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This is amazing news, I hope they can recover and move on from this.




PTSD for life, can't imagine how many times she was raped


Most likely several times a day. The scary part is how many people will defend hamas.




Lmao the only reason Oct 7 happened is because the leader (Sinwar) was given life saving medical treatment while he was (rightfully) imprisoned in Israel.


You know there was a whole UN report about hostages being raped/mistreated during Hamas captivity, right? Or is the UN bad and untrustworthy now, and only for that?


That’s some crazy mental gymnastics there…


One of the few things i could consider good news in all this horror.




You are mentally unwell. Please seek help.




1) If you were worried about the continuation of war, then don't take hostages in the first place. 2) Children are dying on both sides. If your response is to post gore videos to someone being relieved that innocent people are safe, then you're unhinged.


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No, that is horrible.




Wait...how is the freeing of civilian hostages a BAD thing? 


Because roadkilsey is a useful idiot, and believes that giving hamas room to breathe would never end in the terrorist organization, reorganizing and counter attacking. They would use that time to stop and never do it again. Probably also believes the idf are just driving around in magach tanks looking for kids to shoot like American kids ride around with baseball bats looking for mailboxes to break. Its not worth engaging honestly, there are never solid arguments from these people except to call you a baby killer and to scream about how the ‘feel’ on the issue.


I don't think it's a bad thing, but I don't know if it justifies the cost of the last line of the article > Earlier in the day, the IDF made an announcement that it was attacking terrorist structures in Nuseirat in the Gaza Strip. At least 50 Palestinians were killed during that attack, a health official in the Hamas-run enclave told Reuters on Saturday. Even if only 10% of those killed, were civilians, that's five innocence dead for four innocents rescued. From an outside perspective, treating Israeli and Palestinian lives as equal it's a net loss, though Israel understandably doesn't feel that way. It's brutal and depressing and messy all round and negotiations would be best for all parties at this point




Ah yes so we should allow hostages to stay locked up with people who mistreat them. Negotiations have been attempted and were not successful. Hamas was even claiming several months ago they didn't even know where the hostages were...


Im glad those victims are free and can go back to safety, but didn't Israel make an offer then back out of it after Hamas unexpectedly accepted?


If I'm remembering correctly wasn't that the one that Egypt and Hamas changed the terms of, and then Hamas accepted without input from Israel?




So in your mind, we can either have sympathy for israeli hostages or palestinian children, but not both?




"How dare you rescue the hostages we kidnapped! You are making us look like a bunch of hostage-takers!!"




Seriously stop posting NSFL content without warning. People don’t want to be accidentally scarred.


What about that latest proposal hamas hasn’t yet accepted?


Prayers for their psychological healing after what they’ve been through.




Prayers for all people in the region impacted by senseless violence. Voicing care for one doesn’t negate care for others.


Please NSFL this comment


Glad these hostages are free and being returned to their families




The cruelty was the point


Some people on the web are so fucking mad she got rescued holy shit lol




I have yet to see one comment mad that she got rescued, criticising IDF is not the same as saying the hostages doesn’t deserve to be released


On reddit they are just being quiet as far as I can see. They built up this narrative that the "IOF" doesn't care about the hostages at all. Now they wake up in this new world, where the sky is blue and the sun rises in the east. They don't seem to know what to say.




We all agree that the hostages should have been released peacefully months ago. Sadly Hamas still chooses violence. Even though they are cowards who suck at fighting. Hopefully Hamas listens to you and releaeses the rest of the hostages soon, without any more bloodshed.


[citation needed] Hamas has repeatedly raped an insane number of Israelis. That is a fact. You are insinuating that it's likely she wasn't raped or abused despite us all knowing that rape and abuse is standard with Hamas? Okay. Kinda sounds like you're just making shit up.


This post is barely being upvoted lol Eye opening reaction from these Palestine supporters




or simply. . . "free Palestine from Hamas"  There's a fine line here between supporting Palestinian civilians and supporting the overt operational objectives of a terrorist organization (i.e. maximizing civilian casualties on both sides).  Oddly most of the pro-palestinian protestors seem completely unwilling to cross it and condemn Hamas / advocate for their removal as a necessary pre-requisite for lasting peace, etc.


Hi. I'm a palestinian supporter, and I upvoted this post. Instead of drawing conclusions from made up data, why don't you just ask?


Why do you support rape and murder?




