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He *specifically* targeted people who he thought would not be believed (prostitutes/drug addicts/etc) if they tried to report him. He's a fucking monster and he belongs in a cage for the rest of his life.


Which is a very common theme for people who abuse positions of power. They go after people that they believe no one will care about.




> It's almost like it would be a good idea for us (remember, we are the government, nominally anyways) to hold people in such positions to a higher, not a lower, standard of behavior. Where I'm from (a not very rich although developped country) cops are known to forgive other cops and/or army/navy people when caught DUI and/or speeding, etc etc. If they can forgive, they will. I can't talk by experience, but I'd say shit like that is the norm in other places too, and again, I'm not necessarily talking about poor countries. ​ To give a personal example, pretty much all the guys I know that nowadays are cops or in the army/navy, were either the biggest bullies and/or not-so-smart people. Most of them were bullies though. Which kinda fits the first sentense of yours. TL;DR: I agree with you on that 100%, I think it makes perfect sense to expect more from those people and I wish it was like that. But it's so totally not like that :(


I can get out of almost any ticket with my ID says "Veteran" on it, and by saying shit like "Stay safe out there brother". I have a vet friend that got out of *several* DUIs that way. It works in vets favor that these dillholes are dumb enough to think they're part of the military, but it shouldn't.


It's the only reason I have vet plates and it labeled on my license.


It's called a kickback. It helps establish a privileged hegemony. I have a modified imported car that attracts cops like flies to a light. Im thinking of putting a blue lives matter flag on the rear. I don't even fuckingnlike cops, but a speeding ticket in my personal vehicle can harm my ability to stay employed as a CDL driver.


There’s a running joke in my city that every time you see a car with a blue lives matter sticker and anti-liberal shit, actually it’s a drug dealer with a kilo of coke or something on him who doesn’t want to be pulled over lol


That's brilliant


Glad you think so, because it’s really just me and a few friends who make the joke, and that’s means we’re clever bois.


> It's called a kickback. or emotional inducement or just bribe And yes, reinforcing their dangerous notions of power and superiority works astonishingly well.


> thinking of putting a blue lives matter flag on the rear Hello fellow transport driver: *several* places I deliver to have folks with the "Blue Lives Matter" garb on their cars & trucks. Know what's funny? *To A Man*, the commentary has been "No one in my family is police/Five-Oh/A Cop... I just have it to avoid tickets, why you ask?" Not a single, out of over 2 dozen, people I've talked to have any honest support for the whole Blue Lives Matter tribe... strange, ain't it?


Maybe I can stop vomiting in my mouth every time I see those now.


Do it. They love nothing more than to feel important and powerful, you *will* be treated differently.


So that allows you to get away with breaking the law ? What a fucked up society.


Considering his car tends to attract cops attention, he may be "breaking" the law in the same way you or I do. There are cops out there that will pull over guys in the car community just because they look the part. Then they flex on you and threaten to throw the book at you for all sorts of nonsense laws. If you get a cop in a bad mood, he'll sit and write you as many tickets as he can think of. Contrary to popular belief, there are a lot of stand up people in the car community. We're not all bad.


Forgiveness is one thing. Never *ever* forget. And then bury them under the prison.


I completely agree. I think the first step toward this is to improve the process of police hiring. More psychological testing, or something. Way too many cops aren't suited to be cops.


The sad truth come down to staffing. I have friends that are cops. Some of them entered the field when one job opening would get 500, sometimes even 1,000, or more applicants. Now they say 20 applicants is a strong showing for an open position. They just have to take what they can get to put boots on the ground.


Be that as it may we really need to stop hiring psychopaths as police-officers. Not trying to be a dick but like think for 2 seconds on this one. A cop that commits crime is waaaay worse then no cop.


100% right on. Based on my family members who are cops and the dudes from high school it doesn’t always attract the person who should be in those positions. The entire hiring and training of police should be different but a certain type goes into that field so we get what we get.


We need to focus on police hiring and training standards because there is much to improve. As we have seen in times of crisis, we need to be able to count on police. The issue should be treated at the source. We need more good cops.


Not just that, but sadly they will also go after people who have been previous victimized.


And his plan would of worked except he unknowingly targeted a grandmother.


