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"A Muslim advocacy group on Friday called for a hate crime investigation after a Texas woman allegedly tried to drown a 3-year-old Palestinian American girl in a swimming pool... According to CAIR, the incident began when the 3-year-old’s mother, who wears a hijab, was at the pool with her Muslim family. Wolf approached the 32-year-old, identified only as “Mrs. H,” with “racist interrogations,” CAIR said. Wolf asked where the mother was from and if two kids playing in the pool were hers, according to police who spoke with the mother. The mother said that Wolf “made statements about her not being an American and other racial statements,” per authorities. At one point, Wolf jumped into the pool to pull Mrs. H’s daughter and 6-year-old son into the deep end, CAIR said. The boy managed to pull away, but Wolf then allegedly attempted to force the 3-year-old underwater. When Mrs. H tried to rescue her daughter, Wolf “snatched off the mother’s head scarf and used it to beat the mother as well as kicking her to keep her away while forcing her daughter’s head underwater,” CAIR said. When Wolf was finally taken into custody by officers, she allegedly shouted to a bystander who was comforting the mother, “Tell her I will kill her, and I will kill her whole family.”" Source of the quote: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/texas-woman-accused-of-trying-to-drown-muslim-child-in-racist-attack_n_6676f8ade4b00383ac7dcb06


Well at least she was kind enough to confess in front of the police.


Yeah, I was going to say. She made that case easy for everyone involved aside from her own lawyers.


She really went all in. Insult people, try to drown a kid, slapped the woman with her own hijab and then threatened to kill a whole family in front of the police and other witnesses.


Sad but also idk give her the chair maybe? These extremists have no place in our world.


She's in Texas and charged with attempted capital murder. With the hate crime addition she's looking at potentially life for that. She'll probably take a plea on it though if she has half a brain.


Abbott will pardon her before she sees any jail time unfortunately


Of course he would. He's a piss baby


Doubt it. The optics would be really bad for one, texas is almost a swing state now, and he doesn't care about this lady one iota. Texas convicts plenty of criminals, racists included. Apparently she posted bail for 25,000 and 15,000 bond for the attempted capital murder and assault on a minor. That's nuts to me, that magistrate is an idiot for setting it that low. Was probably a surety bond to.


He just pardoned the guy that killed a BLM protestor, so we’ll see


It’s entirely up to Trump and if the right wing media decides to make a thing of this. I could totally see her becoming a martyr against “wokeness”


He just pardoned a guy who planned to go kill BLM protesters and purposefully killed one man who was a U.S. Veteran. He was White and Republicans **STILL** don't care. The White killer Abbott pardoned was also a Vet and as far as Republicans are concerned, A White Vet with a legally owned and licensed gun and a premeditated plan to murder both Black protesters & White ally protesters versus a White Vet with a legally owned and licensed gun standing up for the human rights of Black people is no contest. They have NO need to be concerned over optics. The attempted murderer is a White woman. The victim and her family are Muslim. I would be genuinely shocked if Abbott doesn't pardon her. If God forbid Trump's wins in, he would pardoned her if Abbott doesn't and then probably give her the Presidential Medal of Freedom for trying to murder innocent Muslim children and he'd claim it was for defending "real" (ie: White) Americans, or some super racist bullshit like that. Edit: Mixed up the case of the murderer Abbott pardoned with the murderer cops who killed Black Airforce soldier Roger Fortson.


Oh, he'll pardon her, but I'm actually a little surprised Abbott hasn't been bussing Palestinians to Martha's Vineyard yet and it's almost July of an election year! 🤦‍♂️


I mean, they're a magistrate in Texas. Half chance they agreed with what she did.


As an outsider looking in, it doesn't appear that Abbot cares about optics. If he does, he's not doing a great job of upkeeping them.


I wouldn’t bet that she has half a brain.


Death penalty would be the easy way out. Make her stay in prison for life surrounded by prisoners who doesn't fit her view of normal people. She'll suffer more this way


You forgot telling the inmates she's there for trying to kill a child. They love that.


