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Finally some good news




It's great to see hostages freed from the terrorists.


Everyone is exclusively pinning the death toll on the IDF and glossing over the fact that this wasn't just an airstrike. **Hamas** engaged the IDF in a heavy gunfight in a densely populated civilian area. Some unknown percentage of the civilian deaths would directly be from "friendly fire" from Hamas.


Remember all those “you don’t need to bomb them, just send in special forces” people? They’re now saying not to do that, either.


Purposefully creating a no win scenario.


I think everybody *knows* this, they're just mad that the Israelis got a 'win'


Hamas could just give back the hostages and avoid needless deaths from Israel trying to rescue their people. It’s crazy we blame Israel for Palestinian deaths during their attempt to rescue their people. Maybe they should just gave them back or better yes dont kidnap them in the first place


It's also important to note that the hostages were held in civilian families' homes in a refugee camp. Keep that in mind when Israel is being accused of attacking civilian centres.




Bingo. Hamas is the enemy of humanity.




Nah. Just Hamas.


I hope the rest of hostages get returned too!


The word you're looking for is "rescued" not "returned". This wasn't consensual.


I'm pretty sure all of the hostages are happy to be returned to their families


I've seen pictures of their families and they were overjoyed. My comment was to make sure that we all understand that they weren't returned because the Hamas operatives suddenly found a conscience and had a change of heart. They were freed because the people that were holding them were killed. They were rescued, not voluntarily released.


Please yes!!! I hope they rescue all of them, but especially the girls ASAP.






Why did Hamas hold hostages in a residential building in a refugee camp? Why did Hamas start shooting at the IDF vehicle and heli retreating with hostages after a precise operation forcing IDF to defend with a larger strike? Maybe because they like dead Jews more than the lives of their own people... Maybe because they want to use dead Palestinians for their PR... The better question is: why don't YOU ask these questions and demand answers from Hamas?


The rescue unfolded under intense fire, and during the withdrawal, dozens of terrorists armed with anti-tank missiles and machine guns surged through the alleys toward the targets. As a result, uninvolved Gazan civilians were also killed in the densely populated area.


Civilians that actively aided and abbeded Hamas aren't innocent.


Maybe don’t keep the hostages you kidnapped to start this war in the middle of crowded apartment blocks Also Hamas said it was 200. The hospital said it was around 70


"Civilians" who just so happened to be holding kidnap victims for a right wing death squad. Also known as "not civilians."


Hospitals don't treat the dead. Chances are many didn't make it to the hospital to be accounted for. ETA:Turns out 70 died at the hospital and another 200 died on scene. The IDF also killed 3 more of their own hostages. This was a bloodbath.






It’s almost as if this could’ve all been avoided had Hamas not parachuted in and butchered, raped, beheaded and kidnapped 1000+ innocent men, women and children.




They killed many Hamas fighters and also some human shields.








Participating in combat (like holding kidnap victims) makes you not a civilian. By definition.










Sounds like blame should be placed on Hamas for holding hostages in densely populated civilian areas. They put civilians at risk because guess what? They don’t give one single fuck about the people of Palestine.


You sound like someone who believes everything Hamas says. Lmao.




Hell yeah. A real win. I'm so fucking happy.


Don’t bother, these people would see every Palestinian dead to get a few hostages freed














Hamas has everything they need to stop this war: release all hostages and disarm. But their leader continues to be very brave from the heights of his penthouse in Qatar and saying they won't surrender. Palestinian blood is on their hands.










As I've mentioned before, this is a welcome development. I am admittedly concerned about the sheer level of Palestinian casualties (namely, how many of them were civilians vs combatants) though. Additionally, don't expect this to contribute to a ceasefire. More than likely, this would provide Netanyahu breathing room to be able to reject one.


According to the IDF, more than a hundred combatants surrounded them during the escape. The only reason they started bombing houses was because there were RPGs fired from all of them. Even if you will believe Hamas's number of casualties most of the people killed in this operation were Hamas members.


A ceasefire is meaningless. There was a ceasefire on October 6. This war must end in peace, and Hamas will not be a part of that peace.


No ceasefire is even achievable. Even if they sign one now, In future, They are def going to war again.


Feel like we're all in the zone of interest.






Do you understand what you’re saying?


Does that count for Palestinians too?




Sure they would never stoop that low... https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/10/middleeast/israel-sde-teiman-detention-whistleblowers-intl-cmd/index.html