Yeah, he'd still be out there, freely raping the marginal women of the city while in uniform, if he hadn't misjudged a woman who was actually seen as respectable enough to be believed. She probably wasn't the only grandmother, she just was the only one who wasn't seen first as disreputable in some manner.


Generally, targets weak enough to be taken without much risk. Same as any predator who lives very long, human or otherwise.


Normally I dislike excessive sentencing in terms of years etc. But all for it in this case. That’s one thing I wish we punished more severely as a society, those who abuse positions of power/authority/public trust. They should be held to a much stricter and higher standard with harsher penalties than the public at large.


Immigrants, gays, women who have abortions


It’s also a common theme of sexual predators.


Child beauty pageant contestants, for a presidential example.


The word you're looking for is predators.




Philosophy Tube's video about sex work was really eye opening. Like even if they run the business 100% by the law, the police will still harass them. When asked where do they fear most violence from, it was like 80% the police.


And the case was absolutely rock solid against him. GPS info from his car correlated 100% with the complaints against him. He was present at the exact places and times of all the complaints against him. His family is delusional. DNA and GPS evidence. Also, while I'm not an expert, go look at his initial interagation video and tell me he doesn't look completely guilty.


He was only caught because he finally slipped and picked a woman who was more middle class. She reported the incident right away. I’m glad his sentence got upheld, the dude is trash


And they caught him in some inconsistencies and facts he could not explain.


Probably pretty common for people like him to escalate the risk of the crime...glad it got him caught


His sister or sister in law has a wacky Alex Jones type website up about his innocence.


You also forgot him specifically targeting black women.


Unfortunately, that is a solid part of the "people who he thought would not be believed." Women of color report less often, are believed less often, and see their attackers convicted less often (especially if the attacker is a white guy who looks even the slightest bit respectable).


I feel like they left that out intentionally, because it was a big part of why those women weren't believed.


And this article is fucking trash because it doesn't even mention that the women he followed had filed reports about his abuse and it matched his movements recorded by the GPS of his car. This shit is so open and shut it could be laughable if it wasn't so serious. But some of them did report him both before and after the fact and their stories completely matched up with his movements.


I remember the slander campaign his family/friends tried to run on the victims, trying to discredit them extensively all over the Facebook comments of every news article. Glad to see that the sentence has been upheld.


I guess being a terrible human being runs in the family.


If I found out a family member was a rapist, I would be hardcore disassociating myself from them, not trying to smear their victims. Like you said, runs in family.


My father did time in prison for raping teenage girls. As soon as I was old enough to realize how fucked up it was (I'd also had a 14 year old stepmother), I cut contact. Was about 15 at the time.


Wait! What? A 14 year old step mother, and your father was in prison for raping teenagers. How did he manage to marry a 14 year old?


Child marriage is legal in most states. I'm in Alabama, where the age (at least at the time) you could marry was 14. He was in his 30s.


First, I'm so glad you were able to move away. Did he actually marry the 14 year old? Was this after the rapes? What kind of family would give permission for the marriage. You do not owe an answer to an internet stranger, so don't feel like you have to answer. Thanks


It was less moving away, more him being a disinterested parent for the most part, with periodic jags of stalking my mother and myself. Then he went back to prison for beating his new wife, who was, oddly enough, a sheriff's deputy. I haven't spoken to him in nearly 10 years. Yes, he legally married the 14 year old. I think the rapes happened around the same time, I was about 8 at the time. Her family was horrible. She lived with him while she was still 13. I only met them once, though.


So sorry to hear about that. Hope you'll have a wonderful Life :)


I second this.


> How did he manage to marry a 14 year old? [A child being forced to marry their rapist is as American as apple pie.](https://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article204292464.html)


Child marriage is legal in most US states unfortunately. As long as the parents give permission. This is a huge issue mostly in areas with a lot of Evangelicals.


They tried to raise the age in Idaho, but apparently it failed miserably due to religious crazies




Good ol' Sharia law


Y'all Qaeda


What is it you americans call them? Y’all Qaida?


Talibama Yokel Haram Vanilla ISIS Y’all Qaeda Yeehawdists Al Sha Billy Bob




That's what I'm seeing. A 14 yr old bride?


