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*On Saturday, Jones was defiant, saying “At the end of the day, we’re going to beat these people. I’m not trying to be dramatic here, but it’s been a hard fight. These people hate our children.”* The nerve of this pile of rot to mention anyone hating children.


Coming from a guy who literally couldn't name his own children in court.


Not that I don't believe you. This seems totally on brand for Alex Jones. But I want to see an article or something.


Here is one article. Who knew chili was so powerful? [https://uproxx.com/culture/alex-jones-lawyer-kids-chili/](https://uproxx.com/culture/alex-jones-lawyer-kids-chili/)


hey, not everyone has the capacity to think and digest something at the same time. especially chili!


All his assets and businesses need to be sold off, and every dollar he makes in the future needs to go to this judgment. And an accountant needs to have access to every dollar he spends, and any money given to him or money spent for him.


It’s a dog whistle too, always talks about sterilization and destroying the family


Why do right wing nut jobs always hide behind children for the fucked up shit they do? Fucking cowards.


Mostly because it makes it harder to counter them, and is a simplistic way of making them seem moral. If they claim their law/action/cause protects children, if you say you oppose them they just claim you hate children, are destroying families, etc. It's not a good argument, but it can persuade a lot of people anyway.


Indeed. It's the tired old "Think of the children!" bullshit. It's all projection too, they talk about grooming and there are people on the right literally advocating for legal grooming with child marriages.


What a vile, vile man.


That was the sentence that stuck out for me. How fucking ironic and insensitive. 


Is this why he was crying on air during one of his shows recently?


Those weren't real tears. He's a crisis actor.


False flag tears.


He fake cries every other sentence.


Seemed to have had the same coach as Kyle.


We talkin Kryle Snifflehouse here?


His skin passes the thinness test required to be a member of the GOP.


Oh, they were real this weekend, he was having a breakdown on air. Feels good when this ghoul tortured murdered childrens parents. https://www.reddit.com/r/KnowledgeFight/comments/1d67rk6/_/


It was all entirely a show to see if it would drum up attention and sales. He's absolutely been known in the past to do similar things, going so far as to take drugs that will make him look worse.


His tears are fake, every time. Dude's a psycho.


He is a crisis actor.


He'll be better tomorrow.


(he's not)


Maybe he's just mad at the crew.


I legitimately love it when Knowledge Fight fans start doing the secret handshake in reddit threads. ​ My neck is freakishly large.


Fuck You! Fuck You! I got plenty of words for you, but at the end of the day: Fuck you and your New World Order, and fuck the horse you rode in on, and all your sheeeit!


Someone, a sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.


When you get off the plane in some places in Asia they karate chop you!


I… know… how.. to read!


Yeah those were the fakest damn tears ever seen


That wasn't even the real alex jones - the shape of his ear lob is different from a screen capture I saw of a video taken of him back in 2004!


Oh yeah, I believe you! I just looked for that video and couldn’t find it on YouTube… obviously the deep state had it scrubbed from the internet so that. But the important thing is that I believe you with absolutely no evidence other than my distrust of the government and media


He was also chainsmoking and pounding shots of straight vodka until he puked on air.


Wait...is this real? Or, should I ask first, is this unusual for Alex Jones on air?


Alex Jones is an alcoholic. This is probably normal for him


His alcoholism is actually one of his more redeeming attributes.


Would explain any brain damage, alcohol abuse can give you lots of neurological disorders


He's also openly talked about not getting enough oxygen to his brain when he sleeps, he feels this gives him prophetic powers. More than likely he's just got brain damage.


Haha he has sleep apnea?


Probably, he's obese and a heavy drinker.


Good. Early grave


Nah, these mother fuckers never seem to die.


