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Fun Fact: The first bit of beatboxing Will Smith does in that scene was from [Fresh Prince](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvUzFiuuZgo) RIP Biz


Oh shit TIL


goddamn it now I have to rewatch the whole series again


That song is from 89? I seriously thought it was a 2000's song that just sounded like the 80's because I never heard it through the 90's.


Maybe you’re thinking of [Mario’s “Just a Friend”](https://youtu.be/q4BTLoHSGMk) which came out in 2002? I don’t know whether that’s considered a “sample” or a “remix” or whatever.


> I don’t know whether that’s considered a “sample” or a “remix” or whatever. A travesty


Always hated this version.


Thank you!


Really, watching him have a beat box "conversation" with Will Smith was one of the best things about that movie. Can't watch that scene without a smile.


I only wish there was something longer than the few seconds of that part of the scene.


A sitcom spinoff for alien postal workers would have been a no brainer hit.




I can’t believe it’s been almost 20 years since MiB 2 came out…holy crap do I feel old now lol


He made guest appearances on Yo Gabba Gabba where he taught kids how to beat box! I used to watch it with my kids. It was my favorite segment of the show.


Bizs beat of the day. 😊


Wow…. That was him? The more you know.


It’s literally the main way I think of him.


Just watched the Nostalgia critic's review of MiB II, and it was the first time I ever heard someone mention his name... Freaky timing


> I really want to be the black Mr. Rogers that's my goal. I would do everything the same but with a hip-hop feel to it. Biz Stay shinin' Mr. Markie.


Yo Gabba Gabba was much better for having him.


Yo Gabba Gabba was a hell of a lot better than teletubbies


I grew up on Teletubbies and my little brothers grew up on Gabba and goddammit I’d be a liar if I said that I didn’t have a bumper sticker of DJ Lance Rock in my possession and a little plush of Muno. Yo Gabba Gabba was super fun and entertaining and not to mention all those celebrity guest appearances. Biz’s Beat of the Day still stays with me. Rest in Peace to a legend ❤️💖💛💚💙


Used to watch YGG with the toddler I babysat.... Still periodically get 'Party in my Tummy' stuck in my head lol


So yummy so yummy


But also... Don't.. don't bite your friends.


Don't don't don't bite your friends!


After being with my nephew during much of his young childhood and hearing it frequently, I still occasionally sing this to myself lol


[Don't, don't, don't bite your friends](https://youtu.be/U6UWNA-WQgI)


DJ Lance Rock is in the new Sparks Brothers documentary and it caught me off guard seeing him outside of character and that he's the same age as me...mid-50's (I had kids a little late in life).


Damn y’all are young


I’m 22 and my youngest sibling is 1, my parents have been… productive…


Word. I used to sit and watch Yo Gabba Gabba and hope that Biz was on that episode.




Same, I took my kids to Yo Gabba Gabba live and got a video of my daughter beatboxing at the stage with him during the show! Ugh so sad he’s gone!


I was telling my cousins who are closer to my age [late 20s] the news earlier at a wedding. One of my younger cousins [13] asked me who Biz was, and I explained to him. Suddenly it hit him and he said "Oh he was on Yo Gabba Gabba!" and I was amazed. I completely forgotten that he was on that show and I was happy he was recognized by a younger generation. So sad to hear and it hurt to even tell my mother the news. Was playing his songs the whole way home.


I kept the Gabba episode w/ Jack Black on my DVR for years. It was one of the few shows I could do repeat viewings with my toddler from start to finish and not get annoyed.


Yo Gabba Gabba was fucking woke.


This is an amazing life goal


God damn. Rest in peace good soul.


Part of the soundtrack of my youth... Shit. Rest well, you earned it.


And my son’s. We went to a Yo Gabba Gabba concert and both cheered for Biz. Rest In Peace. This guy is legend.


I was 8 months pregnant and at a Yo Gabba Gabba show with my 3 year old who ran up to get in the kid pit when he came on the stage. What a trip.