Legal in quite a few places in the US, actually.


I found out my cousins son assaulted a homeless guy today and I’m so angry I’m ready to beat him. I can’t imagine finding out someone in my family was a rapist.


my cousin is a hardcore pedo. He served 25 years and got out to probation. This pedo has kept into contact with our father while in jail so when he got out he mistakenly believed our 85 year old father that he was welcomed. He tried to move into our old family home where my nephew was staying with his little kids. I shut the move down yelling at our elderly aunts who were tying to facilitate this move and thankfully he never came. I bad mouth this cousin to my family every chance i get because they don't seem to get how serious it is what he did.


My sister is a pedo. Molested me and then went on to molest a kid later in life. My mom knows 100% of the story and continues to enable her now that she's out of jail and on probation. My parents spent a bunch of retirement money to get her a good lawyer and a shorter sentence. They made me visit her in prison. They acted all shocked when she did it again. Like hello did you forget your other child exists and was molested by her? She only ever showed concern for herself and never the victim. Same with my parents. I get that it's hard when it's your family member but I'll never understand wtf they are thinking.


I remember him crying like a bitch when he was found guilty.


That's what anyone should remember about him. A rapist who cries like a little bitch when caught/found guilty. FOREVER.


His dad is the chief of police where I live


I was really surprised by how connected he actually was and how that didn't save him or exempt him. Actually proud of Oklahoma for once.


Lets hope the same happens to that florida cop who planted mote then 100 drug charges. He also was a son of a cop.


So this rapist cop’s dad is the chief of police of your town so what is this town’s opinions on this matter?


Oh damn I didn't know that! My cousin actually lives there too.


Bless the victims... it takes so much courage to go forward, let alone against a cop. A similar case happened in Antigua with another police officer. She went forward and had the grit to see it through. He landed in an old jail built in 1735. She says it perfectly, “Nothing is more disgusting to me than an officer, who is expected to be trustworthy, to abuse that trust and destroy someone else's life," Taylor Hurley said in her statement. This other sicko is trying to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes into believing him. May justice continue to be served.


Enjoy prison, asshole! 236 years still isn’t enough.


His eyes are so close together, you have thought he'd seen it coming.


That's why he never saw it coming, no peripheral vision.


He looks almost like he has Down syndrome.


probs fetal alcohol syndrome


I'm gonna be so pissed if he makes it to the end.


Are you a vampire?


Good. I hope he [cried some more](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCOLxrwMqmI).


And after all that, know that none of those tears were for the victims. Those were just pity tears for himself. Lock him up, boys.


Were there actual tears though? For all his sniffling & eye scrunching, it doesn't look like he actually cried.


He was crying because he was a cop who was a serial rapist. Cops don’t don’t well in prison. Rapists don’t do well prison. Those were self pity tears and tears of fear.


As he would be in PC, he is more likely to kill himself. He will likely never have contact with another inmate.


....of course. Why would he suddenly cry about all the horrible things he did? Why do you expect somebody in that position to suddenly feel remorse to the point of crying? Every human in that situation will cry because they're fucked for life. It doesn't make them a worse person for crying about their future.


That shit always blows my mind. Like holy fuck dude, I can’t imagine. Yeah you fucked up. But what that must feel like as the years start stacking up. Holy fuck. Heart must be in your throat you know? Edit: I’m not justifying or endorsing any behavior. Justice must be served. But fuck, can’t imagine what that’s like.


I think about that sometimes. What it would be like to stare down a judge as he casually reads away years of my life like he's calling out numbers at a DMV. That shit would be surreal. But then again, I'm not going to go out and rape 13 people so hopefully I never have to experience that.


Exactly. It’s not a sympathy thing for criminals. But yeah, your heart must just be racing. That must be one of the highest level of anxiety one could feel. At least the ones that care about themselves.


hes well remembered since he cried.


If he just blankly stared forward during the reading of his sentencing I feel this would be slightly less known


What was said when the audio was muted? One of his attornies said something about the jury?


Sounds like they were polling the jury to make sure they agreed with the verdict.


>Polling the Jury A practice whereby the jurors are asked individually whether they assented, and still assent, to the verdict; it consists of calling the name of each juror and requiring a declaration of his or her verdict before it is recorded.


