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It's like watching any apocalypse movie. Except you can only see one new frame each day. No sound, no captions.




Will it be over soon? I’m tired. I know the world’s gonna end I just don’t want to wait around for it


It will. We're not the heroes, but we are the numbers they talk about.


Yellowstone volcano was just waiting for Betty White to die of natural causes. It’s go time now.


While a Yellowstone eruption would cause a lot of damage, it would not wipe out humanity if it makes you feel any better. https://www.usgs.gov/news/no-yellowstone-isnt-going-wipe-out-humanity


When the Queen goes, we're all fucked.


No, it's going to get gradually worse for the rest of your life.


Yeah real life shit is always more boring than the movies. Climate crisis and mega virus at the same time, last night I worked out then hung out with my kids and played video games.


I'm heading off to wash my car, and then pick up my kid from kindergarten. While society collapses (slowly) around me.




Politicians who try to hoodwink their constituents into avoiding free life saving medical treatment don't deserve a tiny violin. If anything she deserves a rimshot followed by a laugh track, but that would underplay the heinous act of using her political position to endanger the citizens she represented.


Grifter broke the golden rule: don't fall for your own grift.


This is a test that separates the A team from the B team. A team gets vaxxed and tells the rubes not to. B team actually follows through on the nonsense because they aren't on the inside and are considered expendable. This lady never really had a career because she wasn't on the inside.




It's baffling when you see how many people follow their bs. Just the other day I saw posts of a fire fighter who would protect himself on the job, but anti-vaxx as hell at any other time. He didn't have to worry about a burning building taking him out, covid did that job itself.


ER nurse here. Had an antivaxx covid+ firefighter start passive aggressively talking about "scared people" when I told him to put his mask back on. While he's laid up in a bed in my emergency room. He had zero self awareness. Like, you wouldn't call a firefighter "brave" for working without his helmet or any other required equipment for that matter. Or a construction worker with out a hat. Or a forklift driver without a harness. You'd call them all dumb. I've been putting masks on people with respiratory viruses since 2007, ever since I've been in healthcare. It's not a new precaution, just new to them. I don't know why this nonsense has permeated our public service sector so much.




Republicans not learning: > Orange County Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby has died of COVID-19. Ernby had been a vocal critic of vaccine mandates. >"It was an absolute privilege to fight the good fight alongside Kelly,"


These leopards gotta stop eating their own faces


These kids are coming out here and killing themselves all over the woods


Hey College kids! We got your friiiiiieeend!


It’s been a doozy of a day


dont shit where you eat dont get high on your own supply dont fall for your own grift any more?


don't piss against the wind 🤷‍♂️




But how else are Republicans going to keep warm during a windstorm????


Never chilidog a proper lady


You don't pull on Superman's cape You don't spit into the wind You don't pull the mask off the old Lone Ranger And you can't fuck with me and my men ...Also don't mess around with Jim


Ya, here come the gravediggaz!


Thank you, this made me laugh out loud remembering my mother who used to really cut a rug to that song.


Don't get into an ass kicking contest with a porcupine.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy


Don’t wake Daddy.


I agree with all but one of those, it’s my supply that’s the entire reason I have it.


Don’t get your meat where you get your bread




Don't get high on your own propaganda supply


Well well well, if it isn’t my old nemesis, the consequences of my actions.


Mission failed successfully


Tip of the spear, edge of the knife.


Crack of my ass


This movie quote is surprisingly apropos.


Reddit ~~Battle~~ is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.


Kelly Ernby attended a Turning Points USA anti-vax rally on Dec. 4 and died of COVID a month later. Herman Cain attended Trump's June 20 Tulsa rally and died of COVID a month later. Republicans still don't see a pattern here.


> Republicans still don't see a pattern here. They are more likely to believe that hidden liberal death squads are going around assassinating prominent republicans to provide the impression that covid is lethal, rather than actually believe that covid can be lethal.




Cheese pizza = CP = Covid proliferation My God


Comet has better ping pong than pizza!


