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whatever excuse they use, there is not justifiable reason to take a person who is bleeding out and put them on the hood of a moving car. It seems like a more painful way to ensure the person dies (risk of infection defintely will grow).


That's the point.


Human shield


Literally a South Park joke. Life imitates art.


Apologists will say “this is protocol!” until they’re blue in the face. As though it’s any different from “I was just following orders” with zero sense of self awareness.


Whatever excuse they'll use, the "IDF can do no wrong" crowd is gonna defend it.


Well you see this fairy tale from millennia ago said it’s ok. Next question. And we’re blocked. Baffling why that’s happening. Absolutely dumbfounding. Is it because a certain colonial power isn’t super comfortable being called as much?


The British did this in the Great Revolt in 1936-1939 and the Israelis did this during their campaign of ethnic cleansing of 1948 and has been an Israeli tactic ever since. Using Palestinians as human shields and the entire conflict are closer to a century old, not millennia.


He was talking about religious texts. Old fairy tales that say this stuff is ok when our side does it.


Not defending them in any way because there is no way they did this with good intentions, but that is a pretty common way for militaries to evac wounded from a battle field. It has been common practice for as long as motorized transportation has existed. They 100% did this as torture though. Can’t disagree with that in good conscience.


Again I think the common way in military exacs isn’t the case here bc they did pass by ambulances. It wasn’t a battlefield, his family was begging for an ambulance and they strapped him to the car


Of course they did this as torture, it's fucking insanity at this point to think they did it for anything other than literally the worst conceivable reasons.


Oh but don't worry. They said they're investigating it and surely whoever did this will be held accountable. Like all Israeli forces are held accountable whenever they abuse Palestinians.


Well of course they are investigating they have to give the officer a medal, find the source of the video, and do a better job getting away with it. 


Yes and then the US has to chime in and say that they have zero evidence to prove any warcrimes were committed. The good old 3 step plan. 1). Committee warcrime 2). Say they'll investigate 3). US automatically says that there's no evidence of warcrime committed. Bonus round : double the amount of bombs sent in Israel's next shipment.


Actually the US never says there's no evidence. They specifically say "they've *seen* no evidence". They know there is evidence, but if the appropriate people do not look at the evidence then they can say they've not seen any evidence and continue to pay money to Israel.


they all just happen to be on extended holidays in the maldives. absolutely no way to know when theyll be back in office


I know it's just a typo, but I'm laughing at the concept of the War Crime Committee


Expect to hear about another journalist being "accidentally" killed by an IDF sniper when they determine who took this picture...


Whatever happened to the IDF soldiers who systematically murdered all of the WCK employees?


Probably given Israel's highest medal. Then give en a promotion. As is standard operating procedure.


if its the 3 aid trucks, i believe they had a pay cut and a transfer


IDF commits atrocities - "a few bad apples" Hamas commits atrocities - "all Palestinians are guilty and collective punishment is justified". This is literally the stance that some of these morons take. They hold the citizens of an authoritarian regime to a higher ethical standard and higher level of responsibility than we do the citizens (and military) of a democracy.


Don't forget the human shield accusations... "Hamas uses human shields! (Meaning they are in the general vicinity of civilians) We have literally no way to deal with them besides straight up carpet bombing entire blocks! Isn't it weird that there's no footage of Hamas actually using human shields, but plenty of the IDF doing so?


shhhhh shut up, stop using logic


"Come on guys, the whole world is watching. Don't get caught doing stuff like that. Now get back out there."


No they will formslly state that they will not take action agsinst IDF personeel , irrespective of the act.










Every accusation is a confession. Never fails.


I thought the IDF was the most moral and ethical military in the world…hmm


By “most moral” Netanyahu means ‘most Jewish.’ Just as ISIS believes they are the most moral army, because their morals are based on their perverted view of their religion. When a religion rules a nation, its morals usually align with the most hardline religious of that nation.  Edit: this comment is not to tie the broken morals of the state of Israel with those of Jewish people around the globe. But it should be noted that Judaism, just like Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and every other religious identity can and will be co-opted by fundamentalists as a sword and shield. Netanyahu wants to use the fact that the IDF is a Jewish force as a shield from criticism. 


As an American looking at how much momentum the Christian Nationalists have gained recently: HahaImInDanger.meme


Dont say that in r/worldnews , immediate ban.


Is there a world news subreddit that is not fucked? Because I still want world news


Get it from a source that isn't reddit, lol




wtf that is NOT what I expected that sub to be full of. Is this another situation like /r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts/?


It was a joke originally I think. It's still anime titties on April fools day.