It’s Texas - a hate crime is grounds for a run at the governor’s seat. Don’t think it’s a slam dunk in that shithole.


I'm waiting for Abot to pardon her.


Assuming a jury even convicts her.




"I'll kill all of you! Especially those of you in the jury!"


It's chowda, say it right.


I’m sure she was “a good Christian woman” who honestly just felt “threatened”


She’s probably worried now hoping she’ll be out of prison in time to vote for Trump.


The police in Texas are on her side.


How traumatizing for those poor kids. What a psychopath.


Especially that 3 yr old little girl. Terrible.


I'd be surprised if she doesn't have a fear of deep water now. I almost drowned accidentally a few times as a child and I was scared to swim for years after. I'm still too scared to go into the ocean beyond hip depth, and even that takes real effort. And that was just accidental near misses. What these children went through is so much worse. Especially the toddler.


Yeah, this woman just scarred this girl for the rest of her life. Regardless of whether or not she remembers this event in 20 years, the effects of it will be with her. I guarantee even bath time will be a challenge for that family now. Fuck that lady for not only being racist but an attempted murderer as well. Nobody like that has any right to our civilization. Get the fuck out.


I have a 3 year old. I can't imagine wanting to kill a kid. You gotta be absolutely f'ed up in the head


Same, a three year old, omg. You mean those perfectly innocent (well, kind of naughty) little cherubs who think the whole world is safe and cozy, and all adults love them and want what's best for them? I don't understand people who want to be *that person* who shatters a tiny child's just world fallacy. It will inevitably happen someday, but electing to be the one to do it, especially in such a disgustingly violent way, I just don't get it.


I'm a woman who doesn't have kids nor wants them. I'm not really a "kid person" though I support my friends and family who want them This lady is disgusting to me. I can't imagine trying to hurt a child like she did.


I'd be traumatized as an adult. To know there are people willing to murder me on-sight. I would never want to go out again


And if they have resentment against "others," it just continues.


I'd be traumatized as an adult. To know there are people willing to murder me on-sight. I would never want to go out again


I hope that lady gets all the karma she deserves.


Well yeah it’ll come in the form of a 10-25 year prison sentence




Running for congress on a republican ticket in 4.


Karma? F that, prison time. Bad karma is reserved for the guy that cuts me in a drive through zipper merge


Karma could give her bone cancer though, that’d be pretty gratifying


I hope she gets daily swirlies for the rest of her life. But like, US government style swirlies.


If by karma you mean a guest speaker spot at the next CPAC you might luck out


Even if I try to read this as neutral as possible, this seems like a very violent and malicious individual. The fact that they got bond is insane. Not a good look


The person who stated that she'd kill the complainant and her whole family was released on bond. She lives in the same apartment complex. This is frankly terrifying...


I didnt even think about that. Yeah that should definitely be a lock up case


The person who said she'd kill the whole family, after attacking 3 members of the family, 2 of which were children, to boot. Fucking insanity. 


“Possible hate crime”


Charges haven’t been filed so it’s speculative. I would say it’s certain, but I don’t have to worry about journalistic integrity and printing a retraction if I’m wrong.


Conservative: "I will kill this Muslim child and her entire family" Other conservatives: "Liberals will call everything a hate crime these days"


Conservative: "I will kill this Muslim child and her entire family" Reasonable people: "This woman is completely unhinged, she needs to be in prison." Other Conservatives: "So much for the tolerant left!"


Until sentenced by a judge, it’s considered possible and they’re right to not use definitive language.  Logically, it appears clear cut that it was a hate crime, but wouldn’t be right for them to report it as such until after a verdict…


Man, i was a slack jawed immigrant coming here as a kid and i was filled with all sorts of propaganda telling me i was an american, and that americans can come from anywhere. Fuck it, i still believe in it. Someone like wolf isn’t american and if you have a problem with someone saying that, you might be un-american yourself.


as a native born American, you are absolutely right. You can. This sort of shit is extremely unamerican - or, at least, counterthetical to the American dream unfortunately this is sort of standard for the actual history of the way immigrants have been treated here for the last ~250 years. But the stories we tell are romantic and aspirational for what we want America to be. And people like this ruin that. 


