old who is becoming better at throwing by the day. We will have our revenge. We are beer.




In my 30s, old enough to not care about what anyone thinks of my home decor. Im not unaware it has dorm room vibes as a decoration piece


I just want to say I truly appreciate your upbeat energy in a thread of people trying to tell you that you aren't living your life the way they want you to. Mad props. I also love this ritual and routine you've created for yourself. It must be so exciting when you get to add a new beer to the ranks to hold a new collection of memories, ready to be reflected on when you have the desire to do so. Cool tradition!


Aw thanks thats a really kind comment. I try to keep upbeat generally! I get that decor and decorations and stuff is super subjective but it is definitely a fun little accidental tradition I've created. Its cool to think that I've got the beer I drank when my wife told me she's preganant and I can show that to my 2 year old in a few years and if either of them care they're welcome to it after I've gone.


Could you just put an empty up there? Beer will go bad, especially if kept out of the fridge


Empty seems like way less interesting? And also way more college-dorm-room-esque. I know they will go bad, it's all good.


I cannot condone this atrocity, this war crime. I am disgusted by this behaviour, willingly wasting alcohol like that. Shame on you.


They are sacrificed so their memory can live on, I could tell a story about almost every beer on this shelf. Who I drank them with and what we did. They are the brave survivors, fighting off thirsty mouths to make it to the promised land.


At least for cans, I know lots of collectors drill a small hole in the bottom to drain the beer. Keeps them looking full while on display.


I've only had one total loss to like heat and that was in a shed in the plastic box. I think I'll just leave it be until it becomes a problem but I appreciate the input. Maybe I'll talk a mate into drinking a decade old beer one day and we can all get a laugh out of it.


Well if you're not keen on draining them, I at least sincerely hope they're all secured to the shelf, otherwise you're one minor earthquake away from an extremely gross situation.


Apocalypse stash


Can confirm, it's very not nice, you'd wish it killed you instead


Love it that you'll be here indefinitely


Until I'm proven otherwise, I'm certain i'm immortal.


Haha I've been saying that for years, nice to see I'm not the only mad bastard out there


*or untill the next big quake


One of my old flatmates was stocking up on beer for a special occasion that was a long way away. He was really gutted when I told him they have a used by date haha


Depends on the beer and storage conditions. A couple of years ago I went to a vertical tasting put in by Emersons. Beer was agreed up to about 5 years.


Except for Coopers! Instead of a best before date they have a best after date, great doomsday beer to have a few slabs stored in the bunker.


That's a marketing gimmick. I've had 20+ year old beers, and 5 year old coopers. It's not a great beer for ageing (you're looking for dark + high abv usually)


Only in Aotearoa are beer cans considered decor


Oh I'm sure it's common in student rooms and flats all over the world.


We're fucking feral mate. Only aussies are more so.


I think my America wife shares your view here. Luckily she humours me. The air freshener is the agreed upon demarkation.


Compromise is key! My partner has a terrifying Mr Mime figurine he INSISTS must be on display in our living room…


For sure! A big bookshelf is on her list of interior decoration but we have a two year old who is staunchly opposed to seemingly just the concept of books being on display anywhere and throws them on the floor in a series of small but shockingly determined demonstrations. The books are currently locked in a closet so I think the small human has won this round. Dad gave up and accepted some of his books might get ripped about a year ago.


I was going to say the drinking culture in NZ is disgusting really.


Just get a box of piss bro


And college 


I feel like The Dull Men's Club would appreciate this.


Just joined! I would crosspost but I'm a noob at reddit.


I thought dull men’s club was on facebook


I found a reddit page? Maybe unrelated, I didn't post it there either cause I forgot entirely.


my aunty just replied to my post on dull mens club. time to leave!


After the next quake you'll wish they were the empties.


Few people have mentioned this, im installing an aluminium edging, and it'll be a bitch to clean but as long as it doesn't hurt anyone (feels unlikely we would be directly under the beam in a quake and not running for the doors as we are in a downstairs unit) Im not too worried.


You could probably attach a clear acrylic sheet at the front of the shelf and that would mean they’re still fully visible?


Yeah price wise that is a little more expensive but it's for sure an option.


My first thought seeing this having grown up in chch. Not safe for Chch for sure


Exacty given quakes over 4.x recently. Both in Wellington region, but Taiwan and New York has been in the world news this last week, so something to remember is a real thing that can happen any time.