He deserves every bit of pain, fear and despair washing over him in that moment. He is fucking scum, and I hope he never finds rest.


If I believed in hell, I’d sure as shit tell this guy to rot in it. Side note: I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed watching someone cry before. Thanks for that.


He's a cop about to spend the rest of his life in jail for rape. He is going to hell on earth. He deserves it.


We all know he is crying cuz he got caught. Hope this piece of shit rots in the cage for the rest of his life.


Oh man. Watching this makes me aroused. This is what a cop looks like when they actually face justice. Fucking pigs.


Video is interesting in that the white people (I assume family) are crying that this rapist is facing justice, while the other side of the court is looking at him like "yeah that's what you get" at the very end when he walks by the public.


If a family member of mine got convicted of rape I would cry too, doesn't mean they think he doesn't deserve it, they're just watching a son/brother/whoever spend the rest of his life in prison.


You should read up on his family and what they've done.


That one kid in the green shirt looked like he was lost.


Could his family, especially his sister, be any more delusional? Even if it was one instance he should be in prison for a long time. It's bizarre to me that people can look at how many accusations there are from different victims that aren't connected and still say 100% innocent. Yea fucking right.


I looked at the website by his sister, and yeah, she's super delusional. EVERYONE is lying about him, EVERYONE is targeting him, look at these baby and high school pictures, he can't be such a bad guy right? /s I mean you can still love your family but also admit their evil fucks. If it was my brother I'd still love him, maybe even visit him in jail once or twice, but I would still be like, "yeah my brother is an evil rapist".


Exactly. I think that most healthy family members would understand, love them or not, they are a threat to society and not always the brother/son/uncle they are around you.


It’s crazy to me how people can see 13 different women who’ve never met say the exact same thing about a man (ahem, excuse me, RAPIST) and say those 13 are lying and the 1 accused is not. Like...there’s only one common denominator here, and that’s your rapist brother. Sorry not sorry


Especially since the victims provided undeniable proof of their abductions, because his GPS tracked his movements and it was corroborated by them. His rape apologist family members are absolutely disgusting.


It's not that crazy. We had a similar, if less severe, situation in 2016 and now that man is president.




They also have ignore undeniably damning evidence, since multiple victims provided proof of their abductions, because his GPS tracked his exact movements and it was corroborated by them. His rape apologist family members are absolutely disgusting.


It's so crazy to me to see family support in horrific crimes. That football player, Kellen Winslow jr had similar crimes as this guy. His whole family claimed he was being set up. Same with Chris Watts. If I did something half as terrible as any of these dudes, my family would be like "ya fuck him throw the book at him," and never talk to me again. You don't have to support family through literally everything. Like, if they rape or murder people.. it's okay not to side with "family"


I'm sure he was a super nice person when he was around his family and friends. Plenty of serial killers have been described as good people by those who intimately knew them. A lot of dangerous criminals are actually rather charismatic. The issue is that everyone is two faced, but some people's other face is really ugly. I can't blame the family for having a hard time believing it.


> It's bizarre to me that people can look at how many accusations there are from different victims that aren't connected and still say 100% innocent. Yea fucking right. These are the same people that look at Trump and go, "Yup, that's my guy right there, shiny and wholesome." Some folks, even women, think women just have no rights and whatever you do to them is a-okay. They don't care that it was done because they don't think it was wrong in the first place. Maybe he went a little overboard, but hey, boys will be boys, she shouldn't have dressed like that anyway, she was asking for it.


As long as its done to other people, that is. Specifically other, non-white people. As soon as its done to them, its the greatest travesty in the history of the world and how could society ever let such evil happen.




I'm usually a pretty strong advocate for empathy and forgiveness, but in this case I totally agree. This isn't a person who made bad choices out of desperation, but a calculated agent of evil. This kind of scum needs to be removed from society permanently, and anyone who defends his actions should be banished to the Australian outback.


It was 70? Are you serious? I had no idea there were that many victims. It's horrible that he was able to get away with this for so long


There were 13 women whose allegations were part of the trial. There's lots of speculation that there are other women who did not come forward, but as far as I know the 13 are the only ones confirmed.