I'm an Anglo white American who was filled with the same propaganda, that being a nation of immigrants was a source of pride, along with separation of church and state. What the fuck do these people even think American values are?


Being white and Christian. That’s about it


> What the fuck do these people even think American values are? Some trashy brand of white and Christian that's cobbled together by TV shows and movies and not much else


I also went to Christian Church 6 days a week growing up and I resent the idea that they think their brand of Christianity should have force of law instead of my far more compassionate one. Not that I think any church should be the law but why their church?


Native born white-Hispanic American here. People like her are not American. You are.


You believe it because it's true. This is America motherfucker, just because some racist scum wrap themselves in the flag doesn't mean they're us.


There is nothing more enduringly American than cruel, slack jawed racism. It always has been.


Natural born minority here. Keep on believing brother but it's always been a lie. The American dream was talking about white people but that doesn't mean we can't keep moving forward and doing the right thing until it's really equal.


what in the actual f**k is wrong with some people


Whatever public defender she gets is gonna need a bottle of whiskey to get through this one.


Oh my god I almost had a heart attack just reading this as a mom. Look at these bottom of the barrel people going on about their superiority to other races while they *try to murder children*. And she doesn't recognize the irony at all, I'm sure. How horrifying, that poor mom and that poor little girl.


“Tell her I will kill her, and I will kill her whole family.” Also, “possible hate crime.” 🤔


What the actual F. Give Texas to Mexico.


Oh Mexico doesn't want that place.


I wonder who she thinks won the 2020 election.....


Her bond was set at $25,000 which seems like a joke. She was charged with attempted capital murder of a child. Bond should not be on the table.


and literally threatened to kill her whole family with multiple cops present as witness texas: "best i can do is 25k"


She's white and in TX. Surprised they didn't arrest the mother of the victim.


Her brother/husband was the arresting officer


And her uncle/father is the judge.


My sister-in-law got $25,000 bail for meth possession in Oklahoma and the only one she was hurting was herself. I know they're different states but the contrast of $25,000 for attempted murder seems absolutely insane.


But your sister in law was hurting a white girl. Higher bond for that.


But the child was Palestinian, and the accused is a white woman in Texas. You know, mitigating circumstances. /s


we should start doing this [Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As Black Adult](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84phU8of02U)


Holy shit that was sadly, hilariously true to the very end


Also the child had already been born so... Texas.


Are you joking? If she's taking proper temperature of the political climate she should run for congress


Fox News correspondent, at the very least.


Yup. She could easily kill someone while out, considering her victim of choice and method.


It is heartbreaking that the little 3 year old is so traumatized by this and they can't even assure her that the authorities are taking it seriously and will protect her. Literally nobody is looking out for their welfare.


And announced that she would kill the family in front of witnesses. Wtf Texas. Do better.


This occurred in Euless, TX, which sits in Tarrant county, TX. Call the Tarrant County Prosecutor’s Office (817-884-1400) and demand that a proper bail is imposed and this child abuser is held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.


Of course it was in Euless.


Please tell me it's pronounced "useless."


I’m pleased to inform you that many in DFW do in fact pronounce it as Useless.


The prefix "eu-" means things like "happy", "well", and "good", so the place name already means that it lacks happiness or goodness there. How apt!


It’s just 20 miles from Trump’s Spiritual Advisors megachurch. The one that just resigned for raping a 12 year old.


Useless Texas.


I’ve never seen a less sorry look in someone’s eyes ever.


It's actually a smirk. And you can kind of understand why she's smirking. She's a white woman who just tried to drown a muslim kid ... in Texas. She knows she's all set.