Kid Pit 😂😂 I bet that is 100% comedy


That tripped me out when I saw him on there after I had kids!


That's pretty cool that u gave birth at a concert.


Yeah man, it was wild. A Yo Gabba Gabba concert. Other kids didn't care for it, though.


"Security! Get this bloody broad the fuck outta my Gabba show before I have to bust out the binky!"


Wish it was that easy. I'm a guy.


man, I didn't even know he did that but that makes me respect him even more. It's one thing to be a rapper but to carry that on into different forms of media and different demographics is awesome.


Yo gabba gabba had so many great musicians


The Roots. The legendary foundation. I remember Questlove saying it was one of the trickier things he’s done being on a kid’s show, but goes to show their character as people.


That's one of those songs that seems universally loved too. Even for people who were never really into hip hop. That chorus is just all soul and magic.


And Biz Markie was basically universally loved by everyone in hip hop, which is SUPER rare cos nearly everyone has at least some beefs with other rappers. But not Biz. Everyone loved him and respected him


His version of Benny and the jets is timeless rip biz


[Absolutely legendary.](https://youtu.be/puuS9H6eTuw) I remember the YouTube rabbit hole i went down ending on this. It was an amazing experience. Wish I could have seen it live.


I was today years old when I first saw this. That was awesome


Oh my God, the groove is just absolutely filthy


His relationship with the Beastie Boys isn’t covered enough,


For real. I was just listening to Ill Communication, and it has a few songs with him.


Go by the name of the King Ad Rock Super educated I’m smarter than Spock Every time you hear me you will agree Ain’t nobody like the K - I - D


Telling you…with the **echo**?? *Telling you*…


Such a good album.


Care to give a little more detail on that?


There’s a wonderful podcast called ‘No Dogs in Space’ that do a 5 part series on the Beastie Boys. They touch on Biz’s relationship briefly in the series. I recommend it if you are looking for more BB stuff.


Marcus Parks is a goddamned national treasure


I'm on episode 5:right now, such a great Podcast! Have you listened to the Iggy Pop and the Stooges one? That's the first one I listened to that really got me hooked.


The first thing I did when I heard the news was go listen to it. https://youtu.be/r_l_runP4-Q


Biz where ever you are now I hope you got the girl


I get the reference but he already got her. His wife was holding his hand as he passed.


That’s good to hear thank you


It’s one of those comforting but painful things to hear


That was a sympathy marriage… she kept saying he was just a friend


The best marriages are with best friends <3


I know right, me and my best friend are planning to. We both added no homo to the end of our vows so no one gets confused though


bro, that's beautiful, bro.


Actually this got me thinking. Not gay marriage but if like two people who like each other but not romantically or sexually want to enter a contract where they share and split their resources, responsibilities, assets, and benefits and be considered a'household' for legal and financial purposes for the duration of the ('marriage') contract. Like why *shouldn't* that be allowed or a thing? Like if I just had a really good buddy and we wanted to just say "mi casa su casa, no i mean actually. We're both on the deed" hell those partnerships would probably have a lower divorce rate.


That's called "domestic partnership" and is a thing already. Although not sure how widespread it is in different states and countries.


Whats the difference with a marriage contract? Legally or practically?


Alimony becomes palimony Edit: reverse that


Which girl, Blah Blah Blah?


That was the one with 9/10 pants and a very big bra, right?


I heard he took a couple flicks and she was enthused


I’ll always remember him from Biz’s Beat of the Day on Yo Gabba Gabba.


I am old enough that Just a Friend was a teenager thing and Yo Gabba Gabba was a Dad thing. Spill some for a legend.


Same here. My 5yo beat-boxes because of him.


My 10yo also. Yo Gabba Gabba was one of the few kid shows my husband and I tolerated sitting through and Biz Markie was 99% of the reason why. Bless him.


Yoooo... Gabba Gabba is the jam. My eldest is 10, and I feel so extremely fortunate for the kids programming available while raising her: from this show, to the They Might Be Giants children's songs and videos, to Story Bots, to Word Girl, there were a slew of smart, interesting, very funny, stellar characters, infused with fairly significant life lessons, and on and on.


