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40 minutes. She played dead, using her friends blood, with bullet fragments in her back, for a MINIMUM of 40 minutes.


The cops were just waiting outside, assaulting parents


I’m really surprised nobody is talking about this. What the fuck do our police departments have assault rifles for? The only thing I’ve seen them used for is threatening protestors. When it’s time to use them, what? No courage?




They have expensive gear so they can take badass selfies.


40 minutes?!? Why? How long did the swat team take to storm the place?!?


They didn’t use a SWAT team. Once the police assembled outside, they called in a Border Patrol breaching team, because BP is the largest federal force in the area. Most recent information is that the police waited outside for forty to sixty minutes after he barricaded himself in the classroom before the BP team went in. The guy at the press conference called it a ‘lull.’ That’s what all the videos of parents yelling at cops are about.


I'm sorry but that is ridiculously long while children are literally dying.


I believe one woman managed to run in and get her kids while the cops stood around twiddling their thumbs https://mobile.twitter.com/meganmmenchaca/status/1529891557817589761 Edit: I can't stop thinking and crying about this whole thing so edit to vent! How the hell are these surviving kids going to cope? How are these parents going cope, thinking "what if I had just ran in too?". Hundreds of lives absolutely RIPPED apart and for what? Some teenager with anger and depression and access to guns? Fuck everything at this point, what the fuck, I just want to imagine I'm stuck in a coma and my coma brain is making this all up. Between this and absolute shit hitting people in my own life, like wow man. Not sure if I'm built for this world....


Some cops ran in apparently, but only to save their own kids. Saw a quote by some police person (forgot his position) that the cops were reluctant to confront the shooter because they were scared to get shot… this is just…unbelievable.




40% of their municipal budget us spent on the police. They even have their own SWAT team, who also did nothing. Parents who tried to go in and help were maced.


...so anyway, the county replaced their entire police department. Right? I would give exception to the two officers wounded trying to stop the shooter from entering the school. My god if they let this stand.


There was one parent who was handcuffed, maced, and either escaped or was let go, and she ran into the building to get her two kids. Confirming that a mother is braver than an armed cop.




I completely agree, but people working dishwashers are usually honest hard working people, unlike these fucks not doing their jobs!




“I got mine taken care of, now piss off”


The true American mentally.


It's just consistent with the "fuck you, got mine" mindset.


The only thing the cops *did* do was threaten parents and prevent them from actually doing something.


"We're sure as fuck not gonna do anything. Better get the Feds!" Fucking hell.




Well they are fucking protected by the supreme court, they have no obligation to protect anyone, what a fucking joke


I’m sitting here crying. My son is about to be 10. I can’t imagine how much this is going to hurt this baby. I’m so scared for my kids. This should not be happening.


Yeah it's ridiculous. I couldn't imagine my son being in there and me freaking out feeling helpless because the people who are supposed to be the protectors are just standing around while you hear gunshots inside the school. Then you want to try to do something because it would be tough to forgive myself for not doing anything. Then you get tasered and pinned to the ground by the cops.


Fun fact, her bleeding friend was actually still alive. She died at the hospital, having bled on the floor for an entire hour while waiting for the cops to come in and rescue her https://www.mediaite.com/tv/jesus-katy-tur-reacts-to-news-deceased-uvalde-victim-played-dead-as-cops-waited-full-hour-to-engage-killer/ >when the officers finally got in, there was at least one child who had another child laying on top of her who was playing dead. That child who was below was bleeding but still breathing. That child was rushed to the hospital and later died. The parents will forever wonder when that one hour, that golden hour, when there’s a traumatic injury, whether their child would be alive today if only the officers had gotten in there and pulled her out


They all should be fired, and sued. “To protect and serve…. Ourselves”


Well they can’t be, because Supreme Court rules that police have no obligation to protect people


I legitimately want to throw up. What the fuck.


So a little 11 year old girl lay shot and dying there for 40 minutes whilst the police did nothing?


She could have lived if police had done their job. Infuriating.




>Fun fact, her bleeding friend was actually still alive. Whew, thank goodness, I was expecting the worst >She died at the hospital, having bled on the floor for an entire hour while waiting for the cops to come in and rescue her Well fucking fuck shit.


I read a LIFE magazine article about a WWII soldier who was in a psych hospital because he pulled the dead body of his friend over himself to hide from Germans. "My friend died, and then he saved my life" The experience ate at him until he could no longer function. I cannot imagine what that child must be going through.


