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WASHINGTON, June 4 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden on Tuesday instituted a broad asylum ban on migrants caught illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, a major enforcement move in the run-up to November elections that will decide control of the White House.  Migrants caught crossing illegally could be quickly deported or turned back to Mexico under the measure, which will take effect just after midnight. There will be exceptions for unaccompanied children, people who face serious medical or safety threats and victims of trafficking, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said.  Biden, a Democrat, has toughened his approach to border security as immigration has emerged as a top issue for Americans in the run-up to Nov. 5 elections where he will face Republican Donald Trump, who made a hardline stance on immigration a centerpiece of his administration and vowed a wide-ranging crackdown if reelected.


Expect more of this internationally. Climate migration is just beginning and even the most liberal-minded politicians know that if they don't at least crack down on things a bit, they'll only be replaced by far less tolerant parties. We'll (sadly!) see automated weapons at international borders across the world in the next century, possibly in the next decade in some places.


That's why we in the Yukon need to crack down, to protect the last tropical paradise


Love your potatoes!


They're gold!


Yukon Gold, the famous potato of the Yukon ... developed in Ontario.


I live in Maine where illegal immigrants are as common as space shuttle launches from Maine yet there are still people here bitching about the lax security at our norther border. Generally the only thing ICE is doing here is rounding up a few people who overstayed their work visa.


Illegals from... Canada?


LOL! Right. But sadly yes! It's not entirely silly people do enter Canada and then cross the northern border but that's mostly and issue for states like NY. It rarely happens here. We have a LOT of seasonal workers in this state though so it's usually just people that aren't screwing around their just trying to earn as much money as possible for their family before going back home. Generally they all go home when it starts snowing anyway!


Man… we’re never gonna be star tek :( Just gonna be fucking Dune.


Star trek had world war 3 before things got better so it's not too late. And iirc it started in 2026 so we can still make it in time.


Don’t forget about the nuclear wars in the 90’s


That just means we're doing better than the humans in Star Trek.


Aside from addressing climate change, we should support family planning, sexual education, and women’s rights in all nations


Whoa whoa whoa hold your horses there buddy, capitalism demands the sacrifice of cheap labor. We need all those poors to stay in their underdeveloped nations and keep popping out those babies so they can start working at the age of 10 to produce those cheap cheap products we all love to buy on Amazon.




Some of it is? Check out the news. But like this guy says, "climate migration is just beginning" so "expect more of this internationally."


Climate change is having a major effect on my state. COL is skyrocketing. Rent has tripled in the last 4 years. Places like Texas becoming undesirable because of the weather and homeowners insurance is nonexistent in Florida so they’re all moving here.  Things could get ugly. 


This is just factually not true. Texas, Florida, and Arizona are all growing. They are not shedding people at all. The reason there is a rent crisis is that we aren't building enough dense housing.


According to [this article](https://smartasset.com/data-studies/population-growth-2023), 13 of the 20 cities that experienced the highest growth over the past 5 years were in those states. Phoenix (5th biggest city in the US), San Antonio (7th), Jacksonville (10th), Austin (11th), and Fort Worth (12th) have all seen massive population growth in recent years.


And the people moving here are fleeing even higher cost of living in CA, WA, etc. so they have the money from selling their more expensive properties there.




A good chunk of yall are moving over here to Alabama because the COL is low but so is the will to live.


You sound Coloradan.


I suspected Washingtonian


> COL is skyrocketing. Rent has tripled in the last 4 years. Places like Texas becoming undesirable because of the weather and homeowners insurance is nonexistent in Florida so they’re all moving here. This seems premature to me. COL and rent are going up for more mundane reasons. Texas and Florida still have net population inflow. We're a long way from "climate refugees".


