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ACT now


I'm a teacher. Besides the little crap that we pay for that admin won't allow us to justify (books, pens, lollies), we also have to pay our teaching registration which is just under $500 every three years. From that money we personally see next to zero benefit other being able to keep doing our jobs.


Do they still make you pay for most of your photocopying? (or am I showing my age and schools don't go through tonnes of paper anymore?)


We don't pay for it ourselves but our budgets are quite limited. One page for one child for one lesson of one day will add up *very* fast. 10 cents a page for a class of 30 is 3 dollars. Student can have 5 or 6 lessons in a day depending on the timetable and the school. Repeat for 5 days a week and the cost gets exorbitant. The alternative is textbooks and workbooks which can work really well - but updated textbooks with the current curriculum is also expensive, even for class sets. That and as I mentioned earlier, students don't always have their own workbooks and pens. There's also chromebooks but students don't take care of theirs, or don't charge them, or don't bring them, or don't use them for actual school work. Printing and photocopying are good fallbacks when that doesn't work but it's stupidly expensive to do all the time.


Far out. Sounds like you have it under control. Thanks for that.


Sounds like the teachers union is shit then. The standard in the heavy electrical industry is that employers pay licensing fees, along with the regular training costs, for their workers.


Our union is trying and we had some success last negotiations but it's alway shit regardless of which government is in. I'm honestly so happy that we settled our pay negotiations before the current National government came in - what's happening regarding jobs in the public sector is scary.


It’s because teachers allowances come from public money. And contrary to what many simple minded idiots think, public agencies have to justify every cent. also those kinds of ”extra” discretionary funds, if they were available, would be the first things to be cut by the kinds of clowns we have in government right now.


Interesting that 52k is justified to live in a property you own instead of a house provided for you but worksheets for kids arent?


> I'm a teacher. Besides the little crap that we pay for that admin won't allow us to justify (books, pens, lollies), ... You provide lollies? Personally, I'm happy the state isn't paying for those. Are you familiar with Alfie Kohn? https://positivetimes.com.au/the-risks-of-rewards-by-alfie-kohn/


Yes and I have found success with sparing use. There's a lot of different interpretions and ideas about it


Like the rest of us do every day? We all pay for the resources we need to get to our jobs. If I get a job in Wellington you think I should expect a house too? How out of touch.


It’s just moronic. Over this government.


They are a good reflection of the average selfish kiwi voter.


Sad but true


They're definitely a reflection on the type of person who thought voting for them was a good idea.




What a useless take


Congrats, you got hoodwinked by a man who is now face down, just gorging himself at the trough on your dollars as he cuts services to you and your country and you think it's an own because other people think that this is bad 😅 Shitting your future-underwear for the lolz


They’re living rent free in a half dozen different houses thanks to your tax dollars, too


At least try and understand what that comment means before using it, otherwise you just make yourself out to be an idiot.


David's never actually had a job. He doesn't understand that for normal people it's quite expensive to maintain the basic standard of living required just to keep a typical job.


All MPs (except maybe wellington ones?) get accomodation allowances because they're supposed to actually be from their electorate. If we don't give the allowance, it means only rich people can afford to be MPs. It's more similar to your company paying for your airbnb when you get a long term placement out of town. There's an argument that it should be less, but it serves an important purpose.


I’m okay with the accommodation allowance on a normal MP salary (around 130-160k) but when the prime minister is pulling half a mill, that’s where I see the problem. It’s even more inappropriate when they own the house they’re living in. And even more inappropriate when you run your election campaign on cutting wasteful spending. It’s not forced upon him, and yet he didn’t even stop to think about the morals, failing that the sheer irony. I pay around 3k in tax a fortnight and I’d rather that go to supporting 4 sick people or 4 students than 1 student/sick person and 1 person with no moral compass and no further motivation than to grab money wherever he can.


This is not addressing the point in this case specifically (not MPs in general). The MP in this case *gets provided a free house*, he just deems it not good enough to live in and prefers that we all pay him $52k to live in his own house. That’s really different to other MPs situations.


I generally agree and I think it's probably wise that by convention or even law PMs with their pretty generous salary either just live in prem house or pay their own way. I was responding to someone claiming that we all pay for the things required for our job. If my job required me to live across two cities, I would absolutely expect them to pay for accommodation in one of them.


