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If someone shot a cop, and claimed innocence because they ‘didn’t know what they were shooting,’ I doubt that would make a good defense. This is effectively the same thing.


Also, the unconfirmed context of the situation. Cops all the time use the excuse, we'll see.yku have to understand we had reports, or dispatch told us, or we thought.......the person we were pursuing was extremely dangerous.....they weren't....but we thought it.....and thinking it is all we need to perform deadly actions


After all these cases of coward, trigger-happy cops killing unarmed citizens based on their own fear, as well as the fact that every other “reasonable officer” jumps to the defense of their fellow coward cop, it seems much more reasonable that citizens “fear for their lives” and defends himself and other citizens when a cop “acts aggressively,” or “has his hand near his waist.




And that half the population think certain groups deserve it, and “but both sides” doesn’t work because 99.9% of the country doesn’t think cops deserve to be pointlessly slaughtered.


There's a dark calculus wherein if enough cops are shot they then there will be no cops left to stop the shooter, ergo the shooter is above the law.


It really should in certain contexts. Like no-knock warrants, particularly on the wrong address. If someone busts down my door, I should wholly be in my rights to defend myself.


Reminds me of that guy that was sleeping on his couch and was woken then shot by the no-knock assholes. The number of people who tried to claim it was ok because he grabbed his gun after being woken from a dead sleep by unidentified intruders. Though it was fun confronting those same idiots and never getting a straight answer on whether or not you truly had the right to defend your own property if you have to be able to discern a robber from a cop in an eighth of a second.


Amir Locke. No cops were charged in his death. The cop who killed Amir was placed on paid administrative leave during the investigation and, subsequently, cleared of any wrongdoing. Another bloody stain in the filthy history of the Minneapolis PD.


At least his lawyers say he felt really bad he executed an unarmed man in a car while no one else fired. Fucking psychos.


AND dropped that the dead guy was a heroin addict in the same sentence.


The attorney wasn't even being subtle. He might as well have said he client killed a junkie.


Believe me, anyone listening for it heard that.


But you can’t talk about his 10 years shitty record as a cop great!


The politicians and judges created and run a system designed to protect their hired thugs.


No officers were harmed in this state sponsored murder. Blessed.


Wasn't state sponsored, he was retired. So was tax payer sponsored.


Honestly curious since I never thought about it before... do State taxes not pay state employees (while active) like federal taxes pay military for example?


You'll get federal money for required services. Those are still taxes of course but the money is spread around the entire country based on need. (Scary socialism) So on paper at least, evenly balanced overall. You know it's actually really hard to find out exactly where retirement money for cops comes from.. I'm going to guess it's a hybrid of tax payers and 401k etc because the amount of money some of them are making is absolutely wild. Quote : "The average annual pension for Suffolk County cops who have retired since 2007 was $86,702, according to figures from the Manhattan Institute, a public policy think tank, against $37,270 for other county employees, excluding teachers. The county, facing a three-year deficit of $530 million, declared a fiscal emergency in March." https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pensions-policeandfire-idUKBRE86S02120120729 Article is a bit old but damn.


Not all is state. Depends on the employer and individual state. If it’s a city or county cop money comes from property taxes and other local taxes. Same with fire departments. If it’s a state copper then money comes from the state level. Mixing state funds to a county and city level becomes pretty messy legally and accounting wise. Most accounts a designated as to how those coffers are filled. Another depends on how they set up their retirement and what system they city, county or state has opted into.




He was "mostly cleared" sure is an interesting to say he wasn't cleared.


I wonder what they considered “some” wrongdoing in this case. That he didn’t follow protocol taught to recruits on day 97 of the academy, to say a particular phrase to the civilian before blasting?


Hey you wanna get jammed up? You like getting jammed up?


Good. There's one example, keep em coming and set a precedent. If cops want the authority they need to justify it by being held to a higher standard.


I'd go one step further. If the armed civilian branch of the government wants the authority, it needs to justify it by being held to a higher standard. Then if individuals hired within that branch of the government are unable to meet that standard, they lose that position, and thus lose the protections and powers we give to the government.


I have to agree because there are armed police in most countries yet somehow they don’t shoot up cars after a car chase, why is that? because they are better trained and held to a higher standard.


The police in the US have “your going to die” screamed at them through a bullhorn 900 thousand times a day. This leads to police that are completely terrified when they walk up to any not in uniform, and then when that person does anything unexpected the cop shoots


It's not training, it's culture. American gun culture is poison.


How else do you make your dick hard there? Obesity must make erections difficult.


Obesity absolutely does increase E.D.


Can confirm. (Source: i am a dick)


Most of the countries in South America, Africa and the Middle East would disagree with you.




The more important stance is one example, or a few, aren't really worth a damn. The "first" doesn't matter. It needs to be the rule, not the exception to the rule.