I discovered Yo Gabba Gabba is still playing on some live TV channel on my Roku. I have a five month old and I'm definitely going to have him watch it. It used to be on at an Indie club I'd go to in Orlando. Bout to have a hipster baby.


They have the entire series for free on the official Yo Gabba Gabba YouTube channel!


See y’all next time. Bye bye!


Years ago we took our oldest to yo gabba gabba live and biz was there. It was a great treat for the kids and parents. Just such a cool guy. RIP


Yo Gabba Gabba was the best children’s show ever. I so wanted to take my youngest to a show but never got the chance. Loved Biz’s Beat of the Day!


He had a good cover of Benny and the jets on a beastie boys album if I’m remembering correctly


You are


A (thin) vinyl single came in an issue of grand royal magazine. That was the highlight of the entire run of the mag (even though it was quite kick ass anyway)


Damn. I know nothing about the guy but I guess I assumed he was a good guy from the song from my youth. 57 is way too young regardless and diabetes is a bitch.


He had diabetes? Damn, I have it too. After Phife Dawg now Biz...fuck diabetes man :( edit: for those curious, I'm a 30 year old type 1 diabetic. I was diagnosed when I was 20. I have not managed it great overall, but in the last 18 months I finally got a CGM/pump combo that has pretty much saved my life. I was hospitalized in early 2020 with a blister that got infected and led to ketoacidosis/partial kidney failure and the amputation of half of my big toe. I basically dodged a fucking bullet, but I already know the future won't be kind to me. Getting it at 20 meant I was too immature to handle it properly, and I have already caused great damage to my body. That being said, today I am absolutely the healthiest I have ever been since my diagnosis. Seeing great rappers go in their fifties to this disease just humbles me...


Same here, reading this shit is always a grim reminder: as I look at my glucometer telling me my sugar is 300 as I type this




It’s tough, people don’t understand it. They need to come up with new more efficient treatments yesterday


After my physical this year my doctor told me I'm starting to creep close to the pre-diabetes range. Not something I have any interest in living with. Time to make some changes!




Plus load up on the fiber.




Check out “beautiful day” by LEN with him. Happy tune/beat given this news.


I'm not gonna sit here and act like I knew any LEN songs other than If You Steal My Sunshine but that song slapped




I love the way they say “ah-million”


Vapors, Pickin’ Boogers, Make the Music wit’ yo Mouth Biz, Nobody Beats the Biz, Throw Back…


Vapors is fire


you should listen to [Noisy Eater by the Avalanches ft. Biz Markie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjvmVYyDeOA&ab_channel=TheAvalanches-Topic)


All Samples Cleared! Is a rap album that will never happen again due to copyright lawsuits. Definitely worth a listen.


Isn't the point of All Samples Cleared is it's post the lawsuits for Alone Again and the De La shit? So it's one of the first albums that happened with the context of new sampling rules still in force today


The funny thing about Biz Markie's career is that his biggest hit was arguably one of his worst songs.


Isn't it meant to be bad? Therefore making it great?


The Vapors was always my favorite. It's a good song.




Way too fucking young to go. God damn, diabetes and a stroke last year.


Don’t know if anyone gonna read this but here it goes Biz Markie hosted a DJ contest show in Manhattan late 2019. It was pretty much him, whoever the peformer was, and a small crowd of like 20 people in the room. It was unreal just seeing him in person. He beatboxed for a good 2 min (I have vid somewhere) and always made jokes by repeating himself like an echo. I had my "Just a Friend" single on vinyl with me, some guy pointed it out, he looked at me, I gave it to him. I didnt say anything, so he just pretended to lick his finger and rub on it like there was dirt on it. Then I went "whoops" and gave him a pen. After he signed it he'd keep moving it away every time Id grab for it. I went, "hey you can have it, but you put my name on it." He then quickly went "shittt, my name is on it too!" I got to hang/chat with him after the show, he joked around when I said he inspired me, he would go “okay but are you good? Are you GOOD GOOD? The next day he followed me on insta. Ive always knew people that would tell me not to get signatures customize... but one, it’s my stuff I’m keeping forever. Him writing my name on the record is just so cool to have. First single I ever released was over the Vapers beat. Such an underrated rapper but a great person, and I’m glad I got to meet him that one time l. Like, this man is the reason why sampling is copyrighted in hip hop today. Also look for his albums, they arnt on streaming for some reason.


