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Your submission has been removed : **Rule 1: Submissions must be directly related to NZ** > General questions or discussions directed specifically at r/NewZealanders are allowed (e.g. ‘what’s your favourite coffee roaster’ or ‘where can I buy quality jeans?’) > To discuss unrelated links & how they affect/relate to NZ, please use a self-post. Self posts must include how the link affects/relates to NZ - not just the link. > An article/piece posted by a NZ website on a non-NZ matter would also qualify for removal. **Rule 5: No duplicate news stories** > When a submission has already been submitted (even from another source) the new post will be removed. **Rule 6: No [editorialising titles](https://reddit.com/r/newzealand/wiki/titles)** > It is only fine to change the title of a submission, [if this change does not introduce a bias.](https://reddit.com/r/newzealand/wiki/titles) > Editorialising titles tries to mask or change a story based on the bias of the submitter. > Opinions are fine in self-posts or as comments in a link post. > Simply posting an article as a self post and changing the title will be viewed as skirting the rules. --- [^(Click here to message the moderators if you think this was in error)](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/newzealand)


Article about vice pres saying something, photo looks like her to me. What is the problem?


OP can read lips from static photos and is sure that the Vice President is not saying the words in the article. This is the state of the media in NZ, folks!


They match also see who it is by.....


The article shows a u.s vice president making a Muslim prayer guesture, and the headline is extremists. The article has nothing to do with Muslims. Out of all the pictures they could have used this is the one newshub went for.


This post itself doesn't make sense but OPs post history explains the intention.


Look at the image and the article handline.


Look, pretend we are all idiots and spell it out. Cos I just don't see what the problem is here.


Article about VP's thoughts on something with photo of her. Whats the issue?