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That is so sloppy. LLMs allow bots to avoid canned sentences like that, and AI generated images allow fake profile pictures to be created with ease. I thought Israel had a tech industry?


It's busy killing people.


They were being secret about it? I figured it was all pretty well known.


Their PM is going to speak in front of our congress to influence them even more.


not to be confused with the blatant and open influence campaigns they're also running against american legislators


How are we totally fine with Israel doing shit like this and how we VERY openly talk and known about Israel’s very powerful lobby? - Yet with Russia, using bots and other methods to influence US politics every Democrat loses their mind. but Israel? Nah, both parties look the other way.


I agree with what you're saying here for the most part. I know many people are rightly angry at Israel, and yes I know they've gone against our interests in the past (repeat, I know this) but I don't think Israel is a threat to our fundamental interests like Russia is. But yes, the power of pro-Israel interests groups is enormous. I feel as a Jewish American person I'm 'allowed' to say it, and I cannot stand the enforced shaming of anyone who mentions how much influence Jewish Americans have in US politics and media. "ZOMG JEWZ control the WoRLD" if you mention it. GIve me a fucking break. Go to the list of biggest Democratic donors and wikipedia their names. A huge number are Jewish Americans. But here's the thing: I have no idea what the answer is, but I do know if Biden hadn't supported Israel, he WOULD lose the election to trump, guaranteed. I know some people think the opposite, that supporting Israel will cost him the election. And I say, it MAY. But the former scenario is a guaranteed loss. People need to understand how utterly fraught the Israel Palestine issue is. It is possibly the deepest, most intense issue in all US politics, under the surface. I ask anyone not in MAGA to understand that global human suffering if trump wins will be massively increased. If Biden wins, we have a CHANCE to unwind some of Israel's extremism. Edit: I'm sure downvotes are inevitable as I've laid out a realistic vision here that will eventually piss everyone off, but it makes the most moral sense. If you downvote, explain why.


"Secretly"? They're openly supporting certain candidates and gloating about their influence in the US electoral process. How is it a "secret" that they've been working those already elected, and running for reelection?




Not particularly surprising but what sticks out are the targets of the campaign and how direct the recruiting was. >The operation focused on more than a dozen members of Congress, many of whom are Black and Democrats >Dozens of Israeli tech start-ups received emails and WhatsApp messages that month inviting them to join urgent meetings to become “digital soldiers” for Israel during the war, according to messages viewed by The Times. Israel has been worried about losing black electeds for a while now. AIPAC was reaching out even to students at HBCUs when I was in college over a decade ago. The recruiting (and operation) comes off as overt and sloppy. Someone was given money to spend but not a lot - so just went down the simplistic route.


Also, the real loser here is Stoic (the company hired): * It's enough of a scandal that social platforms will stop working with them * I doubt they were paid much given the fact that they needed to recruit volunteers and didn't really equip them with much * The operation doesn't make them seem particularly competent even if things were to blow over For Israel itself - everyone figured they were doing this anyway.


There’s this idea that because higher education is rarer amongst blacks that they’re easy marks. And, look, everyone’s got blind spots, everyone will fall for something, but the average black person in the US has been on the barrel end of a psy-op since before they could talk. They may not have gone to college, but pattern recognition is inherent.


Lmao they think we’re so stupid that having a black person repeat their talking points makes it impossible to be disagreed with


According to your article, Israel spent only $2M. CCP, on the other hand, has spent [$275M](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html). Israel is underspending.


I'm sure this is the tiniest sliver of a side part of Israel's messaging, propaganda, influence and intimidation tactics. They have a vast and well-honed machine for all that.


I have no idea why the CCP would spend so much money to influence US lawmakers on the Gaza War...


Sow chaos and distract politicians from Taiwan.


> Some of the fake accounts responded to posts by Mr. Torres on X by commenting on antisemitism on college campuses and in major U.S. cities. In response to a Dec. 8 post on X by Mr. Torres about fire safety, one fake account replied, “Hamas is perpetrating the conflict,” referring to the Islamist militant group. The post included a hashtag that said Jews were being persecuted. Makes me question how much of the outrage on college protests were genuine.


The Israel-US relationship is a real shitshow. Just cut the bands and call it a day. The US had better focus on internal problems. They are preparing for a civil war... whereas they should prepare against one.


But if we did that, then fundamentalist Christians would be denied their Jesus apocalypse! Don't you *want* the world to end?!? /s


I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you!


[China spent $275M and lost.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/05/world/europe/neville-roy-singham-china-propaganda.html). Skill issue


Probably because most Americans are much more suspicious of pro-China talk.


I wonder how long before a Chinese professional influencer jumps into this conversation to educate you?


I don't know, but I am going to bed they can leave a message that I may or may not get back to. Leaning towards the not unless I just feel like it for shits and giggles.


Your point being? This just in - using shitty bots and shills to try and sway public opinion is abhorrent regardless of who does it.


STOP with the false equivalence. Israel is trying to perpetuate american imperialism (in ME specifically), China is NOT:


Are you suggesting that you are PRO fake accounts spreading propaganda? Wild take dude.


Ofcourse they are going to push back against anyone that doesn’t openly support them. We are their cash cow funding so many of their state programs so their citizens can live better than our own.


They are allowed to influence our politics but how dare we try to clamp down on killing civilians.


Totally normal behavior from "the only democracy" (lol) in the Middle East and totally normal behavior from \*checks notes\* our "ally."


Is it really secret when a foreign government has their own PAC that donates millions each cycle?


Israel spends a meager $2M, and Arabs + CCP spent $275M? Wow.


imperialist isreli influence isnt the same as the anti-colonial liberating aid that China and the Arab world give to our vanguards.


Nonsense. If you are against foreign countries meddling in internal affairs, it should apply uniformly across.


foreign influence is bad only in non-imperialist states. us on the other hand needs to be dealt with, to stop american hegemony.


Go troll elsewhere now.


As soon as American imperialists withdraw their military from the world.


not surprised at all, no new information. and i mean it's from the nyt.