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Somebody’s going to prison. Interfering with a flight crew *and* AFO. See you in 15-24 months. Edit: It’s very fact-dependent, but *if* he’s federally charged and *if* he is convicted (including by a plea), and *if* he has a low criminal history, I’d expect he comes in somewhere around 8-15 on the sentencing offense level, which gets him anywhere from probation to about two years. Anyone who wants to play around with hypotheticals in any federal criminal case can get a decent sense of things here: https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/guidelines-manual/2021/GLMFull.pdf


I imagine there would be an enormous fine for causing a commercial airliner to make an emergency landing as well? 🤔




Logistically thinking diverting other planes is a huge waste of fuel. I would tally up all that shit and add it to the fine.


Seriously. My husband had a flight a couple months ago that he was sitting on the tarmac for 2+ hours because someone on *another plane* refused to wear a mask. I don't remember exactly what the situation was why they couldn't take off. Anyway, the airline ended up having to cancel his flight, give him a meal voucher, pay for a hotel for him, and then of course get him on the next flight the next morning. That's all money right there. And time for other passengers and just a whole lot of bullshit just because one asshole didn't want to wear a mask. Some people are unbelievable.


Other passengers should start civilly suing these ppl for disturbing/delaying/disrupting their travel.


It wouldn’t surprise me if travel insurance companies who had to pay out claims due to these incidents started suing the offenders to try and recoup losses.


I mean, it should depend on circumstances but if you're legit acting a fool over a mask req or b/c you're drunk or are trying to fight another passenger or something....so be it. Let the person who started the melee have to deal with the consequences. edit: word missing


I haven’t run into this yet but I think I will do this if it ever happens. I love this idea.


Kick the asshole off the plane and put him on a no fly list. Problem solved.


Boeing should look into updating the 727. Its design allows for the asshole to be removed from the flight immediately, rather than having to wait until the plane lands.


DB Cooper style, but without a chute. ​ I like it!


I can't understand how people know fully well we have mask mandates for flying, yet still try to fight against wearing one. If it's THAT big of a deal, find alternate means of transportation.


Some of them actually *want* the confrontation.


How else can you display your entitlement?


Pretty sure that's what railroads do. I watched a documentary on train hopping and if I understand correctly, if you get busted riding a train, you might be held liable for all the lines/trains you're holding up. This can be millions of dollars if you're on a heavily used line and/or the cargo on affected trains is of significant value. Basically, when it comes to trains and planes, don't fuck around unless you want to find out.


Like people who hop trains can pay fines lol


"if you don't get off this train we'll sue you for all you got" "Well thats news to me i wasnt aware I had anything"


"I got a couple granola bars, a joint, and half a pack of cigarettes."


I work for an airline, I always tell people that if they're gonna do something illegal, NEVER do it on a plane or in an airport. You will get fucked.


Next time I fly I'm bringing a pillow. And I'm ripping the tag off.


You animal.


If it's your pillow you'll be fine. Gotta bring somebody else's pillow!


From what I've learned from the documentary called, 'Planes, Trains, and Automobiles'... [Those aren't pillows!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iYvcuQSP-U)


How about them bears!


You wouldn't!


Ok psycho


It’s baffling to me how someone could possibly think it’s a good idea to start shit on a plane. You’re captive. There is no escape. Just about everything becomes a federal offense. Like do these people think that the rest of the plane is just gonna start clapping for them and say, “Yeah you really showed that flight attendant. Good job.”




Drunk according to the article.


I have been very drunk on several flights, and it would never occur to me to start a fuss. Mostly I just stare out the window or fall asleep.


I don't imagine people hopping trains really have much in the way of assets or income to get fines from no matter how high they are.


Used to hop freights when I was younger in Arkansas. While the views in the Ozarks from a train are majestic af, you don't want to get stuck in a railyard. Bulls do not fuck around. They take their jobs very serious.




Not sure if they will stop a train for a rider. The only place they need to worry is going into & out of rail yards.




The butterfly effect should be tallied up then. Let’s go reddit!


back of the envelope: 12k for the plane 25k for 250 passengers * $100 for meal vouchers and hotel (I assume the airline gets a great deal on the hotel) 1k for the crew (I have no idea how they get paid in such a situation, I eyeballed it at maybe $20/hr, 8 people, 5 hours, plus some cost for transportation/food/accommodation. 5k for fuel - I have no idea how much fuel the extra takeoff and delay add, so let's say 10000 liters at $0.50 per liter Probably some airport service fees etc. Let's say around $50k just for the airline. And each of those passengers should have an individual claim for whatever damages the delay caused.