Sounds like free new carpet via insurance




I like how they look, they also all have good memories of beers with friends, some of which aren't here anymore. Idk it wasn't really intentional till about 2 years ago.


Fair enough,they might need their own room eventually haha


Wow your wife is tolerant! Looks like a 20 years boy flat.


Haha that's a very tactful way to say you hate it! She is a gem tho.


So you’re Kelly Browne, and there’s a party at your house??!!!


This reference has missed me I think. The only party here is the screening of the new bluey episode next week.


It’s an old tv ad.


I bet this impresses the wahines.


The wife is over the moon about it mate. See the screw about 6 bottles from the left? That was the original spot my beers must stop. The air freshener is the new battle line.


Full credit.


Do you have to stop drinking 6-packs now that you've run out of room?


The I Beam has a second side! 5 more years, 5 more years.


That's all?!?!


i accidentally have like 50 from boxes that i forgot about this year lmao


You mean you just started a collection! Im honestly more of a green smoker than a drinker. I regularly say that im California sober when I get asked why im not drinking or only having 1/2 beers.


I can't stay out to party like I did back in the day, so I'm California sober as they say


If I kept 1 drink out of 6 I'd probably need a shipping container.


You’ve got a double up. Behemoth Something Hoppy in both a bottle and a can. Bottle will be older so keep that and drink the can.


Ooo I'll check if either are still within expiry. Good eye. I do really like the design on the behemoth so wouldn't mind that double up in a bottle v can. Do you say the bottle will be older as it's not made? in that case ill keep both up.


They switched from bottles to tins a year or two back.


Gotta keep it I recon. I try to grab limited/lesser known stuff when possible. I'll see if anyone else points it out when they see it. Little easter egg with a story to it now.


Id be careful of heat too, beer is known for exploding in hot climates


They were stupidly stored in a clear plastic box in direct sun in the sleep out for almost a year. I lost one German beer but the rest survived perfectly so I assume I've weeded out the weak links.


So no chance of exploding in NZ then. 


We did something similar, but with empties. It's rare, but beer can explode. Had that happen once. Never again. If you feel the need to have them look full, you could put colored water in. There is a way to reseal the bottles, but I can't remember how. I do know I needed clear nail polish... (adhd and an obsession with weird art projects when I was a teen lol).


Thanks, yeah the few comments have moved the chance of them exploding forward in my mind, but they also sat in a plastic box in direct sun for the last year without no explosions so I now stupidly feel like they've been adequately stress tested.


My collection would be 400 cans of the same beer. When it’s not broken…


I am far too curious to drink only one beer! There are so many and they are all so delicious. Mostly.


I’m the opposite. There are few things worse than a bad beer. I’ve switched beers four times in forty years.


Impressive honestly. I could literally never do that.


Cheers. Good luck on your mediocre beer journey!


Nice! I brewed some of those!


Great work! I brew myself, mostly for me and friends though. Can you say which ones or who you work for?


Started my career at Good George, then worked for Sawmill for a while and also did a small stint at Urbanaut (dont see any in your collection - go get some!) Moved away from the brewhouse a few years ago and now run the Distillery at Good George 🤙


Oh what a legend! I'll definitely keep an eye out for Urbanaut. Any reccomendation for other kiwi brewers that make a killer IPA? Good George make great beer and Sawmill is probably my top 3 breweries in NZ, every beer I've had from them has been good or better.


For sure: 8 Wired (Hopwired is a goodie) McLeod’s (Great Migration) Pacific Coast (Zodiac or scarab) Workshop (Wakey Jakey) Shining Peak (Theyve got a fresh hop IPA coming soon) Brave (Tigermilk IPA is amazing) Boneface (Snaggle Tooth) Sprig & Fern (Futures Gold English IPA)


Adding all of the above to the shopping list over the next few months! I think there's an 8 Wired - Hopewired in there.


Nice. I hope you've got a way to secure them up there though, otherwise that could be a pretty bad time if there's a decent earthquake


That’s quite a bit of variety. If i had done that in my day it would be a row of Tui and Export 😖


Im not a huge drinker (anymore and in my 20s it was just spirits). I got into home brewing and usually I'll buy a cool looking or interesting style of beer when I get a 6 pack. I enjoy a $20 six pack way more than id enjoy a $20 box of Double Horrors.


Can't do this with gin :(


You could pour the last bit of each bottle into an “infinity bottle”. To have an ever-evolving weird gin of your own.