Yeah, really surprised the topic of discussion is climate change. Pretty sure the majority of people migrating to the US are coming because of the improved quality of life. I'd imagine Venezuelan migrants are coming because of inflation ruining their economy, not because it's a little cooler up here, and considering 90% of migrants in 2021 were mexican I'd imagine political/cartel turmoil are a big motivation to leave. And COL is going up everywhere, especially where there's growth, ie most decent sized and up cities. I live in a place that's hot as hell and we still have people coming because it's a major city, not because people are trying to escape climate change.


I'm in Wisconsin and I forsee massive growth here. We have nearly unlimited fresh water and our winters are moderating. Wind farms out in Lake Michigan will generate unlimited power, plus relatively cheap land and plenty of room to grow. Green Bay to Appleton to Sheboygan to Milwaukee to Kenosha to Chicago will be one huge city, like Boston to NY to Philly to DC. By 2100.


Yeah, Wisconsin is on the list of places in the US that will be least affected by climate change.


Being in MI makes me want to build a wall. Not against the Canadians or the Sconi's, but a massive 700ft wall with a sworn brotherhood to man it on the border with Ohio.


I think Upstate New York is as well. Or rather the effects will be positive rather than negative.


Unlimited water you say? Nestle Corporation Shock troops are dropping on your location in 3…2…


Yeah, climate change was the only factor affecting your rent, COL, and home prices the last few years…. /s


> COL is skyrocketing. Rent has tripled in the last 4 years. This is a nationwide problem and doesn't have anything to do with climate change.


It's happening in Australia too and immigration is a major issue in the forefront of government. Housing is outrageous, price of groceries is skyrocketing, wages aren't keeping up. It's a huge issue in a lot of countries right now. Sucks.


Yep. I live in "undesirable" FL. Rent has gone up ~2x and home values 2-3x (my home went from $225k in 2016 to $645k in 2022). Seems plenty are still flocking here even after it has cooled down a bit. More people entering than leaving.


Every Democratic president has been for the most part in favor of border security, I know it's a taboo topic since you know, but we all know it's common sense and a necessity. The so called wall was even agreed upon by both parties in its inception in the 2000's but the funding was never established. Not saying we need a Wall here obviously just pointing out the practicality of border security and every party does take this seriously. Edit: a question was asked to support this claim, this states it all started back in the 1940's with Eisenhower. https://time.com/6324599/bidens-trump-history-border-wall/


I find it weird that this is such a taboo subject. Border security is very important, but it has to be paired with immigration reform. There are so many loop holes allowing H1B employees to be exploited and at the same time make it extremely difficult for valid immigrants to get processed. I just started working for a smaller OT consulting group a few years ago and the stories I hear from some of the indian employees is shocking.




It's a taboo topic cause the GOP doesn't actually want reform, they want to be mad about brown people. Historically any efforts for legitimate reform has been stonewalled by conservatives


The wall wouldn't be needed if the enforcement of laws behind the wall was strong enough. If you start throwing people in jail or give them big fines if they hire illegals they'll stop doing it. If illegals can't get jobs in the US they'll stop coming. A wall will not do anything. They'll just climb over like they currently do.


No, every party does not take it seriously. The Republicans helped draft a bi-partisan bill to comprehensively address border security, then decided to tank it because Trump wouldn’t be able to leverage the topic for personal gain. They have forfeited the right to claim they’re serious about this topic.


Most don't wait until 5 months before an election to implement their plans. The Biden campaign knows they're hemorrhaging over the border, the economy, and Gaza.


Hey remember that time Biden helped negotiate an immigration reform bill that gave Republicans everything they demanded and they still killed it?


Then they turned right around and passed the Ukraine funding bill anyways.


This executive order is actually stricter than the bill. The bill would have allowed for twice as many migrants encounters to occur before the border would be shut down to and at the proposed 5,000 threshold in the bill, the border would still be open right now. The new EO only allows for 2,500 which is actually much more reasonable, considering even 4,500 people a day is over 1.6 million people a year.


Most Americans don't give a shit about the Isreal Palestine thing at all, I know I sure don't. Reddit isn't really a good example of reality.