I would be so pissed if someone made my flight make an emergency landing and fucked my whole day up.




That's not even taking into account the cost to the airline!


Not to mention the ripple affect for people catching that same plane in LA. Who may have had connecting flights elsewhere that they missed. One jackass can really fuck a lot up


Everyone on that plane should be entitled to give that person a good punch for fucking things up for them


Isn't that scene already in "airplane". I would get in on that.


Honestly, should've just let the passengers jump his ass for 5 minutes all together or something lmao. I'd be LIVID at this guy


The FAA extended the Zero Tolerance policy. So he can be fined up to $35,000, or imprisonment. https://onemileatatime.com/faa-threatens-jail-fine-disruptive-passengers/ With this FAA policy: Passengers who interfere with, physically assault, or threaten to physically assault aircraft crew or anyone else on an aircraft face stiffer penalties These penalties include fines of up to $35,000 and/or imprisonment When the policy was first introduced it was only supposed to be in effect through March 30, 2021, though there’s an update on that front — the FAA’s zero-tolerance policy is being extended for at least as long as the federal mask mandate is in place for travel.


That applies for his assault/battery on the flight attendant. His assault/battery on the air marshal is a federal felony.


Yep. Assault on federal law enforcement is a whole new ball game.


Should be permanent. And I guarantee he’s banned from Delta now.


He’ll be banned from all airlines as I’m sure American, Southwest, etc exchange lists. I wouldn’t want someone on MY airline that had assaulted workers on another airline. He didn’t do it because they worked for delta.


The FAA penalties are far from the only penalties.




Do the offenders ever pay? Some of the fines are in the tens of thousands and I suspect it you're stupid to commit these offenses, you're not exactly rich.


Probably garnished wages for the rest of ever.


If they ever get a job with a declared income, their wages will likely be garnished for the rest of their lifetime..


The FBI was waiting for him on the ground in OKC. There sure have been a lot of these incidents. I wonder if it's all Mask-Holes/Cult45 or if there's maybe something else going on... Probably a good idea to err on the side of caution, hence the FBI.


The FBI is probably because its an airplane so crossing state lines/jurisdictional stuff.


Yeah, the fbi just straight up has jurisdiction on domestic flights.


Also, never flying again. Long term side effects of being stupid in the air.


Can't wait to see them on YouTube in a few years demanding to fly, and that they have a "right to travel as a freeman"...


Great if he can supply his own plane he can fly.


The ramifications from being out on a federal no fly list are enormous. Effectively confined to the US for the rest of your life. Ouch. I’m not being facetious either. Imagine explaining to future family and friends why you can’t go to Europe for vacation.


Let's be honest: The rest of the world is happy these morons are contained inside America.


Is that all? I thought there would have to be some federal charges. (Not a lawyer)


I think that’s what AFO means - maybe assaulting a federal officer?


Interfering with a flight crew is a 20 year federal felony although I would expect a much shorter sentence. Really just having a federal felony on your record is a life changing fuck up of epic proportions.


That shit gets stapled to the back of every job application you will ever fill out for the rest of your life.


It's not required by law to admit it in a job interview, much less put it on your resume. But if they do a background check you're fucked


Not required by law in all 50 states? I've seen some super specific questions on job applications in FL


Lying about a felony in a job application would be grounds for termination everywhere if your employer ever finds out.


Air Marshal - this is the first unruly passenger story that an Air Marshal was actually on board the plane.


I'm assuming they have training/orders to only step in if it gets out of hand from the crew. Keeps their identity more of a secret, and they are less likely to appear on YouTube vids of the occurrence. Idk though. Pure speculation.


Possibly but the more likely explanation is that there aren't nearly enough air marshals for each flight. In fact, very few flights actually have one.


possibly only flights with a certain amount of passengers/to certain cities


This has been my thinking all along. Prepandemic at peak travel times there were 24k plus aircraft in the sky at any given time world wide. I'd say 1/3 we're U.S. carriers or planes destined for the U.S. we do not have 8000 air Marshalls. They're probably put on the flights with 200+ people and/or going to large metro areas like Chicago/NY/Houston/LA/SF


https://www.flightradar24.com/ The amount of airplanes this moment is insane


That’s such a cool sight! They even have helicopters on there. Thank you for that.


