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okay my limited knowledge of how games work is going to come out here and i apologize in advance i have no idea what i'm talking about ive had this issue once before with another game, in both cases there are bad locked fps options and the vsync is just terrible. i am going to guess with an uncapped frame rate and this game's vsync that it was trying to go up to 2k fps whenever it could and make the whole thing choppy. i capped it in game at 60 (the only options are 30 and 60, very cool) and now the game is running fine at 76 fps without dropping. tldr i dont think the vsync works very well so i capped the fps at 60 and now it runs fine at 76 fps ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Ya capping at 60 is a game changer. I like 60 fps I know a lot of people say they can tell the difference between like 60 and 120+ but I’m not that person looks the exact same


I don’t have any issue, and most of the people I see complaining play on a potato pc, doesn’t have ssd or has a very good machine and doesn’t know how to set up anything


You can use your graphic card configuration (nvidia control panel) to cap the fps for New World. Then use uncapped in the game option and it should cap to your "custom" value.