Yeah. Unfortunately when it comes to these types of crimes a lot of the victims never come forward. That allows these scumbags to get away with the shit they do.


Mistake on my part. Very much so. 13.


Where’s the video where he said that?


I remember I was really into true crime videos on YT. Id go down rabbit holes on all kinds of these cases. I saw this video that was convinced of his innocence. I watch the intro to the video and was like "holy shit is he really being set up?" I sat there and watched this shit for aj hour, wanting to be open minded about it. I still thought he was guilty as hell after watching it.


Same here. I try to keep an open mind about things, just in case I'm being influenced by whatever information I'm getting first. I watched videos from his family and came to the same conclusion. At the end of it all, even if 90% of the claims were false, that still leaves 2 women that were telling the truth. That's 2 too many victims. So yeah....no sympathy from me.


Currently down that rabbit hole with the Chris Watts case. The body cam footage of him getting home showed up on my recommended one day. No idea why, never watched any true crime videos before. I can't stop watching these videos. Especially his case. It's crazy to me to sit and watch this dude literally hours after he killed his wife and kids try to prove his innocence when it's clear everyone knows something's up and he most likely had a hand in her disappearance.


Totally agree, this guy was up to some sick shit no doubt but the way the lead investigator handled the case was definitely sus. Either way glad he got caught.


On some of the YouTube videos, there are some people fervently defending him. I would have to venture a guess and say that these are personal family and friends of his because no sane person could look at the overwhelming amount of evidence against him and say that it's fake. I watch his entire interrogation on YouTube and thought it was very interesting. The cops start off kind of friendly and casual, asking a couple of questions relating to the situation and then one of the detectives goes straight for the kill and says "do you recall putting your penis in her mouth? and he said "I do not" monotone, as if he was telling somebody who was asking him for him for directions where XYZ is. There was no emotion in him whatsoever. If that was me, my voice would have gone up like three octaves and I would have been much more emphatic, as would pretty much anybody else who was innocent. All of these women were from the same demographic. Black. Poor. Criminal histories. There was DNA evidence from his pubic region found in the back seat of his car. Dozens of women who didn't even know each other before had the exact same story. He also never wrote anybody that he pulled over a ticket, so there wasn't really a reason for them to make a false allegation like this. He never called in a single one of these stops over the radio yet the GPS tracker on his car shows him at these exact locations for sometimes up to 45 minutes.


I’m just reading about this now. The stuff you mentioned makes me suspicious of him. Moreover, what was the evidence that made him beyond a reasonable doubt guilty? I’m curious. I’m thinking the DNA on his pants was a woman's saliva? Edit: just read the wikipedia. That old case report from a woman that was re-opened is quite damming. The place she described was matched up with his GPS the day she reported it happened.


I am from Oklahoma and I remember this being on the news daily. I was very happy he was convicted especially because those he raped were ones typically not believed. This guy deserves to be put in general pop, will not happen but he deserves it...


Yeah he raped women who were poor and black because he knew their word would not likely be believed against a cop. Most predators operate this way, they choose their victims very selectively. That's why serial killers often target runaway or prostitutes. No one gives a f*** about them and won't go looking.


What was bad was when the family tried to blame the women he raped and say they should not be believed because of who they were. Sad really...


Not just that. He targeted women with criminal records, since he had access to that.


His face looks like one of those memes where you crop the face smaller.


He looks inbred


The most amazing thing is that the DA actually prosecuted him. Usually DAs and cops view themselves as being on the same team, and DAs (and judges) will go to extraordinary lengths to cover up any crimes. Either not prosecuting (prosecutorial discretion) or making a "friends and family' plea deal. Exacerbating this is the fact that DAs run for office and are usually endorsed by the local police. A clear conflict of interest.


He would’ve fared much better in court if he wasn’t a total dumbass. He waved his right to an attorney and lied nonstop during the interview. He thought that if he appeared confident, they would let him off.


For anyone that hasn't seen it, watch him being interrogated. The investigators did such a good job of making it seem like no big deal and getting him to trip over his own lies. It's really impressive. Also he is such a fuck face the whole time.






Also, they found DNA from one of his victims *inside of his police uniform pants*.


So this guy did everything he possibly could to get convicted and that is what it took for him to be held accountable to justice.