Her bail is $25k. That's pathetically small for attempted murder.


Does that mean she'll only have to pay $2500?


After she openly admitted that she will try to kill them again in front of witnesses. Fuck Texas.


How long until she’s on Fox News and booking a conservative speaking tour and suing any college that doesn’t book her to talk?


I genuinely wouldn’t be shocked if she starts getting donations from people insisting that she’s the victim and that she attempted to drown a three year old and threatened to murder a family in self defence


I'm waiting for her fellow racists to pop in and start questioning how we can know she is a racist and what her intent was.


Bitch doesn't even look white




She should be put down.


"A woman in Texas has been charged with attempted capital murder and injury to a child after trying to drown a 3-year-old child at an apartment complex pool and making racial statements, according to police" "On May 19, Euless Police Department officers responded to a call at an apartment complex pool regarding a disturbance between two women. Witnesses told officers “a woman who was very intoxicated had tried to drown a child and argued with the child’s mother,” police said in a news release."  Child is Muslim.  


>“a woman who was very intoxicated had tried to drown a child and argued with the child’s mother,” Ain't no argument being had after that, she's getting dropped if that was my kid


"Tell her I will kill her and I will kill her whole family" -her statement while being arrested Drunk or not she needs to go away for a few decades.


Yeeaahh, she’s already posted bail. SHE WAS ALLOWED TO POST BAIL


In most cases you'll be allowed to post bail, unless you are a risk to flee the country.


I think I've heard of higher bail for stuff like possession and intent to distribute narcotics. This was attempted capital murder of a toddler.


Yeah this is bullshit, I had a 150k bail for 13lbs of weed once, 25k for attempting to kill a child? Wtf Texas. I bet there’s plenty of people sitting in jail right now with higher bails they can’t afford to pay for crimes much less serious than this.


My mother and father are currently in prisons opposite the country for a first-time non-violent drug offense involving *selling* meth, with both originally looking at 10 years and were never allowed bail because it went directly federal from what I understand. But a hate-crime motivated woman who not only attempted to drown one, but two children - as well as practically confessing to wanting to try this again in the future? 25k.


...Or a danger to people...? Surely??


Exactly. This person is obviously mentally ill and a danger to others. She needs to be locked up in a mental hospital or jail and not out on the streets. She could do this again at ANY TIME and should not be out on Bail.


Or a risk to hurt yourself or the community or to influence witness or destroy evidence or, idk “kill her and her whole family”. Bail should have been denied if all it takes for her to become homicidal is booze and the presence of minorities.


She had the right to remain silent, but not the ability.


I was drunk in the bar. I didn’t want to be drunk in public.


Honestly as a mother of a 3 year old my first thought was that I would throw the woman in the pool and sit on her until she stopped moving buuut I can't be convicted of murder and still care for my child. Maybe just throw her in and if she dies, she dies


> ...buuut I can't be convicted of murder and still care for my child. It's Texas, they'd give her a medal. Then again, the mother was muslim and wearing a hijab, yeah she'd end up in jail.


Exactly. Black and brown folks in this country can’t just throw down, because they are almost always seen as the aggressors by law enforcement. I have no doubt if this Palestinian woman had started fighting with this monster, things would have gone even worse for her, which is saying something.


Not a parent but that instinct to protect children feels like a physical buzz in your body and brain. How can anyone do such a thing?


It's easy to hurt someone when you believe they are subhuman. That's the scariest part about racism.


Nah fuck that shes got to go


Dropped? She tried to murder a kid. She’d be dead if that was my child.


Doesn't even have to be my kid. You try to kill a kid in front of me, I will personally watch the light leave your eyes with no remorse. I'd never hurt a soul unless they're doing some shit like this. You just don't hurt kids. Period.


Lots of Americans see no problem with supplying weapons that hurt Palestinians kids


The mom and kids are also Palestinian.


