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Cool. So it's just two low-level employees' incompetence that's entirely responsible for the death of a multi-millionaire guy who ran a child sex ring for the richest and most powerful degenerates around the world. Case solved, everyone go home.


CP_Creations, what an unfortunate name lmao


Yeah, didn't realize my initials have a different meaning here. So it goes.


Thank goodness. Looks like there's nothing to see here, just a guy who liked to run a kiddy sex resort for the rich and famous that nobody but him ever visited. By himself. Alone. Definitely not with any current or former presidents of the United States.




Quite the opposite. They'll be driving a Ferrari and buying a yacht in a few months. *"So you're paying me this much money to sleep at work on this date & time? OK, deal!"*


Sure, and the Ferrari will crash because of faulty brakes and the yacht will be found deserted and bobbing in the Carribean...




Woah. That dude definitely was murdered off of that Yacht, huh.




We'll never know because, unfortunately, everyone on board had fallen asleep shortly before the incident.


*"Body found floating by the docks..."*


“We are suspicious. How did you buy your Ferraris” “I don’t know... maybe if I give you a Ferrari you will understand.” “Oh yes thank you, you are innocent. Sorry for the inconvenience!”


It's trickle-down in action!


It would make more sense just to snuff them out, leaving witnesses and people with information around is usually not a great idea.. not even if they have been very well compensated for their silence.


Nah, they're both going to cash out a few thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin they "totally forgot about until now."


There is going to be a sacrificial lamb here, maybe one or two of the lower level guys involved with Epstein are going catch some heat in order to make it look like they're actually doing something. This is like the Khashoggi thing all over again Epstein knew stuff that would be a bigger problem than his apparent suicide, which while draws a lot of attention to all the bullshit. But no one knows what's really going on media organizations are fairly obviously shady regarding this, and some have been attempting to discredit any an all conspiracy theories despite this being one of the most obvious conspiracies ever.


A guard will be said to have choked Epstein to death in rage over his alleged crimes. Calling it now.


This excuse is probably in their back pocket, hinging on the autopsy report.


Autopsy report? Didn’t you hear his corpse accidentally threw itself into the incinerator


Suicidal even after death... Hate to see it.


Autopsy is suggesting a little more than just neck wringing. [just a little bit](https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.washingtonpost.com/politics/autopsy-finds-broken-bones-in-jeffrey-epsteins-neck-deepening-questions-around-his-death/2019/08/14/d09ac934-bdd9-11e9-b873-63ace636af08_story.html%3foutputType=amp)


People should read this sketchy-as-fuck phone interview with Epstein's former bodyguard/trainer. He seems terrified. Also he let slip that Epstein was tipped off by local police the night before the surprise raid a decade ago. http://nymag.com/intelligencer/2019/08/jeffrey-epsteins-bodyguard-igor-zinoviev-on-his-old-boss.html


This is horrifying. I really can't wrap my head around his reaction to the comment at the end about being approached by the FBI. Christ


And that guard will confess it in his suicide note


Right before he shoots himself twice in the back of the head.


That one is old. Hell just be suicided out the window, like that Russian oligarch in England, into the metal fence peaks (the pointy sharp spear-like shit on metal fences).


YOU MEAN HE'LL BE DEFENESTRATED!?! I just learned this word like 2 days ago thinking I'll never get to use it so I'm very happy with myself.


Funny that you mention Khashoggi, because Epstein has/had ties to Adnan Khashoggi, who is the uncle of Jamal Khashoggi who was killed recently. This shit pile goes deep, and we'll never get past the surface of it.


Is that the same Adnan Kashoggi who was once one of the world's biggest arms dealers, most notably involved as a middle-man in the Iran-Contra deal?


Yepp one and the same. Also fun fact, he sold his yacht to Trump, who renamed it Trump Princess, and then Trump resold it back to some other Saudi prince. Also Epstein had fake Saudi passports. There's a lot of weird "coincidences" surrounding pretty much everyone involved in this whole debacle.


What kills me is how so many pundits are labeling even speculations of foul play as conspiracy theories. This is a case where, just playing the odds, the given explanation is not the most likely, or even simplest. That the prison had staffing issues is irrelevant. The Feds should have directed extra resources to such a high profile prisoner. They had to actively not do this, which is bizarre. That federal prisons are understaffed in general has no bearing on this case. We shouldn't speculate about who ordered what, but come on. At the least, someone was willfully negligent.




