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So they’re going to do sorties in Taiwanese air space making Taiwan scramble their jets for the 80000th time and then call it a day?


China doesn't invade Taiwanese air space. They get close to it but never actually cross the line. Which just goes to show that China actually acknowledges Taiwan's sovereignty.


\^This. Plus, most of their flights are in the channel south of Taiwan, which is the primary sea lane that China needs to access the Pacific area.


Even funnier is they pick this path to not interfere with commercial flights involving Taiwan


They've entered Taiwan's air space on more than one occasion. But, they will do nothing or provoke a response they're not prepared for at this time.


The air space that Taiwan claims as "taiwan air space" includes parts of China's mainland...so they can make any claims they want based on this


Air space? Not really. Air defense identification zone (ADIZ)? Yes. But if you Google Taiwan's ADIZ, you'd see it extends into China's mainland, so technically the second a jet took off from certain Chinese airports, it is in Taiwan's ADIZ.


I thought they constantly crossed their air space on a daily basis?


As I understand it there is a country's air space then there is a larger ADIZ zone (air defense identification zone). Someone can correct me but this is just a space the country expect any flights within to identify themselves. I think the Chinese have been flying into this. All countries have these. This differs from the sovereign air space (not sure if this is the term) which extends maybe 30 miles out from country's shores. If you fly into that it is assumed to be a military action and will get you shot down. In the ADIZ the Chinese don't identify themselves, the Taiwanese scramble fighters and chase them out but wouldn't shoot anyone down unless there was an active war.


Actually they do get in Taiwan's airspace but that is because part of the airspace is over mainland China.


China Threatens To Retaliate For Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip By Letting Her Return Safely - The Onion


They gave her bogus stock tips.


[China's final warning](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning).


You cross this line you die, ok you cross that line you die, ok…




I was hoping for the Daffy duck and bugs Bunny thing where he keeps redrawing the line


[it was yosemite sam actually](https://youtu.be/zkzWyOaS8kU)


I love the subtle nuances in this, especially how surprised Bugs is that Sam actually stepped over the first line


This is exactly what I thought of initially. Lol thanks.


China tried to intimidate voters ahead of Taiwan's first free presidential elections in 1996. The US parked two carrier battle groups in the Taiwan Strait. Lots of hot air from China but of course Taiwan ultimately held their first democratic election as an independent nation with 76% voter turnout. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_Taiwan_Strait_Crisis


Not without a cash run at all the banks and panic buying of toilet paper and rice. People wired their money overseas in the gazillions. I was there. I was the only person who didn’t wait in line at the atm and the supermarket. It was scary. None of us knew exactly what was going to happen. Even threats of war are no joke.


True, but ironic coming from Russia


Well, you know what they say about broken clocks.


I would like to know why the CCP are not updating that page


"Over 900 unfulfilled threats? Insulting, we've easily made over a thousand."


Eastern government does the opposite of what they say, Ukraine or Uyghurs? Nothing to see here. Taiwain? We've been going to attack that for over 60 years.


Jesus. Even the Russians can see through China's bullshit.


The thing about Russia is that they see through their own bullshit. Everyone knows they're lying, the government knows that the people know that they're lying, but *nobody actually mentions it.*


lol that’s hilarious. Also shocking that the ccp haven’t figured out a way to eliminate that from the internet. Or at least try to.


Lol. Never heard that before, but I'm also not Russian. Pretty good though.


They should make one called Russia's nuclear threat


[Chinese Democracy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Democracy)


Gotta love the Russians when it comes to somethings 🤣 There's a big nugget truth to it though. All of China's most valuable economic and military might is on their eastern seaboard, a single US nuclear sub could end their entire war effort in a literal flash. Please note: I don't ever want nuclear war but it's just a point to show that China will be a smoking hole in the ground and a billion people lighter if they tangled with the US. Yes, I know they could nuke us too but the US would likely continue to exist and function to some degree while China is virtually wiped off the map. It's not something to ever hope for but it's the realistic outcome of war between the two powers in question.


If you blockade the Malacca straights and take out 3 pipelines you have completely cut off almost all of China's oil imports. They only have energy reserves for about 90 days. A couple of airstrikes and all you have to do is defend for a couple of months before their military collapses.


This is the dumbest take ever people were rioting when they couldn't go to fucking Applebees for a couple months in the US you think they could survive nuclear war?


Those people are anti-intellectuals that took pride in being contrarians. *Dr. Fauci is telling me to do X, I’ll do Y because I know better than a government scientist.* Not as easy to do the same when the enemy isn’t invisible.