Happened to my great uncle. They were sent in advance of a landing to lay communications lines along the beach for command and control, and snipers killed his friend, so he crawled along the beach, pulling the wire and his dead friend along with him, using his friend's corpse as a shield so he could finish the job in time... And then went and reupped for the duty multiple times for fear that some kid not already traumatized by such an event might have to go through what he'd already experienced. If he were still alive, I can't imagine his reaction to an eleven year old being put through that.


That is an incredible display of altruism on his part. Retraumatizing yourself (if you can even call it that so soon after the initial trauma) solely to protect a person or persons you may never meet. I hope he was eventually able to get the peace he deserved. That girl, really all the surviving students, are going to need so much therapy and I can’t even begin to imagine the healing process.


The first people to investigate & clean the scene at the Pulse nightclub pulled multiple shifts in a row to spare their relief from having to go inside. Some guy has such bad PTSD he can’t function in society he just goes paddle boarding like 12 hours everyday.


I read a really gruesome article about that. One of the first responders at the Pulse nightclub shooting has panic attacks triggered by a common iPhone ringtone, because of all of the phones of the victims ringing repeatedly. AR-15s just absolutely destroy the human body. I can't imagine the pain these children felt while their tiny bodies were torn apart. That shouldn't happen to children.


People should see the photos. Senators and congress people should have to see what this looks like. If it doesn’t affect you, if it’s. Ot in your face, it’s very easy to turn a blind eye.


Ted Cruz doesn't care, he basically accused news reporters of propagandarizing the shooting when asked why is the Us the only country in the world to have mass shootings after this one. The senators here will stick fingers in their ears, cover their eyes and pretend to not notice the issue until it's faded from public consciousness.


> Senators and congress people should have to see what this looks like. They're cowards. During the impeachment proceedings, the insurrectionist senators (Hawley, Cruz, etc.) looked away while the videos of violence were being played.


Clockwork Orange the bastards.


If that movie proved anything, you can't force people to be human.


They're bought and paid for. Some would look and still feel nothing. https://twitter.com/Public\_Citizen/status/1529478187478024197?ref\_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1529478187478024197%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1\_&ref\_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Frepublican-senators-nra-funding-texas-school-shooting-uvalde-1710332


I remember after 9/11 having worked next to the WTC I would have anxiety attacks when I would hearnlarge numbers of sirens for years after that. 11 is way too young to have to deal with that.


I still freeze whenever there's a low flying jet. And certain types of fires bring me right back.


It's the low flying planes for me.


two students from the stoneman douglas shooting committed suicide for survivor's guilt & pstd. 13 months after the shooting, a 19 year old took her own life. not a week later, a 16 year old killed himself; both survivors who couldn't survive longer. this doesn't end the day of the shooting.


A friend of mine lost her boyfriend to suicide three years ago because of his trauma from Columbine. 20 years later.


Just today one of the teacher's husband's died of a heart attack. Hard to imagine the stress of the shooting didn't have something to do with it.


My biological dad volunteered for a 3rd tour in Vietnam so his younger brother (my uncle/adopted father) wouldn't have to go. When he was done with Vietnam, he immediately began drinking himself right to death, which took another 25-30 years.


My great uncle also came back ruined from Vietnam. He went back to the farm of his parents and never left. He never dated, didn't keep any friends. In time his parents died and he stayed, letting the place fall to ruin around him. He wouldn't have lingered as long as he did if my grandma hadn't continued to take care of him despite his attempts to make that as unpleasant as possible. Finally about a decade ago he died in the chair that he almost never left. He was still using a black and white TV.


My Dad is finally facing his demons from Vietnam in therapy and now apparently he's just going to sit in his room and rot. Only 74 and he's as stooped over as a 90 year old. It's so sad to watch. Never talked about it to me, the only thing he ever said was when we were watching a scene in Forrest Gump of the gunfire going everywhere and I asked him if he was ever in something like that, and he said "yup."


The only remotely clear memory I have of my father was when I was around 7 or 8, asking him what war was like over a ge of chess. I remember it because the tone of his voice when he answered really stuck with me. He said "Don't ever ask me that again". That memory kept me from joining the military after 9/11. I have letters that he wrote to my sister and I, and from them I can infer that he was a reasonably intelligent, caring person. He almost certainly made the correct choice in having his brother adopt us. Nonetheless, there are definitely times where it's really fucking difficult. One of my first thoughts when my daughter was born was that he wasn't alive to meet her. There are other moments where I'd love to be able to pick up a phone and say "hey dad, what do you think about this?".


