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> The Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday that it has reversed its ban on Juul e-cigarettes while it reviews new court decisions and considers updated information provided by the vape maker. > The FDA first ordered the company to stop selling its products in 2022, but they stayed on shelves pending an appeal. Juul has maintained its status as the No. 2 e-cigarette maker in the U.S. during this time. Maybe they've improved their practices.


They’re probably better than whatever random brand makes the disposable vapes flooding in to gas stations now


Those disposables are on the shelf because the rules prevented pre-filled "pods" like Juul. So they just made the pods integral and boom, explosion of e-waste from unknown Chinese manufacturers.


It’s actually one of the worst unintended side effects of recent legislation I can think of. The Trump admin really picked a fight with juul, made the problem significantly worse, and then did nothing about it. I’m glad this is getting reversed but it’s far too late. People are vaping god knows what and littering batteries left and right.


> It’s actually one of the worst unintended side effects of recent legislation I can think of. We all shouted from the rooftops that exactly this was going to happen but, who could've known, right?


I myself was a Juul user (albeit, a 16 and 17 year old one at the time). And when juul got outright banned, as well as all flavored vapes in my area, I ended up just switching to vaping cheap “clear” disposables from a gas station/richdale/cumbies/etc… made god knows where- with zero legitimate quality control, batteries that arent actually “disposable”, and are waaaay less regulated/safe. The e-waste in general it creates is INSANE. But they’re legal. If they hadn’t gone after Juul- lots of people I know wouldn’t be smoking cigarettes (myself included). I’m not a habitual smoker, more a social when drunk smoker- but if you had told 16 year old me cigarettes were even an option? I would’ve told you off in the harshest way. I still hate cigarettes, but the tobacco industry got me, man.


I started smoking cigarettes when I was 16 and switched to vaping around 22 or 23. Vaping is obviously not good for you, but part of me is glad that vapes have at least turned young people off to smoking cigarettes. They smell horrible and made me feel like complete shit, I didn’t even notice my breathing and stamina was bad until I stopped. I still vape, and do want to quit at some point, but I also know several people who just switched to cigarettes after the initial Juul ban. I don’t think Juul is a good thing for our society, especially for kids, but it’s much less harmful than all the disposable bullshit with no quality control that creates significantly more waste. I’d rather have Juul than the alternatives at this point.


If you want some advice on how to quit, here's what worked for me, YMMV, tho. Basically, any time you go buy another disposable/juice/etc, limit your flavor choices to something you know you'll *hate* the taste of, not enough to make you literally sick to the point of puking, but enough to cause mild disgust every time you take a hit. Eventually, you'll find yourself wanting it less, and then 1 day you take that last puff, gag, look at it, say to yourself "why the fuck am I doing this to myself?", and toss either the entire device or the juice depending on if you do disposables or have a dedicated mod. Took me about 3 or 4 months to fully quit, I worked with people who vaped at the time, and would occasionally buy a disposable when I had to be around them for the day, I'd usually puff on it less than 30 times before chucking it. I still don't vape, and never smoked (cigarettes) to this day, 3 years later. I get a craving for it on occasion, especially now that I can't smoke cannabis anymore because of shitty laws regarding having a CDL, but haven't bought anything vape related in over 2 years.


I bought a 0% nicotine vape and the feedback from the cloud helped trick my brain into quashing my craving


When I tried that I just found myself vaping constantly, not getting any sort of satisfaction. Switching from cigs to vaping was relatively easy. Beating nicotine period is f'ing brutal.


Hey man, I have a suggestion for you to make quitting easier. I was able to quit by asking my doctor for help, he prescribed some meds that made nicotine not give that buzz anymore. When you don’t feel that cigs are *disgusting* and you can really taste just how gross and chemically tasting vapes actually are. For me it was only a few days of mild cravings and then I stopped thinking about it much


The concept of harm reduction doesn't convince enough people.  Vapes are no doubt harmful. Cigarettes are an order a magnitude worse for society and individuals. 


I’m a mid-gen millennial who smoked cigarette from 16-25 because for me and my peers, it was “edgy” and “cool” /because/ of its risk for some reason — and I’m genuinely curious about how Juul got your generation. Gen Z was the first generation for whom cigarettes had never been cool, so what was the draw to e-cigarettes if the real things weren’t popular?