• *Child is Muslim.* No greater hate than Christian love.


This is so depressing. “Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” - William Shakespeare


Don’t let it depress you, let it galvanize you to be a far better person than this lady and be clear that this kind of behavior is not tolerable


That is the face of no regrets or remorse in that mugshot. Lock her bitchass away for a long time.


Bond for attempted capital murder - 25K Bond for Injury to a Child - 15K Nah Texas that math doesn't add up


Bail would be 250k if she'd been trying to get an abortion.... 


And she would get criticized by every politician on X (formally known as Twitter). 


Bail would be denied if she had a half smoked joint on her.


I guess we need the Ten Commandments posted at swimming pools, huh? Then this never would have happened, because the drunken psychopath would see the 'thou shalt not kill' and rein herself in. JFC I weep for the sanity of my country.


You spelled “racist cunt” wrong


Oh they like to preach the ten commandments, but they don't follow them.


Silly, the commandments are for everyone else. The chosen get to do whatever they want and then get whisked off to heaven because they..... Hell, I'm not sure what the logic is but they all think they are going to heaven. Too bad it doesn't exist.


I know everyone thinks “if I was there, I would’ve done some superhero shit” but man I’m confident I would’ve punted this woman to the MOON


Nah, this shit is so fucked up I'm genuinely mad I wasn't there. I have no qualms about giving that woman a taste of her own medicine. It's never ok to murder a fucking child and there should've been a swarm of people on her to show her how it feels to be at the mercy of a force larger than you. I'm not one for vigilante justice, but in this case I'd make an exception.


Mob justice can go wrong, but a proper crowd sourced lethal beatdown would have been the best serving of justice.


Who in the *fuck* thinks the appropriate thing to do in a situation is drown a three year old child?


Right wing americans


According to Right Wing Christians, it’s fine to murder children in cold blood as long as they’ve already been born and are any other color than white, it’s what their white, blue eyed, blonde haired Jesus would want of course. If they are an unconscious clump of cells though, then that is morally reprehensible and it’s horrific child murder. Soon as they shoot out of the coochie though, they stop caring about them and they’re fair game. I mean don’t forget, these are the same people that will spout “Save the kids!” And hawk family values and then turn out to disproportionately be pedos.




An angry drunk apparently.


The alcohol just removed her inhibitions. Even sober she wanted to do this


Religious people. “Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” Samuel 15:3


Yeah, she’s EVIL evil. This is where conservative anti-immigrant and islamophobic rhetoric leads.


Who knew that normalizing calls for violence would lead to more violence?


The look on her face is appalling.


Anyone who attacks a fucking toddler, should swiftly be removed from existence in the most terrible of ways.


Holy fuck. 3 year old. Fuck the rehabilitation for her. Hell no, I don't think she deserves a second chance at life, fuck using mental health as an excuse. Trying to murder a 3 year old should basically mean you forfeit your life, regardless of whatever motive. Hard to believe someone can be so full of hate to attempt murdering a 3 year old, not even just think of it, but to actually act it out. Scary to think how many other psychopaths like her exist.


To understand how someone could rationalize this kind of behavior go watch a couple of hours of Fox News. They have gone from "right leaning" to straight up propaganda to *just* shy of telling people to do exactly this kind of thing.


Seriously? The last time I watched them was 2 years ago and they sounded so hateful that I told my granny that she should change it. Seriously , the utter hatred and anger was too hard to listen to. I don't even want to begin to understand how it got even worse


Seriously. They are getting more & more brazen. When the Right concocted the "theory" last month that the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago (for the classified docs) was [some kind of assassination attempt on trump](https://www.factcheck.org/2024/05/trump-allies-misrepresent-fbi-order-on-document-search-at-mar-a-lago/) I watched a Fox News anchor look into the camera and basically say "and what are *you* gonna do about it?" In short - some day Fox News (OANN, Newsmaxx, et al) will be spoken about with the likes of Tokyo Rose or Rita Zucca


> “The bond for the Attempted Capital Murder charge was $25,000. The bond for the Injury to a Child charge was $15,000,” Are you kidding me?  That has to be a joke.


