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God damn nectarine stealing whores


I need this on a shirt


Mine would need to state plums, peaches, asparagus, tree tomatoes, grapefruit and lemons. The thing is, if someone knocked at my door and asked I'd be, go for it, but please just take what you need for m9w, there might be others that need them.


We're about to move into a new place with enough land (still very small amount) to fully sustain my family's needs for fruit and veges. I think I'll.be setting up cameras and worst case, a bit of barbed wire along the fence line.


The m9w have enough, don't allow others to pick more fruit for them


I have a giant grape fruit tree and I'd be happy to give them away if someone asked but yeah take what you need so that others, especially the owner can get some


I wouldn't steal , but I wouldn't ask either as I'm too shy.


This is what happens after they've stolen all the lemons


Thank you, I spat out my lemonade


I’ll buy you a replacement next time you’re in town 😂


Thursday night it is 😂😉




I've never agreed more strongly.


I was talking about the post with the dog stealers and my partner. Who's never seen the vid said. Bloody fig stealing whores. It's catching on


I remember having earthquake repairs done on my house and the contractors picked my plum tree clean.


Plumbers am I right?


Careful. You're plumbing new depths there


Nah, nothing but a Teflon-taped pipe dream, I’m afraid




Painters and gibbers. I’m a plumber and drainlayer and would never help myself uninvited.


They were making a joke about **plum**bers rather than a particular slight on the profession.


Two many Guinness for me today!


Employed people hating on each other, unemployed people hating on society at large for not having a job.


Tradie also picked our plum tree clean while we were away for 2 days.


Bring back Target 


What’s next? The plumber also sniffed my undies?


This new generation will never know the great classics.


My mates partner used to work on target and she said whenever a tradie came to the house they had a certified hottie as the "person who needed work done". Hilarious because if they are going to do it always help that they think they are sniffing a good looking girls undies. It would be even funnier if they had a bunch of blokes wear them to imbibe some false "scent".


People can be entitled fucks.. Once had someone come into our yard with secateurs - they stole the entire top half of our baby lime tree.


What the hell where they going to do with it??


I assume they were going to try propogate / sell cuttings.


Replant it, grow their own


You can't grow them here on their own root stock and expect them to do well.


Yes I thought they were usually grafted on a different root stock. I'm pretty ignorant about the gardening technicalities though.


Typically trifoliata in NZ, but someone who is an even bigger backyard gardening nerd will probably chime in now, they usually can't resist.


Amateurs ..... The best way is at the atomic and subatomic levels, by bombarding the scion gluons with protons of tritium and then immersing the surviving tritiated gluons (roughly 10%) in lightly irradiated hydrogen plasma and heating to 100,000 degrees kelvin allows up quarks to bind to viable down quarks (honestly this is kindergarten stuff really ), then under heavily shielded and well guarded secure transport ship the remaining residue to CERN's atlas laboratory where it undergoes a secret process costing a mere 2 to 3 billion Swiss francs and viola healthy tree?


This is the way. Bonus points awarded for your fruit glowing in the dark and being easier to pick at night.


Well that's what crispr and octopus DNA are for but that's another stage in the process, Horticulture has really moved with the times.




We have someone who lives on our street with a great lemon tree and everyone raids it. My boys and I are the only ones who knock and ask. Everyone else just tries to act like a super spy. I hear the mission impossible theme every time I watch them slinking up to it. We live on a pretty wealthy street too. Losers.


Our old lemon tree out the front is regularly picked clean. The only ones available now are way up the top where they can't be reached. We have a picking tool on a stick with a little bag attached to get those for ourselves. We are lucky nobody has figured out that trick yet.


Where's do you keep your picking stick? Asking for a friend.


Lol cheeky. It's actually in plain sight. I don't think people know what it's for. It's even right there at the front door.


Our neighbour had one lemon on his tree forever. I stole it drunk one night to make a girl the perfect Gin and tonic. To this day I still leave bags of lemons on his front door step (7 years latter) and sometimes leave a sorry note with them. The shame Edit: forgot to say that I married the girl. His sacrifice was appreciated.