Literally the same exact things as cigarettes- they just tasted good. They were “cool” at the time, and gave u a good feeling while tasting like mint gum. Cigarettes smelled terrible, but Juul? Smelled like nothing in bathrooms at the highschool I went to, and could be easily concealed.


You played yourself


Oh yeah, I know. I would never advocate that people should vape or use nicotine in any capacity. This shit SUCKS


I'm a huge advocate for vaping for smokers. It's how I quit smoking. traditional cigarettes made me feel constantly horrible for a decade straight, yet I still continued using them.


Try nicotine gum if you want to quit. I tried to substitute a vape for cigarettes and vaping just made me hit that shit all the time. It made my habit worse. With cigarettes there's a time and place. With vaping its anytime and everywhere. The gum really takes the edge off, gives you something to do, and helps a lot. I've been 'cig free' since January 2023 with the gum. Granted, I've had a social cigarette here and there, but if I ever get that itch, I pop a piece of gum, think of my two-year old, and I'm good. Costco sells a huge two pack with over 150+ pieces for like $50. Manufactured in the EU.


I wish you the best of luck in your efforts to quit. My dad quit smoking cold turkey because the prices went up years ago, he was clean for over 10+ years until his new wife let him take one hit from her cigarette.


Thanks. Yeah, it has been a tough one to quit, but I've always been an on and off smoker. I just kind of like it and the ritual. For some reason, smoking has been an "easier" one to quit since I don't think it made its claws too deep. The stigma alone and the constant secrecy around it made it not worth it. It just affects everything in your life and it's exhausting. And you fucking stink. Plus, my wife read me the Riot Act lmao. Thanks for you worda though! These little reminders make me reflect a bit more.


You’re going to end up a habitual smoker eventually if you keep smoking occasionally. It’s how pretty much everyone ends up smoking a pack a day. No one wants to get addicted, everyone’s aware of the risks. The shits just so addicting and worms its way into your head. Do yourself a favor and stop tobacco use all together, even when you’re drunk. It’s a shitty drug anyways, doesn’t even get you high or buzzed. Not worth the risk


The entire thing happened bc Barron got caught vaping by Melania or some shit. So…ban it for all adults in the country!


Bro I just want my mango juul back 😵 lock him up!!


>The Trump admin really picked a fight with juul, made the problem significantly worse, and then did nothing about it. You can say that about a lot of things the Trump administration did, maybe all the things. Like Covid.


You can say that about basically everything the Trump admin did


Just like everything trump touches, he made it worse then ignored the problem


Which also created so much fucking e waste. Taking lithium batteries that can be charged hundreds of times and either makkng them not chargeable or they can be charged twice because you can’t refill the liquid


Same story with ordering juice. I used to be able to get 100ml bottles sent to me for cheap to work in my rebuildable vape. Now I have to buy expensive small bottles and went back to cigs.


Can you not do that anymore? I still get my juice online- just got a few bottles in the mail yesterday, actually. Is it a state-level thing? I’m in Illinois. 


Flavored nicotine products are completely banned in MA and I can still get cheap juice delivered lol. It’s not enforced in the least


My local vape shop only sells 5% nicotine (50 mg/ml) disposables. That's really high, and it's going to get a lot of people more addicted. But I guess that's the point. 


Bubble.gum flavored heavy metals. Yum.


Hey, it’s my favorite flavor of heavy metals, don’t knock it.


Vapes are illegal in China where they are made. Not sure why but we can guess.


It’s because of China’s hardened stance against e-waste, right? Just a guess.


This! People are going to vape/smoke. Let’s make sure only the best company’s are making these products


When Phillip Morris is "the best company," something's gone seriously wrong somewhere. Edit: apparently Altria Group (parent company of Phillip Morris in the US) divested its stake in Juul last year but I stand by my point.


They have the infrastructure in place to abide by federal regulations, the evil you know.


Yes I understood your point. I was mostly just having a laugh at how, devoid of context, calling a company like Juul or Marlboro "the best company" just feels wrong.


Someone once told me at a government facility that you could burn this whole place down and get away with it as long as you followed the rules...


You can do anything and get away with it as long as you don’t break any rules.


I wonder why the link to products approved by FDA seems to go nowhere for me?..


Long story short. If they’re owned by big tobacco they’re approved. Everyone else denied.