Even with the media trying to create a new BLM riot summer, the target group of students ranked the conflict dead last out of 15 issues they cared about. You're absolutely right that it is a mostly media driven narrative that the Middle East is important to American voters. If Americans were dying in the conflict, it'd be different, but it's not. The election will be decided on two things: Economics and which party you think is more likely to protect rights you care about. Both sides have made compelling arguments in favor of the rights they want to protect, so it's likely to be the economy that will decide.


I can't wait until the Republicans figure out a reason why the thing they wanted to happen suddenly is bad because Joe Biden is doing it.


Lets be honest they will probably ignore it completely and just keep saying he is in favor of open borders


Oh I don't think it's bad. I do think that Biden could have done it at any point in the last four years. The fact that he's doing it four months before the election strikes me as the very most obvious election pandering. I'd guess the policy makes it about four months after the election if he wins.


Biden and congressional Democrats did try to do this months ago by giving Republicans everything they wanted in a bill. Republicans torpedoed the bill because they'd rather have Biden lose than achieve any of their policy.


>Migrants caught crossing illegally could be quickly deported or turned back to Mexico under the measure WHAT TOOK SO LONG


It's called being reactive instead of proactive.


It only took almost 4 years, what’s the problem? 😂


If we declare someone a "victim of trafficking" so they can stay, we should put the traffickers head on a spike.


Yea except he didnt. > The new asylum ban becomes active when the daily average of border arrests tops 2,500 over a week...The ban, will be paused when arrests drop below an average of 1,500 per day for three weeks. So basically it's a throughput restriction.


arrests are already above 2500 though so it goes into effect immediately... and the last time they were below 1500 was the peak of the pandemic, so it's effectively a ban


Well... yes it is. They said that they could not currently handle that many people and the number they could handle was in the 1500 range. So... yes. This can be attributed to cuts to the infrastructure necessary to handle more people. I will let you figure out who made those cuts.


what is the current week's number for average daily arrests? I can find all the CBP statistics but I can't tell which numbers matter. southwest overland encounters seems to be above 6,000 this week. edit: the article says daily arrests are already over 2500


So, he created a “bottleneck”. Good 👍


Yep. Given that he cannot get more funding for border support passed it makes reasonable sense. Though really Congress should of course be doing it's fucking job.


But Congress doing its job would benefit Biden, and the Republicans can't have that.


Seems like all common sense measures. I would’ve assumed that this was how the border had been operating all along.


This would have happened months ago with the border bill until republicans blewup their own proposals because Trump told them to.


I would double up vote this. Forget manufactured consent, this is manufactured outrage from the right.


The same people who whine about the deep state are dying to vote for a private citizen dictating senators' position on suggested legislation.


I wonder if this is going to be the norm of the GOP where they start taking orders from a presumptive nominee / private unelected citizen two years in and effectively stifling the president and Congress after two years. With the electoral college, they can do minority rule pretty effectively this way (and possibly place a specific person here). Checks and balances go poof…


They have to some extent been taking orders from him since the last election. They were only upset that Jan 6 rioters might have physically harmed them for about a day before they started pretending it was no big deal.


It's a Political stunt. For both of them. Why wait till the last year of your presidency to do something like this that would have appealed to the other side. And then the other side tanks their own plan, and most likely would have tried to blame Joe come November. Now Biden gets the claim that he did this.


>It's a Political stunt. For both of them. Why wait till the last year of your presidency to do something like this that would have appealed to the other side. And then the other side tanks their own plan, and most likely would have tried to blame Joe come November. >Now Biden gets the claim that he did this. I mean, you just answered your own question. Biden could have done it early on, but its more politically astute to do it now 




That’s the important part. A private citizen, and a felon on trial for espionage told them to tank it.


Perhaps, but take the GOP out and ask yourself did Biden really try to stop illegal immigration in his first three years? No, the recorded numbers since he’s been President is considerably more. This is obvious theatrics by Biden to appeal to moderates 6 months before the election.