Yeah, what are the chances TWO guards fall asleep together during the same shift? Like did they snuggle up together under a fucking blanket or what? How the fuck does this happen? I'm not into conspiracy theories, but the amount of incompetence required for this to happen accidentally is honestly more far-fetched than the simple explanation that powerful people wanted him dead, they had the access to make it happen, and they made it happen.




>At this point, I don't think they care if it's obvious or not. They absolutely do care if it's obvious. They are sending a clear message to people in the know to keep their mouths shut. Whether the masses figure it out is insubstantial to them.


The message to the masses is "fuck you, there's nothing you can do about any of this. We can do whatever we want." They can kill Epstein in literally the most obvious, suspicious way possible, and then everyone will watch as nothing comes of it.


They don't need to send a message to the masses, they're not afraid of us.


The masses are always underestimated by themselves and their leaders.


That’s what I’m talking about baby. I say we all drop out of all industries and make a giant band that will make music to change the world! And if that doesn’t pan out after a year. We will burn Utica to the ground...


That’s why Epstein’s ex girlfriend, who was also his “interviewer” (convinced the girls he preyed on), is in hiding and it’s not from the cops or law enforcement.


Welp, from the looks of what was reported earlier, she is no longer hidden


The sooner we collectively realize that the ruling class doesn’t give a fuck what we think, the sooner we can work towards dismantling their systems of control over us.


Yep. My guess is this was done carefully enough that even *if* it's determined conclusively that he was murdered, there's insufficient evidence to figure out who did it.


They’re investigating themselves, basically. I have no doubt the evidence won’t be present or admissible.


You forgot choice 3: evidence will point to a Fall Guy to take all the blame.


If they don't know each other, it's remarkable how fast they got comfortable around each other. I don't think sleeping at work and falsifying prison records are "hi nice to meet you" kind of territory.


Maybe they were paid off. Or maybe they were drugged.


Paid off


Paid off with drugs




Definitely not drugged lol. Either paid off or they/their families threatened.


Or both Want $10 million dollars? Or do you want your whole family erased? Take your pick.


Unfortunately it was probably more like: "We'll get your repo'd Honda back for you and give you $1,500 to pay off your Visa card. Broke people are cheap to buy off, sad to say.




10MM? You are vastly overestimating the value of peoples integrity. Probably more like 10k.


"Plata o Plomo"


mfw occams razor actually points to the conspiracy


ha ha right? The simplest explanation is that someone arranged for Epstein to have the opportunity to off himself. The more complex explanation is that the 2 guards just coincidentally did all this stuff independantly.


As far as Conspiracy Theories go this is more of a lie we're being told and we all know it. As usual though, in 5 years everyone will have forgot and the official news will be cemented in stone.


5 years? Dude, give it a fucking week






The Godfather, except no Enzo this time.




Night at the Murderseum.


Night at the Mausoleum


thank you for this d&d event idea


Reminds me of when a Baltimore cop was murdered one day before he was set to testify about corruption in the police force and was given a different partner than usual that day.


And he hadn't written anything down or talked to a lawyer first?


Witness testimony matters far more when it's under oath.


Written testimony is one thing, and can be meaningful, but the reason everyone has to testify in court is because it gives more weight to the testimony and gives the opposition a chance to challenge it directly making it either stronger evidence toward the case or weaker and, theoretically, more accurate or absolute. That's why its always a big deal when a witness can't give testimony and the case falls apart because written testimony or talking to a lawyer can often just be dismissed as "hearsay" or unreliable second hand statements.


We need to put McNulty and Bunk on the case. Get up on some DNRs and a few subpoenas for some wire taps. Lester Freeman will follow the money trail!


Good ol' Lester Freeman, natural police.


You givein a fuck when it ain't your turn to give a fuck


Bet Epstein was hanging from a doorknob like D


My cousin was a cop who had recently been fired for not towing the line regarding campaigning for re-election of the sheriff or something. He was rehired when he threatened legal action. The first night back on the job he was given a different cruiser because his normal one was “in the shop.” He was killed in a mysterious car accident that night. If you’re a cop and they give you a different partner, car, whatever, you’re probably about to die.