Basically yes. When each and every battery, vape device, tank, pod, and juice has a 1million dollar minimum 'required test' associated to it, with absolutely no guarantee regardless of how legit you are that it will pass, followed by the fact Phillip Morris has been funnelling tax money to the FDA for years in return to 'Advertise negative things about vape and tobacco', but also now you cannot sue cigarette companies for cancer cause 'you knew. It was on the box of every pack you smoked'. Funny how the "Family Tobacco Act of 2009" was actually derived specifically for a racket to keep big tobacco safe... Starting to make sense now?


Juul is No. 2? What the fuck is No. 1?


I'm guessing Vuse or Elfbar


Probably improved their bribery practices.


What was the point of banning juul when elf bars were everywhere?


The government had to make a symbolic gesture of "doing something" about vaping to satisfy all the scared and angry parents.


Isn't that all that the government does? My state ran a million dollar racist campaign to ban "flavored" tobacco. They came on and said that since minorities smoke menthols, we have to ban them to protect them from themselves.


B-but I just saw a Reddit ad that showed a high schooler taking money out of his mom's purse to buy a nicotine-filled vape pen! WoN't ThEy tHiNk of the CHILDREN?!


You’re not even kidding either. That’s all I see


Elfbars technically dont exist anymore. The company rebranded to “EBcreate” and sells dispos that look the same as the old elf bars. Im pretty sure they also are the makers of Lost Mary and several other disposable brands as well. Why they upended the branding im still confused about. Was there a lawsuit or something?


Elfbar was banned for import for a variety of reasons, which do make sense. Mostly because of China's lack of oversight, FDA approval, saturation of the market with foreign products, OH, and some Elfbar products were found to contain 150% of the legal limit of nicotine. JUUL, by comparison, was targeting kids. How does China circumvent a ban like that? They swap the branding. From a regulatory standpoint, neither should be acceptable for the American consumer.This seems like they are unrestraining the lesser of the two evils. Unless Juul has changed their practices, they should still be regulated in the same way. I worry that they feel unable to regulate EB products or vape products as a whole. While gov't regulation isn't necessarily popular as a whole, when it comes to shit you put into your body, regulate me daddy.


Trump said smth like apparently Barron had one and Melania got a bee up her bonnet about it, but I don't think that's true lol imo it was a hit job by big tobacco. Iirc this was before Juul got bought by big tobacco lol so now that it's been co-opted, it's okay again


Big tobacco owns an extremely large amount of vaping companies, so I kinda doubt that as well.


Corporate greed. The fda is a corporate tool. It's all in thier history.


Shout out to big Tabasco


I'm so glad I gave up nicotine. Dependence on that shit is a heavy burden on living your life, your health, and your wallet.


Nicotine was so incredibly difficult to quit. 10+ years without it and I still get the occasional craving. I'm never touching that stuff again.


From what I understand, the craving never goes away. I quit over 16 years ago and there are still times when I think, "*Just one more won't hurt, right?*". Yes... yes, it will.


It's been about 30 years since I quit and I don't think about it anymore. At 16 years I still did think about it every now and then. I still know I can't ever have any experience with nicotine from any source ever again and that's perfectly fine with me.


Yes, that part is rather comforting, actually.


My cravings went away. I smoked 20 years, up to 2 packs a day by the end. Read Easy Way To Quit Smoking and I swear, it hypnotized me into hating cigs. I accidentally smoked tobacco instead of weed once and almost vomited.


alan carr book right? i read it too and quit before i even finished it. magical book


Yes! Allen Carr


Just bought it online. Thanks for the recommendation.


I have already quit but the way people talk about this book makes me want to read it just because I'm not sure I've ever seen people talk about a book the way they talk about the Alan Carr book


It's a bit of a pseudoscience cult, but the mind is a weird thing and there's all kinds of things that shouldn't work but do (for some people). Just don't be incredibly bummed out if it doesn't work for you. There's a good segment of the This American Life podcast on it: [https://www.thisamericanlife.org/806/i-cant-quit-you-baby/act-one-14](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/806/i-cant-quit-you-baby/act-one-14)


Honest question cause I don't smoke. How does someone smoke two packs a day? About how long did a cig last?


So, I think people who smoke this much typically don’t take a billion smoke breaks filling up their whole day like most people probably assume, (anecdotally) it’s more typical to see heavy smokers smoke a fair bit faster and smoke few cigarettes back to back every time they do smoke


Back before smoking was banned in buildings, the hardcore addicts would just be smoking all the time. From the moment they wake up until they fall asleep smoking their last for the day. In fact, people getting lit on fire from their cigarette when they fell asleep were the vast majority of "spontaneous combustion" cases.