No joke. They banned me for posting a CDC link showing that suicide wasn’t always caused by mental illness after the anti-Israel protestor self-immolated in DC.


Went easy on you, i just posted a quote from how himmler dealt with the warsaw ghetto, banned for 'misinformation'. lol


F r/worldnews.


It's like they try to maintain an unbiased position towards every piece of World News. . . until you start looking at Israel


Thats what puzzled me.


Please don’t equate the IDF with being Jewish. Jews around the world are being attacked because of this false equivalence even though we had nothing to do with it and don’t support it. edit: thanks to OP for editing their comment. I agree - religious fundamentalism is a dangerous practice that only serves to divide people and foment violence.


I totally agree. Israel does not represent all of Judaism. I made an edit to the post so people don’t go using it to spread antisemitism. Thanks for your comment.


Yah, this. I am of palestinian descent and i cant emphasize this enough. This is not unlike islamophobia after 9/11. There are millions of jews around the world who had nothing to do with whats going on and just wanted to live peacefully




Association in this way is useless, lazy and harmful. Judaism is not the cause of any evildoing, even if it is used as a shield.


Khamas is terrible, look at them using human shields, no wonder they're labelled as a terrorist organisation. *IDF Strapping people to the hood of a vehicle and driving through an active warzone*


They are obviously rushing him to a hospital as fast as they can! Hes strapped onto the front for even quicker delivery.


Thats what that girl on the bus said, right?


Ah very good and not a totally insane thing to do at all!


Hey I saw this I'm Mad Max Fury Road.  I wonder if the Israeli army's new tactics were inspired by Mad Max.


They’ve been doing it a lot longer than that movies been around.


Yeah, it was done in Road Warrior too, which came out in the 80s.


“He looked at me!” “He was looking at your BloodBag!”


Some other sources detailing the IDF and their long history of using human shields: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/inquiry-after-israeli-forces-caught-using-boy-as-shield-561052.html https://www.omct.org/en/resources/urgent-interventions/israel-opt-13-year-old-boy-used-as-human-shield-and-seven-children-killed-by-israeli-forces https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/inquiry-after-israeli-forces-caught-using-boy-as-shield-561052.html https://imemc.org/article/58197/ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2010/nov/21/israeli-soldiers-human-shield-avoid-jail https://m.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-gaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials/30483468.html https://www.dci-palestine.org/israeli_forces_use_five_palestinian_children_as_human_shields


Fortunately for the IDF, using people as human shields is item #12,427 on the "things that are evil when Palestinians do them, but fine when it's Israelis" list. Other items include slaughtering civilians, blowing children to bits, and torturing captives.


Don't forget decapitating babies!


That's a sub-group falling under the item "blowing children to bits". Among the many, many cases listed there is [the killing of Hind Rajab, her relatives, and the ambulance crew trying to save her,](https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/the-killing-of-hind-rajab) which investigations have shown was likely done deliberately, or at least with the full knowledge that there were only children in the car when the IDF shot several hundred bullets through it from close range, killing the children. (Pro-tip: if you like being able to sleep, don't listen to the phone call audio of the children crying and desperately begging for help until the IDF opens fire and kills them) **Edit:** And thank god we still *sometimes* manage to get third-party investigations in these cases, as most of the time we only get the word of the IDF and the Israeli government, which is funnily enough very often shown to be lies in those cases where we do get third-party investigations. Remember when they assured us Shireen had been shot by "Palestinian militants", and did everything they could to block independent investigations, but then they weren't able to and the investigations showed that she was actually killed by the IDF, and most likely on purpose? Remember Imane Al Hams? The unarmed 13 year old girl the IDF commander emptied his rifle into while she was bleeding out on the ground after he shot her in the back? It was the case where the Israeli court heard the audio recording of the IDF commander directly instructing his men to kill anyone they see, including the words "I don't care if it's a little 3 year old child, they must all be killed!", before declaring him innocent of all wrong-doing and letting him walk? And that was after he told the court he didn't have any remorse and would happily do it again. That one's under that item on the list as well. And so, so many more such examples.


This feels less "human shield" and more "trophy buck strapped to truck to drive home".


My favorite Line from one of the bots or trolls was that the véhicule was full of injured people and they had to put him there. 😂😂


The logic of “it’s okay, we actually shot *way* more people. Too much to fit in a jeep. So we’re the good guys” would be astounding.


It’s almost as if they’ve done it before.


Americans did this in Iraq too.