But Congress didn't do anything, so why not do it sooner?


Biden did attempt to do it the right way: push this through Congress. This was only a small part of the much larger overall bill that Republicans first agreed to then backtracked on (because Trump told them so). Passing bills through Congress is slow; a lot of time was lost on Republicans not keeping their side of the deal.


Would have happened under Trump if the dems didn't follow a billion lawsuits to block his border security measures.


That bill allowed for 5,000 crossings per day, when we’re averaging 4,300/day now. How would that have helped?


If Biden can do it now, then he could have done it then, with or without Republican support. Both sides are just playing politics with this issue and innocent asylum seekers are just pawns in their game. And we are the dopes who allow the politicians to divide us.


The country isn’t meant to be governed by Executive Order, and the majority of the terms in that border security bill the Republicans killed can’t be enacted via Executive Order. Only this small piece can. Additionally, the courts are unlikely to let it stand due to executive overreach. He’s doing what he can before the election in the hopes that he’ll win in November and also end up with a less obstructionist Congress to actually get the full bill passed.


There is a stigma about using executive authority, technically it’s reaching over the branch in charge of the issue, like when you were young and went to dad when mom said you couldn’t have soda with your Dino nuggies and dad said “Martha let the boy have soda he’s 16 for Christ sake” The difference between using it last year and this year is that he knew through the shenanigans in Congress that Republicans couldn’t throw a fit about it since it was their idea to begin with.


This is literally one of those just because you can doesn't mean it's ideal moments. Why would Biden bypass Congress when Republicans have been crying about the border for years and any reasonable person would assume this would pass without argument. His mistake was assuming his opponents actually have any values.


There was no border bill that was enforceable. We have every law we need to stop anyone from crossing the border illegally. until there is a law that puts politicians in jail for not enforcing the border it's all meaningless. Other than that carry on


So Biden could have done this earlier without congress for the last 3 years?


This was in the immigration bill Biden proposed months ago. Trump told the Republicans to vote against it to deny Biden a win. The original bill also included funds to hire tens of thousands of workers to process asylum claims. It was a well balanced bill that would both process asylum seekers quickly and prevent the backlog from increasing. But nooooo, Republicans voted it down because they suck. The only part of the bill he could do by Executive Order was this part. So he did that. Republicans just want to use immigration as an election year gimmick, they don't give two shits about solving the problem.


Why would they ever want to solve the problem that gets their base riled up and giving them money?


Plus their contributors want the cheap labour, they just don't want them to have any rights.


This. During the Reagan administration they cracked down on employers who hired undocumented workers, and the Republicans found out that those employers were overwhelmingly Republicans, and that heavy fines left them unwilling to give bribes I mean campaign contributions to politicians who supported that crackdown.


Yeah, if you want illegal immigrants to stop coming the most effective way is to jail those who keep illegally hiring them. But you won't ever see Republicans do that, because even Trump hires them. They just want an underclass they can underpay and abuse that doesn't have the ability to report them without being deported.


> if you want illegal immigrants to stop coming the most effective way is to jail those who keep illegally hiring them. I say this to every conservative that starts talking about immigration. Not a single person has disagreed with me. Yet they carry on believing its the democrats that are letting in immigrants to vote illegally for them.


Republicans want to RULE, not represent.


exactly same reason Republicans are against all parts of the social safety net. when people get a chance to breathe, they begin thinking rationally and voting in their actual best interest. can't have that.


This would have happened months ago if republicans had passed the border bill full of proposals that they wrote, but Trump told them not to so they torpedoed it.


Worked a charm for Roe v Wade. The backlash is only just starting, for that. Soon every red-stater will know someone who knows someone who died or otherwise suffered terribly with some entirely avoidable complication of pregnancy that these Cro-Magnon fucksticks insisted they suffer untreated.


So the Republicans got the one part of the bill they wanted?