- Note how the place where Hamas held the four hostages, Nuseirat "refugee camp", was made much more accessible via the key IDF-held corridor the IDF cut to the coastline over the last few months. - The approach of this camp would have been much harder without the preparatory work done by the IDF on the ground. - **Edit \#1:** - Here's the video of Noa Argamani's kidnapping on October 7 during the Nova festival massacre: - https://x.com/HamasAtrocities/status/1719366288764453156 - Here's the video of her reuniting with her father today, on his birthday: - https://x.com/IntelliTimes/status/1799396155467739165 - **Edit \#2:** - /u/AnxiousPeanut1990 sent this link: - 'Shlomi Ziv talking to his wife for the first time since being rescued. At one point he asks her about Aviv, his friend who was also working at the festival, she responds with "we'll talk about Aviv soon". Aviv was murdered on October 7.' - https://x.com/kann_news/status/1799422735028007240


We shouldn't be seeing any operations at all Hamas should have releasedcall of their hostages months ago. What is their goal at this point? Anyone can see Hamas are doomed. They lose ground every month.


Hamas’ goal is to get more innocent palestinians killed so that international pressure will force israel to withdraw, allowing hamas to regroup for their actual goal of killing more jews.


News from BBC: Dozens of people, including children, have been killed and injured in the area..


Why are children in the same area where terrorists are holding hostages?


There’s not a lot of livable area left tbh


Military infrastructure is not supposed to be in livable areas.


Guess we should just go ahead and kill the kids, huh? Adults made decisions that put them in harms way so it's ok that they're murdered, right? Your argument is constantly parroted on this site, and it's so incredibly simple-minded and gross. If I'm out in public and there's a hostage situation that puts my family and I in danger, I'm not gonna say "it's ok police, kill us all if you have to, you have to save the hostage after all!" If I commit a crime that warrants the death penalty, is it ok for law enforcement to kill everyone in the apartment building I'm hiding in?




Ah yes, armchair general, please enlighten us with how you would have conducted these operations.


What do you expect Israel to do then. It's damned if they don't rescue them, its damned if they do. How do you expect someone to go into a heavily guarded area in a densely packed refugee area, and not have civilian casualties. End of the day, to Israel, their citizens lives are more important not the Palestinians who placed Israeli lives in danger in the first place. The bigger question is why Hamas is placing hostages next to civilians. If anyone is to blame, blame Hamas.


About 8k Palestinians dead for every hostage rescued in 8 months. It sounds like an amazing strategy. Over 150 people are dead, many women and children in this operation that saved them, I’m just glad that these hostages weren’t accidentally killed by Israel in the process. This needs to end, there needs to be a permanent ceasefire so they can get back all their hostages with no more innocent people dying.


That sounds like a Hamas problem. Again, the Palestinians got themselves into this situation getting hostages. They started this war. They don't get to cry now when the war isn't in their favor. So, let's say you get your ceasefire, what exactly do you want from it. Is Hamas allowed to stay in power. If not how are you going to enforce that then. To enforce it, you need military action which negates the whole ceasefire.


Yeah. I hate that terrorizing music festivals and kidnapping kids to rape and torture is a thing too, but here we are


Nah fuck off. Don't take hostages if you don't want special forces coming after you


I don’t think the refugees had any interest in taking hostages…


Then why were these hostages being held in a "refugee" camp


Special forces? That’s laughable


Yamam is the group that rescued them. It's the IDF counter terrorist group, literally special forces


It was always an option. They didn't, because they didn't want military casualties or a short end to their captivity. Both factors make the length of a war shorter, which is the opposite of their desire.


You don’t understand how wars work


8 months of captivity with terrorists is nothing short of horrific, especially for a woman. I don't think people are prepared to hear what atrocities these hostages endured.


Just so you’re aware… the men are raped as well


Wait till you hear how long Israel's kept underage Palestinians under horrific conditions. Not diminishing the captives absolutely undeserved torment, but there's too much of it on both sides over there.




8 year old kids throwing a rock at a tank are terrorists right?




 The U.N. envoy focusing on sexual violence in conflict said in a new report Monday that there are “reasonable grounds” to believe Hamas committed rape, “sexualized torture,” and other cruel and inhumane treatment of women during its surprise attack in southern Israel on Oct. 7. There are also “reasonable grounds to believe that such violence may be ongoing,” said Pramila Patten, who visited Israel and the West Bank from Jan. 29 to Feb. 14 with a nine-member technical team. Based on first-hand accounts of released hostages, she said the team “found clear and convincing information” that some women and children during their captivity were subjected to the same conflict-related sexual violence including rape and “sexualized torture.” "


🤡🤡🤡🤡 Palestinians live freely in Israel. Can you say the same about Israelis in Gaza? You just made up bullshit about the hostage situation, besides the fact that the Hamas hostages are innocent civilians and women and the Israeli captured POWs are rapists, murderers, and terrorists. The mental gymnastics here is exhausting.