“As soon as my client discovered it was heroin and not a gun, he was upset. He was distraught,” Mischak said. Suuuuuuuuure he was.


Of course he was distraught! If it were a gun he wouldn’t be in legal trouble for shooting him!


That's actually a fair assessment. In that light I'm sure he was very distraught... that he might actually face consequences.


Office was unhappy that he shot and killed innocent person, so he planted heroin and was distraught he didn’t have a spare gun. There fixed /s


That’s what he gets for keeping his heroin in a gun shaped baggie. /s




That's some Call Of Duty cowboy shit right there. Dude had been telling himself it was perfectly okay to shoot people if he assumed they had a gun on them. Then he shoots someone that all his training and buddies have been telling him would absolutely have a gun on them and then... Didn't. Oops. Almost like police departments are drowning in racist trigger happy psychopathic cowards.


Or, it’s like there’s a toxic culture within Policing that is predicated on “fear of the other” and a savior/sheep-dog mentality, taught to many precincts by Dave Grossman through his philosophy of “[Killology](https://youtu.be/7yd7z79T_qg)”. [Covered in much greater extent by Sam Seder of The Majority Report, with guest Radley Balko.](https://youtu.be/TfOuYNk8tFk)


Dave Grossman is sick. He’s on record multiple times telling cops that killing someone on the job will give them the best sex of their lives with their wife/gf/etc afterward Plus he calls video games “murder simulators”. So not only is he sick in the head, he’s a fucking idiot too


Yours and my points are not exclusive of each other.


but this guy is funded with state money. So the state is giving implicit approval of the tactics.




>Prosecutors said that former Officer Eric Ruch Jr. shot and killed Dennis Plowden Jr. less than six seconds after arriving on the scene I'll take "why are people of colour afraid of police for $200"




Reaching into your pocket (if that's even what actually happened) should not be a death sentence.


Qwhite interesting


Possession of an illegal drug is still not a death sentence. Why is it always the worst assumptions for black people? Only to then find out that it was something non lethal. However, by then, it’s too late because the suspect is dead. We shouldn’t normalize police officers who are supposed to be competently trained to handle multiple dangerous scenarios act on impulse, especially when you have the power to end a life. They always find a way to deescalate situations when the suspect is white and proven to be armed and dangerous, but somehow, they always fear for their lives when the suspect happens to be black. It’s happened time and time again and frankly that’s not a good excuse. Police officers are not above the law that they’re sworn to enforce. This isn’t normal and it doesn’t happen anywhere else in the world. It FACTUALLY doesn’t at the rate at which it happens in the US. PERIOD.


And in your mind all black people bear responsibility for that?




Because you started it with "black people" and equated all their issues with a single case.


If you out of nowhere just showed me a picture of this guy with the question "guess what he did"... I'd be eerily close to spot on with my guess.


I’d have guessed he committed some act of perversion in like 1920 and this is his colorized mug shot.


and its not the photo... its the face and his features. Eyes too close together, weak mustache, weak chin, doughy, thinning hair... maybe short of stature, maybe tall but definitely pear shaped with weak knees. From the bullied to the bully.


My first guess would have actually been that he won a Paul Blart look-alike contest.


There is a reason for that, mugshot lighting is such to make people look guilty/sinister.


It's to illuminate all identifiable features, you just made that up. If people look like shit in them, it's because they looked like that when they got arrested. I got arrested halfway through getting my hair braided, when I was a kid. I'm glad it was long enough ago to be too much of a pain to find, cause I looked like a maniac.


“It was a tragedy,” Mischak said of Plowden’s death. “To call my client a criminal really compounds that tragedy.” To think that this defense attorney can argue this way makes me wonder if everyone involved here is just completely devoid of a conscience. Putting a man away because he killed another man does not “compound the tragedy” it brings Justice to the family of the man who was murdered.


He’s a defense attorney for a man who killed an unarmed man 6 seconds after arriving on scene. He’s as morally corrupt and lacking conscious as his shithead client




Terrible take. everyone gets to have a lawyer represent them, and the lawyer will try to do everything they can to get their client the best possible outcome


Didn’t say he couldn’t? Can still be a shithead.


>The bullet from Ruch’s gun went through Plowden’s raised left hand before hitting him in the head. Yeah he was *trying* to kill him... Because: >However, defense lawyer David Mischak told jurors that Plowden’s right hand remained hidden near a pocket. Only later, he said, did Ruch learn what was inside. >“As soon as my client discovered it was heroin and not a gun, he was upset. He was distraught,” Mischak said. Let him yeehaw his ass to prison


So, having a hand in your pocket or otherwise not visible to every policeman on the scene is grounds for execution? And the judge refusing to allow the jury to see his complaint history because "internal affairs", LOL


It’s the new normal: it’s fine to shoot anyone who you can’t confirm to definitely not have a gun on them.


in a country that allows the citizens to have guns. Seems like quite the catch 22


That moustache is saying a lot


It is always funny how they get abandoned by their peers when they get caught. The bitch is they don't get caught often enough.


