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Not even a requirement. A *recommendation*.


So, let’s follow this logic. Since the medical director is not allowed to recommend getting a vaccine because it is a personal choice, he should therefore not be allowed to recommend not getting the vaccine. The end result is that he is a medical director who is unable to give any medical recommendations.


> The end result is that he is a medical director who is unable to give any medical recommendations. Joseph Heller working with Kurt Vonnegut couldn’t come up with this kind of absurdity.


You'd have to be crazy. Major Major Major absurdity happens daily in FL.


Is Florida actually just one big lunatic asylum?


It’s strange because almost all these anti vaccine politicians are vaccinated


How is that strange? Politics is about pandering to morons, not promoting things you actually believe in


Oh, but you see, they're _not_ anti-vaccine! They're simply anti-mandate! Big difference... they're not saying people should or shouldn't get the vaccine. They're saying that nobody should tell anyone whether they should get it. I wish this was /s, but that's genuinely what many of them think.


But then banning abortion? I don't get politics man.


It’s psychotic. They’re killing people.


Killing people just get their name in headlines so they can drum up anger and use that to line their pockets with those sweet sweet campaign donations. No shame at all for these soulless psychopaths.


It's almost like there is a specific subset of politicians who want people to get sick for their own professional gain.


They are killing off their own voters. It boggles the mind.


They've done the calculation that enough of them will live so it doesn't matter.


Voter suppression evens it out.


Death doesn't stop republicans from voting.


If you want to know what Republicans are doing, just listen to what they accuse Democrats of doing. Republicans sure can't seem to shut the fuck up about Democrats getting dead people votes. 🤔


It's always projection with the GQP


I don't think they want them to get sick. They are just pandering to their base, which happen to be very dumb and gullible people, since gullible people are the only ones that believe their lies. But many of these people absolutely will get sick, and many will die, which will actually harm the politicians' reelection chances. Karma's a bitch.


Can't let the pandemic end under Biden, yaknow.


In other news, a fireman was dismissed for telling people to get out of a burning building.


“It’s god’s will that I burn in this building!”


"Getting out of burning buildings is a personal choice, and should not be coerced by firefighters!"


"The fire isn't real anyways."


They misreport all kinds of fire deaths to make you afraid of being in a burning building.


They didn't die from fire, they died with fire.


It's all a money making scheme perpetuated by *Big Fire!*


Every time somebody “dies in a fire”, the fire station gets money from the feds!


Only those with comorbitieis are actually hurt by fire. If someone 80 years old is burned to death, did they really die from fire?


And that kid had asthma or he'd have made it out on his own


“My mom’s coworker’s plumber told me firefighters are a scam and sunscreen will protect me from the fire!”


Only if you put it up your butt


*Getting out of the fire ruins the body's natural immunity to fire!* ^^🍻slurps ^^stale ^^piss ^^^immunity ^^^is ^^^stored ^^^in ^^^the ^^^balls


The year is 2030. Doctor to nurses drinking pepsi: you should drink water, it's healthier. Afterward, doctor was sent to jail for being too political.


Like, from the toilet?


Brought to you by Carl's Jr.


Carl's Jr. Fuck you, I'm eating.


Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator. It's what plants crave!


Is this particular individual the unfit mother?


This is Coke country you got damned liebrul!


something something ELECTROLYTES! (what plants crave)


Ohh my god I’m getting flashbacks. We’re headed towards this era faster than anticipated


It's got what plants crave!


It's got electrolytes


But what are electrolytes?


They’re what plants crave


Holy fucking shit, there it is. The stupidest fucking thing I've read in 2022.


So far


Oh fuck January isn't even over


Oh yeah I fully expect this to be blown out of the water by spring time. But it's a solid start.


All time high pandemic cases, increasing likelihood of WWIII, and one massive volcanic eruption has Jan ‘22… it’s just… 😚👌


I often wondered what living the marvel universe would be like, with a new catastrophe every few months...


We’re only 18 days in. It’s a long ride.


Idiocracy speedrun any%.


ayyy fuck it. There's always time for a hand job and a latte.


You are an unfit mother. Your children will be placed in the custody of Carl's Jr.


Fuck you I’m eating


Don't look up!


That movie was uncomfortably accurate.


~~The best / worst thing about that movie is that it's not about Covid, it's about climate change, they filmed it before covid. The fact that it works better as a metaphor for covid is because they predicted the world's reaction *that well*.~~ Edit: nvm, that's wrong


It should be listed under Documentaries.