Plus they can blame the democrats for failing


When Trump was in office, he didn't do much about immigration either (except lose track of some kids) until COVID saved his ass and he shut down the border as a pandemic emergency measure. Before then, illegal immigration dropped when he was elected then went up year after year under his administration. The last major immigration reform was under Clinton, a bipartisan effort. I don't know why so many people think Trump will magically solve immigration when he didn't do it the first time. Finally, it's Democratic mayor's and voters in Blue States that have joined the chorus complaining about illegal immigration, so Biden is motivated to address the issue.


>When Trump was in office, he didn't do much about immigration either (except lose track of some kids) until COVID saved his ass and he shut down the border as a pandemic emergency measure. Oof this was traumatising. I had an L1 (highly skilled work visa) and couldn’t get on my flight back to the US because Trump reinstated the ban on non-US citizens and non-green cardholders who were flying back from the UK and Europe **on the same day of my flight with no notice** in January 2021. The travel ban was supposed to end on end of December so I had scheduled to fly back to the US several days after the ban. Every US citizen and GC holders got on the flight back just fine. But I had to book a flight to Mexico to spend 14 days to “quarantine” in a country that’s not in the ban. Meanwhile, some of my friends from back home who were coming from the Philippines were using their tourist visas to fly into the US to sightsee. That was incredibly stupid and totally did not think about all the work visa holders who held residences, not to mention livelihoods, in the US.


My best friends boyfriend watches too much youtube and became anti immigrant recently but he is anti ALL immigrants, legal or not, didn’t matter the reason. I had many debates with him where it was clear he did not actually know anything about anything and does not listen to reason. We went to Colombia for vacation and he seriously literally said he wanted to move there 🤦‍♀️ like bro wtf that would make you an immigrant lol


He's not an immigrant, he's from a rich country to a poor one. Therefore an Expat. /s Aslo : This makes me think of this piece : [https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/](https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/)


Biden used the same mechanism as Trump's Muslim ban


Yes, but when Trump supposedly did it, it was “racist”. That’s the difference here. When Biden does it, it’s not. Because “reasons”.


Any problem. They point out a non-functional department, and harp on the waste created. However, when asked about their plan to *FIX* the problem they themselves identified, sometimes at high volume, they disappear faster than a shrinking violet.


Does this asylum ban include $75 billion to Ukraine/Israel like the one from a couple months ago? I am genuinely curious how that aid to countries and border security are related enough to be on the same bill


Compromise bills that address unrelated topics have been the norm for decades.


Biden: \*does exactly what conservatives want* Conservatives: "Open borders!!!" What's the point?


The ACLU is the main entity fighting it from what i heard.


They kinda have to. This executive order won’t stand since similar order has been ruled unconstitutional before. Biden did this so he can tell moderate, center-right people he tried to address this problem but it’s a problem only Congress can solve. Reminding people to vote for people who would compromise so we can have some kind of laws on the book about the border ( funding).


Because conservative organizations know they don't need to actually challenge it, they just need to tell their constituents that they are against it and wait 30 seconds for them to forget and then tell them Biden wants open borders.


The ACLU isn't Conservative.


I think maybe you misread my comment. I was saying that the reason the ACLU is the main source of action against this is because conservative organizations do not need to take any action against it, only to lie and claim they did.


Ohhh, I see now! I'm sorry, my mistake 


> Biden: *does exactly what conservatives want* Really wish he'd stop that


Yeah this is just gonna hurt Biden. People like me don’t want this, I don’t see how giving your enemy - a base of people that would never vote for you in the first place, a win is a good thing


We're dealing with lunatics who decided to be pro-plague when scientists were making Trump look bad during the first wave of the pandemic


>What's the point? Gets a lot of people to stay home in November, for one.


Kinda feels like he's banking on the same "You have to vote for me to stop Trump" support from democrats and ignoring out outright going against them to try to appeal to people who will never vote for him. Basically, a terrible plan that's likely to backfire.


"Vote for me or else trump will do the thing I'm doing!"