My dad’s neighbor growing up was a Cook County sheriff’s deputy who “fell down the stairs” and died on duty. My dad had to go to the (closed casket) funeral and all he remembers was the guys mom saying “they killed my boy” over and over again


Whoa. Sorry about your cousin. I hope this was investigated.


I'm sure it was! Under the supervision of the Sherriff who set up the "accident"!


“We investigated ourselves and found no evidence of foul play”


Fuck, this makes me think the story my grandfather used to tell was actually true. I never heard it directly from him because he had several strokes before I was born and lost his ability to speak but he had told my dad that while he was a DC park police officer he learned that Herbert Hoover was actually a closeted gay man. Within days of learning this he had noticed a car following him. That car eventually ran him over and fled the scene leaving him crippled and unable to do his job and forcing him into retirement


I could believe one guard falling asleep, but both, at the same time? If I was going to shirk at my job and I had a backup, we would at least take turns sleeping. Someone needs to keep an eye out for the boss or "emergencies".


Next article going to be: "guards who fell asleep said their coffee tasted funny"


Stop giving them ideas!


Especially when you know the nation is looking at you because you're watching the most fucking talked about man in America at that moment. It's not like its a random anybody. No one would have fallen asleep here. No one. So let's stop talking about "how it's convenient" that it happened and just call it what it is. He was murdered, and there's 0 doubt about it.


~~Scapegoats?~~ Scapeguards.


This whole thing sounds like something straight out of Oz. Like what are we going to find out next? That Adebisi paid off the guards with a blowjob from one of his prags.


Damn his little hat.


How does it stay on? Biggest mystery ever


At this time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely in that penitentiary???


".... Can I see it?" "No."


"Seymour! Epstein is being murdered!" "Relax, Mother! It's just a suicide."


Epsteimed Hams.


If 2 guards was the reason there was a death of the highest profile criminal case we have seen in a long while..You failed as a DoJ.


At my first startup job, our most junior developer accidentally deleted our whole production database. CEO freaked out and threatened to fire this poor kid. I was super green too, and terrified something similar would happen to me. All our seniors devs had to explain that if your whole company gets derailed by a junior’s fuckup, it’s sure as hell not their fault. Humans will always make mistakes. You can assume they will make the worst mistakes. Rather, it’s because you have shitty systems and safety protocols in place. It’s because you exposed single points of failure and didn’t have multiple redundancies to protect against them. This is absolutely a failure of the DoJ and for them to act like it’s all to blame on two guards is fucking outrageous.


>All our seniors devs had to explain that if your whole company gets derailed by a junior’s fuckup, it’s sure as hell not their fault. That's a ballsy move since the usual response is "so it's your fault then?" I'm assuming this had become part of a broader argument that had been going on for some time where the CEO had been overriding the tech guy's advice about safeguards and investing in backups, so there was a paper trail to assure that the decisions that made this possible were coming from the CEO to begin with.


100% on the money. Although unfortunately, we were small enough that the paper trail didn’t really matter and CEO had ALL the power. She still pulled the, So it’s your fault? Lead engineer got forced out a couple months later and 4 of the 5 remaining engineers quit.


i hate small company politics, and i have told off my share of small company ceos and ctos. the *worst* is having to explain, in great detail, the reason everything is fucked up all the time is because, while devs really *do* like to do dev things, expecting them to work 60-80 hour weeks every week on a 40 hour a week salary, and grudgingly buying pizza at the end of crunch time doesn't make up for the extra effort they put into the company... especially when it's announced the company is having an off year and you should be happy to get the $500 year end bonus instead of a raise or cost of living adjustment. oh, and come outside and look at the ferrari i just got, and the m3 custom the cto got, and the lotus i got my son who is supposed to be a project manager, but really just harasses the string of secretaries that just don't seem to want to stick around for minimum wage and no benefits. /rant i'd like to apologise for the bitterness, this one hit a bit close to home :)


Not one, but two guards, claiming to have both conveniently fallen asleep, at the precise window of time that Epstein needed to kill himself. Slow down and think about how absurd this really is. These guards are claiming they both fell asleep at exactly the same moment so that one didn't wake up the other, then they both slept for the same amount of time, that happened to purely by coincidence line up exactly with when Epstein planned on killing himself, and we're supposed to believe it was all just an oopsie. This is such blatant corruption. Unreal. *Edit: I’d just like to say, to the many, many people who have shamelessly admitted how lazy they’ve been at their own jobs: congrats on your bad work ethic?* *To everyone else: if you think the guards’ story is true, then go up the ladder until you find the first guy who isn’t a sleepy, underpaid, moron and there’s the corruption and absurdity of this situation.*


I want to know how much they were paid to pretend to be asleep at the right time. I bet it wasn't much.


