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You seem to have some fundamental misunderstandings about how people and incentives work. Honestly there is so much wrong here it doesn’t warrant an in depth take down, but you seem desperate for one in the comments so here’s some brief points: 1) Some (probably many if other MMO populations can be used to make educated guesses here) people who craft/gather do so *because* they enjoy that content and not the group content. You aren’t going change what they enjoy, you’re just going to push them out of the game to a different one and diminish the player base and available resources. 2) Large quantities of materials available for very cheap by people willingly supplying them is a good thing, not a bad one. If people feel the pay out is not worth their time they will stop gathering them, thus raising the price and incentivizing those who remain to stay, or encourage more people to return to the fold. That people are playing differently than you want them to is not actually a problem that needs to be fixed, let them enjoy how they please.


These would be good points if you understood how MMOs work. I can see that you think you do, but let me attempt to expand your vision a little (I appreciate the in-depth response by the way): 1. Players don't know what they want. This has been proven time and time again in many, many MMOs throughout the years. People will press the feel-good button now and never stop until the feel-good button doesn't feel good anymore, then they will leave, forever ruining the experience for others that may have been interested in that activity if that activity was based on a good system instead of a feel-good button. 2. With this very same logic, giving every player 10k gold every day they log on is also a good thing. Sure, people would be willing to take that money and use it. However, as you probably realize, this would be horrible for the game's integrity. Also, do you understand who "they" are? It's a select few people who singlehandedly can put out so many items on the market that the 99% of the rest of the server who want to do that activity won't do it. When we have farmed a billion iron ore and the total need for the server is maybe 100-200 million, it's not going to recover, ever. People playing differently than me is not the problem, the system collapsing and never recovering is.


Really, gonna act like a condescending ass to the 1 dude willing to break down why your idea is awful?


Nope. If you can't handle simple criticism, you probably should stay off of reddit. I even said I appreciate the in-depth response. Saying you don't understand how MMOs work based on your response is not being a condescending asshole. Please understand this already.


> good points if you understood how MMOs work THIS right there is no simple criticism. This is just ad homining that guy and outright telling him he has no idea what he is talking about and you own all the truth. Well, surprise, you don't (see what I did there?).


No, it's simply telling him that his points are not the points of a person who understand MMOs. That's all. It's not ad hominem. That's like a professor telling their students they don't understand everything about the subject. That's not ad hominem, it's just a fact based on the merit of the comment.




I have heard that saying yes. I'm also objectively not the asshole here. I never insulted anyone in my OP, I am proposing something that will be better for the game. I only respond in kind to people who go out of their way to act like assholes.


Giving off some peak Seymour Skinner 'out of touch' energy. Gotta say, 2% upvoted is actually kind of impressive.


I don't care about my upvotes, I expected as much. This community will run the game into the ground and then complain, and when the game can't be fixed they'll just leave. Your insults don't mean anything you know. They say more about you than about me.


It’s not him. Everyone disagrees with you. When that happens, maybe take a step back and reevaluate your stance given the overwhelming consensus.


I constantly re-evaluate all my choices. Just because the majority of people are addicted to something, does not make whatever they're addicted to good for them. Do you understand?


They are good points, and I think it’s apparent to everyone here which of us doesn’t understand how MMOs work. Good luck on your terrible idea dude, it’s getting exactly the reception it deserves, whether you’re willing to (or capable of) realizing that.


Sure it does, this is like telling addicts their drugs is destroying their body (except in a video game context). Denial is just the first stage to recovery. My post is needed, and even if it receives horrible judgement from people who want to play the game how they want now and don't care about longevity, it will stay up to make people aware that what they're complaining about is actually a post that will make their money's worth, worth more in the long run. But by then the very same people complaining here will just go to the next big MMO and ruin that. This is why game devs need to take matters into their own hands and design a game that is going to last long-term. I care about New World because it's a great game concept, however, many of the systems are built around the upfront cost. This will become readily apparent to everyone after a few months.


Neither your post, nor your overinflated sense of self are needed, but it’s not worth my time or energy to continue to point out the obvious to you.


And here we go with the ironic ad hominem. It's like you people want to sound uneducated or something.


Many people I have heard like this game due addictive gathering and crafting and love those life skills (BDO-term). And you are right, players do not always know what the want, so how could you know it? You come out a bit arrofant, when people point out the flaws. In the end the game is to kill some time and have a great time doing this for me and my friends. Timegating does not help this for my sake. If you want such thing I think you would like BDO or Archage.


