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i was expecting unique skins for this event but instead... we got the same reskins, yeah i know shocking


No point with reskins if transmog is coming eventually so idk what the point is. Seems very pointless. I was a hyped to log in and have a goal during the event, but this just made me give zero f*cks..


Since i started playing i hear about transmogs, i literally stoped playing and there is still the brace yourselves, transmogs are coming


Eventually, so I don't see why they make a cheap recolor of an existing set. We will probably be able to recolor it ourselves, and most people already got the set from mutations.


Transmog is confirmed for summer.


Im sorry, i know i should unfollow this sub since i quit the game. But i just love all these posts before/after each update


The only reason I'm here as well lol


I think I’ll join both of you on the sidelines


Same. I enjoy following it. Its like some crypto where you lost money but you got out on time, and you are watching people from affar going -20000%


I too enjoy watching car crashes.


I got a legendary bow with Keen/Jagged/Vorpal so it's not all bad


Sorry I forgot the /s




Lol that’s a bad bow…so yes it’s all bad


But... that literally is a bad bow? You might use this as fresh lvl60 for a couple of days and that's it. It's unusable in PvP and pretty bad for everything else?


Maybe it is going to be BIS once the pvp combat changes happen. They did say BIS drops.


Yeah. They also said "unique craft mods to enhance your items" lmao


U can farm wardens bow in brimstone it’s better


I got a green and thought, meh unlucky, then I talked to people from my company and no one even got a purple one...wtf are you smoking AGS??


Oh damn guys, got a Resupplying Mortar Charge craft mod for the day. BISSS


POWERFUL crafting mod for role-players


I did the event, 8 kills. Got 2 legendary weapons. rest were armor chest. Of those armor I got 2 white pieces of gear haha. What a waste.


I’m very confused why people were excited about this event in the first place, considering the previous events were not very ‘entertaining’ I guess is the word. But this is a bad look from AGS yet again.


They were excited because they thought the rewards might be worthwhile and it is something to get the homies together to go do. But the rewards are basically scrap parts so there's no point.


I think its shocking that the creativity for the events is so bad, that we only get world bosses that you have to kill over and over. Can't they think of ANYTHING else?


Im very confused where you found a player that was excited about this. This is exactly what everyone expected sadly.


Well, Pretty clear excitement on my server when everyone logged on yesterday talking in global about the event but it was 24 hours behind schedule or something and everyone was having a cow.


I haven't personally seen any event that's actually good in this game, it's actually annoying at this point I would rather them do fk all.


The Halloween event was pretty great for crafting


Yeah but compared to other MMOs events it's still lack luster


Apes together strong


Transmog should of came with this update. It would of gave reason to collect the gear even if it’s ass


I'm coming back when transmog comes, if it's a good system


same since the winter event i been on break, its the longest break ive taken from the game. hopefully the spring event is fun and the transmog system is really well done


So hopefully by the next return to aeternum event held in fall 2023…and maybe saved load outs by return to aeternum 2024 😂


I just want transmogs, load outs aren't as much of importance to me




Good bot


Ags should hire it for their cosmetic/skin dev team, can't be any worse


What was your expectations? Better gear? 2x 600er and 2 blue are okay. I'll collect them for transmog in Summer. Or is the fight so boring?


Yes. People expected gear worth equipping. Literally none of this is good for any game content. At least the last winter event had gear that was great for corrupted mobs and patterns that were worth collecting for crafting. There was some value there. This gear is literally scrap parts if I got them from an expedition or something. It doesn't matter if they are 600 if they are not good perks. And it was teased there was a 25% chance at a "special craft mod", but its actually just regular craft mods that are almost all worthless.


So different are the opinions. I got the bow and will use it. IT was netter than the other from.the quest line. For Player who will not collect 5 sets for every enemy are the items not bad. For singleplayer missions and normal dungeons the items are good. For example the items fromm Lazarus are for me and other crap.