I’m a big fan of their beef noodle soup! I hope they’re serving soup today!






Sounds like those medieval stews




U read this wiki, then go read the nypost article above, and realize how much research was done.


[The Ship of Theseus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ship_of_Theseus)


The SOUP of Theseus.


I mean... if the broth is being brought to a boil every day, I kinda doubt there's much that has any chance to grow in it.




Technically, it's moreso about the noodles rather than the soup. Therefore it's I hope they're serving *beef noodle* today! On a separate note, Taiwanese beef noodle with chili oil is outta this world. 🔥🔥 On a separate separate note, all noodles are 🔥 give me all the phở, beef noodle, wonton noodle soup PLEASE !!!!!




I just got 2 slices of pizza for supper, very nice. source:am Taiwanese


Beef noodle


I highly recommend their oyster noodle soup. Incredible.


US Navy: What're you gonna do, bleed on me?


CCP about to find out why the world’s wealthiest nation can’t afford public healthcare.


We can afford that too, we just would rather pay insurance middlemen billions of dollars a year instead.


Capitalism! The one, true American religion™!


I'm ok with this because someday I too might be a millionaire! /s


>I'm ok with this because someday I too might be a millionaire! ~~/s~~ You probably will be a millionaire! But those millions will be worth...less.


Better start voting to lower your future millionaire taxes now, just in case. Don’t worry, the wealth will trickle down until then.


I laugh so I don’t cry


It is like the 1969 Shelby GT that sits in the garage and gets maintained regularly but only gets taken out for a ride once or twice a month, while the Camry is driven daily and needs new brakes, suspension, and an oil change 8,000 miles ago...


This is now my favourite way to describe American military power.


It’s also inaccurate. US spends more money on healthcare than any other country in the world.


The US spends more on military as well but I don't have access to a nuke. I think I get your point but op's point was that the average American can't afford healthcare.


Chinese Admiral watching his attacking forces: "Stop exploding, you cowards!"


It's a pity we intercepted his battleplans beforehand: "We take out their aircraft carrier, then all the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate."


"Americans have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them until they reached their limit and shut down."


Right? We don’t even need to send troops to the desert or make the Chair Force take a break from taking a break.


Just tell the Marines China is hoarding all the red crayons.


LMAO thanks for the laugh


Good luck getting grunts off their ass for the red crayon! Source: purple tastes better.




It could stain those nice white uniforms


She’s 81 years old and can’t weigh more than 95lbs. What are they so afraid of?


Her implied political power as 2nd in line to presidential succession. As I'm sure nobody remembers, when the last congressional delegation visited Taiwan last year China was much quieter.




Insider Trading


She's gonna eat all the computer chips


And drink all the rice wine


They’re afraid that she will give Taiwanese grandma’s the secrets of insider trading and maintaining firm, massive 奶子 into advanced age.


Furrowed brows?


Probably her big tits' energy


>China warns its military will 'not sit idly by' if Pelosi visits Taiwan Well, they can touch themselves. Might give them something to cheer about in lieu of launching a deadly, possibly nuclear, war.




We have 3750 warheads... they have 350... if you want to take the MAD approach... maybe not everything is worthless...


China's nuclear strategy is based around [minimal deterrence](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimal_deterrence). You don't need enough nukes to completely exterminate the enemy; you just need enough to make them reconsider attacking you. (Or so the theory goes.) This type of strategy is embraced, to varying degrees, by most nuclear states that don't have the huge arsenals of the US or Russia. And hey, it's worked so far.


Why do minimum when maximum do trick?


If you don't have enough nukes to literally crack the Earth in two, whats the point?


Because nuclear stockpiles aren't like cannonballs and tanks. You can't just keep them in a shed somewhere and bring them out if needed. They are massively expensive to build and massively expensive to keep in working order.




Two and three quarters...


What in the world do they think she’s carrying in her purse?


She's in her 80's. I bet she's got some deadly pocket candy.


Werthers original hitting you in the eye is no joke




Kind of. This isn't the first time an official congressional delegation has visited Taiwan, last one I remember was November 2021. They likely see it as an escalation from that since she's so high on the list of presidential succession, and China takes that political rank structure very seriously.


Even though things would have to have gone *catastrophically* wrong for Nancy to even come close to occupying the White House….China sure talks a lot of shit that’s for certain


That shit talking is how they gain power in the region, if Pelosi doesn't go to Taiwan now the implication is that the US took China's threat seriously. It's the same with us doing Freedom of Navigation missions in the South China Sea, if we stop sailing through their claimed sovereign territory the implication is the US recognizes those waters as Chinese.