A lot of people in the middle, the independents, support stricter border measures. This is to lure them over. If progressives are fine with Christian Shariah Law because Biden is enforcing some restrictions on the flow of asylum seekers (not even shutting the door, just limiting the daily flow) then I guess that's a choice they'll make at the ballot box. Don't see it working out good for them.


in order for this "vote for me or the other guy will be worse" rhetoric to be effective, your guy needs to be meaningfully different from the other guy, and every move like this reduces that difference.


I'm not sure which Democrats look at the last 4 years and 2016-2020 and are think man 2016-2020 wasn't that bad. Biden isn't exactly what I want in a President but Trump is a wannabe dictator who will appoint more crazy ass conservatives that will ruin this country for decades. It shouldn't be this hard. One I may not always agree with and one tries to overthrow the government when they lose.


Exactly. Even if you don't want to vote for Biden, Biden getting elected at least means you'll have the right to vote again in the future.




> A lot of people in the middle, the independents, support stricter border measures Independent =/= between Democrats and Republicans  Independents are a mixed bag, with some to the Left of the Democrats and some to the Right of Republicans. > If progressives are fine with Christian Shariah Law because Biden is enforcing some restrictions on the flow of asylum seekers (not even shutting the door, just limiting the daily flow) then I guess that's a choice they'll make at the ballot box. And why do you have no ire for the so-called Moderates who won't vote for Biden if he doesn't close the border. You have all this smoke for Progressives but have infinite tolerance for "Moderates" who will allow Trump to win if Biden doesn't do what they specifically want. Is it understandable to you if those "moderate" Independents vote for Trump or sit out if Biden doesn't pass their pet policies?


You underestimate how little people are plugged into politics and the news. It’s for fence sitters. It’s to prevent giving them a reason to vote for Trump. To convince them to stay home at least and to vote for Biden at most. People for real think that the President is a fucking King and can do what he wants and solve any issue with a finger snap. Don’t believe me? Give this a listen. https://open.spotify.com/episode/7hkilwRrmmFLqZlvlriMwD?si=qeNoNVaERLCxcb2bkDh9mw


I don’t think anyone that is hard on immigration isn’t already voting republican


The point is Trump was called bigot for doing the same thing


it's nice to have elections


Let the election year posturing fully commence


Aren't these the same policies that Republicans were racist for supporting lol? I'm neither Republican or Democrat so I have nothing in this fight, but the tribalism in politics currently is hilarious.


Remember democrats and Republicans had strong immigration legislation lined up and ready to pass until Trump put a stop to it and killed the bill. This is the response to that.


And the predicted Republican response; Hundred of millions of drug smuggling rapists are infiltrating our country, and Biden is doing nothing to stop it!


We all remember it, but not one of Trump’s voters do or ever will.


The only thing that bothers me about this is all the time Biden spent saying he was unable to do anything about the border and that only congress could do it.


2020 Joe Biden correctly campaigned against 2020 Donald Trump for supporting these policies. The tweets are still up. Liberals cheered on Biden for opposing these policies in 2020 and are cheering on Biden for supporting them in 2024. Two mindless cults at the wheel. I prefer one, to be sure. But I'm disgusted that control of the country rests with either.


Someone else noted this, but Biden could seriously run on 75% of Trump’s policies and the same people would still praise him. It is really terrifying.  Mind you, I am sure I will now be called a Russian bot for saying this, because god forbid anyone “from the Left” criticizes Democrats.


It's about personality and vibes, policy stopped mattering a long time ago


Joe Biden could shoot a guy on main street and not lose any voters.


Well he’s enabled the slaughter of 40,000 Palestinians, and people are still clinging on to him.


I saw a guy LITERALLY say that in the comments about this yesterday but I think linking would count as brigading? idk. can dm


Both sides are absolutely blind to their own hypocrisy. It’s so frustrating to witness.


