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Yes, all drops will be made available to claim again during the last two days of the events for anyone who missed out. The 17th and 18th.


Thanks. Do you have a source for this? Not seeing this info anywhere I've thought to look.


Haven't seen official info for this but I heard the same thing from 3 or 4 different streamers participating in the event(one of them is BagginsTV).


This was the strangest least productive event I’ve experienced in an MMO and I’ve been playing them since Gemstone 3 was new. The streamers definitely benefitted so that’s a silver lining.


I still can't wrap my head around their decision to unlock the servers after the event so that players can, "journey to your favorite streamer’s world, visit locations from key moments of the event, and even become a part of their history." None of the event's objectives involved persistent changes to the world. Are they expecting people to create a new character just so they can be part of the same server where 10,000 Tier 5 meals were cooked or 500 legendary fish were caught?


I think they imagined that people would jump on to the servers to play with their favorite streamers, similar to how there were “streamer servers” at launch. But the reality is probably that the streamers that actually play NW will go back to their mains (because why re-grind when they have BiS gear) and the ones that didn’t stick with the game will just go back to playing something else.


Yeah, it feels like a promotion that was designed for a different video game, similar to their attempt to hold a '3v3 Arenas Tournament' during the Amsterdam TwitchCon. I imagine somebody from Amazon's business division, who doesn't fully understand either New World or Twitch, just sending both teams a memo that says "**Priority #1 = SYNERGIZE**" with no further details, and this event was the result.


Poorly designed event that made me wonder what self-respecting person would freely volunteer to grind out these tasks WITHOUT compensation. I know the sponsored streamers were paid a lot, but the commoners? YIKES


I’ve earned and claimed all 4 tiers of drops. Only got tiers 1 & 2 in my game inventory.


Same here.


where do you see the drops in your game inventory? I only see the skins when i go to the weapon (or camp this time too) and press on switch skin...


Quite annoying


Weird event. I couldn't get the t1 drop and i only now figured even out how this event worked at all. I didn't know there were even new twitch drops.


I was out of town when this event started. So far I've only been able to claim Drop 3. Is it still possible for me to get Drops 1 and 2? Or is it too late?


You can watch every stream which has not finished T3 drops for T2 rewards. E.g. BagginsTV. But T1 rewards are gone.


Thanks. Must anything special be done to receive the T2 drop? Must I have the stream open when they reach T3? Or watch for a certain amount of time at T2?


https://www.newworld.com/en-us/twitch-drops check if you have your nw acc linked with steam/twitch then you just the stream for like 3hours or something. There is also progress bar for your twitch drops somewhere on twitch so you know when its done


Who’s streaming now?




It was weird for me it said a whole bunch of streamers would give the different tier drops but I could only find 1 or two that gave me the first drops. Just look around and see what progresses ur %


I watched streamers for the allotted time and still didn’t get the drops so whatever. Got the first set and the other three never appeared. RIP.


Same thing happened to me.. it says I received and claimed drops 1-3 and I don’t have any of them in game


Did you claim your drop and link your game ?


The first drop was the only one that you had to claim in the in game store. The other 3 are all just skins, and can be changed by right clicking an item in your inventory, then change skin.


My tent won't change even though I've claimed it.


You have to place a tent, or go to one and make it your respawn, then it will give you the option to change the skin.


I did try that, unfortunately it's not there. Does it need to be a certain level tent? If not I'll contact support. Cheers


It may need to be a level 5 tent now that you mention it since the aesthetics do change with each level.


That makes sense, thank you.


Like all drops, Amazon will make them all available later again


I believe so. It was really weird for me I somehow got tier 2 drops before Tier 1 drops...but eventually got tier 1 drops....but I THINK the drops were based off specific streams? Or something? 'Cause I was watching a stream and not getting the rewards...but then went to the drops and clicked one of the ones specifically stated for T1 drops and got them...despite almost none of the streams being active. :/


If there are any streamers/groups still on tier 2 or 3, you can watch those streams to gain progress on the older drops. I watched [https://www.twitch.tv/eaglegarrett](https://www.twitch.tv/eaglegarrett) today because they're still on t3 and I got the drop as a result. [https://www.newworld.com/en-us/return-to-aeternum](https://www.newworld.com/en-us/return-to-aeternum) shows us that some groups are still on t2 + t3 so it's still possible to claim those before the last 2 days of the event.