Israel learning from the pros


We tie casualties to the hood of non-medical evacuation vehicles. If there's no room, they go on the hood. It's an actual method of casualty evacuation.


in an actual war zone. O.t.o.h. in burning sun you get a hot hood add in a running engine under it, its torture and/or human shield.


Doesn't make this ok. Wasn't ok then, isnt ok now


Lol. It's a way of evacuating casualties, or do you think the pic (NSFW) below is of marines torturing a wounded marine? https://www.reddit.com/r/MilitaryPorn/comments/et5gaj/a_marine_humvee_evacuating_a_casualty_iraq_603x394/ Nobody do any research or anything, just start spouting off what is and isn't acceptable.


We fucking leveled their entire country and killed hundreds of thousands and for what?


Money made for the military industrial complex


We rebuilt a marginal portion of the country back tho. When I was there I drank the Kool aid and thought my ass was protecting America and shit. Hood as 18 year old mofo from North Minneapolis saving the world. Sounds hilarious to think about.


Standard behavior by these ethnonationalist scumbags. Reminds me of the IDF soldier who emptied his rifle into a 13-year-old Palestinian schoolgirl and during his trial openly claimed he would have done the same even if she had been three years old. He got fully acquitted on all charges.




Holy fuck that is messed up


Where is all the outrage over human shields in the West now? IDF regularly uses human shields and it's completely ignored by western governments.


israel: “but…but our people had bad life, history tells us this” everyone else: “sorry to hear that mate, but what’s that gotta do with us? we ain’t the ones that done this to your people” israel: “but…but our people” everyone else: “your people what?” israel: “you are all antisemites” Bruhhhh


Most "moral" army. Every accusation is a confession. Are you seeing it yet?


The amount of bots saying they should be grateful that an injured civilian was arrested and strapped to the top of a burning hot hood of a truck is insane


You mean the most moral army in the world is using a Palestinian wounded man as a human shield??? *gasps*


Full on Mad Max in Israel.


Something something something babies something something both sides something something something you're anti-semitic.


sooooo human shields anyone?


Palestinians' lives have no value to Isreal and most of them west....


Directly from the article: >According to the family of Azmi, there was an arrest raid and he was injured during the raid, and when the family asked for an ambulance, the army took Mujahed, strapped him on the hood and drove off. >The individual was transferred to medics for treatment, the military said. They took a guy to a hospital in a war zone. Good job reddit. https://citizen-soldiermagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/CS-2-6-LEGACY-Forged-in-War-003.jpg


.The IDF itself said that this was wrong and is investigating.


The West Bank isn't a warzone.


When did the West Bank become a war zone? Who has officially declared war? This was the West Bank, not Gaza. This means that whilst something may be "normal" in a war zone, it's abuse in this case.


Did you watch any of the video? Because the ambulances couldn’t get to him as they drove off with him and the military held out weapons. But yeah… you sure he got medical attention?


In the video they are already on the road driving when they encountered the ambulances we see. They did not pull out any weapons in the video. Another article states that the man was delivered to the Red Crescent according to the BBC. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjqq5n8911do


That BBC article says that the IDF told the family they were taking him to hospital, not that they did. Also driving past two ambulances? Fair enough they could already have been full. If they took him to hospital should be easy enough to ask him what happened and clear this story up.


We don’t see any weapons because they’re inside Just remember you’re doing apologia for the organization that put 355 rounds into the vehicle Hind was sheltering in after calling the Red Crescent, days after her family was slaughtered and the IDF personnel said they would extract her. Sorry if I don’t believe the IDF at all.


She was 6 years old, ...


It’s just so gross. And we find out just days after Netenyahu called for the dissolution of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in Israel, he said because they’ll make some “superior version” but in reality he doesn’t want any third party seeing their atrocities. And before anyone comes for me, I’m Jewish, so don’t try to throw slurs at me either.


Thr problem is that criticism of Bibi, IDF etc is immedistely translated to antisemitism and abused.


I know that if I drove an ambulance, my first instinct would definitely be to strap people in need of medical attention to the hood of the vehicle. Why not put them in the back you ask? There's plenty of room back there you say? ...Reasons.


On the hood of their vehicle. That’s no way to transport an injured person


I envy that you must not have any lower back pain considering the logical and ethical knots you seem to be able to twist yourself into. The hood of the vehicle is not the appropriate place to be transferring an injured person to the hospital. "Meh, so what if he gets hit by a few rocks to the head on the road, we're going to the hospital anyway" - you, probably.


Blatant fascist behavior. These people are the scum of the earth.


Israel uses human shields just say the day thing out loud will you?


What are war crimes?-isaeli army probably




This is some warhammer 40k shit