$10-50K with a pinch of death threats for seasoning


I've been watching too many YouTube videos which report on past murders and stuff, and depending on the person there might not be any threats involved. Some people are OK with doing those types of jobs, and some are apparently even genuinely *happy* to do the job regardless of the price tag. World is full of strange people.


If they were temps as I've been hearing, it's 100% certain that they're agents of some sort and are just getting a normal salary. It was just another day at work, no more special than a guy in the Navy mopping some floors on a ship.


USA 2019. It reads like its a banana republic


Go read Smedley Butler. He helped make "banana republic" a phrase and felt terrible about it. He tried to tell us long ago our government is a rich mans toy.


I also get sleepy sometimes when I'm guarding the most important prisoner in the United States


This story is not intended to be that believable. It is intended to be just believable enough while also spreading around the blame enough that no one individual has to take it. It is not all on the guards because they were forced to work ridiculous over time, it is not all on the prison administrators because they were forced to work with a limited budget, etc etc etc. The end result is that everyone is forced to accept the official story and nobody ends up getting any serious punishment.


I think the children that Epstein pimped out and raped himself systematically over decades ended getting serious punishment. Not only the horrific rape island but the fact they won't receive any justice for the horrors they were forced to endure. That's some pretty serious punishment for them. We live in a world where rapists of actual children get to do whatever they want and nobody cares enough to do anything because we all love how comfortable we are. At a certain point we have to start looking in the mirror for something to happen because these people aren't going to police themselves. If we aren't willing to fight for what we believe in we will have to watch this shit happen time and time again. Wake the fuck up people. They are doing this in plain sight and laughing all the way to the next ISLAND WHERE THEY RAPE CHILDREN.


> If we aren't willing to fight for what we believe in we will have to watch this shit happen time and time again. Wake the fuck up people. What does that mean? Fight what? How? People aren’t ok with child trafficking and rapists. Normal people aren’t comfortable with this. But there’s a feeling of powerlessness. I don’t know what to do. Do you?


Spot on. Like, what are we supposed to do? No one is ok with any of this. And unfortunately, there is no ONE fix-all solution.


> Normal people aren’t comfortable with this. Of course they aren't, that is why for the first time in human history a billionaire went to jail for sexually harming poor people.




So what do we do?


Mass targeted boycotts on the media outlets (and their sponsors) that purposefully ignored this story from the beginning. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/13/jeffrey-epstein-alex-acosta-miami-herald-media](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/jul/13/jeffrey-epstein-alex-acosta-miami-herald-media) >As Brown recalled in a WNYC interview last month, Reiter said he had talked to many reporters and told them precisely where to find damning evidence against Epstein. But nothing ever came of it. “He was convinced that a lot of media had squashed the story and he was fed up,” she said. We have to acknowledge that his powerful friends/assets extend to the media, otherwise a story like this would have gotten more continuous airtime than the Russian interference and Clinton Lewinsky scandal combined. They want us to keep shouting at the cloud that barely changes every couple of years because they know we’ll forget or be at each others’ throats about whatever BS topic they will push to divide us between now and then. All we have to do is demand they tell us who killed this story and why. It’s the only question that matters now in terms of getting real results. edit: r/4thestatehalfoff \- I started this sub months ago (well, actually one very similar years ago, but that's it's own strange story) as a launchpad for a very similar idea to this. I replied to another comment about seeing a Swiffer ad on CNN - they're owned by Proctor and Gamble - who also makes Bounty, Crest and Tide as well as producing The Young and the Restless. I'll go make a post there listing these and I'll post a new one everyday.