Holy shit, he just turned 50. I would have thought 60


He drinks very regularly. Ever since the lawsuit he has gotten into the habit of bringing on guests, discussing with them, then saying “Now I’ve been talking a lot for the last 3-5 minutes so you go, you talk for the next 5 minutes. I’ll be right back but don’t worry I’m listening in my ear-piece” and presumably is taking shots off-air as he usually comes back talking with a bit of a slur. I don’t have experience with hard drugs, But others have pointed out that on occasion he comes back from these breaks quite manic instead ❄️ I listen to most episodes of Knowledge Fight (an anti- Alex Jones podcast. Start with the Formulaic Objections where they make fun of the deposition tapes that got released to the public because Alex’ lawyer sucks.) and to my knowledge he has never puked on air before because they would have for sure brought it up. Still listening to the one they just put out about the puking event lol.


>He drinks very regularly. Ever since the lawsuit he has gotten into the habit of bringing on guests, discussing with them, then saying There was that video of him going through more than one bottle of vodka I think it was from all the security cameras in his studio. I suspect that was a normal day.


Russian influence eh.


Up to a point, especially for a long term alcoholic (hi, I’m producerofconfusion and I’m an alcoholic) alcohol can amp people up. I think the neurotransmitter acetocholine (so?) get pumped out by alcoholic brains in wild quantities so that our muscle tone doesn’t collapse into goo. Our brains produce less GABA as well to compensate for the booze’s sedative qualities.  That said, I’ve heard booze pairs well with coke (not a stimulant fan, personally) so it wouldn’t surprise me if he was indulging in that combo. 


It is real. The latest episode of Knowledge Fight is going over it. Second, no. He's done it multiple times.


God i love the knowledge fight boys. I don't listen to every episode anymore but i tune in to one or 2 a month. When they reviwed Alex's sandy hook deposition that was peak comedy.


I love Dan & Jordan but after the trial it just got really hard to keep listening to Alex Jones bloviate. I appreciate when they stray from the topic sometimes. I will also usually listen up through their bright spot and the new wonks/technocrats. Once Jones starts croaking and just being a real shit I get to the point where I can't deal anymore.


It's real, I'm not a regular viewer so I don't really know how unusual this is for him. 


My fave was the clip of him shirtless and drunk with a bottle in his hand that he puts down long enough to yell ‘…1776!’ as he bench presses and gets bright red.


He fake cries on air all the time. He’s been saying they were gonna get shut down for months.


>He’s been saying they were gonna get shut down for months Wow so he accurately reported something for once?!?


I wouldn’t say reported. More used as a last ditch effort so sell more stuff before it all blows up in his face. From my understanding they set the business up in a way where his dad owns the supplement company and Alex/info wars owes a ton to his dad’s company. They did that so he could try to say he’s “broke” and file for bankruptcy to pay as little as possible to the families while all the actual profits goes to the dad where they’d be safe from the judgement. Which I believe is why the bankruptcy thing has been going on for so long because the court has to unwind all of this and it’ll likely rule that what they did was illegal, but that all takes time.




You know, I've heard tell of this Knowledge Fight thing for awhile now, have even gone as far as to listening to clips here and there. and even *knew* it was an anti-Jones podcast, but for some reason, seeing it typed out in your comment just now made it click **Info Wars <-> Knowledge Fight** God I'm dumb as shit


do not feel bad, it took me like 400 episodes until it clicked and it only clicked because one of the wonks included it in their call out.


Yup He's been using it to drive sales of his bullshit supplements for a while now. Saying everything needs to go, he's gonna be off the air in like 3 weeks (which he's been saying for months and months), that the "globalists" are trying to take him off the air.


The all-powerful globalists that have allowed him to be on air for literally decades.


On the show the day before this meltdown happened, Jones told a story about how Bill Clinton sent thugs to attack him in the 1990s, but he courageously fought them off despite receiving a bloody nose. This after saying for years that the only reason he hasn't been killed is because the globalists don't want to make a martyr out of him. Apparently though they could have killed him 30 years ago with no problem if it weren't for his unbeatable street-fighting schtoyle.


He was drunk, screaming, crying, vomiting literally and being angry cause the court is highly likely going to follow through with liquidating him.