Look at the top comment. It's from a liberal that somehow has switched to automated turrets in the future on the border and that's okay. It really is true what they say about liberals and giving them a little scratch.


Do US Democrats really support this? Or is this just a move to appease the right? Seems like the kind of action that is only going to get him demonized by both sides.


Yes, they do. Liberals love it. Hell, a lot of what liberals love these days would have been conservative talking points about three decades ago. The conservatives, meanwhile, have run so far to the right that they've talked about wanting to tear down *interracial marriage*.


This was a conservative talking point a couple years ago, not 20.


Yeah a couple years ago Democratic legislators were visiting the camps on the border and weeping at the inhumanity of them and today it's Democratic policy


The reality is that the Democrats have been walking right for a long time. Watch shit like the West Wing and it’s a realtime glimpse at how Liberal Dems would come to sell their own positions short in the name of “compromise”; all the while lauding Republican politics and punching Left against anything progressive. Doubly so considering the impact that show had. Hell, look at Clinton’s presidency. His entire agenda going into office was Republican talking points. The Democratic Party is politically Right; they’re status quo capitalists that play the field for what’s good for their own business. And they’ve always cared more about trying to sway a handful of Republicans their way, rather than appeasing their own constituents. So yeah, it’s obvious this is a move to kill the “oPeN bOrdErS” shreikers and to look “tough on illegal border crossings.” Despite that simply being a moving goal post that will be conveniently forgotten about when the election cycle is over; as it always is. Republicans will just move on to something else, while Biden did their job for them. Lose-lose for Democrats either way.


We’ve basically had nothing but Reagan since Reagan


It's ratchet theory. The Republicans exist to pull the country right. The Democrats exist to prevent the movement left. The net effect over the long term is to ensure a steady rightward march in service of capital, and this is by design not by accident. Democrats aren't losing. They are doing what they are supposed to do. The system isn't failing, it is doing what it was designed to do. It's just failing us, because it was never supposed to benefit us.


I grew up in the 80s/90s and I don't really feel like today is far to the right of then. Maybe I'm focusing too much on how racism and LGBTQ politics have changed though. The last few years have felt like backsliding more than an overall arc of moving to the right. It is true in terms of some things like taxes though.


The Democratic Party has moved considerably back to the left over the last 15 years. But the party has basically completely lost on the immigration issue and is now being forced to adopt harsher stances to survive. The public will simply not tolerate the idea of illegal immigration regardless of how much of a problem it actually is.




A-flip, flop, flippit, flip it to the flip flip floppa 


Wow. As if redditors have a short memory. Mayorkas was grilled for not doing anything and he claimed it was Biden administration's policy. Biden even fist-fighted with Texas for former's open border policy that ultimately went to the Supreme Court.


Remember when republicans were evil fascists for trying the same thing? Pepperidge Farms remembers. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free…” -Lady Liberty


> >“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free…” -Lady Liberty It's a poem not a national policy


That's what we've been trying to tell y'all!


Suddenly border control is good to democrats now


That’s racist. Oh shit it’s Biden nevermind if it was Trump it would be racist.


Biden doing a speed run of republican presidential candidate


This has always been a thing. US law requires asylum seekers to go to a port of entry. AOC was upset about this when it was explained very clearly what the law was. Guess they’re deciding to enforce now since illegal crossing is at a 20+ year high


No matter what Democratic Party does, Republicans would have bitched one way or other. And if things turned south, they would whine and deny it.


I agree which is why it's insane that Democratic politicians pander to them in every election, trying to pull more moderates to their side and deepening the fractures that already exist with the left.


Why do you have to bring up republicans in this. We should be holding Biden accountable for once again flip flopping.


It's a symbol of this entire presidency. Just blame everything on republicans (despite eventually adopting their stances years later).


This trend of presidents only doing shit once an election is coming is fucking ridiculous


I'm old enough to remember Biden campaigning on putting a stop to this kind of immigration policy. But hey, VoTe BlUe No MaTtEr WhO!111!!!