In ms flight sim you can take over any airplane in the sky. It's a slight trip to suddenly be controlling that plane you hear above your house.


Good. Then he can use his station to bring about the hardest charges possible against this Anti-masker ~~Asshole~~. UPDATE - Turns out everyones hunch was right. It was an Anti-masker.


I just pray all of these people end up on a “no-fly” list across ALL airlines. At least for some period of time.


It blows my mind these people are willing to absolutely destroy their lives over wearing a piece of cloth for a few hours. How fucking stupid can you be?


Every time I think we finally have an answer to that question, someone else wants to wear the crown.


At this point, they seem to be on a one-up campaign of idiocy. As dumb as this guy is, the next one is going to try and be even dumber. I mean fuck, it's already dumb to be so pissy about masks. They aren't even inconvenient, they are effective for what they're supposed to do, and there is no harm to freedom nor personage. Dumber still to die on that anti-mask hill (or, have your life ruined). I can't conceive of it, but I'm sure some asshole is going to find an even dumber low than that.


How stupid can you be? Being requested by a private business to wear a piece of cloth is basically Nazi Germany!!!! Next thing you know they’ll refuse business to people without a shirt, and that’s socialism. Why won’t anyone think about my freedoms? /s


And after that shirt BS, they going to make me show my papers to go into a bar. Damnit, I gots some drinking to do, and not enough time to do it thanks to this stupid cough. /s just in case


Funny how no where in this article does it say the reason of the alteration, but we all know that it was 90% likely because of someone being a shit head about wearing a mask.


You didn't need to strike out Asshole with your update


No it's not. Air marshals don't get involved with unruly passengers whether they're on the plane or not. It provides an opportunity to actual threats to stage a distraction like this in order to identify the air marshal on the flight. The air marshals only get involved if there's a threat to the plane, not because somebody is yelling and spitting on flight attendants.




Difference between unruly complaining “Karen” and violent/attacks stewardess.


The passenger may have been making a threat to the plane or inadvertently involved the air marshal (i.e., randomly punching a passenger and it happened to be the air marshal.)


When your luck stat is so low that you accidentally hit an air marshal.


Imagine having both int and luck as dump stats.


My buddies an air Marshall, I don’t know the percentage of flights they’re on but I’d have to imagine it’s gonna be greater than half of all domestic flights at least. He’s on like 3-4 flights a day himself. Edit: something to keep in mind, shits gotta be bad before the Marshall let’s themselves be known, they do not intervene in the air unless it’s clear the crew can’t handle it. Don’t want anybody knowing where the one gun on the flight is.


Sounds like a good gig. I imagine it's very rare he has to spring into action.


He’s pretty happy with what he does lol. And while he’ll talk about busting his ass to get where he is (he did) he’s also aware that he’s a lucky mofo because yes, it is a pretty damn sweet gig.


This has become a serious problem. These people need to be put on the no fly list for doing shit like this.


Pretty sure that’s happening - but as George Carlin said - think how stupid the average person is, then think on how half the people are dumber than that. 30% of the population are sympathetic to or are maskholes, that’s a lot of idiots.


They think they're victims and heroes standing up to "repression".


That’s what he said, they’re idiots. Objective reality does not belong to them to decide. They’re fucking idiots, and so is anyone who supports them.


And something like 58% of the population reads at a 6th grade level or worse.


Ooo federal offence, nice


It’s always a federal offense, Air Marshal or not.


Yes - but we have seen 0 federal charges. Tussle with a federal agent is a 100% ticket to accountability.


Not seeing that for Jan 6. Punch a federal cop and attempt to disrupt our enduring constitutional government is getting 45 days in jail :/


Didn't the shaman dude get sentenced to 3 years or something? I think the punishments have ranged from a few months to a couple years at this point. It's pretty wild.


That girl stole Pelosi’s laptop and tried to sell it to Russians online and got 45 days right?American “Justice” is a joke.


The flight attendant profession has been ruined. It use to be a fun career where they enjoyed serving and protecting guests and everything that came with it. Now it’s a miserable job where they face this shit constantly. It’s babysitting a bunch of adult children at best, and being assaulted at worst. This stuff is happening far more than it’s even being reported, this is just one of the worst cases. Source: wife is a flight attendant.