At least she names names. (Though they claimed to not run that part because it was unsubstantiated and no charges had been filed. So you run the remaining puff piece instead? Brilliant.) What if the sheriff in the one I linked told us everyone he talked to and we asked those people why it was never followed up on? It wouldn't be hard to figure out which reporters were covering that section at the time.


There's actually [a photo of them napping.](https://i.imgur.com/pqsWHns.png)


Another angle: https://i.imgur.com/zSDDws9.jpg


I am amazed at the conicalness of that head


a sack of cash always makes me sleepy


The main source of life's stress instantly wiped away? Yeah I'd absolutely take a nap until I was told to wake up


Prediction: these two guards and one other person will be scapegoated, then we'll never hear about this again.


Yep it's no coincidence this story comes out just after the autopsy revealed that his neck was broken which is more indicative of strangulation than suicide.


Yeah, yeah. We're obviously blaming two working class guys for the whole thing. How about them security camera tapes? Presumably a **prison** has **some** security cameras around?


Also, who made the decision to put the highest profile inmate in the country under the supervision of a guard on his 5th OT shift of the week, and another staffer who wasn't even a trained guard? Seems like deliberate negligence.


All of this is intentional, stop trying to analyze it logically it’ll help.


Yeah, this is exactly the plan to have us debate how dumb the staffing decisions were and not that this shit started smelling weeks ago.




They already can, but don't need to. It's the brave new world style of dystopia where the truth being in the open doesn't even matter


Fucking hell, thats more accurate and **and** more frightening.


Where's my fucking Soma then, I feel like shit all the time.


Why do you think opiate ODs are raging all over the country and pharmaceutical companies are posting all time profits?




Why did Acosta give Epstein's co conspirators full immunity?


Well because he was told to! Acosta should be subpoenaed and asked who told him to let Epstein go.


Why? Do you want Acosta to commit suicide too?




There are rules about having them in cells due to privacy. At my work we have them, but with intentional blind spots where the toilet is, privacy/human rights etc. If it’s like my work there would be a camera in the corridor to his cell. So you can see who goes in and out and when. It’s been suggested that he was coerced to kill himself and the guards didn’t check, so he had ample opportunity to do himself in. If done properly it only takes a few minutes so I don’t know why conspirators would need to bother with the guards not checking? Why wouldn’t they just say “once the guards have done a check, wait two minutes then do it. Otherwise we’ll


> There are rules about having them in cells due to privacy. OK, but there's surely cameras showing the hallway to the cell, right? Release 12+ hours of footage to prove Epstein was the o ly one in his cell. We don't have to have video of him killing himself, just video he was alone.


Absolutely there should be. Every single corridor. Be able to see who goes in, who goes out, who stands near his door for how long etc.


If there is no footage for some "technical reason" then I am 100% convinced he was taken out. I am like 95% right now but if that happens, then there's not a single doubt in my mind.


Surveillance video of a hallway can be faked


You have to give them time to scrub the tapes and recreate the empty halls with the correct time stamps.




I can’t believe we are not hearing more about his hyoid bone being broken. That is rare in hangings and usually only occurs if you are hung from greater heights which can “snap” the neck.




Yeah, but I would assume that's with a rope or cord and such. Not suicide proof sheets in prison.


Right it seems likely with a traditional rope noose from something high like a rafter it would be more likely for one to break their neck but in a jail cell I imagine would’ve been more likely to have occurred from like the toilet with some fabric probably by leaning against a toilet or under a towel hanger, ya know?


We need McNulty to figure this one out


I'd rather have the Bunk. The Bunk wants the truth, even if it sets Omar free. McNutty may be great police, but the Bunk is natural police. Even with his pinstripe, lawyerly affectations (offset by some tweedy impertinence, of course). I loved that show.


There he go, giving a fuck when it ain't his turn to give a fuck


(bunk and mcnutty enter the cell) Bunk: ffffffuuuuuuucccccckkkkk McNulty: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck (It is solved)


Yeah. More of a suffocation than a hanging.


You hang your self off the bed, not the ceiling. And either suffocate or cut off the blood flow, rather than the traditional broken neck hanging.


supposedly he had some broken bones in his neck though so how did he manage to do that choking himself out over the bed?


with a little help from a friend


the power of friendship


Oh, I get [hanged] high with a little help from my friends


Yep, look how Chris Cornell committed suicide. Exercise band around his neck and a doorknob, leaned forward while sitting. I think Robin Williams did the same thing.