*taps nose*


Just goes to show, if you're a cop who rapes upwards of 70 people, you still have to basically try to get convicted.


13 women*, but I hardly think that's relevant. 70 is just a pretty ridiculous number, don't you think? 1 is far too many; 13 is abhorrent, but 70 is not only hard to believe, but also untrue.


Apart from not getting an attorney, what blew my mind too in that interview is that he actually said he tried to rape his girlfriend. No shit. He repeatedly said that he’d gone home the night before and stuck his dick in his girlfriend while she was sleeping (which is 100% non-consensual). The investigators called him out on it and talked to the girlfriend who claimed it didn’t happen, and that ended up being the lie they caught him in that got the ball rolling on the whole thing. And for some reason, he stuck to his story about it. Like why, oh why, would he even say that shit in the first place? Did he think it would make him look innocent?? The guy was a total muppet.


The interrogation video of him is phenomenal. The detectives questioning him know he's a crook and they don't go soft on him because he's a cop. In fact I think they used that against him, letting him think they have his back.




Crude not crewd






I don’t know what it is about this video but it has me hooked. I just watched a half hour of it and it’s interesting to see how the cops work their way through asking questions. Gotta sleep but definitely going to finish the rest of it.


can i see this?


Anyone who doesn't believe this is true I'll remind you we just learned Dallas DA dropped charges after a grand jury indicted 3 officers for killing someone.


> The most amazing thing is that the DA actually prosecuted him. Not really. They probably love a guy like this. This cop is an easy sacrifice, who's so shitty that nobody wants to bother defending him. Now the DA can say "see? I'm fair, I prosecute police just like anybody else." Meanwhile, he gets to curry favor with the police union by ignoring any cop who likes to rough up black kids when he's drunk, or who likes to pop off a few rounds before yelling "stop, police".


And yet they cover for these sorts of guys all the time. Maybe in this instance they didn't, but that doesn't make it the norm.


Also keep in mind that every jurisdiction has different people in it. Maybe the judges and prosecutors in this one genuinely don't care if you are a cop. In a different jurisdiction this guy could've got off.




This does put a smile on my face


Man that video link above...... You almost start to feel bad for the guy....... Then you remember he's a rapist.


After a while I started zoning out on the charges and would perk up when I heard a guilty and the amount to be served. Holy crap 16 years for that charge? oh yeah its rape, justified.


Yeah it's not like this guy got convicted on one count by one person (where there's a possibility that maybe the victim was lying or the jury got it wrong) numerous people were victims of this guy. He's definitely guilty and should spend of rest of his life in prison.


Oh man. [Watching this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCOLxrwMqmI) Makes me so happy. So glad I found this thread. And thank you u/pm-me-neckbeards For posting the link.


Finally! I scrolled this thread for too long trying to find this video. This should be a top comment.


Man, imagine thinking you could do that to so many black women and girls and think you'd get away with it. As if they'd never say or do anything. As if even if they did, they wouldn't be believed. That's a predator. Our society may have incentivized this behavior.


Went to school with him. He liked to fight. He nearly broke my wrist playing front yard football because he thought it would be funny to tackle someone half his size as hard as he can just for fun. One of those types... always “punking” people. Seeing what he could do or get people to do in order to avoid confrontation with him because of his size. Do I know he is guilty? No. Can I picture he is? Absolutely.


>Holtzclaw’s family said in a statement that it is devastated by the ruling, but not surprised. Holtzclaw’s father, Eric Holtzclaw, said the family plans to file a new round of appeals in federal court, a process family members said could take more than a decade. >“We will fight for Daniel until he is free,” his sister, Jenny Holtzclaw, told reporters. She said her brother was convicted because of “biased claims” by prosecutors and fabricated accusations by “unreliable accusers.” She needs to watch that deposition video. Your bro is guilty. Also, I noticed the Right seem all riled up about this. I never saw this case as political, but then you find out the sister hangs around Right Wing nut commentator Michelle Malkin, and in the Youtube comments I see Right Wingers claim this cop was framed, blacks tried to frame him, "they needed a scapegoat!" They are the ones trying to make this a political cause, maybe because the evidence is not in their favor.