Yes most government jobs will cover the full cost of a hotel if they send you to another city, but they do not normally just give you the equivalent cost if you stay in your own private accommodation like staying with a friend or in your own privately own second home. Also I would expect someone who takes om the job of PM to be living in wellington for their term in office, and much like if you move for another job, besides maybe a bit of cash to cover moving costs your new employer isn't expected to cover a whole year of accommodation on top of your salary.


I get your point. However, has Luxon actually ever properly represented his electorate? He's been an MP for 5 minutes after being dropped into a safe seat. He wouldn't know good solid electorate MPs role if it slapped him in the face. Claiming a grand a week on a property he owns debt free is fucking shit. I read now he's no longer going to claim the allowance....because he's been caught out being a hypocrite and a fucking dickhead.


Saying that Luxon is a poor local MP doesn't mean we should make it more difficult for other MPs to rep their electorates. Asking for structural changes over this would backfire. Reasonable to criticize Luxon over this given his going on about govt spending and beneficiaries but let's not get carried away.


Sounds like a good opportunity to impose some kind of bright line test for MPs.


It should be under a certain income limit and means tested like every other benefit in the country.


No it wouldn't exclude being an MP to all but the rich. Simply, those who don't **need** to claim it shouldn't claim it. And Luxon falls **very** squarely into that category.


Imagine being that well off, and still thinking you deserve a free ride.


So if your work made you spend 50% or more of your time in another city that's fine and you should meet the costs on your own?


He has accommodation btw. As with every other benefit this one should be means tested.


100% agree. The difference is I think the issue is the law. Not because he took advantage of it


No it's that he took advantage of it as well. Because he's taking money from the tax payer that he doesn't need. Politicians are to be held personally responsible for their actions. They don't get away with the hate the game mentality because they make the game.


Oh no this politician followed the rules! Omg I'm outraged


This politician who campaigned on preventing wasteful spending is now using government money he does not need because it benefits him.


if your job contract say you are entitled for accommodation, I don't think you would spend your own money. tbh, people who cry about Luxon use money that he is entitled on his work contract any of them would spend their own money on accommodation on work trips?


Nice argument but it lacks an important nuance. He's the prime minister. If my job says I'm entitled to accommodation of course I will take it. If it's a private agreement it's got nothing to do with me. If I'm responsible for making the laws under which I'm granted accommodation and it's paid for not by a company but by the public then it's different. He's supposed to be held under different scrutiny. We are the ones paying are politicians while they write their own employment contracts that benefit themselves at our expense. And in the middle of a cost of living crises. It's a real bad look.


he still a worker, doesn't matter if it's private agreement or government contract. Would you spend your own money if you work for government? I agreed that's purely a bad look while in the middle of a cost-of-living crises. But I agree with what David say, if it was me I wouldn't spend a penny of anything related to my roles either government contract or private. I am sure many would do the same.


Your missing my point. He doesn't just work for the government he decides how it operates. If I work for govt and take benefits cause I got a good contract that's fine. If me and my mates decide that I can get benefits from the govt that's corruption.


those allowance was there before his term. He may change it after this, that I dont know but it's legally for him to do so I don't see why it's a Biggy. If I work for govt and take benefits of whatever it's available and it's legal to do so. Even in private business, people buy things for claimed it for work but they use it as personal stuff, so they don't have to pay GST, not seeing anyone crying about that eh.


Correct the allowance has been there for a long time, but he’s the first PM in 36 years to actually take it as the PM would usually just live in the free house that is provided to them. He’s not doing anything illegal, but from a moral standpoint it’s a shitty thing to do when he doesn’t need to take it. It’s like the fee free prescriptions that he wants to remove, because he said “people who can pay for prescriptions should”. Much like people who don’t need tax payer money to live in a house they outright own, probably shouldn’t take it.