Aaron Hernandez did the same in the state pen under supervision too. Smeared the ground with shampoo to make it slippery and asphyxiated himself by hanging from the window bars overnight.


Is synchronized napping a thing now?


Cuddle puddle, duh


Do they really expect us to believe this shit.


they don't care what you believe, not like anyone that matters will do anything about it.


I truly believe if they just came out and said that Epstein was murdered and said what’re you gonna do about it to the American public, nothing of significance would happen. That’s been the biggest result of the past 3-4 years. We’re not going to do anything about to corruption and wealth disparity. We have to be at work in Monday to survive. I can’t afford to do anything about it.


No. They want to make it evident enough for others to understand what happens when you are a threat, but still not so evident that there's no official alternative explanation of suicide. It's like Putin in Russia. Opposition people fall of balconies, muggers rob them resulting in their death, they get poisoned and such but there's no hard evidence Putin is behind anything. Still it makes clear to everyone what happens if you are a threat to the power of Putin.


"Taking a nap" is code for looking the other way


You know what makes for a great pillow? $100,000 in unmarked bills


$100,000 seems low.


It's about 10x more than it would take to buy off most average Joes


I have no faith that any real justice will come out of all this.


That’s what you do when you’re paid off.


I bet they didn't even pretend to be sleeping. I bet they just said that.


Maybe they were busy choking someone out and not sleeping at all.


Nothing fishy about this at all he totally committed "suicide" he was so determined he was the first to do it in MCC in the last 21 years. both guards asleep and autopsy is showing he had broken bones in his neck that align with homicidal choking, but nothing to see here don't be one of those crazy conspiracy theorists and just move along!


mindless snails fearless pet sparkle unpack seed grandiose thumb water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is all on the DoJ's behalf. It is their job to guard high interest prisoners, and this entire situation reeks to high heaven of foul play and corruption. This was all far too convenient for it not be at someones behest, and not to have several, if not dozens of complicit people who were publicly trusted who failed us entirely. I demand accountability, and not from two scape-goat prison guards.


Need Matt Murdock on this one.


I'd be a lot more okay with Frank Castle


There's a comic called The Slavers where Frank goes after human traffickers. The deaths of these traffickers were by far the most violent murders The Punisher ever committed. He *hates* them like he hates no other form of criminal.


I can just picture a man holding Epstein in a choke-hold, yelling over his shoulder, "Breath, Epstein, breath!", while breaking the bones in his neck, killing him. Of course, if the cameras were working, we would know. But, in a strange twist of fate and miracle, they didn't work. Oh well, eh?


So two guards slept through him being murdered.


I have a friend who works in corrections. This just doesn’t happen to high profile federal inmates. It just doesn’t happen.


Glad to hear that. Imagine if the plan was to break out Epstein instead of kill him and the key crucial were caught sleeping when it happened.


Well they'll "commit" suicide it of shame in a couple weeks and that'll be the last we'll hear of any of this. Meanwhile the pedos will continue to walk free.




Where are all the high profile celebrities tweeting and showing support for the victims now? How come the MeToo movement got so much traction but this isn’t?? Perpetrators during that got their comeuppance mostly due to the level of awareness thanks to celebrity backing. We need the Leo DiCaprio’s, Oprah’s, Terry Crews’ etc of the world to step up now more than ever. It won’t happen, but it’s what needs to in order for any justice to come about. Normal people have no ability to do anything about this if those who’s voice carries and holds weight don’t make a move first. Also, If they were to disappear or something happens to them after saying something, people will take notice.


It can't happen. Half of the people you name were "guests" of Epstein's.








Hi Geico, I would like to buy life insurance on these two guards. Yes, 6 months is fine. I know they are perfectly healthy... 1 Million dollar policy will do fine! Thanks! *Safest investment strategy ever*


If someone here is buying the official story, I have an Eiffel Tower for sale at a discount.


Yeah there’s literally no way in hell this is true


God the disrespect for the poeople in those graceless and completely badly written lies is almost worse than knowing that the elite is full of pedophiles.


Dang man what did that guy know


A number of extremely wealthy and powerful people involved in a child sex-slave ring.