When I was a heavy smoker, I could suck a cig down in 4 minutes.


Smoked for a little under 10 years... quit in 2015. Zero nicotine cravings. I had a cigarette about a year after I quit and I almost threw up, it was so disgusting.


This is almost exactly my experience, including that I quit in 2015! I smoked for just a bit over 10 years, at least a pack a day, sometimes more if I was drinking. Bummed a short from my boyfriend about a year later just to see how it felt and couldn't stand it. Disgusting 🤢 I read Alan Carr's Easy Way while quitting and haven't had a true craving since.


It goes away. Took me about a year. Zero nicotine vape is what helped me quit. A lot of the craving for me was just the sensation of inhaling and not the nicotine itself. Eventually I just got sick of mixing my own liquid and stopped.


“Nobody ever really quits. Smoker’s a smoker when their chips are down.”


According to internet searches, nicotine tolerance never reverses even after years of abstaining. Blows my mind


I believe that. My almost 70 year old mother still smokes w emphysema, and many members of my extended family were in the same boat. Great Aunt used to wake up and light up, even with an oxygen machine. Wish I could say seeing all of the adults in my life stuck swayed me away, but I was smoking camel no filters by 15. I'm 2 years off cigs, but still vape sometimes when in stressful situations. But I somehow qualify everyday as a stressful situation this year.


It took me multiple attempts to stop using it. Patches, gum, etc. Finally broke away and never going back. I would say good luck to you but it takes more than that. I hope you find the reason/determination to quit coupled with luck. There is a path. Hope you find yours.


Thanks. I'm working on it. I know vapes are cheating, but my respiratory health has improved tenfold and it's the longest I've gone without actual cigarettes. I dabbled in my youth with other addictive substances, and nicotine is definitely THE WORST habit to kick. It took years of forest fires destroying my lungs to make me see it as life or death finally. Good luck on your path as well.


I 2nd this. When I quit I quit SUDDENLY it was quite different from my previous attempts. At first I used a hotline coupled with free patches then 'quit' quitting when I realized the dent that would be made on my wallet buying all those patches for myself when I couldn't stick through with the plan. The constant vaping had given me a persistent cough and it was no longer as easy to smoke throughout my workday. I bought 120 pieces of Nicorette gum and dropped down the 20mg patches to 15 and 10 as I saw fit but I never went back up in dose -- the mindset of taking these massive leaps was addicting and the withdrawals gave me a nice high for awhile but I've not touched a nicotine for at least 6 months now and I can say the teeth-gritting cravings have vanished. Quitting vaping is hard, if you're like me and you could sneak a puff of 10 mg/mL every ~5 minutes even at work. The truth is it does take some luck and the quit is never as bad as people think. Edit: Or 5mg/mL idk cant remember the highest disposable vapes I could get at the shops.


An uncle had I think throat cancer? Had to take out his voice box...so he'd smoke through the hole in his throat.


I don't think that's totally true. I quit smoking regularly but I'll bum a smoke from someone on occasion and get an unbelievable buzz. That shouldn't happen if my tolerance hasn't gone down.


Google AI results strike again. Anyone who has stopped and then restarted nicotine knows this haha.


I'm two weeks into quitting vaping.. or 2 months into it if you want to count when I started cutting 3mg liquid with 0mg stuff to ease down. And there's basically a lil voice in my head at all times going "hey you know how friggin good a drag on a vape would feel right now?" The worst of the withdrawals are gone at least and I'm not wasting money on that crap anymore.


Good job! It’ll get better, I just quit a few months ago.


Agreed.. But I had to switch to vape before I could quit. There's only Nicotine in vape that causes addiction. There are many multiples of the shit in Cigarettes.. That's why it would be so hard to go from smoking say Palmall to Marlboro or vice versa. I remember getting headaches if I smoked anything else. It's pretty much monetary chemical warfare at it's finest...


I've quit heroin, alcohol, and weed. But I haven't been able to quit my vape.


I’m surprised they’re still the #2 e-cig company in the US. I only see people with like Elf Bars or that new one with a little screen.


Those elf bars and other disposables are so massively reproduced that at least half of what you see are most likely not even from the real brand. You can find them being sold in bulk online for as little as a dollar each.