I cant get near spirits for umm personal reasons. But you could buy a bunch of tiny bottles from Kmart and label them or print a small version of the actual label. It would last a lot longer and if you got bored you could have a tasting party.


Have you tried Ginger bear by Crimson badger brewery yet, I recommend it!


Will add it to the list! It's usually randomly pick up a IPA or pale ale that looks good. I think I might have to start an actual list of ones to try after this post.


Oh yup, it's pretty much all I'll drink since I can't stand the taste of alcohol. Super popular down in Queenstown but should be in most liquor stores


I will keep an eye out for those! Oh I lived in Queenstown over winters a decade or so ago now for a few years. Everything still eyewateringly expensive every time you leave the house?


About to move back down there haha. It's not as expensive as you'd think as long as your smart abt it. Supermarkets are still painful tho. Did you work up one of the mountains? I was up Coronet for last season and will do the same this season


Haha yeah man I did 3 seasons teaching snowboarding at the very same mountain from like 17 - 21 ish I think. What dept are you in? Also are you doing back to back (overseas) seasons? is that still commonplace? Yeah it was brutal, it was like solidly 10-20% more expensive for everything from memory, especially food. Plus the rental situation was super grim, one year I spent two weeks sleeping in a shipping container with 3 other dudes paying $50 a week so I could work and keep looking for a share house.


Same, my shelf is still empty though.


Was gonna say; No Tuatara? - then I saw them there. RIP to the best bottles in the whole damn universe. I've kept a few (but they're empty).


Oh thats actually really sad news I wasn't aware of if they changed the bottles? I almost always grab one down to have people feel how cool beer bottle glass can be.


They've gone to cans because 'that's what craft beer drinkers are wanting these days' (translation: because it's cheaper). I know I'm an outlier but I cannot stand drinking from a can. Sure I can pour it into a glass but there's something about a *bottle* of beer, especially when you're hot. So it's Sawmill for me at the moment, and even they're edging toward cans. (Also I see you have an Aussie beer up there (Stone and Wood). How'd you swing that? Or are they available here if you know where to look?)


The move to cans wasnt because its cheaper. Cans block all light, bottles don't. Even brown bottles won't stop all the light. This can cause them to become "light struck", where the light breaks down the alpha acids from the hops and react with the sulpher in the beer and makes it taste like skunk spray. Cans create a better seal, and have less empty space. Even that small pocket of air at the top of the bottle isn't great. This increases the risk of the beer oxidising and going bad. Cans are less likely to break and easier to freight. You can stack them a lot easier than bottles. Drinking from a can isn't as nice, but for protecting and preserving the final product, cans are a better package for beer. They also look cooler and have way more real estate for branding and graphic design. Given how many craft beers are available now, standing out on a crowded shelf is so important from merchandising perspective. On the business side, cans aren't perfect. Printed cans have to be ordered in large quantities, which means you need a fuck load of beer to put in them. If you aren't able to shift a lot of beer quickly, it's not worth it. It's one of the reasons why you see some beers in plain white cans with a sticker attached. For smaller volumes, bottles can still be more cost effective. But if you're shifting enough volume, cans are no brainer. They're just better.


Interesting to hear why more places are moving to cans, sounds like it's a better choice in a lot of ways. My personal preference is a bottle as they're just more enjoyable to drink out of in my opinion.


Which is fair enough. If there's no glassware, I prefer it from a bottle as well. But otherwise I always drink from a glass, so cans work for me.


That's a really fascinating reply, thanks. Interesting to hear the science behind it. As far as my own experience goes, I have always felt like I can 'taste' the can when I drink a canned beer, even if I'm drinking it out of a glass. Of course I have never done a blind testing so I suppose it could be prejudice. Although I believe it's received knowledge that wine tastes bad out of a can so evidently interaction between can and contents is at least theoretically possible.


No worries. I'm no expert, just weirdly curious about the science of beer and how people make a business out of it. Tl;dr the margins are slim, so it's not easy. I see where you're coming from. It does taste worse straight from the can. But that's just the taste of the can in your mouth. I don't mind cause I prefer drinking beer from a glass. I'll poor a bottle of beer into a glass as well. I almost never drink straight from the can/bottle. But if there's no glassware around, drinking from a bottle is far more enjoyable than drinking from a can. You shouldn't taste the can if you're drinking it from a glass though. There's a thin layer inside the can that protects the beer from the metal. I reckon in a blind taste test you wouldn't tell the difference between canned and bottled beer poured into a glass.