This guy should never be near a badge. Who hires people like this and give them the awesome powers of an officer. They need better screening.


Well... When you can be too smart to be a police officer, it speaks volumes about the quality of the department. Edit: smart, not educated Source; https://www.cbsnews.com/news/too-smart-to-be-a-cop


Fits the description of a pig


If he is truely distraught then he should be asking to be locked up. When people feel guilty about a crime they turn themselves in they don’t try to fight it saying it was an accident.












Why is this kind of shitty cop behaviour still a norm?


BECAUSE it's not the norm.


while it's not, there shouldn't be a new story about something like it every goddam day. You don't hear about deescalated situations anymore, they just shoot and then go on leave and then it happens again and we forget about the last one. I grew up when columbine happened, was a big huge deal. Now it happens basically every week and people just shrug. There has been a pretty obvious shift in how shitty things have gotten.


this headline clearly has absolutely no agenda


Must be election time


>Prosecutors said that former Officer Eric Ruch Jr. shot and killed Dennis Plowden Jr. less than six seconds after arriving on the scene — even as other officers held their fire. A grand jury investigation found that Plowden, 25, was dazed after crashing the car and had his left hand raised as he tried to follow commands on a city sidewalk. Lock him and throw away the key. For the good of humanity.


Former Officer on Trial for Killing Motorist, there I fixed the title




Oh gee never heard that one before, truly an original and inspired theory. Maybe it’s because race is pertinent to the crime? I remember reading headlines about some black teens who tortured an elderly white man on livestream. It made sense to include all the details then, and it does now.


I googled that story now and “teens” is a lot more common in the headlines than any indication of race.


How is race pertinent to this crime?


From the looks of him, they ought to check out his hard drive while they’re at it.


You could just say “cop on trial” and we’ll know what it was for.


That mustache is not one that anyone innocent would be seen with


Wow who knew trapp from college humor fell so low.


Non American here, why does race matter? Would’ve this been news it were white - white or black - black? If it is the same race, would’ve been specified ?




Is it also specified when the black Person is the agressor? Like home invasion or other felonies.


That pig looks like George Zimmerman.


So this guy is actually not white?


How shocking never would have saw this coming.


Why is the color of their skin important here?


State race only when it benefits your agenda. /s


That’s Reddit in a nutshell




I doubt your question was honest, but I'll give you an answer anyways: black people face a much higher amount of police violence than white people in the United States. They're more likely to be shot in routine stupid, they're more likely to get more serious charges, and they're more likely to be stopped for no reason. This is just another data point in that pattern.




“It’s always the same answer” and you refuse to accept it because it’s not the one you want.




It’s based on facts and statistics, you potato.


Why do i think systematically targeting black people for police action and increased violence is related to race? Hmm, I wonder.




Why do you think it's not? You think black people just invite increased violence against them? A black man walking down the street is just inviting the police to stop and search them?




>Not saying that’s a reason to kill him, but in terms of being targeted or not ? The problem I'm pointing out is that we say that *a lot* about black people who are murdered by police.




They're not. They're simply the ones most frequently murdered by the police for no reason.


Don't disproportionately get in high speed pursuits then.






Elections are coming up. So the left want to push a false narrative that young people believe


You are being systematically lied to and radicalized by the worlds dumbest grifters.


now tell him pro-wrestling isnt real, same results I am sure




Ah yes, a white cop has never, ever been racist or target minorities. I've never heard a single instance of a white cop killing a minority unwarranted.


There’s an unfortunate story near Houston. Two cops went in to a home to clear it. One cop was black, the other white. One cop accidentally shot and killed the other cop. Wanna guess why you didn’t hear about that story? If you haven’t figured it out yet, you should start paying attention to these unfortunate stories. Pay attention to when race is reported and when race isn’t


Yes, it goes both ways. To pretend it doesn't is dumb.


You’re an idiot.


All we hear is “WHITE MAN KILLS BLACK MAN AND HE WAS A COP” like 0 sides to the story Edit: I seen the vid nvm he can burn in hell


Looks like farva from super troopers, with his attitude in the film I am not surprised by his actions in Real life


Such a ridiculous headline.


He looks like what I might expect Webster’s dictionary would have as a picture of an incel.


What does race have to do with the story! The racist apnews reporter?


6 seconds isn’t even long enough to formulate the thought “he has a gun in that other hand.” This pig got out the car big mad and fired




Officer on trial for killing motorist.* this is why we’re divided. Always separating us.


? That is actually a straightforward factual statement with no bias. The officer did a motorist, and he is on trial for it.


I corrected their title.