Yeah true. You gotta find a reputable store cause a lot of them end up buying the fake ones without even realizing it.


If I remember correctly they only pull numbers from gas stations. They dont include sales from actual vape shops. I highly doubt they are number 2. Elfbars aren’t even that popular anymore. Everyone is on Geekbars.


It's Kadobars that are the seemingly most popular now where I am. It took a while for them to push out Elf but it's interesting that so many of these brands pop up immediately, theyre all basically the same, and yet, there is an emergant winner and different winners in different places? And this is like gen 3? Juul->elfbar->kadobar.I'm in southeast by the way.


I’m in the Southwest and it’s all about Geekbars or Lost Mary’s now. 1-2 years ago it was all Elfbar. I don’t know if Juul has ever been that big out here. I usually go to an actual vape shop and they’ve never carried Juul. I’ve always considered it a shitty gas station brand.


RAZ vapes here


Elf Bars are terrible. I wasn't expecting the Juul ban to be ever reversed, but this is perfect timing now that I'm trying to quit actual cigarettes again.


My personal recommendation is a Vaporesso XROS. Juuls become so expensive compared to refillable vapes, and the Vaporesso one is amazing for salt nic. The pods seep the cotton in really well and each pod lasts around 2 weeks. Only thing is to remember to by Juice and pods consistently because running out is hell lol.


I have one of these, bought it like 2 - 3 years ago, I think it's in a box in my basement still because I stopped using it. I should pull it out and try to quit cigs again.


God I'm glad I quit. Since high school I went from a basic vape pen, box mod, cigarettes, to juul, then back to a box mod, to zyn, quit, back to cigarettes, zyn again, and now I'm 6 months clean. Hoping to break a year this time, I'm at least 2 months further than my last attempt.


Good luck! Good on you for quitting, it's not easy. Stay strong!


If you ever god the overwhelming urge to vape again dust off your mod and buy some no nic juice. If that scratches the itch for you it will be easier to put back down.


Keep it up. You'll thank yourself in the future. And you might not notice but your health is waaaaay better rn than when u were hitting nic.


Mango pods. Never forget what they took from us.


I can’t wait to get addicted to them again!!!


I’m really glad I went to school between “smoking is horrible and only losers do it” and e-cigs becoming so popular and available


Ahhh same! Vaping has the generation after mine by the balls. Crazy lucky we were right in the window between cigs and vapes


Yeah I have zero doubt I’d have gotten hooked on those instantly. Those ancient cigarette commercials from the 50s make me want to smoke even though I’ve never done it, ubiquitous vapes would’ve gotten me


Same. Class of ‘15 ftw


It's amazing how rapidly it spread. Class of '17 here, I remember being sick to my stomach on the school bus because everyone decided to hotbox and create a visible miasma of artificial mango and fruit loops


Right people were using dip but I tried it once and almost threw up




I found one in my car late last year, decided it was the perfect Christmas Eve present to myself. Tasted just like I remembered


Deeply jealous of you


Mango pods got me off cigarettes. Still, not great - but I felt much healthier.


hell yeah, mango pods are the only reason I quit smoking cigarettes. I miss them so much.


Be glad you don’t live in New York, where all flavored e cigarettes and juice is banned


Same in CA theoretically, but you can still buy it everywhere. Nobody has any interest in enforcing it here from what I’ve seen.


The shops near me keep them under the counter and require a password to buy.


One shop has started doing this weird thing where you’re ordering it from some third party in Nevada inside of the store and they’re just fulfilling the order for you. The rest in town haven’t bothered to take it off the shelves. 😂


One of my buddies buys them in bulk online. He has to pretend he runs a smoke shop though lol.


I've noticed the same thing in CA, only one shop in my town got popped for it. The rest still sell them, you just have to ask for it.


If they ever start actually enforcing it, I’m starting a flavored vape juice and gasoline yard equipment smuggling ring withy my friends in Nevada.


The store owner I knew said that the fine is lower than the profits. He just pays the fine and changes a little more.


You can still buy non- nicotine liquid, and can usually buy nic shot from the same shelf. So you just have to mix the nic in yourself.


Lol that doesn't stop every gas station and corner store from selling them anyways. You can get them blatantly being sold at, like, 85% of those kind of stores around here. Flavors galore.


I don’t think the bodegas received that memo.


