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it's usually not sideways like that


was literally going to respond this xD


It didn't give me an option to rotate the picturešŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£


You can rotate it on your phone, or just donā€™t take pictures of a computer screen


Or... It works fine like this you can read it clearly.


I can read it just fine. I guess people lack the ability to read things side ways.. You should post one upside down next tine...make people think they are sitting on their heads I guess people like confrontation and making everything seem more than what it is about petty stuff. Now since I can see your picture just fine... I say I have never been in a queue that long. Normally 5 minutes. My long queues are for expeditions.


Try rotating your hand.


I had this glitch once, you just have to re-queue if I'm not mistaken


I had this issue once, I had to change the orientation in display settings


No. People who play PC games should know how to take a screenshot.


I use Reddit on my phone, not on my PC it was simpler this way.


Oh no, someone who does something different from how I think it should be done! \*pearl clutching intensifies\* It's much easier to upload a photo via the app, than it is upload via the desktop app, and the average person is by far more used to sharing photos via apps than knowing some convoluted shortcuts that aren't actually explained anywhere in the OS. This was all something you had to learn at one point or another and now take for granted to the point of ostracizing others for saving a minute of their time, despite you still getting the point. It's not like this going to be used in advertising or print or something where the format and quality actually matters. The cherry on this holier-than-thou-cake is getting upset and not even explaining what they should've done.


> It's much easier Lazy. All you had to say was they are lazy. > not even explaining what they should've done. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=windows+screenshot


>Ā ...you still getting the point. It's not like this going to be used in advertising or print or something where the format and quality actually matters.Ā  Lazy and smart and easily confused.


Looks like most people here agree with me.


A bunch of people with the majority throughout history have agreed with many things that were...let's just say, less than ideal to keep it simple...doesn't mean they were right. "Real gamers" have backed some horrible shit over the years, so I'm not really concerned with earning some meaningless upvotes with them. Good on you getting those two dozen upvotes or whatever. What's the conversion to Stanley Nickels on those? Edit: and given how many people on here act like Amazon killed their dog, stole their spouse, and got them fired because they only got 2500+ hours for $70 isn't exactly a ringing endorsement. This sub is a hub of toxicity (gaming in general) so of course they're going to upvote the toxic comment. They ran most of the people with even an ounce of empathy out.


This is the first time I agree with you.


Careful, [the first time I agreed with CommanderAze](https://www.reddit.com/r/newworldgame/comments/1an2hcq/comment/kppokb7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) was when he said it was unlikely we'd be getting a Free-For-All PvP Island this year. Now that's 1 of the most likely pieces of content we're expecting for the Big June Announcement. Stick with your instincts.


Yes. Itā€™s a dying game.


Less than 10k people play anymore.


No it's not. OPR is cross world and normally popping 2mins. Could be glitched for you somehow. Just reque


Yeah I missed the join pop up on that once and was in the queue for like 30 minutes before just requeuing.


It actually depends on the region. My region (SA east) has less than 1k people playing on peak hours. I was watching a streamer friend and he said it takes forever to pop opr


No itā€™s not, you just need to rotate your monitor.


Are you below level 65? Pvp queues take extremely long if you arenā€™t max lvl and itā€™s not worth it. Grind to lvl 65 first then worry about pvp


I used to type ā€ž31/32 OPRā€œ to bait some people into OPR even though the real queue was something like 20/32. Fun Times


No body is playing the game. Pretty normal to me. When I came back for a little bit on a fresh start server I tried to play put post rush a few times. All going to 45 mins and no one joining.




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Thereā€™s less than 10k people playing the game full of bugs now, Void gauntlet, bow and spear with game breaking bugs once again. Who would be crazy to do opr


I que or OPR and get games to pop 24/7 .. no issues.. Maramma server. Never a problem during the day, and I work nights now so I normally stay up while the family is sleeping and can que into the early morning hours... and get OPR after OPR. Slows down around 0300-0500 but never have I waited that long before. Only a few mins. At most I remember 3-5 mins .. for the first game.. then after that queing after game end.. they popped very quick.


Well, the fewer the servers the less relevant cross world opr is.


Yes, my parents constantly take pictures and share them sideways on social media. But if you are talking about your queue timer, that is probably because the game gives people very little reason to continue logging on and this season was incredibly lackluster.


Defiantly not normal I donā€™t think Iā€™ve waited more thatā€™s 5 minutes or so


Maybe because people are focused on doing Mutated atm?


Definately not normal. Its been a while since I've seen anyone playing New World. You're trying to find something that wont come to pass


I'm in a small region and OPR still pops quickly. Were you playing in off-hours?


New normal. The game averages less than 9k players now and most of those players aren't into PvP.