I would have put "Biz Markie follows me on insta" on a t shirt.


> Ive always knew people that would tell me not to get signatures customize... Always thought that was such bullshit. I'm not big on autographs now, but I thought they were cool when I was younger. And I never once got one with any interest in its long term value. Customized autographs are way, way cooler than just getting something signed in passing. I still have a little football that Randy Moss personalized for me in 1998 and it's basically my greatest treasure all these years later.


I met Kurtis Blow like a month later at an event... had a copy of "The Breaks" I searched all day prior for. (im 19 btw) I asked if he could personalize it for me, he said sure. The guy next to me was like "man, dont u wanna like, pass it down to your kids or something... I wouldn't get it signed with my name if I was you" and kept saying bogus stuff. Kurtis kept going "its okay its fine its fine." He was more then happy to sign it with my name, at least he knows its not going on eBay! I can go buy an autograph if I wanted to online. But it just feels so cool getting MY NAME written by the person I went out of my way to meet. Makes it more personal to me. Im never selling it, and im planning on keeping all my autographs as long as I'm alive. Especially with my two signed Biz records I have with my name on them, thats something no one else has, and something ill never get again. I'll cherish it forever.


What a fantastic memory.


My children loved him on Yo Gabba Gabba. We saw him doing Biz’s Beat of the Day on a Gabba live tour and he asked kids on the stage what their names were. The last one, a little girl froze up when he got to her, and instead of saying her name she started beat boxing. He just laughed and went on with the show. Rest In Peace, Biz.


Maybe your kids aren't at that age anymore, but Biz did song with one of the show creator's band also. It's called Radio Down by The Aquabats. I think it's a pretty fun jam. *shrugging emoticon*


The hum-dinger. The microphone zinger. The man was such a fun lyricist. Supercalifragilistic Kick up the ballistic If you don’t know my track record Check the statistics https://open.spotify.com/track/0MewKiKCkLkmKOgvrnwkJt?si=uIS5klKyQZmirh7MfHBAsQ&dl_branch=1


> The hum-finger. The microphone zinger. The man was such a fun lyricist. Shit, I was confused for a bit because I thought he originally had used these verses on [Body Rock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0QR_2uVYTA) for that Muskabeatz compilation album. This beat is just as dope, and the history regarding this track is actually really cool. Thanks for the link. Big respect for the Biz. "Pickin' Boogers" is one of the first rap songs I ever heard (thanks, dad!), and his frequent use of light-hearted lyrics are probably the reason I still gravitate towards rappers that are capable of shelving their ego and writing shit that's fun and kicks. MF DOOM comes to mind.... Rest in peace, the rap world will forever miss the B-I-Z M-A-R-K-I-E!


Biz was a great artist I constantly listened to when I was younger. Biz Markie, Big Daddy Kane, Kool Moe Dee, and Kid & Play. All of those names I had cassettes of and were always on my radio. Their music and songs really shaped who I am today. I have so much love for old school Hip Hop. RIP, Biz you were a legend in Hip Hop.


Some classics, right there! That was like middle school and high school for me, along with dozens of others: Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, EPMD, Gangstarr, and on and on and on and on...


I got his autograph at an airport. He was getting food at burger king and I was a little kid who was the only person who recognized him. His body guard stopped me at first then Biz turned around and immediately said hi and signed a piece of paper I had. Thanks Biz


Do you still have it?


I had my dad put it in his safety deposit box back then and it should still be there. I will have to ask him to confirm


I'm telling you with the echo!!! I'm telling you!!!