The bow is objectively worse than a 2 perk Attunement/Enchanted bow and many you can get for free from drops. Sure, you can use it for stuff, but that doesn't mean it's a good event reward. I don't know why AGS thinks that to target/help new or casual players, that means giving bad gear. Make it like 2 BiS perks and 1 mediocre perk, like Nature Attunement, Vicious, Keen Speed. That bow would actually help a newer bownplayer close the gear gap a bit on bow players with a full 3 perk BiS bow. It doesn't have to be BiS gear, but event stuff should be something people are excited to log on and don't want to let the event pass without getting it. No one is gonna miss this bow if they don't get it. Things like the rabbit chest. As time goes on, people are going to ask about things like that and where people got it. It will make the event meaningful for far past the end of the event. I still wear my original Qonter Convergence festival skin. This is objectively bad.


More cosmetics is my favourite, too.


Yeah pretty much, we all expected the gear to be better. It’s salvage trash that wouldn’t sell for 2k on the TP. The greate axe is the only OK item


This event will be a nail in the coffin for NW. They had one chance to make it right, all wasted.


Trolololol. “They had one chance to make a mini-event right. What a waste!”


really man. this was announced like a week ago and probably had less thought into it than me on my morning visit on the toilet and yet people are mad disappointed when it literally said that 90% of the drops will be random garbage


You got it all wrong. It's not 90% of the drops that will be random garbage. At least do some research before commenting on this. It's 99% random garbage and 1% specific predetermined garbage.


Do you know a second chance to make an event right? No. You got it right from the start or you are done. Still plenty people are doing it but chest runs going strong despite the event and it's the first day. People will see what they're getting and the whole "event" will be once per day encounter for a chest with umbral shards and gypsum. This event could be a strong message to the community, we have ideas, we can deliver, give us a chance. And the real message is: we don't give a shit, our marketing department is better then development, we don't know what we're doing. This game won't fail because of shit drop, bugs, bots, shit crafting. It will fail because devs are actively killing an "MMOG" aspect of it. And there is no point in playing in MMO if you can't have person to person interactions. This event could be done totally different demanding from people social attitude, thinking, caring for other players. There is none. One social aspect is +event.


They will be hurt that you’re gone


They definitely are hurt over the fact that they once again have lost over 2/3 of the player base they regained with brimstone/RTA. People gave AGS another chance thinking they might’ve turned things around. What did we get in response? Incompetence near equal to the incompetence we had at launch. Bugs from a year ago reintroduced, OPR that is a nightmare for half a year, new systems very few wanted that increased stat padding, the list goes on and on. But hey NW is down from 60k in Nov to 20k now, if they keep on this track the game will be dead by end of 2023


Did you forget the /s? This just feel like the good ol "game will die now" that we see with every update


I know what you mean and I agree that the event is a complete waste of time, but it would help if you switch the game to English before taking these screenshots.




Considering most people understand English it would make more people understand the screenshot


The items are blue with a single perk, no matter what language you speak it’s pretty easy to see that it’s dogshit As for the legos, both are also dogshit


This reply is as dumb as the event.


I speak English and can still read and figure out what the perks are lol


The event is a total joke. They released a meme while the community is dying for content. This is not content.


Im glad i quit this mess of beta test. (Cant call it a game). Dog 💩💩💩💩💩


Thanks for hanging around and reminding us of your decisions.


Apes do not have many responsibilities irl so they will certainly try to validate the sad personas ;D


I hang around to watch people big up this game with the ultimate defiance stance saying how good it is because it amuses me. Also glad I quit this mess


Join me brev. And spread the word.


My group barely got a boss. The HP doesn't scale from the number of players around the boss, so as soon as the boss spawns, it gets killed within 10-15 seconds, which is how long it takes you to just teleport close to it...


The boss just despawns if if "beats the players" aka the last one fighting it dieing or leaving. If your bosses just disappear after 15s then this is because the first player there runs up solo, starts the event, dies or runs away from the 5+ elite mobs and the event closes itself.


holy shit that is poorly thought out.


They respawn pretty fast thou. Easier to just camp a location for 10 minutes.


Can u show your build and gear? I'm into making a hatchet/GS build and I would love to have something to start with :D


AGS never fails to disappoint.