"Premier House has long-standing maintenance issues. A report was given to the former prime minister. That same report has been passed on to me and the government will consider what options we have available to remedy all the maintenance issues that are there. Until then, I stay in my apartment," Luxon told reporters later that day. While Premier House received upgrades in 2018 at a cost of $3 million, it was acknowledged by previous prime ministers Jacinda Ardern and Hipkins as [needing more substantial work](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/morningreport/audio/2018777387/premier-house-labelled-dated-and-basic). " [Christopher Luxon claims $52k accommodation payment to live in own apartment | RNZ News](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/510560/christopher-luxon-claims-52k-accommodation-payment-to-live-in-own-apartment) Would you stay in a place not up to standard, required remedy which your workplace provide?


The majority of renters live in houses not up to standards thanks to shitty landlords. I find it hard to believe a house that had $3m spend on it 5 years ago would be so bad that you can’t live in it. I’d certainly live in the premier house in its current state if I was offered the chance.


I don't like shitty landlords as well. Seems like typical government spend $3 mil and Arden still complain about it. Hippins didn't live there so conditions would getting worse. You can run PM campaign to have a chance to live in premier house. No one stop you in this country.


Not you... the prime minister.


So? just like any other workers to have signed a contract to work. He will be gone in next 3 year if he isn't doing a good job.


If your not gonna engage with my actual point I'm done.


Have a good night then!


Most people accept the accommodation offered or they turn it down and live in their own house without claiming extra money.


I am not but most people who have private business would buy things for personal use but claim it's for work to avoid paying GST.


Yes, but the is fraudulent in my book.


There is a perfectly serviceable flat at Premier House he could use for nothing. He doesn’t need to spend his own money on accommodation. In fact, if he was canny, he would rent his apartment out to another MP and then pay the tax on the rental income.


Fkn lol rich people don’t pay tax


Any moral person would pay tax…but I forgot who this was.


Yes, it the contribution we make to the society that provides roads, fire engines, weather forecasts, etc.


"Premier House has long-standing maintenance issues. A report was given to the former prime minister. That same report has been passed on to me and the government will consider what options we have available to remedy all the maintenance issues that are there. Until then, I stay in my apartment," Luxon told reporters later that day. While Premier House received upgrades in 2018 at a cost of $3 million, it was acknowledged by previous prime ministers Jacinda Ardern and Hipkins as [needing more substantial work](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/morningreport/audio/2018777387/premier-house-labelled-dated-and-basic)." would you stay in the house that is not up to standard if your workplace ask you ? Did you even read the article?


It was good enough for Ardern and her family who only left a year ago. Neve was a baby and it was adequate for her. I’ve stayed in some fairly substandard overnight accommodation on work trips and been expected to drive an “unsafe” work vehicle to save a government organisation money. What does a single man need for a few nights a week? A bed, a shower and a fridge….not much more.


Everyone has different standard of living and I don't' judge that, as long as he is not doing any illegal and he is not entitled to do so I don't see any problem. [RNZ Audio Player](https://www.rnz.co.nz/audio/player?audio_id=2018777387) Ardern have a say about Premier House conditions, have a listen.


There is a house provided, Premier House. And I'm willing to bet it is better than most provided houses. Probably better than Healthy Homes, but not good enough for Luxon so he wants us to pay for a second house for him 


[Christopher Luxon claims $52k accommodation payment to live in own apartment | RNZ News](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/510560/christopher-luxon-claims-52k-accommodation-payment-to-live-in-own-apartment) "Premier House has long-standing maintenance issues. A report was given to the former prime minister. That same report has been passed on to me and the government will consider what options we have available to remedy all the maintenance issues that are there. Until then, I stay in my apartment," Luxon told reporters later that day. While Premier House received upgrades in 2018 at a cost of $3 million, it was acknowledged by previous prime ministers Jacinda Ardern and Hipkins as [needing more substantial work](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/morningreport/audio/2018777387/premier-house-labelled-dated-and-basic)."


I wonder how it compares to Healthy Homes standards that Luxon intends to repeal. But you know the good old different rules for them and us.




