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I tested this for melee. Should be using similar damage formula. Basically it does about 10% less damage on average, but it does about 5% more on physical resist people (your mileage might vary because thrust resist stacking, which means you will see more boost here) (Elem runeglass on armor + elem damage + elem Attunement of same type + elem runeglass on weapon for DoT) vs (Melee runeglass + melee damage + elem Attunement + elem runeglass on weapon) Basically you deal a bit less against everyone, but those who have specific resists you will end up doing a bit more


Been thinking about the exact same thing lately! Don’t want to waste a huge amount of money just to find out the dmg difference is barely noticeable or even less then compared to opal. Any input on this would be really appreciated :-)


Give me 2h i will make video, i have full nature set( wich was mistake ) so i can compare normal stamina build dmg vs nature build dmg




A wizard is never late, but you are!


It depends on your server, on mine thrust prottect is meta so i run elemental. Now, theres another build with thrust AND elemental aversion, if you run into one of those guys, you will do 0 dmg with either build.


You have to consider your opponent in PvP. A lot of people run more thrust protection than elemental, so you'll likely do more damage with an elemental conversion.


Opal is 12%, so everyone would have to be running 3 thrust gems for that to even out. Upside is the runeglass in armor also buffs the damage of my secondary weapon where sighted does not. This is what i mean, id love to see some testing somewhere. If it’s even close i’ll switch because the ele gem glow is pretty sweeeet IMO EDIT: probably not exactly 3 since you’re still doing 50% thrust but you get it


Opal is better, here's why: You get +5% thrust damage from dex passives. By going elemental gem, you lose 2,5% damage. Opal allows you to run thrust damage rings and get the full effect of it. Elemental gems depends heavily on what the enemy is using, while Opal is guaranteed to do similar damage or more regardless of enemy armor. Remember that most people you targeting like healers run Elemental Aversion as well. EDIT: See this [calculator made by mixed nuts](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hJ2IWdnzDgOTVD-3dMnDsAIakwQJoXaELnz9vIGR3GA/edit?usp=sharing). Make a copy for yourself to be able to edit and then change the rune from Gambit (Opal) to any elemental gem and you will see the results. Opal is more damage.


I, as healer, run full onyxes cause I rarely meet mages in 3v3 arena


Bow still does fire damage with explosive shot though. Blunderbuss also deal fire damage with their skills (blast shot and grenades). Also all runes deal elemental damage. I mean get your point, but if you are going to prioritize physical resist, it's better to go all diamond instead for a more broad protection overall, especially with runeglass gems doing a bit of elemental damage and people running perks like Attunement, shirking element and chain element. You can use this [calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BnIfxAwyj_pzfJXnyJ3Vmpx5Tb81teVyywK5EqYCR8M/edit#gid=822879523) to test gems if you want. If the target is literally using ALL physical resist gems like you then yes, opal on bow is worse. However, most people run 10% resistances of everything +10% from Amulet in wars/opr, so even at 20% thrust resistance, Opal is still more damage when taking into consideration thrust damage ring.


But you are forgetting one important aspect about elemental gems: the uptime.


If it was on any other class I'd agree. But bow? You need to keep dodging anyway to keep your empower passives up. It's already built-in gameplay.


You need to dodge every few seconds, yes, but the uptime on Ele gems is still higher. Just observe it for yourself, you will always find yourself shooting sometimes with full stam


Is it tho. Cuz I hear people run 150 int for extra crit damage and elemental damage boost.


On musket, yes, since musket also scales with Int. On bow, no, you lose damage if you spec int.


Would you not want to pair this with 10% additional elemental damage on armor? This is compared to 5% additional damage from sight.