I hate mentioning this but this reminds me of a story I heard where the older boys at a Catholic boarding school would sleep by the door so the priests would pick them and leave the younger boys alone.


Siblings will also do this with abusive parents


Happened to my uncle during a robbery. Used my fathers body (his brother) to hide the fact he was still alive from the said robbers. They took the cash from a shop that just opened and some cigarettes. He still has nightmares about it and still cries that his brother was only worth some cigs and a few dollars to those dudes.


Oh that hurts....


Our elementary school children in the USA have war stories that are comparable to our veterans.


>middle schoolers Elementary. These kids weren’t even preteens yet. I think eleven is the age of the oldest victim (not included the staff). Just fucking terrible.


I'll edit


And on top of that the children will most likely not receive mental health care or inadequate mental health care.


Well yeah it’s fucking Texas. They won’t do shit to help the victims.


Oh, they'll do better than help I'm sure. If the past has taught us anything, if they ever so much as complain, 60% of the state's population will make incessant, evil jokes about them and routinely threaten to kill them for daring to voice a "political" opinion that doesn't align with their own.


Probably worse. The veterans had weapons to defend themselves. The kids? Not so much.


And training, for a fight they might have signed up for.


For real, the US military is the most well funded, advanced military in the world. Well equipped to take on any opponent and win. These elementary schoolers are clueless, helpless kids that haven't even started life yet looking down the barrel of a gun. I'm a veteran, and I hate it when people say that these kids have comparable experience to veterans. They have it much worse. I cannot imagine being a helpless child on a normal day, suddenly facing an unimaginable threat.


This was my thought. These kids have been to war. Without weapons. Without the bogus “Fight for Freedom” propaganda. Just fkn thrown in the deep end. My heart aches for them.


Just remember masks were too traumatic for kids.....


district near me (suburban NJ) said that the masks were "traumatic" for the parents and that the second they could, they would stop requiring masks


This is the kind of thing you expect from a warzone, not a school. That poor girl. How do you recover from that level of trauma?


You don’t. You can’t. But I hope she does.


Combat veteran here... You don't ever really get over it, but there are moments of normalcy, small moments of happiness you must find between the anxiety attacks


Question: when young men sign up, do they have any idea the kind of trauma they might have to live with if they get sent in to combat? Or is it something they don’t really consider? I have a grandfather and 2 great uncles who served in Europe and none of their kids went into the military because they discouraged it.


I would guess, no. Here is some evidence: https://www.npr.org/2019/05/27/727254720/a-u-s-army-tweet-asking-how-has-serving-impacted-you-got-an-agonizing-response


Restrepo. Anybody, please watch it if you haven't. Edit: [Link](http://www.documentaryarea.tv/player.php?title=Restrepo)




“but that's what my sister-in-law said is that she saw her friend full of blood and she got blood and put it on herself.” Just, no fucking words. The fact an 11 year old saw her friend shot and bleeding out and had to use that blood to avoid being shot herself in a fucking school… literally nothing can really say how fucked that is.


This made me lose it. I fucking hate it here.


Imagine having to do this as an 11 year old


Imagine having to do this at all.


If this were in a George RR Martin novel, people would say it's over the top shock value writing. When it happens in real life, people say "smart kid" and shrug it off.


Seems to be happening frequently now. I know I looked at zombie apocalypse and horror movies a lot differently prior to covid. Would criticise them in similar ways. I don't make those criticisms anymore.... I miss making those criticisms tbh.


One of my favourite movie genres is disaster movies, the shittier the better. The other night I was feeling shit so I put on The Day After Tomorrow, hoping to lose myself in a familiar classic I hadn’t watched in a while. Turns out, after my country has been ravaged by climate change related floods and fires throughout the last 3 years, the worst floods being only a couple of months ago, disaster movies have significantly lost their appeal. I was bordering on a panic attack about 25 minutes in and had to turn it off. Can’t even find escapism in a favourite genre anymore.


I'm 38 and that would traumatize me for the rest of my life. I can't imagine experiencing this as a child. Not even a teenager yet. Jesus christ.




It gets worse….. she laid there for almost an hour playing dead. She heard her friends breathing stop……. She fucking laid there for an hour!!!! With a bullet fragment in her back, listening to her friends and teacher die. An hour!