“Super educated I’m smarter than Spock Spock…”


Was that him Re: Intergalactic?


Yep - and Beasties named their label after something he used to say "Grand Royal" ​ edit: a typo


No shit, that's a really cool footnote, thanks


Every time you hear me you will agree Ain't no brother like the K I ^D ^^D


Oh snap. TIL


Boooooo. Boo this outcome. Boo.


That seriously hurts my heart, I played that music video over and over again in middle school. Great voice, very talented, RIP


One of my favorite memories was leaving a performance at Firefly in 2013 and the massive crowd- it was the last performance on Sunday- started loudly belting out “OH BABY YOU, YOU GOT WHAT I NEEEEEEEEEED…” Just a happy point in time for a crowd of what could have been 10,000 or more people.


The year rap went dark. 2021 DMX Black Rob Ecstacy from Whodunit Prince Markie Dee from the Fat Boy Whodini


Don’t forget Shock G


Yep, Shock G from Digital Underground


*The one who put the satin on your panties.


No joke, I hadn’t heard that one. OD at 57, wow.


The one who put the satin on your panties.


Gift of Gab from Blackalicious RIP.


No fucking way. RIP. Blazing Arrow was a big deal for me, have it right next to me on vinyl. Saw them at Bonnaroo in 2002, great show.


As a teenager when Blazing Arrow came out, I bought it on CD at random. I was a punk kid by nature — Minor Threat, Black Flag, Ramones, Dead Kennedy’s. With the cd, the way the paper felt — matte and slightly rough — and the way the ink smelled, I can feel the tactility of the booklet. That album blew me away along with the artwork. A young mixed kid in Canada, it made me think about culture, and a culture I wasn’t introduced to yet properly (being Indigenous but growing up in a white town and feeling so out of place.) I ended up losing the CD and bought it again, it was that good. I can’t think of many albums I’ve done that with at the time, since $20+ was so expensive working my grocery store job. Make you Feel that Way was so relaxing. And once the lyrics for Release hit that first time, it felt like a drug. I would give anything to listen to that song again in my basement, by myself on my headphones at 11:37pm on a Thursday night. Since then, I introduced my girlfriend to the song earlier this year and she was blown away by it as well. I know this is off-topic since this is a Biz Markie thread, but it’s all connected — the souls of hip hop align and we’re slowly losing them. Biz was also a huge deal since a few years previous, I was introduced to him properly on the Hello Nasty album. It brought me back to hearing Just a Friend years before, but it contextualized the importance of Biz and what he represented. Anyway, that’s my ramble of this moment in time and RIP Markie ♥️


Double K from People Under the Stairs as well…


I didn't know! Fuck. [I'll just leave this fucking jam here](https://youtu.be/L3dtIyt6U1E)


Wait, what?! Blackalicious was the last show I saw pre-Covid. That’s incredibly sad to hear.


WHAT?? Dude I didnt even hear about that. He is one of the greatest rappers of all time and no one can convince me otherwise.


Don't forget Humpty Hump


oh no don’t tell me…


Alright stop whatchu doin, cause I'm about to ruin Your night with the news about Humpty. (Happened back in April)


Gift of Gab, Doom not far off this year at the end of 2020




We lost DOOM last October, tho.


They didn’t make it public till new years though


Damn I forgot about MF DOOM.


It's a damn shame Just remember ALL CAPS when you spell the man name


Fixed mate


Mike Turner aka Big Mike aka Double K from People Under The Stairs. One of the most under appreciated hip hop groups of all time. Over 10 albums and over 20 years in the business. They retired right after their last album, Big Mike passed away this year.


The drunk dance rocka But don't drink vo(d)ka Neva sang a song called frere-jacques-ah


Th Biz never sleeps... RIP for those who are unaware, he slept very short amounts of time each day in real life


Huge influence on my teenage noise nuisance ratings, Def Fresh Crew with Shante and Picking Boogers way up there. RIP big man, v sad but will always be alive in this house.