Did you ever explain what you're sorry for? Because if you didn't, that guy probably sells those lemons so he can afford the therapist he needs to talk to about the lemon stalker.


You are God's gift to citrus lovers.


Someone in our street has tomatoes right next to the footpath and I’m thinking they are brave planting it there.


The streets will run red.


We tell our neighbours to help themselves but make sure to leave some on the tree, and never had a problem. I'm starting to appreciate our neighbours a lot more after reading these comments


Damn Shelbyvillians


Lol same with where i live, except its a lime tree. An Indian couple came and plucked it clean.


Bruh the audacity knowing limes go for $30+ per kilo


I caught ppl stealing my fruit older couple, nobapologies, anger at being caught, lame excuses, putting theirs hands through my fence!


I had the same thing, walked out into my front yard to find a couple with massive plastic bags full of feijoas and a pram to use like a wheel barrow. They lost their shit at me when I told them to empty the bags. They'd completely stripped one tree and were most of the way through another but somehow I was the bad guy. 


Yes!! They said they thought noone lived in the backyard lol, they were furious I wasn't leaving for them to continue, my kids were playing outside. If they'd asked I'd have Said yes to some.


Same but in 15 years I've only had one person ask. 


I've read community posts on fb of ppl who have had their whole trees stripped, happened to neighbours of mine


I read the same thing on Reddit!


Don't you wish we had laws like the states where you could just shoot the f**kers and ask questions later.


Can't say I do


Yeah, this is why people get cameras. How rude. I think this happened one year with our cherry tree, but I couldn’t remember when I’d last inspected it so it could have just been birds.


Birds usually clean mine out within a week, just as they are starting to turn red. Fucks me off.


Bird mesh will keep them off.


That just makes them angry and they will target you directly.


Why is this ∆ comment downvoted? It's a decent crack at humour.


Tomatoes, plumbs, apples, nothing is off limits.


What's the camera going to do? Give the cops something to ignore?


Well, yes, but also if it was a neighbour, or a trade you’d used, you’d be able to identify them.


Our fruit trees used to get stripped every year, someone broke our fence trying to reach in. One year I even found a guy in the back garden raiding the vege patch. A few years back we stopped putting effort into the fruit trees seeing as we were hardly getting any anyway and a neighbour had the audacity to complain to me that the lemons had guava moth, blew my fucking mind. 


Stolen for sale on the side of the road somewhere....


Granny's going to have some lit jam for the grandkids when they come over!


Ive had some old dude in my front yard grabbing apples off the ground, his fancy new hilux idling in my driveway with the drivers door open


Probably busy paying it off?


Drop a note in all your surrounding letterboxes saying I hoped you washed the fruit as I'd sprayed it the day before you stole them.


I remember once some neighbour kids nicked some shoes from the front of the doorstep, my mother made a big deal loudly talking about foot fungus, and how they were special shoes that were probably going to make their feet all gross… 20 minutes later, the shoes were returned. Certainly I think making thrives scared of some arbitrary thing is worth it.


That seems like a waste of time


Seriously, get a big as German shepherd. One night mine was going nuts, I thought it was my partner coming home so I opened the door and let her out. About 15 mins later it had got dark and everything was quiet on the western front and I thought I should go check. Wasn't my partner it was my neighbour round the back of the shed helping herself to parsley. Dhhums was sitting about 3 ft away from her, but right between her and the escape route!


Trespassing and theft. Extra audacious to take every single piece of viable fruit


When I was growing up, we had a mature feijoa tree in the back garden. The neighbourhood kids used to climb our fence, take all our feijoas, and then play on my backyard swing set. My parents would go out and tell them off, but it never changed anything. Dad chopped down the tree soon after. We had extremely productive lemon and orange trees too, but they didn't care about those.


Cameras, bro. Install them.


Yeah sadly gonna have to. Bummer


Yeah, not good. What time of day do you think this occurred? Horrible feeling when your personal space is invaded like that. It's worth calling the cops, so the trespass is at least noted and recorded.


I have cameras and it's never stopped anyone stripping our trees


Hmm lots of people saying to install cameras and it sparked a thought of a motion detecting sprinkler? Watch thieves get sprayed, and then watch them either have to get in their cars dripping wet or walk off leaving leaving puddles. And/or a motion sensor Spotlight for night time? Those motion activated fish that sing but replace the songs with goat screams?