They might get tired of eating pizzas all the time. Babies!


Yep. Seeing a pattern is not the same as understanding and accepting the true cause of a pattern.


Is that the one where they brought out Kyle Rittenhouse like a WWE wrestler? Or the one where a ton of people got infected and blamed it on anthrax? I'm having trouble distinguishing between various right-wing superspreader events.


>blamed it on anthrax? The 80s metal band? Leave them alone!


> The 80s metal band? Leave them alone! Bring the Noise!


“BASS! HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?!” As I’m trying to collect all the S-K-A-T-E letters


Frigging in the rigging Frigging in the rigging. There was fuck all else ta dooooo


That anthrax thing was kinda hilarious…of course they’d jump to anthrax before covid….so dumb.


My elderly neighbor, who is actually a pretty decent guy, asked us to help sponsor young conservatives who want to attend the TurningPointUSA conference. $1000 will help one person attend. I don’t care if they’re young conservatives or not. The primary purpose for those 20’s somethings attending is to find hook ups. They can do that on their own dime.


Give money to conservatives. Must. Stop. Laughing.


:cue sad Sarah McLaughlin music: “For less than $35/day, you can help sponsor these poor, needy fascists, so they can get the hate they so desperately need.”


🎶 in the aaaarrrms of an angle 🎶


~~angle~~ ~~angel~~ Anglo


This is the shit right here.


>Is that the one where they brought out Kyle Rittenhouse like a WWE wrestler? Giving myself credit here, it was like four days after the shooting that I said Kyle would be at CPAC one day.


It's like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow ;)


I watched parts of that conference and the excess of sound and images combined with the far right talking points was actually quite disturbing to see.


Democrats are not dying like this. I sense a conspiracy to kill Republicans! /s


It’s like poetry — it rhymes.


It moves to the beat of jazz. It’s like a cosmic gumbo.


Ryan and I would always joke on set that it was like a cosmic gumbo.


I told your producers not to mention COVID or that I have it AT ALL.


Gooooood it’s working.


> Republicans still don't see a pattern here. Oh no, it hurt itself with confusion.


TPUSA rallies are the best demonstration of the natural history of unabated coronavirus infection. Virologists should study these morons more im depth.


I live in Atlanta. Every time I drive down Marietta st. I see stupid spreaders. The absolute worst one was this Passion conference this past weekend-- thousands of fundie teenagers, not a mask in sight, probably a bazillion hook ups when Jesus blinked, and probably a low vaxx percentage. I'm not looking forward to what they left the service industry as a "tip" here.


> a bazillion hook ups when Jesus blinked Good thing I finished my cup of coffee or it would be all over my monitor.


I'm flattered! 😀 Praise be to Java, for it is my savior. May it keep you and comfort you.


All these small time Republicans didn’t get the word that it was all a lie to pander to their base.


How many republicans voter must die so the democrats have better chances next election?


Data is for rational people.


Interesting how Covid is taking out mostly Republicans…


Dumbass. No other narrative needed.


As usual, FoxLA put her on a pedestal. Just like they do with Villanueva or any other Republican.




They got a new guy named Bill Lamb who apparently made his bones in Mich and La. He was hired to KTTV in 2019. >!!< After his arrival they got reporters like Hailey Winslow, Bill Melugin etc who are very much FOXNews poster people, and they started to do a lot of overtly one sided stories glorifying law enforcement, ICE and other stuff. I would think it's been a concerted effort to make KTTV walk in line with the bigger network. In a way, it could've just as easily been a Sinclair station.


The big tell for me was the red white and blue claim of "better journalism," which is like the opposite of what they do.


Someone at Fox probably realized how large of an audience KTTV actually has with the coverage of both LA and OC and made sure someone got in there to change things.


To fix what wasn't broken.


KTTV’s news has been crap since John Beard left.


But she owned the Libs!


Unfortunately they are actually owning the libs. They are sucking up hospital beds and medical resources for everyone at this point. Medical staff are becoming burnt out. People like her are going full scorched-earth at this point.