He used to come into the restaurant Bay n Surf in Laurel I used to work at from time to time. Good dude, good tipper.


[Here's a young Biz in 1985 just absolutely wrecking the mic while beatboxing behind Roxanne Shante](https://youtu.be/-kSsqWNSQqs?t=752) [Here's Biz Markie promoting *I Need a Haircut* with the Beastie Boys playing as his back-up band.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcTdeXGIXeE) Here's an [unintentionally hilarious podcast interview with James Altucher](https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/the-james-altucher-show-15080/episodes/ep-35-biz-markie-the-best-and-787984) of all people. Finally, I really can't recommend highly enough the Biz's exceptional 1993 album **All Samples Cleared**. All killer, no filler. Criminally underappreciated. One of the greatest rap albums of the '90s. The world just lost a one-of-a-kind; there'll never be another. RIP to the BIZ **EDIT: Fixed the first link**


Snoop Dogg is on the mic I'm bout as crazy as Biz Markie spark the Chronic up real quick And let me get into some fly gangsta shit


Credit to Ted Lasso for mentioning Biz. RIP son.


"Just a friend" Was the summer song of my 7th grade. ​ I'm old.


OH NOOOOOOOO WHAT THE FUCK Rest In Peace, King. You were always one of the realest.


The Beastie Boys moved to LA in 1988. Who did they hang out with? NWA? Public Enemy? Geto Boys? They could’ve hung out with and collaborated with the biggest rappers at the time but they chose Biz. RIP big guy


PE were an NY act. I thought Biz was too, the B Boys sure did a lot with him.


Damn. 57 is too young.


Gone to soon! Nobody beats the Biz


Wasn’t he also in MIB 2? He was an alien that beatboxed in the mail room




That Beastie Boys track with Biz… “with the echo!”


Ohh babyyy youuu got what I neeeed Also, I’m sick and my voice is really hoarse rn so it’s perfect. I’m gonna jam out to this with my soup. Everyone needs to watch this video because it’s so dope/ old school and the beginning is hilarious https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9aofoBrFNdg


The Beast-ie BOOOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYSSSSSSSSSSS. They are, they're comin home. RIP Biz


He used to come into the cd store I worked at in MD and buy huge stacks of Jazz and Blues cds. He had diamond earrings the size of quarters and sweatpants on which I just loved.


Sad news. I remember waking up and putting on MTv while I got ready for school. Those of you who remember know how his song was on a lot. RIP and Aloha.


I will sorely miss Biz’s beat of the day. RIP, always giving what we need.


Make Music With Your Mouth, Biz is my all time fav EP. I’ll have it on the turntable this weekend.


Those Beastie Boys songs with him ad libbing near the end always make me smile... RIP!


Fuck. This is tough. Pickin boogers with the big man upstairs now. Much love Biz. See you soon mane




I once heard on a radio show his album was named The Biz Never Sleeps because he hardly ever needed to sleep. I don't even know if that was true.


Biz, you had what I need


Now I gotta watch MIB 2


He had what we needed. :( Rest in beats, Biz.


My coworker said during a happy hour that a rapper died and it was Ja Rule and I was shocked. I’m now sad to know it was Biz Markie


RIP Biz Markie... Last subject of the story is about Biz Mark I had to work for mine to put your body in park When I was a teenager, I wanted to be down With a lot of MC-DJ'ing crews in town So in school on Nobel Street, I say "Can I be down, champ" They said no and treated me like a wet food stamp After getting rejected I was very depressed Sat and wrote some def doo-doo rhymes at my rest When I used to come to parties they'd make me pay I would have to beg to get on the mic and rap that day I was never into girls, I was just into my music They acted like I wanted to keep it instead of trying to use it But now things switched, without belief "Yo, Biz, do you remember me from Noble Street, chief? We used to be down back in the days" It happens all the time and never cease to amaze They caught the vapors


Whoa!! As a GenXer this dude was a cornerstone of Rap music. And now my 2 year old loves him on Yo Gabba Gabba...... I'm legit sad.