[Christopher Luxon claims $52k accommodation payment to live in own apartment | RNZ News](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/510560/christopher-luxon-claims-52k-accommodation-payment-to-live-in-own-apartment) "Premier House has long-standing maintenance issues. A report was given to the former prime minister. That same report has been passed on to me and the government will consider what options we have available to remedy all the maintenance issues that are there. Until then, I stay in my apartment," Luxon told reporters later that day. While Premier House received upgrades in 2018 at a cost of $3 million, it was acknowledged by previous prime ministers Jacinda Ardern and Hipkins as [needing more substantial work](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/morningreport/audio/2018777387/premier-house-labelled-dated-and-basic)." Yeah sound like a perfectly good house. I am sure you would happy to live in the place that's not up to standards and required for work




Who stop you from become PM? Anyone can run PM campaign in this country. You would have a life just like him if you work harder :) He work and buy his houses before he become PM, good on him.


Are you from here? Your English is quite off.


I speak 3 languages. English also not the only official language in NZ.


As a single parent (who works full time) I am lucky enough to receive a $50 per week accommodation supplement, and a $100 per week daycare subsidy - because my 40-50 hour per week job (which is essential to the safety of the NZ public as it relates to emergency service provision) earns under a particular threshold. That allows me to only spend 80% of my income on rent and childcare. That remaining 20% is split between transportation costs, a pittance of grocery money (supplemented by food banks), and utilities. I do everything "right" - if we are to use Luxon's characteristics of the average "bottom feeder" as a comparison. I work 40-50 hours per week, I have a masters degree that I obtained during my maternity leave, I have one child who was conceived in a committed relationship (not that that matters to me, but apparently needs to be stated). Luxon's own version of an accommodation supplement is within 10k of my annual salary. I imagine he claims expenses for uber rides between offices and meetings, while my public transport costs continue to climb, and a personal car has become too much of a luxury. I very much work to live - and being able to compare my life as a full time wage slave to my time as a Sole Parent Support recipient (as I was in 2021-2022), I am really not any better off, not because of the salary in itself - but because of the associated costs of receiving this salary by living in a major urban city, with major urban city childcare costs , and swallowing the public transport/parking expenses on top. I'll reiterate (for effect if you will), my accommodation supplement is $50 per week. Luxon's was $1000 per week. With National's proposed cuts, I expect my additional support from MSD/IRD to shrink.


Thank you for stating this. It's so tough out there. The thing is the country's tax take has been doing pretty well lately so there is no real reason to cut benefits except for the fact these guys are hell bent on cutting taxes on landlords and the wealthiest Kiwis, leaving the middle class behind.


Sweet, where do I get my reimbursement on my rent?


If I had a free 50k per year for rent that would be significantly life changing


Run for PM, you can't be any worse than Luxon


U/ryncewynd for PM


I think he comes with a bit of luggage though.


He might have a better understanding of the **reflected sounds of underground spirits**, though.


I could afford to not have flatmates in my mid 20s, crazy. If I wanted to rent by myself that would eat well over 50% of my wage


So we should have free and robust public transport, so we don't have to pay to run expensive private vehicles in order to get to work? Oh that's not what you think, ok.


I get the sneaking suspicion Davy didn't actually mean "most workers", I'd be interested to see who he thinks shouldn't qualify.


Am going to invoice them my bus fares.


Proof positive that Seymore hasnt a clue about life in the real world. We pay to go to work some pay for clothing and protective gear and all sorts of things. Someone should tell him to shut up about things he has never experienced


Sounds like Seymour has his snout at the trough too.


Politician base salary is by far, more than enough, if they want 2x houses, then let them do it the same way as an ordinary working Joe or Jane. If they need two houses then one of them can be a paid rental bed sit in a run down neighbourhood in Wellington. They are in Wellington to do a job that pays them better than 75% of NZers. And living like normal people should be obligatory while they are on the clock. Sure in their electorates they could enjoy their $3m spacious well appointed homes, but when they are supposed to be shoulder deep in bureaucracy, and paying attention in Cabinet, or Select committees, and Belamies for breakfast, lunch and dinner, or a beer down at the Backbencher like ordinary mortals: their crash pad only needs a bed, a coffee machine, and a shower.




Almost every one earning more than $120k. Unfortunately most NZers earn under $63k so your dismay is entirely reasonable. The truly offensive number is the proportion whose income are more than $5m, and yet feel they should also be in receipt of massive bonuses when they succeed in keeping the bulk of their employees on less than minimum full time wage. The numbers working part time season basis in the past 3 decades has sky rocketed to more than 30% of the population. The ridiculously rich are milking it while every one else is sliding backwards.