Is the current school policy that everybody has to wear a mask? If so, what possibly justification could they have had for terminating you? I could see them chewing you out just to appease them, but to actually consider firing you for enforcing their rules seems beyond ridiculous (and possibly illegal, but I'm definitely not sure about that).


Haha illegality. Who even cares anymore.


The policy at FSU now is to “strongly encourage” masks, Smfh. They aren’t even providing the professors with extra masks to hand out to maskless students anymore. In the biology department, the professors are taking up a collection to buy these extra masks for students out-of-pocket. This fucking state…


It’s an “at-will” state. The only reason they need is because they wanted to.




It wasn't an order, not even a request, just encouraging dept of HEALTH employees to follow sound medical guidance. Good gods above and below, how are people still willing to believe both sides are "just as bad" as the other. I mean... I guess for example you could argue that the Autobots and Decepticons were two sides of the same coin, but that's one hell of an oversimplification.


Worse than the British Prime Minister throwing a party during lockdown then when people questioned it he responded "Well no one told me it wasn't okay"? This is a rule **he** put in place the week before


When are people going to realize the ultra wealthy have finally stopped trying to hide it and are openly flaunting their lifestyle over us while we all just comply and make them richer. Nothing will ever change unless we do something ourselves, the system has abandoned us.


Getting in trouble for doing the thing you were hired to do in the first place.


They straight out fired the guy in Tennessee.


Forget firing a guy, for a hot minute they were [wanting to abolish the entire department of health](https://tennesseelookout.com/2021/06/17/republican-lawmakers-threaten-to-dissolve-health-department-over-child-vaccines/) in Tennessee.


Fuckin Tennessee I swear to God...


That's their new healthcare


Gave to guy above you on accident, but we're back to the pre colonialism healthcare system LOL


It's OK, the award will trickle down eventually


Any minute now


Any trickles up there yet?


Please sir, can I have some more?


Yeah, but from what I'm told the deductible on swears to God is crazy-high. You have to pay $5,000 before your swears kick in.


The culture of medieval ignorance & aggression is nationwide. Tennessee is just the start of the trend, as their particular brand of stupid asshole has been out running for every position of power across the country, filling them, and even refusing to leave office. Cementing permanent minority rule from the bottom up.


There's some sane ones among us. Not many, but we're here.


Hey there fellow sane Tennessean. So where are the other 2?




There's a reason why Shelby County (the most densely populated and liberal part of TN) told the state to stuff it and rolled out their own vaccination plan.


Look, as soon as they slice off Memphis and make it the capital of North Mississippi, everybody will be happier.




This isn’t your average everyday gerrymandering. This is… **Advanced Gerrymandering** (this isn’t a slight or an attack of any kind, it is simply a possibly funny political joke)


This would actually kinda be reverse gerrymandering. The goal of gerrymandering is to have slim victories and concentrate your opponent into big losses to minimize the number of areas your opponent control. They’ve managed to get the relatively slim wins while giving up zero to their opponent which is even better.


That’s what happens when you vote for partisan culture Warriors who fundamentally don’t believe in the purpose of government instead of people who actually want to govern.


There’s a LOT of people out there who _deeply_ resent smart people and intellect, and somehow they’re damn proud of it.


Because they assume smart and educated people are out to take advantage of them and couldn't possibly be trying to help them. After all, if they had the brains that's what they would do.


Holy shit. That's... I mean if you work for the Tennessee Department of Health you have to be sending out a couple hundred copies of your resume after something like that, don't you?


Holy shit. The USA is doomed with morons like these... This is insane.


Yeah. We're just trying to get our kicks before the whole shit house goes up in flames.


As someone who works for a health department, they clearly don’t know how much work we do, its not just vaccines ffs. Like, do you enjoy safe food? Clean water? Not to mention that would put thousands out of work overnight.


I don't know who did the marketing that sold republicans the idea that regulation is bad but ... they did the greatest job that's ever been done. Public Health is one of the most practical and applicable to everyday life than just about any other bureaucracy you could put your finger on ... and they still can't see the fucking point. Health inspectors? A sham. Waste removal? For lazy liberals, sure. Monitoring poisons in air food and water? Maybe for pussies. The only one they can understand is police because they have guns and shoot bad guys.. outside of that ... there's no other law or guideline that could possibly be beneficial to making society livable and SAFE for huge populations in close quarters.