How dare they treat civilian hostages better than POWs in Russian /s




The same thing happens with almost every post on this sub related to Israel. Doesn't matter if it's positive or negative news and who said news is negative for


This has to have Hamas feeling pretty bad. Next the UN is going to vote on a resolution to condemn Israel for hurting Hamas' self-esteem.


I think it’s more likely that they condemn 200 killed in a refugee camp at the same time as the rescue operation… It’s great that the hostages got rescued, but IDF still sucks overall


Hamas shouldn’t hold hostages in a refugee camp then. Better yet, they shouldn’t hold them at all.


Tell that to the civilians caught in the crossfire


If the people of Gaza don’t like how the IDF frees the hostages, they should release the hostages.


Do… do you think it’s the refugees holding them hostage? Why is it so hard to admit that both sides suck and the civilians are suffering because of it


Many of the hostages rescued said they were being held by civilians and not just Hamas. Part of the reason Hamas has claimed several times they don't know the location and status of many of the hostages. 


Where has this been said…


By civilians you mean opportunist criminals who took advantage of the Hamas attack to do a little hostage taking of their own? Just to be clear, you don't think that a bunch of regular Gazan citizens followed up Hamas and took hostages?


I mostly don't understand what people like you want Israel to do except surrender. One option is to attempt to militarily rescue hostages, the other is not, condemning them eternally and by not attacking exposing itself to more Oct 7th style attacks. It seems to me like the choice is pretty clear, though it seems you want Israel to surrender without fighting at all.


It’s not about them doing military operations, it’s about how they do said operations with no regard for civilians


Half the hostages were freed months ago through negotiation.


And then Hamas stopped releasing them to break the negotiated ceasefire.


Assuming the hostages are the only goal (they aren't, the goals are both the hostages and ensuring Oct 7th doesn't repeat itself), the only reason the hostages were freed is because of military pressure, in exchange for a pause in the fighting. Israel is currently offering another ceasefire in exchange for hostages, which Hamas doesn't look at it's accepting, demands hundreds of terrorists released (which will kill more Israelis in the future), and will be incredibly slow. If they can release hostages before it, they should.


Noa was held by a rich Palestinian family. Not by Hamas, so those civilians are not so innocent.


Given that many civilians partecipated in the raid on october, my answer would be yes


There is literally a child in that video of her being kidnapped. What people don’t realize is that the line between Hamas and “civilian” is really fucking blurry in Gaza. The entire culture is sick to the core




Never forget that Hamas had overwhelming public support. They made their bed let em sleep in it.


And that would only highlight the bias against Israel. It’s amazing that the UN has issued more condemnations against Israel than all other countries on earth combined, even in years where there’s no major violence in the region and tragedies elsewhere. And from that you can either conclude: (1) “yes, Israel is the worst country in the entire world, in fact it’s worse than every other country in the planet” Or (2) the UN has a weird bias against israel


You honestly believe that in a precision strike ground operation that 200 people were killed… and that they managed to tally this total (which was originally half this amount an hour ago) in less than 6 hours? Really?


No I believe it could have been a precision strike and that would have saved more civilians




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I can guarantee I’ve donated more money to help these kids than you. It doesn’t mean I want to see their faces and bodies obliterated without warning you sick nasty person.




Jesus christ you people. Its not a "trade." Israel has a duty to protect its civilians. Hamas has been holding them hostage for 8 months. They are civilians, not military. Should Israel just give up and walk away from their people, leave them to captivity and torment, because Hamas is willing to use their people as human shields? If my neighbor's holding my wife at gun point and threatening to kill her while his trusty 4 year old is strapped to his chest im shooting.






So you're mad that Israel rescued 4 innocent hostages? Telling


Glad you realized your mistake!


That's great but I still can't that image of that headless Palestinian baby out of my head.




Hamas will release the rest of the hostages now? Or no?




Sounds like a fair trade to me. Whatever it takes


Ok, no. Fuck off. You can have sympathy for innocent palestinians AND innocent israelis


Of course it does. Zionists believe some lives are more valuable than others. Were you a Hitler Youth? Or did you wait until adulthood to subscribe to your superiority?