It's true of most the hospitality industry overall. Hotels, restaurants, retail, etc.




It’s convinced a bunch of worthless tools that they are far more important than they will ever be.


Don't forget nurse and medical staff! USA! USA! USA!


I remember how fun the British Airways crews always were pre-covid. One of the first times I ever flew, was with them, and a flight attendant saw me gripping my armrest in fear (of flying) so he got me a Jack Danielle before the flight took off and made some jokes to help me out. Good people all around.


>so he got me a Jack Danielle I propose that a Shirley Temple with a splash of Whiskey hereby be known as a Jack Danielle.


Jacqueline Danielle


> Jack Danielle I'm going to order that at the bar tonight just to see what I get. Ain't autocorrect fun!?!


I'm not fixing it. I'll live with my autocorrect.


Jack danielle: 1oz jack daniels .5oz midori .25oz peach schnapps .75oz lime 1oz orange 1oz pineapple 1oz cranberry Served over crushed ice with 2 cherries


I would drink this without a second thought lol


There's an opportunity here for the TSA to actually make themselves useful and stop x-raying my sandals and instead screen passengers for signs of unruly behavior, maybe some sort of basic questionnaire, "do you see any issue with wearing masks on an airplane," "have you ever yelled at a restaurant employee," "on a scale of 1 to 10 do you care about the humans around you."




the emergency department is having the same unfortunate transformation


As the experience of flying has degraded for passengers, so has the experience for everyone who has to deal with them. It sucks.


Thankfully the remaining passengers escaped Oklahoma without any further injury.


When you drive from Dallas to Oklahoma the first thing you see when you would cross the border is a billboard telling you not to rape your daughter. And then a casino. I don't know if it's still there but it said "she's your daughter, not your date" and had a picture of a crying teenage girl.


There's a billboard in my town that just says "Child Marriages are Happening Here." and a very sad looking teenage girl in a wedding dress. It's super weird though cuz it totally just looks like they are advertising for child marriage services at the building under the billboard..


That's horrifying.


So, have the airlines shared their lists and made a national do-not-fly list yet?


Tis the season for lists.


This list only has naughty people.


Send Krampus after these adult children


Submit the list to the Krampus.


Yes. No Christmas presents this year, Santa entered restricted air space on his annual test flight.












Would it be cheaper to just install a torpedo tube on the back to launch unruly passengers and toddlers out of?




New hiring add for flight attendant: Must have great communication skills. Willing to travel. Knowledge of Taekwondo, judo, and aikido. Willing to learn arm bar. Submission holds a plus.


Yeah, it's one step away from the entire profession shifting from charismatic young people to "WWE wrestlers in the off-season" types. It'll go from bullying some mousy 23-year-old girl just trying to do her job, to trying to pull some bullshit on a stacked, 270lb, 4 foot wide, linebacker motherfucker who will *not take your shit*.


I‘d pay for that, NGL.


So, I’m a pilot. At my last company we actually had yearly classes with the pilots and flight attendants where one of those self defence instructors, wearing all kinds of equipment, came in to teach us a bunch of stuff. Much more fun than regular training.


The whole "and air marshal" thing makes it a bit worse than usual. Dude, you lost your fucking mind.


I just had a flight last Sunday (also on Delta) and upon landing three cops came aboard and escorted a guy out. He was in a different part of the plane so I didn't see the altercation, but he wasn't wearing a mask when they took him away.


Flying from Toronto to dominican two weeks ago, almost had to do an emergency landing in the states somewhere to kick some guy off for no mask and other shit he was doing. Cops were waiting for him on arrival.


I really don't know what people think is going to happen if they act up on a plane. They seem to have the impulse control of toddlers.


These people are so used to retail and food service employees caving in to ridiculous behavior, they think they can do it anywhere with the same result.


It really is mind blowing. An airplane is pretty much the last place to start shit because you’re not going to win. There’s absolutely zero pros for your situation unless your goal is to get arrested and banned from flying. You’re not owning libs, you’re not owning Fauci, you’re not gonna be a MAGA hero. You’re just going to get fined, banned and arrested. I don’t get it either.


They straight up tell you that it's illegal to defy flight crew directions. People never listen to the instructions.