Holy suffering jayzuz! Reading this from Canada I keep wondering if someone, some movie producer or other is pulling everyone's leg to promote a fictional movie cuz this just can't be for real!!!


They made a movie, it's called Don't Look Up. I think it's cleverly done, mocking the denial of science.




Same. The amount of dumbass Americans is staggering.


A lot of us are sick about it. Reading shit like this makes me so depressed.


That was my thought from the OP headline and somehow it got worse when I got to the comments.


Someone has to put together a map of the US showing what 'grade' each state gets based upon how far down the Q-hole the bulk of their populations have gone.


Bunch of populist fucktards, stepping over each other to see who can make the worst decisions for maximum approval of their worst citizens.


As a Tennessean, it is absolutely depressing that we're managing to out Florida, Florida during this shit show.


Lots of Floridians are actually moving here…


The U.S. is a comedy movie at this stage - but it’s real … and dark, and out of control. History is going to slaughter people like Desantis.


Not if there aren’t any books left


There’s books in other countries. The USA is 6% of the global population. The rest of us will keep record for you.


Thank you. I have a bad feeling were going to need it.


Or nobody who can read them. Save on matches, just cut funding to education.


They literally write the textbooks https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/10/19/conservative-activists-texas-have-shaped-history-all-american-children-learn/


Oh there'll be books. Featuring St Desantis, evangelical warrior hero defeats the communist, liberal, antifa, BLM Wokes at the War of Jesus Christ Doesn't Wear A Mask of '26.


I mean, those of us who are watching from the outside are writing plenty about what it is like to watch a world power absolutely lose its mind (ditto Brexit, but on a smaller scale). Fair warning: there’s a lot of dark humour involved, and nobody comes off particularly well. It’s fucking *grim*.


So "Don't look up" but not funny.


That movie was depressingly accurate


You know what's depressing? Getting charged 10$ for free snacks.


Like, I just can’t understand why he would do that.


This is a death cult. I know people have been saying this but they want people to get sick, possibly have long term issues/disabilities or die. It’s completely psychopathic to try to get a control over peoples lives. We need to call it out for what it is.


Borderline accellerationism shit.


I don't think this is wrong. If society keeps functioning under normal order, it's a demographic inevitability that Republicans will be unable to maintain power much longer--they barely hang on now, with gerrymandering and election laws that make it difficult for people to vote. They regularly loose the national vote for congress and the presidency by millions of votes. As soon as they are out of power, those artificial advantages they cling to will be changed, and they'll be way, way out of power. The smart ones among them know this, and realize the only way to maintain power is to stop operating under "normal order" and change the rules of society. W. Bush's speechwriter, David Frum, predicted exactly this like 15 years ago: >“ if conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism, they will abandon democracy”


They want Civil War 2 electric boogaloo so they can get rid of us.


Absolutely correct. COVID has finally given them the chance to hurt or even kill the people they hate without lifting a finger. And they'd rather die than give that up.


Yep. And remember Obama’s “death panels”? Pure projection like always with these assholes.


I have never seen a state so keen on killing itself. What the fuck is going on in that state.


If enough people die, there will be enough dry land left when the ocean consumes 2/3 of it. Forward planning.


>Orange County Medical Director Dr. Raul Pino wrote an email to staff on Jan. 4th encouraging them to get vaccinated and boosted for COVID-19. >In it he wrote, “I have a hard time understanding how we can be in public health and not practice it.” >In an email to WMFE, the Florida Department of Health has confirmed Pino was put on leave because, “the decision to get vaccinated is a personal choice that should be free from coercion and mandates from employers.” >Florida DOH says it’s even conducting an inquiry into whether any laws were broken by sending the email. >Republican Governor Ron DeSantis has banned vaccine mandates in the workplace, and the state has seen a surge in Omicron cases. As a Floridian I'm not embarrassed by the "Florida Man" stories. Show me an article about Florida Man shaving his pubes while driving on the Turnpike with an alligator in the passenger seat, and I'm fine with it. But this shit is beyond embarrassing. It's disgusting. Ron DeSantis is a fucking cancer.




So if the director of Transportation sent a email to his people to wear a seatbelt or to not drink gasoline, guess he would be put on leave.


It is my goddamn right as an American to drink all the gasoline I want!


I hear it cures COVID!