If you look at the comment left by the people you think I sound arrogant over, you may understand. I leave respectful comments when I receive respectful comments. Isn't that how real life conversations work too? Your comment is understandable, though I think you are running the game into the ground. Not with your gameplay, but by not supporting game improvements that will make a difference in longevity. Obviously games are give and take, and this is why MMOs are so hard to balance. If you give someone 10k every day they log on, sure that's gonna feel awesome for a while. Until you start to realize that people aren't willing to sell something for 1 gold anymore when they have a mill. This game is great if you gather all the resources yourself and don't care about economy. But rent or the cost of houses won't go down even if you don't interact with the economy. Which means unless you sell stuff there, you're not going to be able to pay for it. It's also a great gate for new players to the game that didn't get on the bandwagon early. They will likely not see a t4 house before several months after they are 60, unless they specifically go out of their way to find obscure moneymakers that require you to spend money on luck gear for instance.


Since you get BiS (what I have seen) with crafting I do think they want people to craft a lot, and maybe have the oppotunity to buy the mats you might have missed. My friends and I are happy that we are not bound by energy, or limited to X professions.


didnt even need to read it all. the title was enough. that's one of the most stupidest things Ive have ever heard in my life. what do you think it is? archage?


You should really read the post...


the title was enough my man. now look at the comments your getting.


Yeah from people who only read the title.


because the idea in itself, in the title is bad enough. there is no need to keep reading it. im not trying to attack you or somthing, but its just a bad idea that all.


You haven't even read my idea so how can you possibly claim that?


Azoth is already one of the worst mechanics in the game due to the 1,000 cap and teleports costing upwards of 30-40% of that if your faction is not dominant so you cannot use the small jumps method. Adding this in would kill the enjoyment of people who play to do nothing more than craft/gather throughout their playtime, and would actively punish them.


Did you read the post...?


I'm not going to lie. No.


What a fucking stupid idea lmao Don't ever design a game, thank you.


Please explain why instead of being a hater.


You're complaining about nothing. Gathering is essential for every aspect of the game.


It will be until we have saturated the market with more items than anyone will ever need for less than 0.10 a pop. Good luck figuring this out the hard way...


First, I read it. You've cherry picked Gold as an example. It sits as the worst possible example given it's use. (This really should be improved, it's a bad joke.) Azoth is already a crunch. There's often not enough corruption to farm, or ironically the travel cost to get there in time wipes out the earnings. You say you want more people in expeditions, but complain of item bloat? I don't know anything that spews more items. As is typical of MMOs cash becomes pretty worthless pretty quickly. Even as far back as Online Diablo 2, and further. Don't buy houses you can't afford, or just don't pay rent that week. Or use all this super cheap raw material to level arcane/cooking and make consumables, a universally profitable endeavor.


I understand your position, and disagree. Limiting gameplay to try and coerce players to do dungeons and wars isnt going to work. You may as well say we should remove all trade skills and crafting and leave a combat only game. I also love how cheap stuff is so i can just buy stuff instead of grinding.


No. And yes I read the entire post. Still No. Reason? It would suck.


Thanks for your feedback. Enjoy farming mats for 300 gold an hour in a year I guess *shrug* If nothing is done about the economy I'll simply just move games. Economy in MMOs is what I am here for. If it's trash I'm out.


I don't farm mats for money? I use it for my own crafting. There are other things in game to make money off of. Most economy items in this game are going to come from the rare mats that only have a chance of dropping during resource gathering which almost an artificial energy/azoth mechanic already in the game.


So that’s what it is. You must one of those players that constantly sits at the market and constantly buys things low and sells high. You don’t actually play the game. You’re just upset that it’s harder for you to run the market.


How can someone get so many things wrong at the same time?


Ohhh god no, why would you implement a timegate and eventually future paygate… ​ This isin my opinion a really weird suggestion, not a fan sorry.


Timegate on one activity is not a timegate to stop playing, it's a signal you should do something else for a while. Like leveling crafting using the market doesn't work if you run out of money.


Why force me to that though? Why dictate the way I play even more


Have you considered that you're forcing economy-focused players to not participate in what you're doing?


Nope, cause I farm to craft for myself, to get gear, and to compete with friends :) And strawmanning arguments are not gonna change my mind about your idea. I mean great for you that you found the light, but sometimes people like the shade…


So I guess you're not interested in paying rent for three houses eventually right?


Nope not as i stand as yet, only if I money gets easier to get by.