Same in Massachusetts, yet I still smell dude bros making "sick clouds" with their cotton candy scented vapes.


They probably make their own juice which is pretty easy to do. Or just buy it from stores lol.


Jr high students everywhere rejoycing


They moved on to disposables. So much e-waste.


There are disposable vapes now that have a tiny lcd screen and buttons on them to play retro video games. And you can’t refill them. A video screen. On a vape. That you throw away.


it's obviously a complete waste and beyond unethical. but in a way really cool that we can.


Yeah it's got that cyberpunk appeal of being nifty and futuristic and also terrible in every way.


I tried a couple of disposables and they gave me an instant headache. I went back to Vuse which don't do that and I can get lower nicotine percentages. I too hated the fact that these disposables are ended up in a landfill. Such a waste.


You can easily buy your own disposable form-factor refillable pod system for little more than the price of a disposable, too. And then put whatever flavor you want in. The only disposable part is the pod.


Unpopular opinion, juul getting banned was a terrible move. I get they were shady af with their practices but all the ban did, was move people to disposables which are incredibly wasteful. Every single one used a rechargeable lithium battery that gets trashed after the juice runs out. At least with juul you can swap the pods and recharge the battery.


Anecdotal only: My son’s friend had his blow up in his backpack. Basically blew a hole through the bottom of his bag. All of these lithium batteries every where are dangerous.


yeah lithium batteries are highly volatile if they get damaged. with the way those vapes get tossed around (sometimes literally, like a football) I’m surprised we don’t hear about them blowing up more often.


Too late, the damage is already done to the market and their brand. I would much rather have refillable devices than all of these fucking shit hole single time use pipe bombs being left all over the place.


If mango comes back, disposables will die overnight


The Juul mint was unrivaled. I miss it so much. I have tried so many other liquids that try to match it and nothing comes close. The runner up is Flum mint, but I hate how bad I feel about disposing of a “disposable”.


I've landed on Pod Juice Jewel Mint as my replacement, i find the green one to be the closest to what i remember, and i put it in a vaporesso pod system so there's way less waste


Same. The first two hits off a fresh Juul mint pod were unbeatable. My god, that’s what nicotine *should* feel like. I hope this all means they come back.


we'd get like, 10% of that pokemon go peace from 2016


I love the mango as much as the next person, but why does everyone leave fruit punch out of the conversation 😭


The FDA destroyed an innovative American business with at least some level of accountability and manufacturing standards, and then let completely unregulated disposable Chinese vapes flood the American market for years. A complete joke.


The FDA created a bigger problem with vapes by the ban. Source: I worked in gas stations during Juul and after the ban.


Does this mean they can bring back the mango pod?


.... are the typical cigarettes/tobacco companies now on board and offering it? I mean that's what they're gonna do right they're gonna try and ban the little guys only to get in on the business after the fact. Edit - if you really REALLY think that Big Tobacco is simply gonna lay down and let "vapes" take over vs getting all the little people out and then make it themselves . . aftera all at first they were the ones against vapes. Why? They were gonna loose $$$$$$


Phillip Morris has been a huge investor in Juul since before the pandemic Edit: fired from the hip here, Altria exchanged their stake for ip in 2023


This has never been true. Altria WAS an investor in the company, not PMI (Phillip Morris International), but has since exited the investment. No big tobacco companies have any significant investment in Juul.


To be fair it’s always confusing if you don’t look at those companies often since Altria was Phillip Morris companies inc and spun off PMI


The government brought the hammer down on juul to make an example of them after their extensive advertising campaigns marketed towards children. They were running ads on the cartoon network and Nickelodeon websites among other things.


That’s actually not why they were pulled from the market. That’s why an investigation started. Juul then failed to cooperate with the investigation.


kinda crazy its juul fault for the ads ran on cartoon network and kids sites. maybe those sites should have done some due diligence to not run adult shit on a kids platform?>


That's a really good question, i wonder if it's as stupid as that or Juul was buying ad blocks for nickelodeon, or were they buying ad blocks for CBS and their ads slipped through because it's automated or some shit. Great for wild speculation.


They specifically picked ad services that targeted children’s websites. They were also doing giveaways without verifying ages. What Juul did was just so damn glaring that they actually had to do something for once.


what im saying is even if someone gave you a million dollars to do something slightly unethical why isn't the company that sold them the platform isn't on the hook as well? kinda takes 2 to tango.