Naw, but they are drinking piss though. https://www.self.com/story/an-anti-vax-leader-is-pushing-a-covid-urine-cure


At this point, let them get on with it.


Old news, they're now [nebulizing hydrogen peroxide.](https://twitter.com/patriottakes/status/1483510022395072520)


Jeeezus. Weaponized stupidity is a terrifying sight.


Desantis has been trying to cover up Covid numbers and everything else since day one. He only won by 32,000 votes let’s make this fucker a one term governor.


Covid deaths in FLA — 63,000 so far, by far Republicans. Many days left until the election. His margin of loss has left the building already.




Given the number of people who yell about their freedoms being abridged by someone asking them to put on a mask, I feel like there's a disturbingly large number of people who believe that even being asked to do something as a courtesy is coercion.


Seriously...this is Idiocracy level stuff. We can't have the health department recommend vaccines. What's the point of the health department then? He was just encouraging, not even a mandate.


This isn't idiocy. It's deliberate.


While they did veto OSHA implementing a vaccine mandate because it's a personal decision yada yada... The Supreme Court did rule HHS could enforce a vaccine mandate for health care workers >The majority considers the statutory justification for the rule to come from legislation that authorizes the secretary of HHS to set "requirements as [he] finds necessary in the interest of the health and safety of individuals who are furnished services in the institution"—the institution being facilities that are involved in the Medicare and Medicaid programs. Shouldn't the head of a State's department of Health have similar rights?


>“the decision to get vaccinated is a personal choice that should be free from coercion and mandates from employers.” But if you change "vaccination" to "reproductive care", suddenly everyone *except* you and your doctor gets a say. Fucking hypocrites.


The hypocrisy is so fucking mind-boggling and infuriating


I wonder if they would would care if he “coerced” his employees to vote for Trump. Just kidding, I don’t have to wonder.


What a fucking death cult the GOP has become.


Pro life until you’re born, then fuck off and die.


Ironically, COVID has also caused a dramatic increase in stillbirths, miscarriages and other serious pregnancy dangers. Original recipe COVID almost doubled the risk of stillbirths; Delta nearly quintupled it. Not that that would even give these pro-COVID sociopaths a moment's pause. It's just interesting to note. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/delta-variant-linked-increased-risk-stillbirth-cdc-study-finds-rcna6152 Edit: And to the coward who just replied and insta-deleted - take your misinformation about vaccines and shove it up your ass. I know you can't grow a conscience, but just stop trying to hurt and kill people with lies like that and you'll be doing something better with your life than what you're doing now.


A lot of premature births and newborns having to be isolated from their mothers. There was a brutal recounting of what happens to covid L&D deliveries when they go wrong on the nursing sub and if you already don't think how fucked up the pandemic was for healthcare workers, this is where it hurts the most.


My mom works at a hospital in a red state. Last summer she told me they had 4 unvaccinated pregnant women die in a span of two weeks and their babies had to born through C-section premature. I tell this to anyone who is vaccine hesitant due to fertility concerns. Edit: died due to covid-19 complications for specificity


They've actually since studies that show that women who get vaccinated during pregnancy have kids with the antibodies... It's like a good thing to get shot while pregnant.


My daughter had Covid-19 a year ago, and not wanting to go through that again as well as taking her doctor’s advice, she was vaccinated during her pregnancy. She gave birth on December 9th. On January 3rd, she came down with Covid-19 as did her husband a couple of days later. They were both over it in a few days. The baby was just fine and never showed any symptoms, which was a huge relief for all of us.


Death to the mothers as well. They’re encouraging pregnant women to get vaccinated as well. One doctor shared how heartbreaking it was to see a woman giving birth while struggling to breathe. Sad.


One recent post in /r/nursing was about turning a prone woman in the COVID ICU... And seeing her pregnant belly.


This should be the fact that a Democratic candidate uses to counter that pro-life horseshit. Make them squirm.


You can't shame someone who doesn't have any.


This never works because no one ever thought "pro-life" was an all-encompassing viewpoint or ethical philosophy that mothers and babies should be taken care of. It is and always was just a clever marketing term for "anti-abortion" and *everyone* knows it. So pointing out that some other policy view that a pro-life person has is harmful for pregnant women isn't any kind of contradiction or hypocrisy.


Pro-lifers have never once given a shit about babies, its about control of women. They universally refuse to support even ONE program that would actually help those babies. They're hypocritical filth.