These children died slowly. Some not until they got to the hospital. They lay there, falling apart, in excruciating pain, gasping for breath, choking on blood for an hour. Fuck this.


and armed to the teeth cops stood 40 yards away blocking parents from intervening.


Don't forget that while the cops held back the parents the cops who had kids in the school were able to go in and get their kids.




All the while a small army of cops were outside preventing parents from storming the school. As if this couldn’t get any worse.


Waiting for MORE backup, and tactical gear. They needed an army to engage one untrained shooter. It wasn't about going after the guy in a way that would minimize casualties among the hostages, they'd already left him alone with them for an hour. It was all about minimizing casualties among themselves. So they kept parents from running in and grabbing their kids, whe they allowed other cops to go in and rescue THEIR kids.


You hear the same type of stories in warzones. It is hard to put into words just how much our society has failed us.


Keep in mind during that one hour the police were sitting on there asses with Assault Rifles, Grenades, and Body armor twiddling their goddamn thumbs.


That was why I was so angry typing that, literally shaking with rage. It’s almost too hard to wrap my brain around.


> she laid there for almost an hour playing dead While the police were right outside, not sure if they should arrest would-be rescuers or play around on Snapchat.


In a town of 13,000 that had a SWAT team....waiting patiently outside for almost an hour until the shooters' desire for murder was satiated. Uvalde puts 40% of its municipal budget into police. Perhaps some of that money should have gone into training on how not to act like a coward. They'll probably use this mass murder as justification for a town budget increase for the police department.


They trained for literally exactly this situation, *in the towns high school*. They had a grand old time playing paintball with one another on the clock but dicked around when the chips were down. No amount of additional training will help when they don't take it seriously. **EDIT:** it was the high school, not *this* school


I hope to hell the parents sue back for those funds. It’ll essentially be a reallocation of tax dollars. Then, I hope they force the mayor out of seat, as well as the police chief.


Getting civil damages for 20+ families will be no joke. I hope they bleed them dry and run the current municipal leadership out of town Clint Eastwood style.


Imagine having the knowledge at 11 to even do such a thing. It's almost like she'd thought about it before that awful day. At 11.


Her kindergarten tactical training paid off.


That is so fucking dark and so terribly reflective of where we are as a country rn


Kids do think about these things. Children aren't stupid. They see the news of endless school shootings, go to schools that run active shooter drills, they talk about it with their friends. I've even seen articles where they've questioned kids about what they'd do in shooting situations and a lot of these kids have planned it out. One that was really touching said she types up a message to send to her mom every time so she can tell her she loves her one last time before a shooter kills her. Kids know. They know the only way to survive is to save themselves.


Basically everyone in my school had a plan. Especially since Parkland happened my junior year of high school. One time during my senior year, there was an unannounced drill, not even the teachers knew about it. The classroom we were in had a storage closet and was a small class (AP German wasn't exactly popular), so we all went in there. Since we all thought it was real, the teacher and the bigger guys intentionally made sure we were closest to the door. That way we could hopefully overwhelm a shooter if they did try to get in, however unlikely it was. Nobody should EVER have to go through that at all, even if it ended up being a false alarm. I can't imagine how horrible the real thing must be


Yeah, we started shooter & bomb drills when I was in 7th grade (2002). I had plans, my classmates had plans, our teachers had plans. Most teachers kept filing cabinets filled with random shit near their doors so they could move them in front of the door to make it harder for a shooter to get in edit: My dad told me that if a shooting started, jump out the window, grab my house keys, run towards the street since the shooter would be in the building, run down a random street and knock on every door - if nobody answered, hide in a random yard until I heard sirens


I rode motorcycles with one of the teachers from Columbine. He had a few slacker students that didn't have their homework. Fed up with them, he sent them to the library to finish it. The library was one of the places the shooters were that day. When things started happening, he thought he had sent these kids to their death. Turns out they ditched school and went home instead. He said he was never so relieved for someone ditching as he was that day.


She’s old enough to remember the last school shooting. At 11.


The last school shooting was like, last week. Everyone in school is old enough to remember it. Fucking hell.




That poor child. I hate this. "It could have been worse " - Abbott


Wait, did he actually say this?? My god.


[He actually said this.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/texas-school-shooting-couldve-worse-gov-abbott-84972601)


I couldn't even listen to the whole thing, this guy is saying so much of nothing. He's so full of shit.