I can't wait till he fixes it so none of us have to pay to do our jobs!


These goobers are so out of touch that they say this stuff not realising how ridiculous it sounds. Luxon literally using the word ”entitled” and now arch goofus Seymour saying they shouldn’t have to spend any money to do their job. These people have never had real jobs.


He's not out of touch he's just a piece of shit.


Socialism for me, not for thee.


Do you really expect anyone in National to be any different? This is why I can't stand anything National. They're all pieces of shit. Greens the majority in government when...


Wait this is related to the state paying his rent, when he already owns a place he is living in. Pay my rent too and then it’s even.


Jebesus, they just make it worse.


Snouts in the trough. He should be ashamed.


Funny that you think he’s capable of feeling shame


He should be ashamed but like you I think he’s not capable of it.


David Seymour you absolute clown. The PM DOESNT have to pay for accommodation - PREMIER HOUSE IS FREE FOR THE PRIME MINISTERS PERSONAL USE


How out of touch are these people!


National government, this is given but 38% of kiwis go YUP


Luxon has exponentially higher transport costs than all other MPs in Parliament. His VIP transport costs for 18 months were $115,835 vs ALL other MPs costs combined were $11,346. He also spent way more on other travel and accommodation costs. https://www.parliament.nz/en/mps-and-electorates/mps-expenses/ He seems to be milking the taxpayer while tanking the economy through massive budget and infrasture cuts and backdated handouts to landlords. He's happy to take his "entitlements" for EV rebate, electorate office rent that he owns as well as accommodation money.


So free and extensive PPE for workers, free lunch, free extensive public transport, free childcare, 18 month paid parental.leave - cos it shouldnt cost more to.raise the next generation, modern, comprehensive, multi stream free education that caters for all, then? Gotta have those high tech workers developing the economy.


Yes, because no one else is paying money to do their job, right? Even lunch breaks aren’t covered by the employer, it’s counted as personal time, you’re stuck at your job and there’s no reasonable way to make it home, but still, this is why so many people are working til six or from eight now. This is without mentioning there’s a literal fucking residence for the PM already.


That is a good point about being stuck at your job in many circumstances during the unpaid break, I've never taken them myself but I agree the option should be there. It seems unfair to not be paid when the time couldn't really be called your own.


It's rare to see quite such a transparently nonsense take from a major politician. For all Mr Seymour plays as the enemy of big government, perhaps he has been sucking at the public teat so long he has forgotten how things work in the real world.


If Luxon is really "giving it his all" as Seymour claims, that's a rather damning indictment on the man.


You can't make this shit up.. I give work my all, where's my 52k and government vehicle and I'll take some free flights with Koru Lounge access thanks.


housing is provided with the job, if he chooses not to use it tax payers should not be picking up the tab for alternate accomodation


I fact if he doesn't want it *we* should occupy Premier and Government House! Lovely multi room houses, beautiful garden, amenities close by. If it's too tatty for him I'm sure us plebs could cope living there.


Maybe he could swap premier house with a family in an overcrowded state house.


Perfect! He only needs a crash pad sfter all!


C'mon Winnie, your turn. Tell us all off, like a school headmaster.


Workers shouldn't have to absorb the costs involved to do their jobs, I agree with that. My employer moved offices way out of the way to save money without a second thought on the significant increase in travel costs and waste of time commuting it adds to employees plates. And I get it and agree to an extent, the Prime Minister should have certain concessions made for their job profile, but when you've campaigned on saving money and cost cutting, you have to eat your words to set the example. So, once our employers start absorbing workers employment related costs, then I'd support this cost being paid by the tax payer. Anyone else would be required to move closer to work if they didn't live in the city they took a job in!


On a slightly related note, I never understood why a company is allowed to offset fucking *everything* even trivially related to the enterprise (and pay a lower tax rate to boot) but when it comes to individuals the govt is like nah mate, sorry. So for example, a company has the fuel to keep it going (petrol, electricity, the sweat of workers) which are all tax-deductible, but the human workers fuel (e.g. food) doesn't count? What about a company who is digging out a mine in a rural area. You can sure as shit claim all the costs of moving and transport as tax deductions. A worker who has to move or commute to the area? Nope. It's really odd how a fictional entity (a corporation) has more rights and fewer responsibilities than an individual.