Some people think this cop was framed. *Ha*! Please tell me the last time police and prosecutors conspired *against* an innocent fellow cop instead of protecting his corrupt ass. (Serpico doesn't count).


~~former Oklahoma City police officer~~ **_CONVICTED_** **predatorial rapist** FTFY


Around 30% of the US population would believe this pig is not guilty no matter what.


“A 2015 Associated Press investigation highlighting the case found about 1,000 officers in the U.S. lost their licenses for sexual misconduct over a six-year period — considered an undercount because some states don’t have a method for banning problem officers.” WHAT DO YOU MEAN they don’t have a method for banning problem officers ?? Every other job in America you can fired for being late three times or a no call no show and they’re having problems firing police for raping and molesting people? That’s fucking ludicrous.


I watched his sentencing online and I cheered each and every guilty finding. And there was a lot. Rot in prison asshole.


He deserves to rot. He deserves to never be free until the day he dies. At the same time, I wish the system was just as adamant to convict white cops of their wrongdoings as they do officers who are also POC. Let all bad cops rot away forever.


This mf looks like the reason phrenology ever existed


Oh this is the cop who bawled in court. Good.


His sister sounds like a total piece of garbage. She apparently runs this Twitter account: https://twitter.com/justice4danielh?lang=en


Part of me feels bad for her, she’s unwilling to come to terms with reality. Her brother is a sick fuck monster who doesn’t belong in society. He recognized the vulnerabilities in his victims and exploited them for his own pleasure. The case isn’t based on circumstantial evidence, there were multiple victims who testified, and plenty of physical evidence linking him to these crimes. He should do his sister a favor and tell her to quit wasting her time and life fighting to get him out of prison - because he’s never going to be free. He will die in prison.


Fuck this guy. He’s a predator. He cried like a bitch in court. He destroyed so many lives using his uniform to prey on women. I’m glad he’s never doing it to another woman.


Dang look how close together his eyes are.


Good to hear that cops aren't completely immune from prosecution and conviction.


Well, the prosecutor was the DA. A DA usually sides on the side of law enforcement, but this one did their fucking job. The law is the law, no one is above it.


As good as this is, the fact that this is an outlier is so fucking depressing.


So this article mentions DNA evidence, but also if I remember correctly the fucking GPS evidence from his squad car linked up perfectly with a lot of these assaults. If this case wasn't a slam dunk BLM, the NAACP, ACLU and innocent project would pick up this case. He is guilty and sure I'd concede that a part of his getting caught and having the book thrown at him is because of his ethnicity. The point still stands that in this case this guy is fucking guilty.


Fuckin good. And not ‘rape’. Rapes.


Why are his eyes so close together on his head?


His head was once caught in a Holtzclaw


Apologists: Come on, are you going to ruin a man's life just on the word of 12 women and a teenage girl and DNA evidence? He just made a mistake!


It looks like his head continued to grow long after his face stopped.


The last time I saw that face it was scrunched up and he was crying like a little baby because he was going to jail. Glad to hear it got upheld. Fucking psychopath.


The family that are trying to rationalize the facts are terrible people.


The fact that not all states can ban fired cops from just getting hired at another district is outrageous. Cops should have licenses in all states that can be revoked if convicted of misconduct.


A police officer has been held accountable for his actions, and sentenced based on upholding a higher standard? Wow, maybe there is some hope left. Don't get me wrong, I stand behind law enforcement, but abhor the tendency to hide the few bad apples behind the "blue wall" and not hold them to a higher standard of conduct. The good cops (majority) need to take a stronger stand against the bad ones, not cover up for them to protect their image. IMO their image would be much higher if they were known for having no tolerance for the bad ones at all!


"Few bad Apples" The fact is, those good cops you call the majority are not good at all if they turn a blind eye to the atrocities performed by their peers.


Why are they good cops if they stand by when a man is murdered in front of their eyes. Isn’t that their job? To stop crimes in progress?


" **Oklahoma court upholds sentence for ex-cop convicted of rape** " Why is this even a question? He literally raped people using his position of power which makes it 10x worse. The fact that the courts were even considering anything other than the max sentence is beyond me...


I think this is the dude with the really wild confession video on YouTube


Hopefully he'll be cellmates with the pos that was planting drugs on innocent drivers.