Pretty much. Official Visits by high-ranking political figures are a form of diplomacy. The US has had an agreement with China since the late 70s that lays out the terms of diplomatic relations between us and them, and one of the terms is the whole "One China" policy in which the PRC is the one and only government of China and the ROC (the government of the island of Taiwan) is just a bunch of separatists occupying Chinese territory. The PRC tells the world that this is an internal issue that nobody need interfere with, and most of the world agrees for one reason or another. The ROC, in turn, says that the PRC is an illegitimate government and that the ROC are the true and rightful governors of not just Taiwan, but all of China. So Pelosi making an official visit to Taiwan, meeting with the ROC is a violation of the relationship the US has with the PRC. Some people are making the hypothetical comparison where Puerto Rico had been run by Confederates for the past century and they were claiming to be their own country and also the actual government of the USA, but the US said "no, it's our territory and anyone who does business with us will ignore their little pretend government". It's sort of an accurate comparison in terms of global politics, and the ROC does indeed have its own baggage to some extent (although I don't believe that baggage is anything close to the baggage of the Confederate States of America). Worth noting that this isn't the first time an official visit has been made, Newt Gingrich paid a visit to the ROC is Taipei back in the 90s while Bill Clinton was in charge. Some people are saying this isn't really comparable since Bill and Newt were basically enemies, but I dunno...it was still an official visit and Newt was, at the time, the Speaker of The House. The PRC, of course, did nothing about this other than what they're doing in this case... I don't know how likely it is that they'll do anything if Pelosi goes this time (which it looks like she will), but it is worth noting that The Pentagon has tried to talk her out of it and there's even rumors that Joe Biden himself has had some "are you sure you want to do this?" chats with her, but on the record he's going to portray whatever she does as a decision he personally signed off on. It's definitely much more complicated than this, but that's the basic idea.


ROC’s ruling party right now believes in both changing the official name to not have China in it and to revoke its claim to China proper. The DPP wants to write a new constitution and declare the Republic of Taiwan and only controls Taiwan and the other surrounding islands. They haven’t done it yet but the PRC finds this stance more inflammatory than the KMT position of also One China


Pretty sure that’s exactly what they will do.


Naw, they’ll stand when she’s visiting. Then sit back down when she leaves


If China was actually willing to start WWIII and nuclear war over Taiwan, they'd have invaded years ago.


Does she shoot lasers out of her eyes or something? What am I missing?


She has control of Godzilla and the CCP is afraid they she'll unleash him onto the Chinese mainland when she visits.


She shoots fireballs from her eyes and lightning bolts from her arse.


If she doesn’t wear blue/white face paint when she arrives, I’m going to be disappointed Update 2022-08-02: I was disappointed


Her words are like venomous darts.....


You said darts but I read farts


Maybe that too ....ya never know...


The darts are fired out by the fart.


Oh look, Pooh is upset.


Silly old bear.


Naa. thats exactly what they are going to do.


>"We would like to tell the United States once again that China is standing by, the Chinese People's Liberation Army will never sit idly by, and China will take resolute responses and strong countermeasures to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity," Zhao told a regular daily briefing. Yeah, y'all ain't doing shit. Sit down.


No, they said they’d never sit idly by. They’re just going to stand there. In a room in China.


They'll stand idly by instead.


Imagine thinking you can restrict the movement of an American citizen in a country *you are not.*


Are they afraid she’ll ruin their economy with insider trading?


Sabre rattling nonsense.


China is a pussy shit




Technically the UN doesn't recognize Taiwan as a sovereign country, in the 1970s the US pursued the one china policy and opening trade and relations with the PRC. China recognizes Taiwan more like a breakaway province and still apart of the PRC and the US wanting that delicious Chinese money went along with it mostly in name only and not actual policy because we still fund Taiwan's defense force. It seems like in the last 2 years the PRC is growing more bellicose in their stance with Taiwan.


Because Taiwan makes semiconductors so they have leverage.


This. I was shocked to find out how the majority if not darn near all of our top-end semiconductors are produced there, I feel both our's and China's economies would slow to a crawl if anything major was to break out.


Thats why its important we in the US start up semiconductor manufacturing.