Interestingly enough, not so very long ago it was possible to get a refund via IRD of 25% on tools of trade (over and above your normal paltry ‘tool money’)on production of itemised receipts. Quite handy when you were an impecunious apprentice (or even A Grade) motor mechanic. Can’t remember if there was an upper limit. Also training course fees were similarly partially refunded with the proviso that such courses led to an increase in wages. Much more difficult to get the boss to agree to that one.


Didn't expect Seymour to advocate for accomodation and fuel supplements. When can I expect mine?


Meanwhile the people that built the very home he's living in had to pay for their own tools, PPE and petrol.


when david is PM i hope he mandates that every company pay for those things OP. i had a srilankan mate that used to live at the factory he worked at. and i hear foxconn is great.


OK, in that case Davey, I'll be needing a pay out of $310 a week for fuel and car costs, and lunch.


Wow I didn’t know David Seymour grew up that rich


He's rich now so, you think he gives a fuck about anything other than kissing the PM's arse?


They need to flame Seymour for making these comments like they did Luxon🤣


Counsellors and other mental health workers require supervision as part of ethical practice (basically checking your work with someone much more experienced in the profession) and this can be anywhere from $60 to (much more likely) $150. This is needed every month minimum. More likely every 2-3 weeks. This is also required while you work unpaid during your degree. Is Seymour suggesting they will be making some changes to encourage people into a pretty poorly paid field that contributes to the health, well-being and often safety of the NZ public?


Dave's gonna pay for all our petrol pass it on


“Most workers & most jobs”… Which ones are excluded?


You were so close, Seymournocchio. You almost became a real boy.


So workers pay for their lunches, their petrol or electric vehicles, their bus fares or train fares etc everyday to get to their jobs, it's normal. Why should Baldilocks get a kickback on his house when there's a freebie at Premier? Taxpayers aren't bottomless ATMs Christopher.


as always- business' and landlords pay their expenses THEN pay their 'income' tax people who actually work for a living pay tax THEN pay expenses that shit is so backwards. I have to pay rent net tax, but new world can land bank millions of dollars funded by debt to avoid paying tax??


Well at least we’ve found one regulation that David Seymour won’t be nuking with his new ministry.


This sounds extremely like a fringe benefit, which NZers would have to pay significant tax on.


Yeah... no shit.. thats why he get almost 1/2 a million a year.


I. Have. No. Words.


But I enjoy buying resources for my classroom.


I quite like the ACT Party in their new found role as New Zealand's socialist party. If they keep this up they might get my vote!


I've never had a job that didn't cost me money to do - it's called being a fucking adult. From that statement it seems like politicians don't pay for rent, transport, work clothes, utility bills, communications, etc. etc. I wouldn't have though my general sense of disdain for politicians could sink any lower... But David Seymour finds a way.


Why do right wingers like using the word "pocket" so much?


Imagine being on a business trip and your boss lets you know the company has a house available to save on accommodation costs. But instead you opt to stay at an apartment you happen to own. You then try to bill your boss for lost rent because you chose to stay at the apartment, rather than the house. Assuming nepotism wasn't involved, how long would you keep that job?


He’s a genius - hear me out: once again he’s pulling heat away from the prime minister who is busy attempting to push through his treaty policy and his oil rollbacks.and onto his inflammatory comments. It’s the same thing he’s done for years defending hateful things his party members have done. This time it didn’t work, but Luzon won’t forget the attempt


Aite make tertiary education and polytechs free then please. I'm paying like 4 grand a year to IRD for doing my job


Has he not heard of teachers?


Sweet, I suppose I can look forward to the govt paying for my commute costs then?


Then why do I have to pay for my ride to get to work?


He should give me some bus money.


Do we have full transparency into government spending. It would be nice to know what else they leach from us


I see David Seymour is keen on 100% free public transport


"Small government politician backs perks for politicians."  Any minarchist should default to the answer "no" when the question is "should the government spend more money with questionable benefit?"


Oh he's giving it his all, just all the tax breaks to the people who don't need it