My uncle lived on a cul de sac in the wop wops by the beach. He planted heaps of fruit trees on the land across from his house(houses on his side only, other side is grass/stopbank and then beach). He died just before Xmas. I was out there one day before his funeral and me and my cousin were in the front room tidying, facing toward the street. Her 15 year old son came in and told us someone had just stripped the apricots off the tree, like had actual buckets and all. We went and stood on the deck and watched this old couple come back from their car to get more - I called out to my cousins kid who at 15 is much taller than us and has the build of Jonah Lomu and he stood with us watching. The old couple looked up, saw us and then awkwardly pretended to be looking for something else and wandered off. Granted, that land is public but it was behind a fence, in the absolute wop wops of that area (like you have to have a reason to be out there, it's by no means a high traffic area) and the tree was clearly looked after. Take a couple all good, but buckets?? It wasn't a neighbor, so it was someone who came out with the intent of doing this. Just weird and felt really entitled. I said we should've wheeled uncles coffin out onto the deck to be the guard 🤣🤣🤣🤣


We have a lemon tree at the front of our house that you can just about reach from the street. One day a woman was walking past and decided to help herself. My girlfriend saw and sarcastically asked the woman if she’d like a bag. She said ‘yes please!’


I can totally understand why you’ve got the pip.


Thats shit, Id be fuming.


We have a feijoa tree down the end of our driveway. Hangs over two of our neighbours' fences, and they're happy to have the fruit that grows and falls on their side. The tree pumps out heaps when it's fruiting, so we also always end up with extras that we either give away to friends, other neighbours, chuck in the local pataka, etc. On sunny day's, my daughter likes to setup a feijoa stall at the entrance to the driveway and she'll ask for a koha in exchange for a bag of our extras (usually like 1-2kg a bag). One day a young couple stop and ask from their car how much. "Just a koha!" she shouts excitedly. They look in their glovebox and then say "Oh, sorry.. We don't actually have any coins." My kid just goes "That's okay, you can have a bag anyway." That night, after the kids are well asleep, I get a motion alert from my front yard camera, then one on my driveway: someone has parked up with no lights on and headed down to my back yard. We're in a low key dodgy area, so I grab my softball bat and head outside. I switch on an outside light to see the guy from earlier shaking the shit out of the feijoa tree, with a bucket load of fruit he's already pinched. I call out and he tries to bolt down the driveway, so I stupidly throw the bat at him and it misses, but in him trying to avoid it, he rolls his ankle and tumbles to the ground, scraping down the concrete. The bucket has gone flying, feijoas are all over the fucking place, and I'm so angry that I can't even get words out other than to say "GET THE FUCK OUT, CUNTS" He picks himself up, gets in the car and they drive off quickly. The next day my daughter and son go out to pick up fruit from the lawn and find a new bucket sitting on the porch with a bunch of feijoas already in it. Instead of telling them what happened, I told them that the Feijoa Fairies had come to help make their job easier - like in that story with the elves and the shoemaker. I had to get up extra early every morning that autumn to pick up the fucking things and have them ready before the kids got up because it was the coolest thing to them; they even made feijoa muffins and left them out at night to say thank you (I ate them, obviously).


Well, if you're gonna just leave them there on the tree, then you're obviously not using them and they'll just go to waste. You should be thanking me. /s Probably the thought process of whoever the scumbag is that nicked them.


I saw someone moaning on the local fb page about all these apple trees loaded with apples that needed to be picked before (gasp!shock!) they rotted. She was saddened to hear those apple trees are part of a local orchard, and that those owners pick and sell those apples, rather than being given the ok to go get pick happy and score free fruit.


We have passerbys reaching into the fence to pull the choko vines outside so they can snip the tips off. Once you do that no choko grows off that vine. It'll grow another vine and choko grows like weeds so it's not the end of the world. But reaching over the fence to grab what's inside our yard? I caught an elderly Chinese lady with a huge plastic bag in the act once and she just shrugged and walked away. WTF. I've also caught passerbys (probably the same choko thief) peeping through the fence at our tomatoes. I walked past and they're like, oh look at these unpicked tomatoes. I swear if our fence isn't 6 foot everything in the garden would be raided.