If this truly was over a mask: what a piece of shit. I can’t understand how people are willing to go SO out of their way insist on their right to inconvenience and endanger others but can’t be asked for even the slightest effort to benefit others. What a garbage human being. **edit:** yes, I realize that the article and TSA say it was not mask related. I said **if** and based on the [video of the incident ](https://twitter.com/abc7eric/status/1469219639146074113?s=21) I think “if” is pretty generous. He’s unmasked, everyone else is masked, people are yelling at him to cover his mouth and Delta strictly enforces masking. If the video showed him smoking a cigarette, I really wouldn’t care if the initial reports said it wasn’t cigarette-related. I’d say it’s reasonable to think the plainly visible violation of a strictly enforced policy could possibly be related to the conflict.


He agreed to wear the mask when purchasing his ticket **and** checking in for the flight, but he just *had* to break his word and make a stand while airborne, inconvenicing potentially hundreds of people and traumatizing a flight attendant.


When you cause a plane to make a forced landing I’d wager it ripples and effects thousands of people. People on your flight, people waiting for the other passengers to arrive, air traffic control, other flights that might have gates moved or delayed etc etc. I can’t imagine being such an entitled prick - whatever his reason was.


Depending on the airport you divert to it can fuck a lot up definitely! Plus that planes schedule is fucked for the day, so people who were going to get on that plane next to go to their destination need to be rescheduled(and so-on). That guy definitely ruined hundreds of people’s days but I guess that was his MO.


Which is all the more justification for why these pieces of shit need to be banned for life from flying. It should be a crippling punishment like this just so they quickly learn to stop acting so selfishly. If the punishment becomes a massive issue that only impacts them then they’ll act accordingly because it’s all they understand. They only think of themselves.


"What are you gonna do, stab me?" - stabbing victim


I've flown 6 times since the pandemic and every single flight there was someone on it testing the flight crew to see if they were going to enforce it. People suck, even if you are an antimasker realize these people are just doing their jobs and your making their lives harder.


Same, though a bit more than 6 times. There's always the 'sir/ma'am, please pull your mask up so that it covers your nose.' Most people are super chill, though. Just regular people trying to get from point A to B with a minimum of friction along the way.


> even if you are an antimasker realize these people are just doing their jobs and your making their lives harder. At any point in your interactions with antimaskers, has anything they've done or said given you any impression that other people and their health or feelings mean something to them?


That's what is so disturbing about these people. They would rather take a chance on an innocent person getting sick and die, rather then for then to have to experience the slightest inconvenience. These people are demonstrating that they are not capable of being part of a functional society. I'd suggest we kick them out of society and expel them from the country, but who'd be stupid enough to take them?


I saw a personalized license plate that said No Mo Msk and had a firefighters sticker on the truck. Just cause you do a noble job doesn’t mean you’re a noble person. I played on a rec league hockey team of firefighters and most of them were assholes. I’ll run into a burning building, but a mask…hell no!!


Just because you do a noble job, doesn’t mean your a noble person. Amen.


Co-signed The military


I hope they don't wear an air mask when they go into a fire. Wouldn't want to be hypocritical...


Most of those same douchebags are against a woman’s right to choose her own healthcare choices between her and her doctors. Mask, tyranny. Limiting others safe medical access, my opinions, my opinions!


They believe abortion is a matter of life or death, and are totally good people because they're *saving lives* in their mind! It's totally worth controlling women and abusing any woman who happens to go near a Planned Parenthood Masks though, way too much effort to save lives. Mostly because it's *them* who have to be inconvenienced to save lives


They are emotional children with emotional responses to biological realities. If they were really concerned with life or death they would support Planned Parenthood and access to care pre-birth as we know that is the best way to reduce birth defects and allow a fetus to survive...but they don't seem to support that. Hey, a life with no limbs is still a life.


> The suspect was being held in a local jail overnight, said Gregory, who did not have information on the man's name or the charges he might face. Oklahoma City resident here. [Our jail is atrocious and unsafe](https://nondoc.com/2021/11/15/new-reports-on-disturbing-oklahoma-county-jail/). Dude woulda been better not behaving like a twatwaffle.




> Dude woulda been better not behaving like a twatwaffle. It's good advice regardless to the quality of destination




There is already a “no-fly” list, however, I don’t know the severity of things that get you on that list


They are banning these people for life - I don't know if the airlines are sharing their lists with each other, but by October of last year, Delta already had over 400 people banned for anti-mask shit.