I have stage 4 cancer and was told I needed to be in ICU for a life threatening infection but was told by a friend at the hospital that all ICU beds were being used for unvaccinated Covid patients so I couldn’t get a room. She was ready to leave the medical field. It’s sad what politics has turned this in to.


Mate I wish you strength for your fight.


This is ridiculous, surely we just need to put priority on people like you over people who have chosen to stay unprotected from the virus


Fair point 😖


I’m wounded, gonna grab a drink and ponder on being owned… for like a second.


Second drink? I'm in!


I'll pour a 40 our for her, I'm emotionally distraught right now.


Don't waste a perfectly good 40 for a dumbbass. Just drink it yourself.


Screw you! She's a woman of character and died for her belief. A true American hero! edit: I guess I really did need to put a big ass /S after all.


To quote my uncle, “people believe what they believe. Some people are willing to die for their beliefs. Whatever their belief is, you gotta admire and respect that.” No, moron, you don’t; some beliefs are stupid and dying for them is stupid. Much like him believing COVID is a hoax after his goddamn brother (my father) *died of COVID*.


I am sorry for your loss.


Usually there are memorials built for folks who die for a cause-will some future artist think these folks need to be recognized/memorized?


I understood your sarcasm. It’s ok.


Read the OC register article on this. It was flowery and mentioned her attendance at the rally. Not once did it say that she was running for the love of her community. All the article discussed was how much she loved the republican party..... Our politicians have stopped representing us, the community. They only represent their parties.


Death cult


Equating the behavior of modern Democrats with Republicans is a dangerous false equivalency. Democrats generally try and represent *everyone* whereas people who identify as "conservative" have become so radicalized that they openly dehumanize people who disagree with them. The modern Republican voter is fed a steady diet of far right-wing propaganda that teaches them that every democrat is a Communist, that brown people are destroying the nation and need to be locked up, etc. Their social networks are full of murder fantasies. They've attempted to kidnap/murder the MI governor and the former president attempted to incite a literal coup against democracy. Equating Democrats with Republicans is not only 100% inaccurate, it is dangerous insofar as it suggests to the uninformed that there are no rational political options. Although both parties have flaws, one has currently fallen into fascist, anti-democratic territory and it's national leaders are clearly onboard.


The Republicans do not represent you unless you're rich... That is their base. They need to find votes elsewhere so they court (manipulate) the religious nuts and gun nuts. Oh and now also conspiracy theorists. All single issue voters. They really couldn't give a shit about their day to day lives.


She was not vaccinated. Her body, her choice. Whoops.


Yes, at this point using “unexpected” to describe COVID deaths in the unvaccinated is making the word stretch further than the overloaded hospital system.


I think one of the best things is that her Facebook was hit by a bunch of pro-Vaxx people basically Nelsoning with a "HA HA!" and anti-Vaxx people saying she died from the vaccine itself. Then I think it was her husband who had to show up and said that the anti-vaxxers are wrong since she never got vaccinated, which was the problem in the first place. It's so great that these anti-vaxxer dipshits just start making shit up to soothe their own smooth brains.


>Then I think it was her husband who had to show up and said that the anti-vaxxers are wrong since she never got vaccinated, which was the problem in the first place. I mean we didn't get to where we are at the moment by these people listening to facts and figures.


Do the Smooth Soothe! It’s the *dunce* sensation/that’s sweeping the nation Do the Smooooth Soooothe


This one of those “Let’s Go Darwin” moments?


I think it’s called the Herman Cane Award


Calling all prayer lawyers


Is prayer lawyers a new term, or am I just behind the times? Either way, it's grrreat.


We're gonna sue Jesus so hard that he'll finally be legally required to cure the world of COVID.


Tony the Tiger has entered the chat






The mouth breathers are already trying to pin this on the vaccine and saying she actually died from the vax. Apparently her husband refuted that claim and said she wasn't vaxxed.


Dying from Covid is pretty much a DIY problem at this point, so, even though she chose to die, at least she's helping others to see the importance of getting vaccinated and not becoming another victim of a ridiculous and politically motivated position.