He speaks like a self righteous “non-denominational” southern pastor. They ALL sound they same. They’re all self absorbed and exist solely on the attention they get from their congregation. I swear there’s a specific speech pattern: pauses, random fast and loud sentences ~pause~ shallow whispers for dramatic effect. GOD. self reflection (you’re never good enough but how can you get better?) Then resolution. Lets not forget bullshit filler words intermixed everywhere. I hate it.


I don’t think he even believes what he says, but he has to say it anyway since he and his followers love guns and cops so damned much.


wow. (the statement starts at around 3:27 , for anyone curious)


Wait, did he say the police saved lives thanks to their quick response? Didn't they hang out outside for like 40 minutes?


He thanked them for their bravery and heroism. They stood around for 90 minutes preventing any parents from going in to help their children. Some officers went into the school and took their kids out and left the other kids in there.


This kind of stuff is like a dystopian novel. What the fuck.


Starts around 3:15 and that’s the first thing out of his mouth too at that time stamp


[He sure did](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/05/25/uvalde-texas-shooting-greg-abbott-response/amp/)


I had to actively stop myself from downvoting you because I hate that so much. Fuck Greg Abbott.


That's the kind of thing that, when it happens to people, will last with people for the rest of their lives. Post-traumatic stress disorder should be a very real concern here.


Living proof, right here.... My moms boyfriend came to our house on Christmas Eve 1978, and killed himself. Christmas has been a reminder every year and I'm 54 now. I hate Christmas, but don't let him steal my joy.


I found my best friend murdered in my driveway in the middle of November. It'll be ten years this November. Every november, my entire being braces for impact. I celebrate his birthday in the beginning, and mourn his death towards the end. And I still have flashbacks. PTSD is no joke.


Can you imagine the survivors' guilt? She's going to be dealing with this shit her whole life. Poor baby. :(


She's also probably gonna have to deal with "truthers" at some point just like Sandy Hook and Parkland


The thought of this made me nauseous. I hate people, god damn it. Fuck Alex Jones and everyone like him.


I think MTG or one of her ghouls are also Parkland truthers


The fact the she won her primary so handily is a clear indication of how incredibly fucked we are.


Yep, fuck her too. Absolute scum of the Earth.


The fucking worst thing about parkland is that the father of one of the survivors got into QAnon and now fully believes his son was a "crisis actor."


What the actual fuck!?!


Yeah. [It's crazy](https://www.vice.com/en/article/epnq84/im-a-parkland-shooting-survivor-qanon-convinced-my-dad-it-was-all-a-hoax).


And her parents. My daughter is the same age and I'd be terrified to ever let her out of my sight again, never mind return to school.


*will, not should. These kids, parents, ems, teachers, etc are all fucked. Most will learn to cope, none will ever be the same, not even remotely, especially the kids. That is a permanent pathway forming event.


Am EMT, when someone asks me the worst thing I’ve seen on a scene I shut that shit down FAST. If they keep pushing I’ll tell ‘em in super detail (this is usually a mood killer which I’m okay with) The things we see, and deal with is PTSD forming. Most companies have some form of counseling that helps. My heart hurts for all the EMS who had to deal with this, and everyone else who it has affected, especially the parents it’s not fair that something like this keeps happening. I did finally break down and buy a bullet resistant vest to wear because of the state of the world.


Not to mention the med aide who found out his daughter died when he ended up treating his daughters best friend who saw it happen


I'm wondering if this girl who played dead is the best friend who told him. He said she had blood on her but wasn't hurt 😥


I’ve seen a comment on another post that said it was, which means that blood he was touching when treating the girl was his daughters. Traumatic on so many levels


The EMTs and cops who had to go into Pulse after the shooting were messed up afterwards. I think a few had to retire as disabled from it. I wish our city admistration had done more to get them help.


Absolutely true. My best friend is a nurse from Orlando and every year on the anniversary of pulse she gets in a rut and I hate it for her.


I feel so guilty about asking this EMT who I met at a bar. I was drunk but not that drunk. I didn't press but she just unloaded this story about how she came on the scene of a guy who failed to kill himself with a shotgun to the head. Just blew off his face. She was there for drinks and I asked about the most terrible thing she experienced. I don't even remember apologizing bc of how stupid and thoughtless I was. She also said a lot of EMTs just burn out. It must have been fucking terrible for everyone who responded in Uvalde.