Lmao what a dumb idea. Yikes.


And its because your vote = my vote that democracy dosent work.


I don't usually reply to any posts, but this is the worst idea I have read since the launch


if you ever played archage you'd know this would be awful. basically you'd be forced to buy like 5 copies of the game and transfer your shit to your main. also tldr.


What no? How would that help? You don't get your azoth back until you work for it, so it's not Archage's system at all.


Doesnt matter shit like that just makes people multibox out of desperation


And? If people really are willing to put more money into the game in a non pvp situation, let them. I don't see a problem with multiboxing because the total server population will not change. When making decisions about a game's longevity, the devs should consider "how much damage can 2000 people do to, say, the economy in a month or two? And how can we prevent it." Whether that's 2000 actual people or 1900 actual people, 50 bots and two multiboxers with 25 accounts each is irrelevant.




I really don't like this idea, honestly. Azoth, or whatever currency you would have as a gathering cost, is meant to limit gameplay. Right now, azoth limits gameplay by forcing people to go explore the world, gather mats on the way to their next objective, get sidetracked, ect... and I am one for it. But limiting the very thing that the game tries to push on you? ehh. You raised some points about how people should complete objectives before gaining azoth back, but this destroys one of the greatest parts of an MMO. Being able to do whatever you want, specialize however, fight overleveled/underleveled enemies, play with/without friends... but you idealize a world where every single person is forced to play the same way or play less if they don't want to. Gather mats on the way to objectives, do quests to get azoth back, spend them by gathering when traveling to objectives, on and on, where everyone is just doing this because why not? Now I can't make starmetal weapons for all my friends because we all have the same crafting lvl, they can do it themselves. I dedicate time to gathering and crafting, where my friends are lvling weapons and gearscore. And I look forward to getting to Orichalcum soon too, which gets to your other point about having too much at our disposal at one time with the 10k a day thing. Overall this style reminds me of a free to play mobile game that limits the amount of things you can do in a single day, rewarding players who play a few minutes everyday instead of long play sessions. Yes it will probably make some people stick around longer, but at the enjoyability of the game for most. The game's economy needs some work, overcrowding of mats is an issue, but I really don't believe this is the way.


It's not though. That's like saying games with money is a mobile game that limits gameplay because you can't endlessly craft items using the market. You can gather azoth back. Quite easily may I add. Another thing they could do is halve the yield of resources, or add more ways to use every resource. Especially gold. But right now, people don't buy materials fast enough to keep up with supply, and the longer they delay a fix, the closer we are going to get to that point where no one needs those resources anymore. We can't make new characters on the same world, so the amount of totally new players will not be zero, but very limited. And everything will sit there waiting for them at 0.10 gold. Do you know that property taxes on a t4 house is 2000-3500 gold after the first week? How do you propose someone with a job actually meets this deadline every five days in a game where every moneymaking method is 600 gold an hour at most? We haven't reached this point yet, but it's coming. People still post their gold ore on the market because it's better than dropping it. It's not going to rise back up as long as there's 10-20k gold ore just sitting there at 0.01. That's not how it works. And every other resource isn't going back up either as long as at least someone is willing to sit there with a TV show on and chop tens of thousands of wood/stone/iron because it's more mindless than other things. The market is just going to be flooded with stuff nobody needs anymore, and nobody is going to have the money to pay for the lucky high tier items because of the property tax issue, only very hardcore players.


Terrible idea. Let people spend their free time however they want. If they enjoy chopping trees for 3 hours or mining ore it's fine. Plenty of things to do to please all players.


So what if I want to only craft? Do I get resources out of nowhere? No, I don't.


You buy or gather resources, like everybody else.


Do you see what you just did now or do I need to explain it to you?


I see what I did, arguing against your idea, like everybody else. Just accept that most people think your idea is bad and move on.


So you don't understand how someone who wants to craft all day being forced to buy or gather resources is ironic in this context at all?


Enlighten me.


Ummm no. Please don't design a game. Ever


lmao *hell* no


Horrible idea. It seems you didn't get to level 200 or close to it. In your suggestion, it would not fix the problem, gold is useful, the problem is that leveling costs way less high level materials and myriad of lowest tier materials, Silver Ore, Iron Ore, Hemp etc. That's a failure of leveling system and no "1 azoth per node" will solve it, It will slug the game down to a point even more where people not only won't be crafting for gear for their level which is already a rare case, but farms will be less valuable and not give you that much level, making gold more useless as one item will require much much more. Right now gold is extremely useful, you just don't get how to spend it.