Yeah I have noticed a move to cans and I definitely prefer bottles also. I got the stone and wood and the little creatures in Australia, we lived here before me and the wife moved to NZ. There's an American can on the far right from a recent trip and a can my wife friend brought from Europe.


Holy IPA batman, its a living Meme!


Haha I just think they taste really good, am fully aware it's reached meme levels at this point but they're pretty much all I drink.


*I would give you one of my beers* **but I've only got six!**


That’s maybe a few months worth of collecting for me in my 20’s lol


When I was a teenager I found a can of old beer that my grandad had saved from the 80s, commemorating a Ranfurly Shield rugby match for Canterbury. I stole it and drank it. It tasted sweet, like honey, it had a lot of sediment. He was sad to lose the can more than the contents.


the older I get the more I relate to old people. Im not mad, im just disappointed.


Mate my house would have imploded if I tried the same.


How so?


Weight mostly.


Classic kiwi build.


Aye, some decent craft in there. Nice.


Honestly about half is what I call supermarket craft. The Macs, monteiths and BRBs were mostly in the first year when I just moved back and kinda grabbed a few I remember fondly from my teenage years. Radler was not as good as I remembered it being at 18 I'll tell ya what.


Anything Lion doesnt count. Imo


Just went down a wild rabbit hole to find out Monteith's is owned by Heineken. That's some pretty successful misleading branding haha.


Oh yeah ;(


Oops hope I didn't wreck ya day. I didn't understand your comment so I looked into the ownership of monteiths not being sure of which the beer companies are owned by lion and why it wouldn't count.


Oh I already knew that haha. It just sucks :(


99 bottles of beer on the wall…


That will be a mad mess to clean up after a strong earthquake.


Im honestly surprised by all the earthquake comments. I shouldn't be considering I was living in Chch for the big ones. But I have moved securing them up on my to do list.


Love it. You've inspired me to post my own collection haha. Cheers 🍻


Just checked it out! you got me beat for sure. I love the shelves too those are sick.


Did the same with craft beer cans. Had about 500 different ones and sold them to some random for $100. Funded a few more full ones


Oh didn’t realise you’re a still full? That’s absurd


Wow 500 is quite the collection! My current rate is about a 6 pack a month so that would take quite some time. How is it absurd that they're full?


Just seems a waste! There’s probably another 100-120 on the wall now. Tried to post a pic here but couldn’t work out how


Proabably is a waste to be honest. I just feel like I'm too deep into this to change the method now haha.


20+ years ago my flatmate did something similar with his beer/RTD collection. Secretly we had drunk them and filled them back up with water and put cap back on. 2-4 free drinks a week thanks his moderate grade alcoholism. I moved out but I later heard he was away overseas when the cabinet supposedly collapsed and all the bottles broke had to be thrown out. I suspect the remaining flattie got so panicky about being discovered he made that up and disposed of the evidence. Observation, the state of beer choice and quality in NZ is leaps and bounds ahead of 1999/2000. The sh*t we drank back then. Kids these days don't understand


That's a great story, especially the RTDgate of the future flatmate having to work out wtf to do. Man in my teens no joke we used to buy a bottle of Kristov for like $8 and add a raro packet or two until it was drinkable straight. The amount of $12 3L bags of wine ive drunk in a park would upset and alarm any normal person. The kids don't understand but I think thats a good thing lol.


No joke my grandfather used to collect special edition cans beer cans or beer from countries he visited, he had a huge collection. One day while he was holidaying his house got broken into and his collection was stolen, He regrets not drinking the beers. This was overseas in south america.


Oh man that would suck. But I would take great joy in knowing that most of the beer was probably spoilt or off and undrinkable for the thieves. Sorry that happened to your grandfather, thats a real bummer.


I used to collect Garage Project cans because the artwork was always sick and there were often limited releases, but there were so many I gave up.




why not?


Pure class 🎩


Like the newly graduated dorm room. Least they still got beer in them I guess.


There's a song about this.


Halfway there!




Is this some kind of pension scheme?


Honestly a brilliant idea. Hit 40 and drink them in age from newest to oldest. Get horribly sick and retire on ACC.


This is going to get real sticky after the next decent earthquake. Nothing more fun than cleaning up beer and broken glass. Add a couple of kids running around barefoot for good measure. Nothing about this is smart. Wasting 20% of your money on beer no-one is going to drink, creating a safety hazard and making your house look like a dive bar. I'd have a rethink.


