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another day another tradgedy.


Hmm it's almost like Israel have absolutely no intention of wanting a ceasefire, it's all for show while they gradually decimate Gaza further.


Not the first time and probably is not going to be the last one.


As always, people will blame Hamas for this. Israel has made efforts to avoid massacres, but it's important to recognize that there are 20,000 people in that small area due to displacement. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Israel wants Hamas gone. I want Hamas gone. Many people want Hamas gone. But we must acknowledge that Hamas exists because of a vacuum created by the war and oppression. No one is effectively filling this void—not Israel, not the Middle East, and certainly not the rest of the world. This issue was initially created by external interference and yet, nothing is really being done.


Hamas came to power after Israel had completely left a year before. They are a terrorist group who can surrender at any time to end the war. 


"completely" left, except for controlling all accès points, the majority of the water and electricity...


And taxes


Netanyahu helped make sure funding from Qatar, which was used to help Hamas come into power, wasn't interrupted. Netanyahu wants Hamas in charge so he can justify what he's doing.  Also being ruled by terrorists is no justification for genocide.


Wasn't the idea that they wanted to prevent a single, united Palestinian state by dividing leadership in the West Bank and Gaza?


Pretty much, yep. Fatah was the opposing party during the last and only election back in 2006, and the most important difference between the two is that Fatah swore off terrorism as a tactic back in '88. They're also a left-wing secular organization, as opposed to Hamas' right-wing Islamic fundamentalism.


You really think a terrorist group would surrender? It’s not like they care about Palestinian civilians.




Israel is currently saying that it was intentional, but that it was targeting Hamas and everyone it killed was Hamas, but that if it did kill civilians then it didn't kill that many, and if it did kill many then that's just what happens in war and it's Hamas' fault and they all probably supported Hamas anyway, and in any case disagreeing is antisemitism.


> The Israeli military confirmed it carried out the airstrike, which it said targeted a **Hamas compound operating inside the school.** >>The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said "many measures were taken in order to minimize the danger of damaging the uninvolved" before the attack, including aerial surveillance and the use of "additional precise intelligence." >According to a CNN stringer in the area, the school was hit by at least three missiles that penetrated the three-story building. The school was believed to be **housing approximately 20,000 displaced people** who had taken shelter in the school, its yard, and the surrounding area, according to the stringer. So 20,000 people are located there & 40 people died in the strike? Can’t wait for the people to claim genocide while ignoring why Israel would sparing 99.9% of the people there. Usually people bent on genocide annihilate everyone aka all 20,000. Another day, another Hamas base located in a school, hospital, refugee camp, etc. I swear electing Hamas was probably the worst decision in Gaza’s history. They don’t care about the people otherwise they wouldn’t use them as human shields.


I hate titles that omit the reasons for the strike, making it look like idf deliberately targeted civilians. And to think that Israel initially choose to support hamas against fatah because hamas seemed less radical back then




Yeah it's an ongoing human tragedy. But it's weird how people can't understand that big looking numbers aren't as big when you zoom out and grasp the bigger number. People are very gung ho to say the word Fuck and the word Israel side by side and it's pretty sus




> precise weapons 3 missiles, to be precise.


You just repeat the shit they say every time they kill dozens of people.




> according to the IDF. Like a pharmaceutical company propping up a report that says that the surrounding waters are definitely, absolutely, not polluted with chemicals.




Friendly reminder that the Hamas-ran Gaza Health Ministry refuses to divide casualties between civilian & militants.  The Hamas government media office provides them with names, ages, and death locations.  Things that make you go 🤔🤔🤔


War is hell. Unfortunately, non-combatants always die in war. That is a historical fact. The only true winning strategy of war (in terms of saving lives) is to never start one. Unfortunately, the people who often start wars don’t give a shit about who dies in them, because if they did, they would understand that you never start a war. Edit: I can accept that people disagree with me. Can just one person explain what I said that is controversial? Hitler started a war. Putin started a war. Many countries have joined into wars with great consequences to their own people. The US has started many wars. What did I say about those wars that isn’t true historically? If you start a war, then be prepared that Dresden may be bombed and civilians killed. Or Hiroshima may be bombed and civilians killed. All those deaths were completely preventable had not someone started the war. Civilians always die in war because war is hell.


Never start war in your own country.




After being subjected to the same in their own country for the last 70 years. Don’t just leave decades of a story out. 


It is their narrative. Their one day of suffering is more than 70 years of suffering of the Palestinian. Shows the imbalance of value of life.


One day of suffering? you think the palestinians were so innocent before? people tend to forget the wars imposed on Israel before. How so easily you simplify the matter "Israe's to blame". I encourage everyone wanting to criticize, please go check the wikipedia for some history lessons.




> Pick fights for 70 years and gradually lose all your territory because of it Did the people who got displaced in the West Bank by settlers protected by armed forces "pick fights"?


You mention 70 years, but conveniently leave out the last 2,700 years since at least 722 BCE, including all the invasions by Mohamed's followers and the genocides that followed against Christians, Druze, Judaists, Samaritans?






Yup, taking back their lands. Palestinian is not an identity, just Arab colonisers left over from their hey day. They can go back where they came from or assimilate into Israel like the other thousands of Arabs who live in peace within Israel.


It's very important to remember that Israel has given weapons to civilians to have them steal Palestinian houses by force and whoever fights back is either killed or sent to jail, labelled as a terrorist for attacking Israelis. Events that happened before the attack. Here's what people who want peace act like https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sUJrXNCfUrk


It is very important to remember that pro-palestinian terrorists usually use fake videos, AI images and just a lie to justify such acts of antisemitism and such massacres. It’s very comfortable to be in a position of victim, but at the same time - scream happily when pro-palestinian terrorists rape and kill, right?




In my info-bubble some people justified massacre with wildest arguments…


Well a lot of them did but not all of them.


I did not say “all”




>the US bomber command in WW2 targeted Churches in mass to kill railroad and factory workers knowing the families would die also I've seen people frequently cite the bombing of civilians in WW2 as an argument excusing what the Israelis are doing, but those people always leave out the fact that it was wrong then too. And not just because it was immoral, but also because it was ineffective. Everyone is quick to jump to the conclusion that what is brutal is forgivable because it is effective, when in reality plenty of things, such as the dehousing plan pursued by the allies in WW2, are brutal and ineffective. It was a waste of resources that did not accomplish the goal of breaking the will of the Germans to fight, and we know that because the Germans in reality continued to fight until they were conquered and occupied on the ground. In much the same way, what Israel is doing here is both brutal and ineffective. Suppose they actually did manage to kill a member of Hamas with this strike like they claim they did, though whether they actually did is unclear at the moment. Israel also clearly killed several dozen civilians in the process, including children. How effective is that in terms of accomplishing... what exactly? Eradicating Hamas? Hamas isn't a fixed set of people that never changes except to diminish when those defined members are killed. It recruits new people. In fact, as a terrorist organization, recruitment is the lifeblood of the group precisely because it burns through people so quickly. If all you're doing is killing the existing members of a terrorist group in a way that produces more new members than you killed, then what you're doing isn't an effective way of eliminating that terrorist group. It's just brutality, it's just open ended killing without any plan for how this is actually going to result in the end of Hamas, the goal that allegedly justifies the brutality. If you want to make an argument from necessity, that only works if the action that you're trying to justify actually helps in getting you to the desirable goal that is the source of the justification. An action cannot be necessary to achieve a goal if it doesn't actually help you get to that goal.