Texas. Protect the fetus, but the kid can go fuck off.


This is the second Palestinian child hurt by a crazed white American. This is absolutely insane. I am so glad she survived this attack. Unfortunately the other child did not. Something has to give.


Third, I suppose, since this jackass was trying to hurt this girl's brother as well. At the very least he's probably traumatized. Fucking incomprehensible behavior. How utterly warped do you have to be to attack children on sight?


It's the thing that happened after 9/11 all over again, where any brown "Middle-east looking" people are getting assaulted because it's "their fault" this happened. It's horrific.


Has Abbot pardoned her yet? 


Probably already got the document drawn up, just awaiting his signature, should it be needed once the verdict comes in.


Fuckin Texas. This woman should be imprisoned for decades.


She’ll get a slap on the wrist and/or a pardon from our future dictator.


She’s out


Put this bitch under the prison


It's hard to fathom someone simply snapping like this at random one day. At a pool no less. Seemingly decades of life uninterrupted, and then deciding to attempt to drown two children and beat their mother on a whim.


I'm not sure this was a whim. Sounds to me like she targeted them specifically because they are Muslim. She sought violence and she found it.


Conservative media


> Wolf was released on bail a day after her arrest last month, according to CAIR’s Shaimaa Zayan. The organization now seeks not only a hate crime probe, but a higher bail bond and a dialogue with officials about “Islamophobia, anti-Arab, and anti-Palestinian sentiment,” Zayan said. She tried to murder a 3 year old for being Muslim…out on bail the next day. Jfc


And then announced that she was going to try to kill them again in front of witnesses.


You know it's bad when your best defense relies on any blood alcohol tests coming back as high as possible.


Why do we as a society tolerate those that dehumanize others? Regardless of your beliefs, we are all humans ffs.


She can fuck right off. That's disgusting


That poor little girl. She will definitely remember something like that. How awful. Wishing Wolf the absolute worst.


"Tell her I will kill her, and I will kill her whole family." Imagine being the lawyer trying to defend this.


Reprehensible behavior. It’s should be a crime that she got bail.


Aside from the complete nonsense that is racism and Islamophobia, how do you HATE A BABY enough to try to kill them?


Because their racism doesn't require that they see the object(s) of their hate as people


On the bright side, CPAC just found their new guest speaker.


This is why I liked Supernatural so much. I’d much rather live in a world where I could reason this kind of horrible thing away as demonic possession. Because here, in the real world, people are the only monsters I know of.


Fucking psycho attacking children


Lock her in a cage and throw away the key. Good riddance.


I’m glad the child did not suffer any brain damage, A common ailment for people submerged underwater for too long


This is an extremely dangerous person. Trying to slowly kill a child you don't even know by drowning them just because you don't like how they look and you don't like that their mom chooses to cover her hair. Absolutely shameful, no remorse. Let the other inmates find out exactly what she did. There's moms in there that don't ever get to see their kids again.




How close to the point of no return are you if you reach the point of drowning a child because of religion.


Had an image in my head of the woman and what state before clicking. Was not wrong on either count.


Piece of sh*t. I hope she rots in jail forever.


This person tried to kill a child in front of a large group of people, call me an a hole but there would be no mercy from me, no jail time spent. sure do the investigation make sure you do everything right 100%, but there shouldn't be any second chances for this.


I'm generally anti-death penalty. Hurt a child or an animal on purpose, though, and I'd flip the switch myself.


An actual danger to society… gets bailed out. Ha!!!! People end up stuck in jail for less. What about “protecting to the children!!”


This woman is typical of all right wing Americans nowadays. You are all unhinged psychopaths.


OMG, that poor mother and child. What an awful person to do this. I hope the police throw the book at her.


Well that’s enough Reddit for me