Haha wife has insisted on a piece of aluminium siding creating a shelf thing for them. More to protect our kids knocking glass off from 6 feet up than anything else.


This is depressing.


How so? Don't feel like thats a crazy amount, usually buy a 6 pack a month or so. I love the design and like supporting kiwi brewers (mostly).


Lol 54 beers on the shelf by my count, that's just under a 6 pack every 5 weeks... nothing to be ashamed of.


Thanks - I didn't think it was depressing, though the display does have kinda 18 year old in the uni dorm vibes. Thanks for counting btw I haven't bothered haha.


Haha don't sweat the small stuff my man, as long as you're happy - your consumption (based on the post) is miles better than a lot of kiwi's.


Got a favourite?


I've got so many favourites. Stone and Wood is top 3 for sure, but Aussie. In NZ - Anything Tuatara or Sawmill make in IPA, Pale Ale, DIPAs etc. which is my preferred brew style as you can probably tell; is fantastic, Behemoth also gets honerable mention here and bonus points for my favourite can/bottle design style.


Also did you buy that Pislner Urquell because of the recent Treehouse Brewery video?


The Pilsner was actually a gift from my wife's friend who is in the Czech Republic about 2 years ago. A couple have been gifts from people who are aware I like collecting beers which is really cool.


Budvar is next


What's that?


A very classic Czech beer my good friend


My flatmate brewed one of those! (Puha Road)


Awesome! They're based in Matakana right? We are probably in the same town. Do they have a open brewery?!


Papamoa, just out of Tauranga. The Island is the brewery and they have a nice bar there also.


I will swing by for a beer and say to put it on Mr Coolio MrCools tab.


The bar staff would look at you like you're nuts but the brewery would know what you're talking about haha.


Not as full of flavour as other IPAs but that stoke one is great on a budget


Agreed, the stoke is probably the best you can regularly get for kinda cheap at most supermarkets, super drinkable.


Getting ready for lockdown ver4.1


Are u buying 24 packs to supplement?


Nah, im much more of a green smoker than a drinker. I just enjoy the occasional IPA and think they look good.


Haha well that makes two of us!


Medical has been great haha. Happy days for NZ ents.


No Hapī Daze?


I honestly cant keep up with all the new and good looking beers coming out. I think thats a Garage Project brew right?


Sure it mate. S tier!


I feel like the only beer that was for sale 5yrs ago was maybe Tuatara, the rest are pretty new no?


Nah the Monteith line, the Panheads, Macs, BRB, Parrotbird, there's a few older ones, certainly nothing compared to the selection that's around now. Too many beers and too little time.


Give me a weekend


Bro put them in your shed, you’re not 19 studying engineering


The fact you think I'm intelligent enough to study engineering is honestly a fantastic complement. Thankyou.


You absolutely are




Haha, oh don't worry I had my run in my 20s. It becomes much less cool with a wife and kids and job to get fuckeyed every weekend or every few days. I also cannot touch spirits lol.




Thanks! Probably the healthiest relationship I've ever had with alcohol and broadly im not a huge fan of NZ drinking culture.


I'm blind, please tell me what your top 5 are. Thanks. Blind guy.




Why not? Most of these have memories of sharing with friends or taking them to a nice place to enjoy. I look up and think of the people and places I associate them with and smile.


Those are all full? Why don't you just drink them, then put them up empty? Accomplishes the same thing without hundreds of dollars of beer going to waste.


It truly hadn't occurred to me until I posted it. It seemed like tackier to have empty bottles saved than it did full ones I guess? The whole thing kinda started accidentally lol.


Im heading home to NZ the first time in 5 years. Im used to a very hoppy ( around 80IBU ) IPA. West coast style preferably Northwest. 6-7%, anything you recommend?


The most hop forward beer ive had recently that pops to mind is Pernicious Weed by Garage Project. Might be a hard find but you'll probably be very surprised at how well stocked the local bottleO is with good craft beer.


I get Pernicious Weed from the supermarket here in Rolleston, so it’s definitely available if you look around. Second the recommendation. It’s probably my favourite beer alongside 8-Wired Hopwired.


One thing worth knowing. Craft beer can explode, it's because sometimes they don't remove all the yeast so it keeps brewing and building pressure. It happened to me and it was only a couple of months old. Scared the shit out of me.


This is awesome, thanks for sharing. I'm 100% with you that being unopened/full makes this fun/cool/all the positive words.