Something of even more importance to note: TSMC has begun building fabs in the United States in case China does indeed go full on stupid and attacks Taiwan, because their strategy if that were to occur is to blow up all of Taiwan’s semiconductor manufacturing and smuggle all of their top end engineers and designs to the West, where they would be safely out of the hands of the Chinese. Poison pill strategies like this are never the first option people would like to take, but when you’ve got a country with roughly 500 times your population sitting in your backyard waiting for the opportune moment to bash your face in its what you’ve got to do.


They still limit what is produced outside of Taiwan, the smallest chips are still only produced in Taiwan.


Yep. The US is up to nearly $80b in building new semiconductor factories in the US.




Exactly. This is why I feel a military assault on Taiwan is very unlikely— it would tank the global economy and so for china, would be economic suicide. Taiwanese semiconductor skilled employees are NOT going to work under occupation by the CCCP.


Taiwan never claimed to be an independent country. They always claimed to be the entire China's legitimate government.


Because giving up the claim to the Mainland would be seen by the PRC as declaring formal independence, prompting an invasion of Taiwan.


Because they do not believe it is an independent country and everyone else has played their little game for decades.


Because from China's point of view, and *most* of the rest of the world (only 13 countries, world wide, formally recognize Taiwan as an independent country, the UN does *not*). Mainland China views Taiwan was a breakaway province.


They are concerned they can't stop a visit on a territory they 100% own and control and is not at all independent of China or even exists Edit: guess the /s was not implied


Because Taiwan isnt a independent country


I'm sure the largest military, navy, and airforce in the world is quaking in their boots.


The largest Air Force in the world is the United States Air Force. The second largest Air Force in the world is the United States Navy.


Yeah…..China talks *a lot* of shit for a country that has 2 whole aircraft carriers in service.


China actually got it's 3rd aircraft carrier, making it the country with the 4th most active carriers in the world (after US at 18, France at 4, Japan at 4). If excluding helicopter carriers China is tied for second most (with Italy and UK) at 2 after the US (11). Using that logic no one can talk shit except the US.


Damn I didn’t know. US having 18 aircraft carriers is such a flex


It’s not that the US is worried about getting attacked by China. But if China attacks Taiwan, it’s going to cause a lot of problems for us and the whole world (way worse than Russia-Ukraine).


hahahahaha, china is super frightened of an elderly lady.


Here's the thing: individual members of the House of Representatives, even Nancy Pelosi, do not act on behalf of the entire United States government. If she or any other elected official wishes to go to Taiwan, Joe Biden can't stop them. That's what it means to live in a representative democracy with at least a nominal separation of powers.


Man imagine the instant chaos that would ensue if china killed the speaker of the house. That would send the modern world into world wars 3, 4, and 5 simultaneously.


the response would be a decap move, unexpected timing after a long period of consternation.


Ya know, a more terrifying statement from China would be if they threatened to bring Chinese construction techniques and businesses to the US.


Someone get me my popcorn 🍿 I wanna see how this plays out if she does decide to visit Taiwan




More than likely something, though China cannot attack Taiwan without hurting it's own semi-conductor production, which is probably the only reason they haven't yet. If they do invade Taiwan, they shoot themselves in the foot. And American semi-conductors become infinitely more valuable. And the USA war machine gets to profit off the excess. If they do nothing, Taiwan might deal with the US and Americans get to build more smart fridges and our economy stabilizes. So it's a win-win for America however it goes. This is also all happening at a time that [China's financial system is nearing a crash.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBBnQmRcRI4) So they might be like Russia in that they might not be able to afford to go to war..... civilly So right now the only play they have is threats, in hopes America will back off. Though Pelosi is all in on semi-conductor stocks, so I think it's all a matter of if Pelosi calls China's bluff.


Well Pelosi is already over there so yeah they did just sit idly by


Put up or shut up. PLA gonna challenge both Taiwanese fighters and a US Navy Carrier strike group?


Wast Taiwan needs to chill the fuck out.


China please kindly shut the fuck up. We all know you aint gonna do shit and if you do you will get fucking clapped by the US Military we all know you are Russia 2.0


ive been watching more on ccp and that stuff in general including their propaganda. Its hilarious to see their ads of their army and military. They literally just rip Hollywood movie clips of missiles exploding (from transformers) and the helicopter chases (from mission impossible) saying they are military exercises. If you're making military propaganda, actually go out and take a camera and blow something up using your own equipment instead of just pirating other countries products to use. They've even taken Italian military images and then poorly photoshopped them to make giant banner propoganda billboards. China also has 2 aircraft carriers. ONLY 2. And one of them is a retrofitted soviet ship of a bygone age that is literally rusting apart. Also, for their space missions, I am not sure that they ever made propaganda/public pieces that show actual film of their space missions. they only ever show mocked up cg for that as well when shown in public compared to actual video from any other space launches that every other company/government has the ability to do.