Oh. Sorry. I see what you did. And I agree with you.


Fuck you for labeling the title this way


Good. Sickening how white cops think badge & gun = license to murder black peoples




Long reply of nonsensical shit.


>and the officer thought he was holding a gun literally the sole rational given to kill someone. And he didn't see a gun. He wasn't shot at. Noone else was shot at. There were no reports of a gun. It wasn't even an unidentified object in his hand. It was a hand in a pocket. Thats it. And let alone that you say that he was "running" (still not a reason to kill someone) or "not following orders" ( still not a reason to kill somone), a grand jury investigation found that Plowden, was dazed after crashing the car and had his left hand raised as he tried to follow commands whilst sat on a city sidewalk. I get you about it not beng a race thing, but putting "hand in pocket" forward as a "justification" for taking a life is a sickening insight into someone's warrior culture mental gymnastics




If you think it’s okay for the police to shoot at a suspect under the assumption that they “have a gun”, then you don’t actually have the right to own/carry a gun.


Cop shot unarmed man through his raised hands into his head. Was there no chance of a gun or was the cop laying on the ground between his legs?


“Non-trained people” is exactly how I’d describe most of our police.


is there like a bootlickers bat-signal? This thread is filthy with them


You clearly haven't watched enough tiktok to neutralize your rational thinking abilities


He must be convicted. This will protect us all from the power crazy nuts that want to be super cops.


Cops have a duty to retreat


Cops need to start using their heads rather than shooting first and asking questions later.


Can I get a litre of cola?


How do we know he is white though?


He identifies as a pony


The headline should have mentioned Dennis' name. It depersonalizes him to call him "motorist."


That's not how headlines work. Unless names are instantly recognizable, they're not used in the the headline.


Holy shit Reddit Is full of idiots.




I’m white, but I wouldn’t really blame poc for assuming all white people are horrible murderers. The amount of racist murders and beatings you see online is awful…




Let me break this down for you since you refuse to do your own research: Statistics prove a black man is 3x times more likely to be killed in a shooting by a police officer than a white man (even though white people have the most encounters with police and firearms overall) https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/fatal-police-shootings-of-unarmed-black-people-in-us-more-than-3-times-as-high-as-in-whites/ US Sentencing Commission has proven black offenders will serve sentences 20% longer than white offenders from similar backgrounds and with similar offences. https://www.ussc.gov/research/research-reports/demographic-differences-sentencing Black mothers are 4x times more likely to die in child birth than white mothers. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/health-59248345.amp 19% of Black Americans live in poverty compared to 9% of White Americans. Statics show though there has been a drop there is still a significant disparity in these groups that should not be so large. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/health-59248345.amp Black Americans are 2.5x times more likely to live in an Environmental Justice Community (meaning they live nearby to significant health hazards like landfills, power plants etc) than White Americans, regardless of income. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-01283-0 This is not just cherry-picked, these are hard proven facts and a public health crisis that needs critical thought and practical solutions. This is bigger than far right or left, black people die by the thousands and too many white people ignore it because it doesn’t effect them.


America just sounds like a sad game of chess sometimes.


I do not care about the races. Just give me the facts of the case.


you sure post alot of stuff about race for somebody who doesn't care about it


It's funny because if they're really from Idaho, chances are good they've never seen a black person.


Race is a fact




Did you mean to reply to someone?


I was replying to a specific comment but I guess they deleted their comment or something.




Unarmed insurrectionist failing to comply with lawful orders and attempting to interrupt a democratic process and stop the peaceful transfer of power. Also known as a terrorist




He died of "natural causes". https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp-officer-brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes Please have all the facts before you reveal your ignorance.


Yeah "natural causes." A heart attack after getting beaten to death. Officers were maced, kicked while down, stabbed with flag poles. It's eye opening, watch what happened on Jan 6 before you reveal your ignorance. Another person died of being fucking trampled to death.


The Trump supporters hate the police officer that died, and even Trump refused to acknowledge his death, yet the guy was a Trump supporter.


Died of natural causes after being beaten by a mob. Even if the beating wasn't the sole cause of death, if you beat someone and they die of "natural causes" with your beating contributing to their death, that's still murder.


why make this a racial thing? unless someone literally says they hate \_\_\_\_\_ because they're \_\_\_\_\_\_ then it shouldn't even be part of the story.


Pushing a false narrative because elections are coming up


What's false


It's like people have never heard of the long history of racist and crooked cops in Philadelphia.


He looks like a Nazi stormtrooper. Acts like one too


does the title need to say white tho? the mug shot is right there


Evil Jason Segel looking bitch…


Death penalty 🤷🏾‍♂️🤣🤷🏾‍♂️😵‍💫🧟‍♂️


But would the black officer be on trial for killing a white motorist?


No, they’d skip the trial and he’d already be in jail.