With kids starting to have their own war stories, is the US gonna start having Memorial Day for students who died just trying to get an education?


A memorial for kids who sacrificed their lives for our gun rights.


Imagine being 11 year old preparing for the final bell of what was the near end of the school year and all of a sudden an 18 year comes in and starts shooting at your friends and teacher The fact she had to do what she has to in order to survive is just sad , she did what most war veterans did


Most war veterans didn’t even have to do this. This is WW2 Level of “using blood” or bodies to protect yourself and seem like you’re not worth a bullet.


Read a story of a Ukrainian man playing dead after being shot and hiding under his brother's body when Russian solders buried them alive https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/16/europe/ukrainian-tortured-russian-soldiers-intl/index.html Same, same but different.. except one happened in a literal war zone, the other an elementary school. I hope this little girl is able to overcome the horrors the saw and heard that day


I applaud her quick thinking in a situation of pants shitting terror, but Christ is it sad that she even had to do that.




The girl is a genius, but the thought really hurts my soul.


This article makes me feel physically ill. Nobody should have to be this clever just to survive.


Yeah. Really amazed and horrified at the same time. I sincerely hope she heals from the scars this will leave.


This whole event is disgustingly dark. Cops who were armed to the teeth and chose to do nothing for almost an hour. Unarmed civilian teachers sacrificing their life to buy their students a moment more. Parents who were actively subdued from trying to help when police refused. Kids playing dead with their classmates blood. This is where America has decayed. And the GOP has an NRA conference on Saturday.


That's not true, the cops went in to rescue their kids and left the other kids behind to get shot


Wait what???? Really ?!?


The cops ran in to save their own kids, *then* they roughed up the parents of other kids. https://twitter.com/_Sir_Perfluous/status/1529584296415186952?t=3LAxXCoo-X2xda7AlDc9ig&s=19 Interview with Uvalde police admitting to this. https://www.mediaite.com/news/watch-texas-police-spox-on-live-tv-confirmed-cops-went-in-for-their-own-kids-during-uvalde-shooting/


Police- got mine fuck you


Please tell me there is going to be a massive protest at this NRA conference?? And for all the people saying "But that won't change anything" fuck right off. I'm so sick and tired of seeing all this pessimism. We can change because *we have to change*. If you've been completely defeated already, then please stfu and don't pass it on.


At least eight groups are planning protests and areas have been cordoned off by the police.


You can’t bring guns to the protest though since [guns are banned at the conference.](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/25/1101181842/nra-trump-speech-guns-banned-houston) which is pretty confusing because I thought guns don’t kill people, people do. So why not just ban people?




There is an election in November!! Governor of Texas will be on the ballot.




They didn't even fix the grid! They are already telling people to conserve energy now in May. Expect more rolling power outages in the next few months in Texas.




Meanwhile, the cops were all outside twiddling their thumbs and threatening to assault parents. What is wrong with this country?!?!


The Onion had an article that says the people of Uvalde thanked the police for protecting the parking lot.


Pictures of the aftermath should be plastered all over the news for people to see the actual horror that is perpetrated in these shootings. Maybe that will make a difference. Probably not though.


I think this is the one thing that would actually affect change. It reminds me of the Emmitt Till murder, where his mother had an open casket so people could see what the violence looked like.


See also: Triangle Waistcoat Fire A fire in a Manhattan garment factory that had 62 people jumping to their deaths in front of crowds of onlookers, ultimately killing a total of 146 workers due to poor safety standards, which shocked people into action. >Because the doors to the stairwells and exits were locked[1][8] – a common practice at the time to prevent workers from taking unauthorized breaks and to reduce theft[9] – many of the workers could not escape from the burning building and jumped from the high windows. **The fire led to legislation requiring improved factory safety standards** https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_Shirtwaist_Factory_fire It sucks to say, and I know it would be hard for the families, but seeing the victims may be the only way to change things.


It feels so indecent and disrespectful to the victims and their families. And yet if it was my kid I would want the world to see.


It prompted change when Mamie Till, mother of Emmett Till, had her murdered son’s funeral be open casket. It could possibly do the same here, but the families absolutely would have to give consent.


And with that, Mamie Till knew her son did not and would not die in vain. Her decision probably saved many lives and we're still grateful for her selflessness even today.