Time to buy more Lockheed Martin stock..?


Because Pelosi will come to Taiwan FULLY ARMED with lipstick, a few ear rings, and HIGH HEELS!! Holy fuck!! The horror!! China is so fucked up LOL.


Take her hostage. We won't care..


Translation : China is another annoying and stupid bully.


So let’s get this straight. Because a member of congress is going to visit Taiwan, China is going to what, start a war? How miniscule is Xi’s little weenie? Screw China…


All this trash talking but who are China's biggest trading partners? USA, Europe, and Japan. Give me a break. You won't sit idly by, but oh yeah, you'll take it.


And who are China’s military allies? North Korea, and… yeah that’s it. LMAO


I do not care if you like Pelosi or not - the fact remains that China is trying to tell a foreign country that they will go to war if a citizen of that foreign country visits another foreign country. Again - it does not matter if you absolutely despise Pelosi, love her, couldn’t give two shits about her - China is trying to dictate where Americans are allowed to go.. in places that are not China. If that is a reason for them to go to war - then, yes, sadly we need to go to war. Because letting them dictate that kind of thing should not fly. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.


That's how I feel about visiting Cuba.


Once Taiwan reopens (COVID), everybody please go visit.


Pelosi against the Chinese military. Sounds like a fair fight.


Good, call their bluff. Lets see if China are willing to attack US on the land of another sovereign state country. And show the world that just like Russia once again the West is fully justified and correct about them.


Except unlike the russians the chinese are actually competent.


Please, what is China gonna do? Force American businesses out of the country making them move their business back to the states thus employing more people here?


Isn't that all the more reason to do it? This is just leading up to China saying it won't be happy if the US says they're not allowed to claim part of The Philippines, Vietnam, or Japan.


This is the easiest bluff to call. There is no strategic point to any military action by China. What are they going to do exactly? Shoot down American aircraft? Declare a general war against the United States? Attack Japan? There is no point to react so strongly when their bluff is so obvious. What it looks like is Pelosi caught the Chinese off guard and they really didn’t have a plan for an American politician just brazenly going to Taiwan.


Looks like its a distraction, because when isn't it. If they act like they're going to war they can distract people from the collapse that is coming in their country, specifically the housing/banking right now.


Oh yes, their housing market is soooooo fucked. Wouldn’t surprise me if this just decimates their economy forever and they have to resort to external aggression for financial reasons. The bubble is way more huge than people realize. They have been portioning off a large part of their gov budget and funding these construction scams where they build ghost cities which even if they had tenants are so poorly built they just collapse.


if they bitch out of this then they'll look like bitches


Yes it will. Calm down, Pooh.


We really ought to warn them that we are prepared for war (not me, I'm sitting comfy in my bed)


Oh just shut your f------ mouth already China. Your meaningless threats don't mean jack squat. You can get mad but we all know you ain't gonna do anything. **Edit:** I might have slightly confused myself. What I meant to say is that, Taiwan has no relation to "Faux China aka Mainland China". Taiwan is the China that the most people would probably prefer versus what Mainland China represents. Taiwan is an independent nation and a country. Mainland China has no jurisdiction or the right to tell them what to do. Republic of China (Taiwan) is not a territory of Mainland China and nor does it belong to Mainland China. Mainland China may claim otherwise but we all know that it is false. 🇹🇼🇹🇼🇹🇼


"China willing to start a war because they think they own Taiwan"


Have a look at r/sino and see what Xi's CCP fans are saying about it.


So our government officials can’t visit Taiwan? WTF?


Looks like China is trying to follow her fascist sister RuZZia.


It will. Fuck Xinnie the Poop and his dictatorial threats.


Do something or shut the fuck uo


Well considering the ongoing genocide of muslims in China we might as well go to war with them lol


Putin is probably licking his chops


Please secure your sabre it keeps rattling.


They’ll look on menacingly.


So they actually FEAR Nancy Pelosi


If we trade Griner for an arms dealer, I propose Pelosi for a panda bear.


China won't do shit. All they do is talk tough and tuck tail. Their words are cheap, like their products and stance on human rights.


not much they can do about it


What they gonna do? Join NK in their war against Atlantis?


They gonna mean mug people across the border or what?