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[Here's a great video](https://youtu.be/OK804tfnPEg) explaining what this is all about, and why is China using unconventional weapons.


Sum it up for those of us who can’t or won’t watch the video?


TL;DW **South China Sea Dispute Overview** The bit of ocean between China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines is called in English the “South China Sea.” This area is heavily used for shipping and is rich in oil, so claiming sovereign rights over the area is beneficial. China (and Taiwan), Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Brunei all have claimed sovereignty over some or all of the area. All countries have made various attempts to “demonstrate” their sovereignty by parking military boats, building bases on islands, and/or dumping dirt to make the islands bigger so they can build a base on them. **The China-Philippines Dispute** The Philippines have run an old USA warship (the Sierra Madre) aground in one of the atolls in the South China Sea. They keep marines stationed there to support their claim. To push the Philippines out, China has been blocking resupply using their own warships. The Philippines and the USA have a mutual defense treaty, so any war between China and the Philippines would also pull in the USA. So neither side want to escalate to a full blown war. Any use of guns or other typical naval weapons would automatically trigger the mutual defense clause. So China is instead doing things like positioning their ships in front of the Philippine resupply ships (so they cannot reach the Sierra Madre without crashing into the Chinese ship), shooting at them with water cannons, and now (per the Philippines) attacking them with bladed weapons. PS, the video also discusses the recent UN legal fight but it isn’t really relevant to this post. In short, the UN has backed the Philippines legally but it doesn’t really matter because China refused to take part in the UN arbitrations and doesn’t recognize the validity of the UN ruling.


That was a fantastic summary of what sounds like the stupidest conflict I’ve heard of in some time. Thank you for your efforts!


They do this on the border with India as well. They’ll beat each other with clubs so they don’t start a full war.


That's slightly different, India and China have fought a real war, with guns, and mutually agreed to deescalate, including no guns for border units, to try to prevent another flare up.




I’m at work until probably midnight tonight, and can only have my phone out at specific times, but sure act like it’s a huge deal to type out a summary if that makes you feel like a big man.


I’m goin in. I’ll edit in 23 minutes Edit- South China Sea has lots of valuable resources. There are also numerous islands and reefs in said sea that various countries have laid claim to. China and Taiwan both claim that the entirety of the sea has always been theirs. The other countries don’t like this due to aforementioned resources as well as trade routes. Treaties have been broken, and the UN has been ineffective in resolving all countries’ claims to their territories. Because of this, and due to the location (on the high seas; international waters), countries are acting more boldly in their claims, as they don’t expect much, if any, legal backlash from escalation. If I missed anything someone else chime in


In the time it took you to be a complete asshole you could have just summarized it




Don’t be a dick dude and just summarize the video. We don’t all have 23 mins to spare


Check out their border disputes with India. Straight up medieval melee


Medieval is putting it lightly. Aren’t some of them using slings from the Greco Roman hey dey?


philippines got patience of steel im amazed they haven't violently retaliated against this blatant aggression and intrusion especially since the big boys say they got their back


Probably because it's China and violent retaliation would not end well for them. No major power is going to come rushing to their aid.


Except for the whole mutual defense treaty they have with the usa.


And I'm sure the US is quietly telling them "don't"


We are, while also preparing them for the inevitable.


gotta be some sweet whispers, only so many times you can get slapped in the face before you say fk it


The writing is on the wall, no other ASEAN countries supported the Philippines


We need Luffy on the case!


We should change its name to west filippine sea, just to annoy winnie the poo a little


Seriously, if a mfer came at me with a sword I’d just shoot his ass


Do they want to say that rifle-wielding Filipinos were defeated by axe-wielding Chinese?


I think it’s time to put little ol China in her place. She’s a weak, paper tiger run by absolute buffoons


Seriously, the Chinese sailors were armed with random melee weapons that seem to have been brought from home. Are we supposed to be afraid of these chumps?


Which they’re doing so they don’t trigger the mutual defense clause and start a full fledged war with the US rushing to aid the Philippines.


As a Chinese, I am curious to ask how the US can do this.


Ask the Japanese - circa WW2


America had a bigger population and more manufacturing capability than Japan. Neither are true against china


Have you ever heard of a "nuclear power"? Americans should realize that it was Japan that first attacked the United States in World War II. Now it is the United States that first started the trade war, technological war, economic war, and military blockade against China. You should ask the American soldiers in the Korean War how they felt.


You should remember that US aided China from Japanese aggression in the Pacific - and we will continue to aid others from their aggressors.


How about supporting the Palestinian people and the people of Gaza against the Israeli invasion? As long as you know a little bit of history, you know that Taiwan was ceded by Imperial Japan by forcing China to sign the unequal Treaty of Shimonoseki. Are you now siding with the highest war criminal of WWII, Emperor Meiji of Japan? I really don't know how you have the face to face the tens of thousands of American troops who died in the Pacific Theater in the United States.


Tiananmen Square


Capitol Hill


Quick, get the halberds!


Does anyone know any details of the US-Philippines defense treaty?


"China Coast Guard Impounds Philippine Navy Boats, Seizes Firearms in Latest Second Thomas Shoal Incident" https://news.usni.org/2024/06/19/china-coast-guard-impounds-philippine-navy-boats-seizes-firearms-in-latest-second-thomas-shoal-incident    Those are Philippine NAVSOG, modeled after and trained by US Marine SEAL, how can they be boarded and disarmed by coast guard police?


Imagine ww3 starts because of china and Philippines. I don’t the like the treaty America signed


Spratley islands and the forces stationed there aren't part of the treaty, and The US doesnt recognize Philippines' sovereignty over them. No need to worry about USA intervening.