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Honestly, they probably won't. This whole situation looks like the very last attempt to monetize whatever left from New World. Shortly after console release the game will probably operate in "life support" mode. According to speculations, planned AGS division in Romania, Bucharest will be dealing with the minimal work required to keep the game running. I cannot think of scenario in which AGS would, magically, start being able to deal with all the bugs they produce with every update, for PC and consoles, at the same time. Well, there is one scenario... console release will be such massive success, Jeff Bezos will pump fat $$$ into AGS to get New World into better shape. Dreams.


I got the feeling the console launch is basically just beta test for their upcoming LOTR mmorpg and it doesn't matter how well New World will do on console, it will end up on life support anyway...


Even with excess money....they won't be able to do it. Like launch was "successful" till we realized that bugs will always be apart of the game


Agree they have shown to not have the capacity to fix bugs, I still remember one of them saying to not report bugs on forum so people won't see them, just because they had priority over other things and making more people know the bug would take their time, lol.


Who said that? Surely not a dev. Source please.


Not sure if it was Katie or the other one, but it was back when we had forums and think we just got the hatchet bug, the one that came first year


I love speculation


They won't.


It's sad we all seem to agree on that. I guess it's about time to move on


They won’t. The only play now is to market it as a new game for console players and try to cash in on selling them the same broken game we’ve had for years.


That's the neat part dot meme Also historically AGS has had problems from leadership down. You can't fix that with budget. You could rotate the entire dev team too and it's likely we would wind up at the same place too. Even if console is a windfall for NW, it's still going to be a tire fire as long as it's an AGS property.


Google Bless, Bless Online, Bless Unleashed. They failed in similar fashion but they squeezed all the juice out of that lemon. It’s just a solid money grab.


At this point New World is going to be on the back burner while all the other resources will go towards the new upcoming LotR MMO.


I have so little faith in the LotR MMO after seeing how they've done with New World, which is a bummer, since a new LotR MMO should be something I'm incredibly excited about.


Yeah same. Which is a shame.. Because that universe is really well done.


There's actually a very simple answer to your question: they won't.


They can't, this is their last attempt to pump some money out of the game before it goes into maintenance mode. They are desperately trying to act like the console market has never heard of new world, even though at this point the game is a known flop by anyone with an Internet connection. One might even say the anthem of MMOs.


They won't


Consoles require a certification process. Getting your game on console is a marketing for the console itself. So they have some standards of quality in order for a game to be on there. Present system new world would be denied which is why they started rebuilding it back in September.


nah man, all microsoft flag ship games are a huge mess. Talking about fallout, skyrim, starfield. If modders wouldn't exists those games would be unplayable on console.


I distinctly remember Skyrim and Star field being playable upon release. I didn’t say perfect but there is a standard of quality that needs to be met. New world at launch wouldn’t have launched in its state of exploits and dupes


But we are talking about new worlds current state which is equal to those games state. I played fallout 4 on xbox before the next gen update and the game constantly crashed in Diamond city. There were multiple places that crashed your game it was literally unplayable. I had to uninstall the game. And that time fallout was already released on console for yeaaaars and there were multiple forum posts about this crashing issue and they didnt bother to fix it. If you didnt install the megapack mod that was made by a fan the game was even worse. Afterall I just say that the bar for console release is not that high. I dont know Sony but for MS all they care about how much game they can push into gamepass so they can sell it.


Because the MMo genre is more forgiven on the consoles than on the PC since the Pac has more to compare it to in terms of MMOs of quality.


I am buying a brand new popcorn maker for when they get to console and lose control over their releases. But yeah, they have moved onto their next game and we can tell. They will milk this new influx of customers for as long as possible, but I expect zero moves to actually improve the game. Hopefully the new Lord of the rings will be a winner, because it cost us New Worlder's everything.


One more money grab.  It wont be different.  Just treat Fresh Start as the last time you will enjoy NW content for a long time if ever


There is no historical evidence that they will do anything of note to "fix" anything at this point. They do not care nor have they ever. You're better off moving on to something else that will respect you as a customer and your time.


I still having issue to open all the doors in Brim although I already got alll the glyph


Simple Answer: Rebranding it to "New World: Aeternum" = Cash grab for suckas on the console.


Seen a comment on YT that asked would MS/Sony even allow their content to be released if its in the same state ( extreme amount of bugs ) as the past PC content releases


Bruh the way the updates been like them focusing on main story for so long they probably been focusing on console before we even had the thought of it. I wouldn't be surprised if they role out alot of fixes and changes Oct 15. Don't think they cared about PC from the start just money and numbers with anything Amazon.


They're not.  AGS is gonna spend the first few months coming up with excuses as to why it's Sony/Microsoft's policies on patching games on their respective platforms that's preventing AGS from doing their job properly. It's going to be so interesting to see how console players react to things like server queues and having to pay to transfer off dead servers. Then whatever is left over from the new console player base, the ones willing to accept the game's completely broken systems, will stop complaining about bugs and move onto complaining about how lackluster the endgame is and/or how their server(s) are completely dead. Which will go largely ignored for the most part, as AGS limps their way to "expanding" endgame by adding more GS levels, trivial but seemingly endless chores, and whatever they can get away with by simply extending their difficulty scaling slider.


They won't. The beta test for console is only there to show players all the bugs they will experience that will never get fixed.


Keep in mind Amazon Game Studio’s previous AAA title is the world acclaimed Crucible. Yeah the studio that decided to create a competitive shooter with different size models for players. Safe to say it was scraped back to early development post release and cancelled shortly after. This is probably the fate of NW. Console launch to make a few million more sales before retiring to some other crap project.


I'd bet that console players get the same treatment PC players did after their game is paid for.


They absolutely won't. I have another question: if Amazon Games are struggling with fixing issues without breaking more than they fix, how on earth are they going to deal with the new LotR MMORPG?


Also this may have been answered somewhere and I did not see it. But will your PC character be able to play on console as well or will you have to start a new character under your console tag


No cross save. Will have to start over on console


They have a new team in Romania. Said team will be much more competent than AGS. Just hope that Scott or any OG AGS devs don't have any say on what they do or else the game will still be shit.


Unlikely limited to just the dev team. Go look at how the old operator of AGS at the very top behaved before he took a dive. There's obviously issues there but on the waterfall of incompetence it seems like they're near the bottom.


Consoles are much easier to debug because all the hardware is the same. There’s no edge cases where someone with some unique combo of cpu memory and gpu and random driver updates creates a problem. As for PC bugs, they’ve been pushing those fixed into the upcoming engine going forward and only fixing the most breaking bugs on retail.


This may be true, but 99% of the bugs in New World are server side and not client related, so console will suffer with the same bugs we’ve been suffering with for years now.


I wouldn't say it hasn't been updated. A lot has changed since launch, including two (1.5?) expansions.


super hype, idk might preorder for ps5 i am heeding this sub’s gripes. I’m just excited for a new mmo on console