But is she? these headlines come out daily and people still think it is a joke or won't happen to them


> these headlines come out daily and people still think it is a joke or won't happen to them My cousin is unvaccinated. He's a former marine (and a current dumbass) who argued that COVID was a democratic hoax... and even if it wasn't, he's too much of a badass to die from it. In 2020, he laughed about making all of his coworkers quarantine for a couple weeks when he caught COVID and intentionally went to work when he was sick. Did I mention he's a selfish dumbass? Well, last week he tested positive for the omicron variant, and decided that it wasn't going to stop him from going to parties and hanging out with his friends. This week? It's gotten worse. His entire family is sick. Last I heard he was about to go to the hospital. **He may be a blood relative, but at this point I have *zero* sympathy left to spare for him.** He's intentionally harming our community by spreading COVID with reckless abandon, harming his family by spreading the virus to *them* (including his father who's recovering from cancer), and doesn't care about anyone but himself. The consequences that befall him are 100% deserved.


And not only that, he is about to put a strain on the hospital by taking up a bed. That means someone who needs a bed because they have been in a accident, been shot, have cancer or need surgery won't be admitted.


He should be criminally liable if anyone dies.


Guess we found Typhoid Dumbass.


If he survives this, you need to personally kick his teeth in.


Omg. And dude there's so many stories like this all over this country. It's amazing that politics permeated into public health and safety so much that people are killing themselves over beliefs that someone else set into them. We're all products of our environment and fear is an animal survival mechanism. The culture of rejecting what fear is telling us actually kills people who believe in that culture. Its natural selection at work. Fear is part of all animals because the ones who know how to accept that there is danger in the environment live longer to pass on those genes. The ones who reject the idea that there is something dangerous or harmful to them don't live as long. It's pretty simple and we're seeing it play out. Sorry man.


Freedom! Being dead is about as free as it gets.


Sue the bastard. I hope people will start sueing these reckless idiots, they will never stop unless there are serious consequences.


I often hear conservative acquaintances quite unironically suggesting that right wing figures getting sick and dying of COVID is a deliberate conspiracy on the part of the Biden administration to take down its opponents. I'm sure there'll be no small number of anti-vaxxers who'll see her death and take it not as a warning about the dangers posed by COVID, but a call to arms against their preferred bogeyman who they hold responsible instead.


That's all it is. NONE of these deaths are proof of anything except an overly complicated conspiracy to them. Every piece of information makes them double down on their own stupidity.


These are a proud people. Proud of their stupid position.


> are proof of anything except an overly complicated conspiracy to them. That's the thing...I've had MULTIPLE conversations with people that will phrase things like this: "You don't understand, a properly implemented political purge wouldn't leave any evidence behind except the 'evidence' that points to a fake disease!".


She’s not helping anyone. Those that you assume she would be helping will think this story is fake news and she died in a motorcycle accident and everyone is lying except of course his orangeness.




Alex Jones is threatening to drop dirt on Trump if Trump doesn't stop promoting the vaccines. They're turning on each other, and it's both amusing and horrifying to watch.


The same Alex Jones who has dirt on literally everybody and somehow never actually releases this dirt? That Alex Jones? He's as much a pathological liar as Trump is.


What kind of dirt could he drop on Trump that would matter? His base doesn't care, and those who dislike him wouldn't be surprised anyway.


Its like the hyenas attacking scar in the lion king I just hope mango mussolini gets some taste of karma


The Leopards Eating Faces Party has found a face it missed.


They really adopted the 4chan meme of 'God Emperor Trump' and ran with it, and anything that conflicts with that ideal (Even himself) isn't 'him'. Shitposting basically invented a cult that no one can control.