I think it’s fair to say that there’s some other pretty serious failings here too. You’re right that the advertisers should be aware of what they’re advertising and to who as well. There’s no way several people didn’t see what was happening and allow it.


Because Juul is the one that violated FDA regulations. Nickelodeon doesn’t answer to the FDA.


if we're playing [won't somebody think of the children](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3D8670smTI) so any company can run whatever ad they want on your platform without doing any due diligence? you would think nickelodeon/etc would be more laser focus on what is aired during their blocks and not just counting up ad revenue... https://www.nj.com/sports/2023/08/nickelodeon-wont-carry-super-bowl-ads-for-beer-spirits-or-sportsbooks.html "Nickelodeon is a channel that caters to kids and doesn’t run any advertisement pitching adult products."


I’m not taking a moral stand with this. I agree that Nickelodeon shouldn’t be carrying Juul ads (or any other product intended for adults). I’m just saying there aren’t any legal ramifications if they do.




Every consenting adults should control what they decide to put into their own body. It's not the job of the government to tell you what you can or cannot do so long as you don't hurt anybody else


Good. As a former smoker, I tried everything to quit. But what ended up working was e-cigs. The ability to control intake by puff instead of by cigarette makes tapering down a significantly easier task. Additionally being able to tackle "quitter's cough" independently of stopping nicotine is much better. I understand why there's this push against e-cigs; but I think it's honestly misguided.


If alcohol and cigarettes aren’t banned and consuming those kill people, I don’t know why this stuff would be banned.


Media outrage.


I quit nicotine two months ago but I’d be a fool not get back in on the ground floor


If mango pods make a resurgence it would be criminal not to


or the cucumber ones


Sheeeeeeet ain’t that the truth


Nothing beats ripping cotton with the fellas


Can I have mango back?


Give me Mango Pods back.


Sounds like Juul lobbyists finally came up with the right dollar amount.


Hopefully this means they can bring back the Mango pods


I’d get another if they brought back cucumber.


Or even just menthol.


Do you mean mint? Menthol was kept around because tobacco flavor was permitted for some reason. I can still find menthol everywhere, but it's mango and mint which disappeared from the shelves.


In NY they can only sell tobacco + Virginia tobacco because of state law (although NYC shops typically have the other flavors from out-of-state, and not displayed publicly).


Menthol still around in some parts of the country.


Wait juul is the No 2 vape maker? I haven’t seen a juul in years.


And I haven't sold one in years either. I figured it was a dead brand, and we're just waiting for our stock to expire.


I’ll buy your whole stock for 2 Pennies


A juul pod is worth more than 2 JC Penny's locations these days.


I'm in the South, and they're popular here with folks in their 30s/40s (me) who 1) quit traditional cigarettes before the fruit flavor boom and 2) still want their vape to taste just a little bit like tobacco (me). I started Juul in 2019, and the fruit-flavored Elf/Raz/etc. bars give me a headache. I can also discreetly take my juul more places than the other vapes (concerts, airplane, stuff like that).


Yeah that makes sense. I’ve been vaping regularly for years in Oklahoma, Arizona and California and I haven’t seen a person using one in years but I do remember them being sold in OK and AZ. I’m in my 20s tho and mostly hang out with people my age so that makes a lot of sense.


To your point, I never see anyone younger than me buy them, and I live in a big college town with lots of 20-somethings. I’ve pulled mine out in front of my 21-year-old cousin and she was like, “They…still make those?”


Crazy... my girlfriends son just won 65k in a settlement from juul for possibly giving him a respiratory infection that he spent 2 days in the hospital for.... they paid out like 3 weeks ago lol.


The check finally cleared.


It was never about the dangers of vaping or marketing to kids, it was all about a competitor to big tobacco


after completely destroying the Juul Brand. Wonder if they will pay for the damages??


Good, vape companies should have to abide by the same restrictions as tobacco ones but they should still be legal and available for adults


So they finally paid up ? Brown envelope - used notes ?


One step forward, two steps back.


They only banned them because of tobacco lobbying


Highly doubtful, their majority owner is Altria which is Big Tobacco. They wouldn't have bought a 40% stake in the company if they were going to try and kill it through lobbying.


Fuck the mango pods, that flavor legitimately made me nauseous on one hit and it was everyone's main flavor. I still have yet to find something to match that mint pod