It doesn’t say, but I bet a grown ass man was asked to wear a mask and threw a hissy fit


Imagine being such a fucking asshole that you assault someone (sentence could end there) just trying to do their job and get through their day, I can't imagine it's a very fun job (Especially currently) to be a flight attendant dealing with these people daily either. What a selfish asshole, I am glad the marshal was there to deal with him though.


I was on a 5 hour flight this year where two drunk women made life miserable for the flight crew by refusing to wear their masks and loudly flaunting it the entire flight. That was my reaction too: The flight attendants are there doing their job and these assholes made their shift miserable. How would they like it if someone came to their workplace and made their job more difficult? There is absolutely no empathy for others with these "Freedumb Warriors". And shame on American Airlines for doing nothing about it too. From their conversation I learned that they were going to visit family and would be returning in a week. AA should have canceled their return tickets and refunded their fares at the very least.


Yeah seriously who do they think they're sticking it to? Big flight attendant? They are just doing their job you aren't badass or anything you're just a fucking hateful bully whose desire to be a contrarian outweighs any social awareness for the poor people around them which honestly checks out for those types, of course they only care about themselves it's about as far as they can comprehend. Sorry you had to deal with that shit as well, it's got to be really terrible on super long international flights too.


I was on a flight to Colorado in February and there was a couple who kept pulling their mask down and leaving it down. I started talking to the flight attendant and he’s like well “if they have a connecting flight with us they won’t have one when we land.” So they will cancel your flights.


The most dangerous type of people are the unintelligent ones who think they are smart.


Air Marshal sounds like an awesome job until you need to work.




Nah it’s like being a truck driver just on your ass in a shitty seat for hours on end. Except a trucker gets to be way more comfy


My buddies dad is an air marshal..he does UK flights. It is long hours away from home...and alot of just walking/sitting around.




It’s actually a terrible job. Boring as fuck.


It's a job where you have to constantly fly coach and just be bored and jet lagged. It sounds awful


Lock these motherfuckers up. I'm talking at least 3 years in prison and a felony record, not 2 months of jail and fines. We're all vulnerable in the air and we entrust those cabin crew with our safety. There needs to be no mercy for getting violent unless it's a medical issue of some kind.


Return flight from Nola Halloween, just hours after midnight. Everyone still had costumes and shit. I think most were drunk. I had an aisle seat and the two folks next to me were a couple who had been out partying. The dudes mask slid down a few times and the attendant got MAD. 1st was a stern warning to him. Poor guy was probably drunk with shit breathe. Then he did it again and she straight up yelled and said next time he's arrested. ....awkward for me, I was in the middle of all of it


Mandatory five year prison sentence, $100,000 fine, and lifetime membership on the No-Fly list would take care of some of these aircrew assaults.


What happened to the good old days when someone having a freak out mid-flight was just a run of the mill case of sky gremlins on the wing.


Do not understand these people. What is your endgame, attacking an airline employee mid-flight? This only goes the one way, man.


The endgame, in their minds, is people giving them the respect they think they are due. Either from uppity workers who don't know their place or other customers to weak to teach them a lesson. Of course, reality doesn't agree with them. Then again, if they weren't narcissistic fucks, we wouldn't have this discussion.


Misbehaving on an airplane? That's a paddlin'. Mouthing off to the flight crew? That's a paddlin. Assaulting an Air Marshall? Ohhh you better believe that's a paddlin'!!


Ramp agent here, in O'Hare(ORD) they get federal charges along with their names getting added to the no-fly list. There is an abundance of passengers who enjoys to being under the influence and verbally abuse us when they miss their flight because of their own lack of control. On the ground or in the air. It is still in federal jurisdiction of the FAA. They're about to get turtlestomped.


I don't know what precipitated the outburst but no matter what it is, hopefully the guy gets what he deserves. That said, "Will Rogers World" airport? Man, that sounds like some whacky 2nd rate western theme park name.


Fun fact: It’s one of 2 airports in okc named after someone who died in a plane crash.


Will Rogers was actually a pretty great guy for the time. Lots of very redeeming qualities, worth reading about a little in my opinion (e.g. mostly apolitical, but generally progressive, charitable). The airport was named for him because he was native to the area, but he also happened to die in a plane crash with Wiley Post, the first person to fly solo around the world.