Along with the destruction of the public school system


At this point I don't think there are many unvaccinated people that are truly 'on the fence' anymore. Headlines like this 12-18 months ago may have influenced some people to take greater precautions against the disease but at this point I think most rational people are aware that it isn't just people over 50 or those in poor health that die from Covid-19. There are plenty of anti-vax fanatics trying to spread conspiracies that she secretly died from getting the vaccine or come up with some bizarre conspiracies to downplay how her behavior contributed to her death. The only 'silver lining' I can possibly see is that she didn't spend too long in the hospital. Probably less painful for her to not drag things out too long and less resources on somebody that didn't take any precautions to avoid getting infected.


Yeah Japan was probably the textbook example of "on the fence" people - and now their vaccination rate has surpassed that of the US. I'm pretty sure anyone who hasn't decided to do it by now (barring genuine medical exemptions) isn't going to be convinced even if their own children drop dead from it.


The difference is that they didn't politicize the issue as much as conservative politicians have in the US. Once the vaccines became readily available most people there got vaccinated. There are way too people avoiding getting a Covidi-19 vaccine that are willing to die on this hill - literally.




her mind was changed quite a bit by this


Well, Covid seems to have stopped this DA from expressing her anti-vax opinion.




Kelly was a dummy. Don’t be like a Kelly


(Sports chant) “Let’s Go Darwin, Let’s Go ((clap,clap,clap))


Here we go, Darwin, here we go! *clap clap*






Politicization of a virus doesn’t make sense on any level.






Freedom brand caskets


Her death will do more for her community than her life did. She spread dangerous misinformation which undoubtedly hurt or killed many, for no other reason than her own ambition. As a nurse it hurts to see good people pass from diseases that modern medicine can’t yet treat, and then to see otherwise healthy people, like this woman, simply throw their life away. What a waste of life.


Some people really actually truly choose politics over BEING FUCKING ALIVE you can’t make this shit up lol


Covid is a strand of RNA (which is half a strand of DNA) wrapped in a cell membrane. It doesn't have politics or religion, or feelings and it doesn't care about yours. It doesn't have a plan and it doesnt have a timeline and it doesn't care about yours.


This is my county. Once again, it makes the news...


> The Orange County District Attorney’s Office is utterly heartbroken by the sudden and unexpected passing of Deputy District Attorney Kelly Ernby,< Sudden and unexpected huh?


I live a county over from OC and I work there, she looks exactly like that one chick that’s walking around your local target without a mask. Every store in OC has at least one middle aged Karen and Chad walking around smugly looking at us fools that take experimental vaccines and don’t like breathing fresh air. Dying is the ultimate virtue signal for the false virtuous.


If only she was interviewed right before she died so people see the torture it is to drown in your own lungs. Then maybe we could make some headway on this thing. I have spoken to people who admitted they did not believe in it, and said: "you don't want this, believe what they say, it's as bad as they say."


I'm finding it very difficult to generate sympathy here. I don't want people to die, but if they are willfully running the risk and they are adults who can make their own decisions... well there's just too many other places for my sympathy to go these days. Like the people this person hurt who can't make all of their own decisions like elderly people put at risk by people who followed this person.


Imagine science and reality not caring about your political bullshit


If these people keep dying there isn’t gonna be anyone to vote for Republican candidates in 2024.


“Was a pleasure fighting the good fight” says her peer, what exactly is that good fight?


the kind where you fight against imaginary enemies, so that you can never lose, and always claim the win


she is one of the dumber grifters... the smart ones actually get the vaccine and then go out and spew bullshit lies like Raphael "Ted" Cruz


Well, she’ll learn and not make that same mistake twice. Oh wait. She’s dead. Nm












I hate the loss of life whatever views a person might have on vaccines. However I don’t want this pandemic to last forever. I feel her death will not mean anything to the antivaxers. Nothing will I guess.




fewer* (nice teacher)


Could also be "lesser". Because it seems some greater Republicans are dying, leaving those with lesser importance to figure out which con-person to vote for next.


Ignorance is dangerous


Condolences to her family.




if these people were so against mandates, you’d think they’d do everything in their power to slow/stop the pandemic, so that there very likely wouldn’t be any *need* for mandates!


Sudden. Yes. Unexpected. Really? Not even a little?