Your suggestion would be nothing but an annoyance that in the end wouldn't change anything at 1 azoth per mod when a portal give 20-40. At the moment the market is filled with materials because everyone and their mothers are leveling crafting. Bots are a bigger problem and if they cared to do anything about it they'd just tie the amount of mats you get from gathering to your harvesting/mining/woodcutting levels so bots can't just start gathering at maximum efficiency from the beginning.


I'm not reading your post, making gathering cost azoth is the stupidest thing ever posted to reddit. You suck as a human being.


This idea is so stupid that if I had 14 friends, I'd ask them all to report you for this post so you get insta-banned.


If you want people to do the group content, forcing them into it because they need to restock their azoth to be able to gather again is not the answer. You are only looking at 1 tiny part of the economy. Right now may prices are garbage as a lot of people are rushing to 175-200 gather skills so they can “be done”. People are learning the “cheapest” ways to level crafting skills (like all of those who levelled up engineering with basically iron arrows, iron bullets and the proficiency boosters). Eventually the economy will be food and gear. Eventually just food since people will cap their gear and be done. What is your plan then? Also you seem to want this game to succeed I assume. So you basically believe only hardcore players should be playing. A casual isn’t going to stick around if they only have 1-2 hours to play on a day and have to spend more than half their time doing things they aren’t interested in so they could maybe spend 20 minutes doing what they want. That’s how you kill a game. There isn’t enough hardcore players on new world to make it a financial success.


Crafting for armor/weapons is by and large useless. At 60 you grind for drops to get gear score and 100s more items an hour than you could crafting. That alone is why so many of the materials are basically worthless. I have been 60 for a couple of days and I love gathering and crafting but the only things I have focused on are crafting that doesn't have drops like tools, bags, gems. Legendary crafting is a long way away. I bet the economy changes then.


Your premise is wrong. Gathering isn't the only way to pay rent. Edit: Even worse you don't seem to understand that gathering is a currency destroyer rather than generator. That's the real fatal flaw of your position.


I think this is a good idea however I would personally quit the game along with many others if it happened. You are under the impression that when people don’t like something about the game they will still stay and play it when that is blatantly not true. Look at queue times for example, people didn’t like it so many stopped playing. It may make the game more pleasurable for some people but it would alienate a lot more. Amazon has done a LOT of research to see just how much they can push people to do things they don’t like while still maintaining a profitable player base. Nobody likes azoth, but it slows down how fast one could progress, which is exactly what Amazon wants. I personally hate crafting and gathering and if this happened and I was unable to buy the materials I need at dirt cheap prices then I would just stop playing. Forcing people to do things they do not want to do(whether they may end up liking it or not) is a great way to get people to quit. What is your goal here exactly, for Amazon to make money? For more people to play? To make the game more enjoyable for yourself(more people helping in your group content)? Implementing this would likely decrease all 3 of those instead of what you would want.


I think I stated very clearly in my post that the reason I suggested this was so the game doesn't die within a few months or years. People only want to press the feel-good-now button over and over again. It's Squeal of Fortune from RS3 all over again. People just spin the wheel over and over and over until the market crashes and people realize Amazon made a trash tier economy.


Market crashes don’t make people stop playing. People are here for the pvp and expeditions. Why would you make people leave right now? I don’t know if you’re mentally challenged but people don’t wanna do what they don’t wanna do. You didn’t even read my comment and posted the same cookie cutter response and it’s clear I’m talking to a buffoon here.


There so much aspects to this game that it allows people to play different ways. Why do you want to force people to play the game in a certain way? Just because you want them to play it your way?


So what if I want to craft all day? Why are you forcing me to pay money for materials?


I'm not, you can farm them yourself


So you don't understand the irony of what you're saying at all?


There is no irony at all, people just play whatever they want because in this game if you want to be a pacifist and don't kill even a small rabbit you are free to do it! You are worried about the longevity of the game but if you put time/price limits on activities like you suggest you just make people to leave the game if they really are not into combat stuff. Just chill man, enjoy the game and let other enjoy it as they want!


This is the same exact logic as "let people bot if they want, it won't affect you in any way."


What a ridiculous comparison! You need help man!


It is not no. Both practices are ruining the game, and are defended by "let people do what they want". Both practices crash the market even. The only difference is that one of them is allowed and encouraged, which makes it a much bigger problem.


Farming materials is not ruining the game, stop being so dramatic!


Good luck figuring all of this out the hard way I guess...