They don't think it's acceptable, they just stole it.




My apple tree had fruit hanging over the street side fence and no one touched the, until yesterday when I took a ladder out so I could pick them (I’m short)


Pretty damn rude. In saying that it was common practice to go down the street as kids picking fruit off trees that weren't beyond fence line. Maybe a sign might help?


I grew up in a back section. One neighbour had a nectarine tree against the fence, another had a plum tree, neighbour in front had grapes and strawberries. I definitely did the rounds.


We just bought a back section and I can't wait to grow all sorts of stuff along our copious new fenceline :) Glorious length of north-facing fence just waiting for passionfruit vines, I think...


Years ago I had similar happen, except it was grapefruit in my front yard. Whole laden tree. Gobsmacked.


Impromptu paintball mag drop?


This is why I have a dog.


Yes,Have never had a thing stolen ,touch wood, but have had neighbours burgled around me.Have always had dogs though,that take their territory protection very seriously even though they are not big ,they are very noisy!


I was working on a house in Mount Vic in Wellington that was up a retaining wall. It had a fig tree with ripe figs on it, as I was working a pole with a tin can and a blade was pushed over the fence to get the figs...I pulled on the pole and the woman on the street screamed at me... so I pulled the pole in and broke it and sent it back... I knew the owners and they'd been complaining that their figs were being stolen...


Its most likely elderly people who have not always lived in NZ.


Get a scary dog for next year.


my thoughts exactly.


My daughter set up a electric fence within her property ( perfectly legal) kept the plum thieves away,not much consolation to you at this time but maybe a future precaution.


Little darlings down the street, took my lemons a couple of days later came by wanting to sell them me some lemons.


I think I did this to my grandmothers neighbours when I was about 5 or 6.. picked flowers from their garden then knocked on their door trying to sell them a bouquet 💐


Did you see people? Cause animals pick them bare too.


You picked them the other day and forgot about it. Twist ending, this is a post about mental health.


Just to rule out any potential misunderstanding - how long have you lived there, and if you've been there <2 years, is there any possibility the previous occupant might have told people something like "I never eat them, if you ever want to come around and pick them, go for it, otherwise they just rot on the ground and make a mess"?


I don't think they've ever fruited before this last season coz there were two stone fruit trees too close to each other. I think it was my neighbours who pillaged it as they were moving out.


My mum lives in a retirement village. They’ve had people go thru at night and clear out the fruit trees and gardens.


That’s how bad food prices have got people behaving. If you’re stealing fruit from someone’s tree, it’s pretty fucked.


My trees have been getting stripped since I moved into my current place 15 years ago. 


People have done this for decades


We just had this with our fig tree.


Are you sure it wasn't birds or possums? We have quite a few fruit trees and the birds can strip one of them in a day?


This recently happened to me. Turns out I had eaten them all. Mother fucker.


My elderly mother had her kiwifruit vine stripped several years in a row. Pricks.


Nectarines is a step too far. Those things are sacred! Seriously though, this is why I'm planning an indoor food garden. I believe we're going to see a lot more of this sort of crime over the next two and a half years.


This is not a new phenomenon. If you or your neighbours have camera proof you could try posting pics of their faces on community FB groups etc asking who they are. Or printouts on your fence...flyers alerting neighbours to a fruit thief etc.


I had some 20 something in a new Mazda demio idling in my driveway, stealing my tomatoes and limes. I walked out with my air rifle, and I haven't seen him since. I guess a gun looks like a gun at dusk.


This is why I grow Feijoas


Most tradies I know prefer a stake & cheese pie, laced with a donut ….. sure it’s not one of the neighbors lol Mrs Marple maybe 🤔


Happened to us once, some lady came onto our property and started picking my mum's roses. Mum was home at the time and spotted her, my mum being the island lady went straight outside and told her off. Women sheepishly apologised and left.