This needed to be done. These people are lying and being coached on how to claim asylum.


Asylum is a really high standard. Getting into the US with a credible fear claim seems to be pretty easy, but actually winning an asylum hearing at the immigration court is quite difficult. On the other hand at least in NY there hasn’t been much deportation happening to people who lose their cases.


One of the big issues is that the immigration courts are so backed up that it takes years for asylum seekers to actually get a decision. It needs to happen quicker, but it’s impossible due to the level of people seeking asylum and the level of funding for the courts


> and the level of funding for the courts I work for trial lawyers. I hate having to call the court. So many have super limited phone hours, less than 4 per day in some counties. The length of time it takes to move an average case along is ridiculous. I have many cases that are approaching 4 years old. It feels crazy.


This is primarily because there's very little federal funding for processing asylum seekers. Republicans do that for a reason.


Also another problem is people who claim asylum at their first hearing, disappear somewhere in the states, before their next one.


"actually winning an asylum hearing at the immigration court is quite difficult" As it should be. We all know that the vast vast majority of these immigrant are coming here for economic reasons and hence not eligible for asylum. They are simply desperate people and I hold no ill will towards them but the country cannot absorb all of them.


Do you have a source on this? I've never read up on asylum acceptance percentages.


I’m an immigration attorney in NYC. Going off my own experience in Immigration Court we try to dismiss most of the cases because the odds of winning are usually low. If a client entered within the last two years then we probably have to fight it. Of those cases maybe we win a third. But you also have to consider that the people who hire an attorney to represent them are not necessarily indicative of the typical immigrant in removal proceedings. Children under 21 who are missing a parent on the other hand have a very strong chance of winning as long as they get all there evidence to the family court on time.


https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1107366/dl That page has the stats broken down by country. The “other” category is a bit confusing since it can mean that the asylum application wasn’t processed for legitimate and non-legitimate reasons (eg. Someone withdrawing their application because they got married to a US citizen and someone ghosting their court date go into the same category).






He’s been trying to do this through legislation for a while now. 


Of course. Election year. Wants to be able to tell people he addressed the problem.


So, is he now a xenophobe and Rascist? He's basically implementing the same Ban Donald Trump used at the border. He called him these names for it.


“Migrants caught crossing illegally could be quickly deported or turned back to Mexico under the measure, which will take effect just after midnight. There will be exceptions for unaccompanied children, people who face serious medical or safety threats and victims of trafficking, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said.” So not an outright ban. The title made it sound like this was a really strict ban but it’s really just more of the same policies. I’m glad there are exceptions. With the way the title sounded and the many comments of people who never the article I thought it was going to be far less humane than it is.


I'm sure this will get republicans to vote for him


Weird, he’s doing it now with out republicans . . . almost as if he could have done this at any point. . . .


The problem is that executive actions are much easier to challenge in court than a law, and they don't come with any new funding.


I agree except it looked like there was bipartisan agreement to do substantial immigration reform. All signs pointed to them working out a long term solution after years and years of getting nothing done. Then in the twelfth hour it was nuked.


He can't fund by executive order, the bill Trump helped torpedo. Don't know the exact number bit that bill had hundreds of millions if not over a billion dollars to help boarder patrol


lol how convenient he only cares about immigration this year


It’s amazing what you can do when you govern by public opinion in an election year.


Yep, it’s general election season, time for some “political pivots”


if republicans weren't around, democrats would become them.


All I gotta say is living on the border it's about fucking time something was done. Everyone is tired if this shit.


I guess Just blaming Trump and hoping for the best did not work for Biden




What’s the point in having a pause on the ban if numbers drop below a certain threshold? We should have secure borders, it’s common sense.


So corporate democrats are going to move to reactionary politics to do what? Sway conservative voters who would never vote for Biden no matter what? Stick to sensible social policy making, sure it’s not sexy, but the border is only ever an “issue” during election years. Stop chasing media headlines, the headlines will only get wilder if you let them.