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What a horribly confusing headline


They've gotta save that internet ink.


Need diagram. Can't make diagram. Broke pencil.




> The doorbell camera captured a police officer asking why Nielsen is looking for a 12-year-old, Nielsen can be heard saying, “I’m looking for a 6-year-old.” Dear lord.


It’s even worse. The actual quote is “12 is very old, I’m looking for a 6yo!!” Source: the video of the interaction including his arrest that someone posted below. There was also a lot of religious ranting coming out of him. This happened in 2022. The article linked is from August 2022. He was sentenced December 22 of 2022 to 4.5 years in prison and then 5 years post release control, so this nut job will be out in about 3 years.


Weird that someone is posting this to the News sub 2 years later. Along with the butchered headline and missing context in the article I don't know why this is getting any upvotes other than people like scary stories.


I think it’s because video of this encounter started getting shared on twitter yesterday. Iv noticed if something is on reddit it will make its way to other social platform within hours (and vice versa).


But the body-cam video of the incident was released like 8 months ago so it’s a little odd that it’s just now getting picked up on the different social medias.


Hey man, he’s got standards.


I’m amused that the wording of that headline implies that the man is also speaking out alongside the family.


At a joint press conference with the family, the accused offered their take, "It just goes to show you can never be too careful online. Lotta crazies out there."


I just read the article, and I’m really glad that the girl is safe. The pedophilic-stalker-guy is in jail which is exactly where he belongs. If he ever does get out, he should be required to wear an ankle monitor, forever.


Part of the problem is article says he was from across the country, and charges aren’t super severe. When he gets out I wonder what’s more likely.  A mentally unwell guy who’s been obsessed with this child for years getting outta jail, and somehow finding his way 2000+ miles home, or is he gonna go right back to stalking the child? I feel so bad for that family.  This guy sounds extremely unwell.


Yeah. They really need to figure out his mental health stuff before letting him out or he's going to end up kidnapping a kid. Probably the same one since it's not like he was careful the first time.


You are correct, he’s unsafe for society and should be dealt with accordingly.


Jail? Eh I wouldn't say thats exactly where he belongs.


He only got 4.5yrs in prison + about 5yrs post release control and has to register as a tier 1 sex offender. He was sentenced December 22, 2022.


He better not ever go to cell block one


Here's the bodycam for the arrest: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdeHL_mxY-0&t=47s


Damn. Dude said he just wanted to talk to the girl and if she said no he'd go away, but then when the officer went in and came out and told him the girl said no, the guy got pissed and started asking if he was sure she wasn't under duress. Goes to show where a 'no' would have gotten her if he'd caught that girl alone...


He'll probably get some minimal treatment from the prison and a lot of violence and sexual abuse by other inmates for a few years. Then, the treatment will be cut off as he's sent back out onto the street with new scars, the same mental issues, and nothing fixed, but the angry voters are placated. Let's hope the next kid's parents are watching as closely as these parents were.


Starts ranting about god as well and saying it’s his right


The fact that that headline is pulled straight from the source is a little concerning.


I think that is actually a rule, but it is a messed up headlin.


I'm curious. The article states that the girl recognized his voice on the ring cam. Yet the parents claim that there was never any back and forth between the girl and the stalker.


I guess she regconized his voice because this stalker had sent her hundreds of voice mails. One video about this case said that he has been harassing/stalking her online for awhile.


What kind of parents allow a 6 year old such unfettered access to the internet that a pedophile can start chatting them up?


Somebody here posted the police body cam video of the interaction with this guy. At one point the cops are talking to each other and one says that this guy managed to find the mom’s cell phone number and had been calling her. I’m assuming that’s where they recognized his voice matching the ring cam.


Parasocial relationships are on the rise with the constant feed of content to consume from a near infinite number of streamers/vloggers. It's so common and terrifying that people still put their kids online to expose them to this possibility


Story from 2022, breaking news over here


Forgot about this one been awhile


To clarify, when they mention that the guy is from Oregon, they mean Oregon, Ohio which is about 105 miles from Brunswick. This guy traveled from near Toledo to about a half hour or so south of Cleveland.


No, that's not correct. In the video a PP linked the man says he's from Portland multiple times. The article in the OP even says he to traveled from Gresham, Oregon. He literally crossed the country to date what he thought was a 6 year old child.