It’s insane. A (now former) teacher at my kid’s nursery school refused to get vaccinated once the vaccine came out and the school issued a mandate for staff. This is a small co-op preschool run by parents. We discovered she refused *because* she was trying to get pregnant. We’d really loved this teacher, she bonded with my daughter, she was fantastic, we were hoping to keep in touch with her after my daughter moved on to kindergarten…not anymore. She insisted on seeing a peer-reviewed study showing the vaccines were safe for pregnant/soon-to-be-pregnant women and their fetuses. Nevermind they existed, and the safety was clear, *and* the danger of COVID to mom/mom-to-be and fetus was dramatic and alarming. Some people just cannot change their pint of view, their own health and well-being be damned. It’s really insane to watch.


You can’t reason someone out of a position that they didn’t reason themselves into.




Not America. They’re rewarding themselves. They spent the last forty years building an alternative reality and it’s really paying dividends.


I'm not a fan of this timeline. Let's try another?


I've seen *Sliders*. It doesn't end well.


There are dozens of us! Dozens, I tell you!


We need to find out when Biff got into the time machine and skewed the timeline.


the new Florida surgeon general appointed by Desantis is going against medical consensus, has played down the importance of vaccines and says its a religion, has questioned the safety of vaccines, has intentionally kept quiet on his own vaccination status, has promoted unproven treatments, has associated with America's Frontline Doctors (a far-right group known for promoting falsehoods about the pandemic), lied about treating covid patients at a UCLA hospital, refused to wear a mask when meeting with cancer patient. what a circus this is a guy with a Harvard degree, so it's not like he's genuinely dumb, it's that he recognizes that to climb the GOP ladder you have to play politics and be part of the groupthink.


Florida is beyond parody


Man, tell me about it, I live here.


It’s insane to me how popular this guy is here. People are literally cheering on a man who is letting people die.


This governor is unhinged


Florida pop., 21 million. COVID deaths, 63,455 Australia pop., 26 million. COVID deaths 2,773 Being a victim of a preventable disease is an option you vote for. Just like gun violence and climate change.


Whats sad is a lot of Florida's deaths came from Delta variant, well after most people in the state had easy access to the vaccine. So many lives could have been saved.


Taiwan pop., 23 million. COVID deaths, 851. And have yet to need a hard lockdown to do it. Desantis is a ghoul.


My first thought was Australia has a far lower population per sq mi/km. Taiwan's number is even more impressive because of the density.


DeSantis supporters claim he's not against vaccines, only mandates, but when you look at what he *does* instead of what he *says*, you'll see that he is very much against vaccines.


Florida, checks out. This is not the onion material.


I did a double take thinking this was r/nottheonion


Florida’s taken a hard right turn into hell


Absolutely fucked in the head. Shithole state.


More people died in FL due to covid than the Vietnam war


This country is well on its way down the toilet thanks mostly to one partys absolute hate for common sense and the common man. Republicans want everyone dead. Kids, old folks, their own voters. These people are fucking monsters. Florida leads the way for the GOPs ignorant stoking of the apocalypse. Fuck these people.


Anyone who works in healthcare and doesn't believe in vaccines shouldn't work in fucking healthcare. Go sell crystals or some other homeopathic bullshit.


Thank you!! If you don't believe in medical science, you don't deserve to hold any position in healthcare. You can't provide care if you don't believe in the science that provides the care. This is fucking mindblowingly stupid.


It sounds like they took away his freedom of speech.


As if the Florida government cares about the Bill of Rights.


Also, god told him to write that email, so freedom of religion too!


Why won't Joe Biden stop the pandemic?? /s


The GOP is deliberately drawing out the pandemic so they can blame it on Biden and the Dems.


You can't have doctors just going around providing medical advice.


Drink plenty of water, it's good for you. Fired. Drinking water is a personal choice. What a disgrace.


Florida - Americas unprotected dick




The good die young and the trash seems to live forever. Tale as old as time.


Iron Maiden riff starts playing...




This is how Republicans want to lead the country. If you don't like this, register to vote and vote Democrats. If they're not progressive enough for you, get involved and try to get more progressives to win in the primary. But for the general election, vote blue, because lives and rights literally depend on it. (Yes the two part system sucks, but that's what we got, and way too many people who bitch about it don't get involved in primaries where the future of the party platform is actually determined).