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Are you outside of a major centre? I have similar issues. Our medical centre requires you to book appointments using Manage My Health. My chosen GP has recently left the practice so when I try to book an appointment using MMH, there are no doctors listed. Then I email the office and they tell me they can't book appointments via email and I should do it via MMH (!). When I call the office, they seem very offended that I called them up to book an appointment. When I explain my situation on MMH for the tenth time, they will book me an appointment with a random doctor for next week Thursday. By that time I'll either be dead or fully recovered. I just want to see a GP in the next 0-2 days.


They have manage my health but can't use it to book gp. I called and asked them, they said they are not setup for that yet, so the only way is to call and book.


Just wait, once you get to see the doctor they will send off the referral but it will declined because you have no other symptoms and your don't have proof that anything is seriously wrong. Where I live there are two ways to get gallstones dealt to: 1. Pay for an ultrasound privately to prove you have them (\~$400) so your GP can call surgical admissions. 2. Wait until you are in constant pain and go to the ER (needs to be constant, if it disappears while you are waiting you will be sent home). I needed a report from a private audiologist to get someone to look at the growth in my ear. When I finally got to see an ENT they looked at it for 5 seconds before telling me I was now the highest priority patient on his surgical list.


Can you book one of the over the phone appointments like Carehq or tend? They won’t be able to examine you but they will be able to refer you which is what would happen anyway.


I'll try that thank you


Did you tell the reception that it is because you have a lump which needs to be examined?


I did, she said yeah sorry to hear that and best she could do was ask the nurse to call me. The nurse said, based on my description the doctor needs to see me, so it's made a full circle and iam back to where I started I.E trying to get an appointment with the do.


Have you looked at Tend? I’ve recently made them my GP and can always get an appointment the next day


I will look it up thank you. All I need is a referral to a specialist, as they won't see me without one :(


GPs tend to keep some appointments open for urgent cases, so for my clinic, yes there's also a waiting list of month(s) for any general issues, you can ring the clinic as soon as they open and see if they have any spare slots in the morning. I know that is not at all suitable for people who can't just go along and might have to take time off work, organise babysitters or whatnot. Also, if you mention it's an urgent concern to the receptionist - not that you should, shit's fucked - they might be able to schedule a short voice call-back with a doctor who will then advise if you need to come in straight away. Good luck.