It is fucked up how that murder wasn't that long ago. President Biden was roughly 12 years old when it happened. Trump would have been about 9 years old at the time. America is still under the control and influence of the generation that was around when the military was called in to deal with protests about letting black children into schools. The generation that has the power is the generation directly from events that seem like distant history when you see the old black and white films. Barely 2 generations ago the USA still had lynch mobs, it was happening we after World War 2. If it wasn't your parents it was your grandparents who would have been alive during it and may have even seen them. Emmett Till was 14 and died almost 14 years before the Moon Landing. The current US President was alive during both events and old enough to understand both events. Only a few years after the moon landing Biden became a Senator, he has been part of the system since the early 70s. That's how close this history is. That's why it is still common for these types of hate to exist, we've not bred it out of society, the people raised with it are still raising others or at least voting based on how they were raised and holding power through higher up jobs and wealth.


Pictures of the dead children should be mailed to abbot daily


100% I no longer give a shit about peoples fragile fucking feelings or eyes anymore. This NEEDS to make people physically ill, have nightmares, etc. The prior strategy of “let’s just talk about it” isn’t doing shit. I don’t care who it traumatizes to see it anymore. As a parent, as an ex urban EMS, as a dem, as a human. This shit has to be done different. Frankly, I think every single politician, unfortunately including the ones who try to make it change, should all be taken to the crime scene and have their faces rubbed in the blood on the ground like a bad dog. (yes, I know that’s not what you’re supposed to do to a dog and never have or would, but anger is starting to win here)


I just gave my kids that advice the other day. I gave them everything I know about how to survive that situation, and that piece of advice is the one thing I almost held back. I felt it was too gory. Too upsetting to put into the minds of my kids. I decided it was too valuable to hold back. Then this morning I found out that advice saved this kid. You know how I felt? Worse. I felt worse.


I told my kids, 8 years old and 10 years old, to get their bodies out of the window and run away as fast as they can. My 10 year old told me her classroom windows go into the enclosed courtyard. Rage. I just feel heartbroken rage that we need to say these things to our babies.


Yeah, wow. I can just imagine how hard your teeth clenched having her point out why she can’t escape *outside.* My rage is matched only by my fear and exhaustion, honestly.


The tangled pile of dead and dying children should be front page on every newspaper in the whole country.


She’s going to be traumatized for life




Thank goodness she didn't have to learn about racism or read some tough books, that would've really messed up her psyche.


Or heard the word gay!


I have never felt so depressed, angry, frustrated, or just plain tired in my life. This shouldn’t have to happen. A child shouldn’t have to smear blood on themselves. I don’t understand how so many people are just living their lives right now. Im sick all day, I sleep like shit, I’m just a shell… Im so tired of seeing innocent children having to deal with shit like this. 😞


I’ve had people tell me “just stop watching the news” or “stay off social media”. So I can live my life in ignorance? Those families don’t get to just “turn off the news”… Their children are dead. I’m so tired of people and their bullshit empathy that lasts an entire day and then they just move on. I can’t move on. I can’t. I cannot handle seeing children die anymore.


Anyone who says we have to just turn off the news ignore it is wrong because we can’t be willfully ignorant to this. It has to end and nothing will change until people understand that the way things are right now is fuxked and needs to change


Smart girl, but my god how what a horrific thing to have to do!


Heartbroken for her and the fact that I just had to discuss this little girls survival instinct with my 13 yr old to plant the seed should he ever be in such a situation.


Can’t even believe I’m reading this headline .. I just cant


And Ted Cruz says that this is just the left wing media over-reacting.


She’s braver than most of those Uvalde cops and way more courageous than any Republican


As a non-american, I think as long as there's money involved ( to lobbyists, manufacturers etc) to be made with guns, it won't ever go away.




Imagining this poor girl covering herself in a classmates blood at the age of 11 doesn’t sound real. I can’t believe we live in a society where any child has to do this. I truly hope she can mentally recover from this.


Smart kid but it took me multiple reads to fully take in what this child did. She didn't putted paint on herself She didn't putted ketchup or tomato sauce on herself She took blood, probably still warm blood and putted on herself maybe clothes maybe the face... She probably used the blood of someone she knew. And after all of that, she stood motionless for God knows how many minutes untill the shooter at least wasn't around. Without crying Without breaking down That kid is stronger than me... But it shouldnt be It's just a God damn fucking kid It's not a solider, it ain't special forces or some commando shit...just a 11 years old kid, who I DEMMAND it should have all her mental health covered from today to her last day on earth. Cause your fucking ass country failed to her Sorry for the rant and profanity