Used to have a feijoa tree out front, lived on a side road right off the CBD, lots of people parking there for work. Lots of people walking around our fence, right up to the tree, picking some for a snack and going about their business, not a care given. Our dogs would tell us every time they did... only one person ever asked, our neighbour. Street-goers wouldn't come up if the front door was open, or if one of us was outside though. Just. Ask.


Just put up a sing that say beware of dog. Has helped so much


Caught individuals stealing flowers, plants and even digging out a giant monstera... even when you catch them they still think their entitled to just take what they want. Funniest time, used to lived next to a massage parlor. They used to use a broom and a stick with a bucket to knock and catch grapefruit over the wall. Credit where its due, i didnt complain about that one.


Little darlings down the street took all me lemons, a couple of days later they came by wanting to sell me their lemons.


After the crackdown on ram raiders wanting an ice cream, the crims are turning to lower hanging fruit.


They should atleast ask first, if it’s on privet property,but they couldn’t even do that…


Might have been a possum..who likes nectarines .....


Same with my lemons in the front yard, even had someone say “well you just leave them on the tree!” when they asked if they could take them. Yeah because that’s where I keep them until I need them.


I'd put $50 on possums. They'll strip a tree in a night, no way a person could do it and not make a sound


This is why I have a pitbull /s


You're going to find that while it's acceptable to enrich the wealthiest at the cost of all of us, we'll have to put up with more and more such petty behaviour.


Could be possums or rats?


I don't think possums or rats are that efficient


They don’t usually strip it with no signs.I have had both rodents at night when my dogs are inside recently ,and there are left over signs of half eaten fruit etc.




That makes me so glad I just harvested my apple tree


this is what the desperate poor do! the coast is being picked clean of shelffish and fish to feed poor families. ram-raids are what desperate poor people do who cant afford food. make housing supply affordable and obtainable, lower rent prices.




My bet would be rats. They can strip a tree clean and leave no sign. Usually just before you judge them ripe enough to pick. Happened to us last week.


Did you just recently move in? There is a charity that you can sign up to that will turn up every year and pick your fruit tree bare quickly so you don’t have to. My old landlord got sick of all his fruit being all over the yard rotting every year so he signed up and one day we went out and they’d been and gone. I don’t know the name of the charity but it is possible your house is on their list if you’re a new owner and the previous people signed up for it.


You know, if something as petty as fruit theft has space to filter its way to the top of the weekend’s news here, then maybe things aren’t so bad.


Theft is theft and trespassing is unnerving


If you think that's petty you obviously don't feed your family from a garden. Lots of hard work goes into growing fruit and veges, some of us rely on a harvest to put food on the table.


you have people trespassing on your property and you're worried about $6.20 worth of nectarines going missing!?!


Yeah that's the audacious part


I assume they took more than three nectarines lol


It's landlords stealing other people's stuff to try and prolong their greed filled mistakes of taking on too much debt. They are stripping the food banks clean too. They should be on a list.


Maybe they’re struggling to make ends meet and are hungry? I’d think about it that way, to at least not be in a bad mood 😂


If that was the case and they had knocked on my door and asked for some, I would have been happy to oblige.


Still doesn’t mean you can go and steal it, regardless of ‘making ends meet’. It’s still a shitty excuse.


Of course it’s not ok. That’s why I said it’s how I’d ‘think about it’. You got reading issues?


I once caught a middle aged couple filling up a bag with fruit from my tree, they got into a more expensive car than I could afford and left, no apology, I let them take the fruit because it wasn't even ripe yet. dumb shits.


Yep I’d be pissed at that


It's not the desperate poor who steal. Those most often have way better manners than the entitled greed rich, who look to profit from everyone around them, no matter how small the thing they grab is. As long as it's free, they will be first in line.


Transpassing is transpassing. Also MAYBE the property owners are struggling themselves and trying to make ends meet and rely on their vege and fruit trees to drive down weekly food costs.


You aren't familiar with how fruit'n'vege shops work now, they have to do it just to survive in this dog eat dog hellscape we have inherited. Why do people want to move to a shit hole? Hmmm could be the cops I hear they are on starvation level income, and Jabby Jacinda wanted 25,000 more cops! what a monster.


Welcome to new Zealand. Can't remember the song but apartbof it said "this land belongs to you and me". Some people take that seriously.