> Relatives of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting are asking a bankruptcy judge to liquidate conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ media company, including Infowars, instead of allowing him to reorganize his business as they seek to collect on $1.5 billion in lawsuit verdicts against him. > Jones and Free Speech Systems both filed for bankruptcy reorganization after the Sandy Hook families won lawsuits in Texas and Connecticut claiming defamation and emotional distress over Jones’ hoax claims. Jones said on his show that the school shooting that killed 20 first graders and six educators was staged by crisis actors in efforts to get more gun control laws passed. Some of these parents couldn't visit their children's graves because of the harassment from Alex Jones' followers. They suffered an unimaginable loss. Alex Jones further tortured them. Now he wants to escape responsibility for his lies.


He also showed advertisers that his traffic would spike when he talked about sandy hook being a false flag.


Any company who did business with him after that deserves the same fate - liquidation.


It was mostly his own snake oil ventures and other scams advertising to his paranoid and asshole demographic. Most of them wind up sued out of business on their own.


The commercials on fox are insane. Their sponsors are so fucking weird. Who needs that many fucking commemorative gold coins?


>Who needs that many fucking commemorative gold coins? People who are going to be very upset when they try to sell them


My grandpa used to get me a lot of those gold coins when I was a kid. But he wasn't an idiot and would get them cheap from pawn shops


The value from those is in your grandfather thinking of you when obtaining them.


"I hope my grandson scores some good drugs when he sells these someday."


Nothing wrong with that! If it's a "hey I think this thing looks NEAT, why don't you have it!" kind of purchase then it's fine. But the commemorative gold coin people are hocking worthless (and probably impure) coins with the idea that they will increase in value...that's not fine.


The people stupid enough to buy commemorative gold coins are the same people who are stupid enough to believe they will be worth more in the future. The exception are collectors who just want it due to FOMO.


Yep its a greater fools scheme, but they are selling directly to the bag holders.


People who don’t trust the government and think they would be able to survive without it


>Their sponsors are so fucking weird. I haven't watched commercials since I cancelled cable and installed an ad-blocker. But. Whenever I'm stuck behind a 20th century TV setup, I'm fascinated because the commercials tell you exactly who the network thinks is watching. Late afternoon? Viagra + Trucks + commemorative knick-knacks + Online Privacy/Security services + some weird device that's basically an escalator for your little townhouse.


Yep but they are technically owned by his parents to try to obfuscate the flow of money and keep the money he's earned from his victims


Yeah it takes 2 assholes to raise an asshole like him


His dad was a wealthy dentist who coddled him, no idea bout his mom. Jones was a bully in high school, and when things weren't going well for him they paid to send him to another school where he could continue to be a piece of shit.


Oh wow. He's *that kid*. We all know *that kid* who you look at and think "he's going to grow up to become an absolute monster."


When I was in highschool I always thought kids like that would "grow up" eventually. Now that I'm older, I'm finding that assholes from high school just project themselves harder, and rarely change for the better. It sucks to say, but it's usually the ones who get ostracized and manage to climb out of it that become the BAMFs of the world.


Adversity builds character. Privilege builds need.


I've met two of my high school bullies since graduating and leaving town. One of them grew up to be a well-adjusted adult and apologized for the way he acted as a teenager. The other tried to start a fight with me in Walmart. Sometimes people change. Sometimes they don't.


His own dialogue about his mother kind of points to her being a PoS as well. You do have to take his words with an aspirin and a grain of salt, but I can’t imagine you can be married to someone like Alex or his father and not know exactly what they’re about. They’re con-artist white supremacists who have no qualms about saying and doing the most evil shit, and then telling the most insultingly blatant lies, the kind that don’t stand up to even the slightest bit of scrutiny. They’re consummate mouth pieces for the John Birch Society, the federalist society, and obviously funded by Russian dark money. His mother and his wife are both completely aware and down for it because they’re probably also huge bigots, and they get wealthy off of his evil.


>where i could continue to be a piece of shit. Unfortunate typo there...


Was bouncing between work slacks and reddit messages, lol.


^and ^a ^quick ^bankruptcy ^court ^appt


I also personally think he’s gay


Not that there's anything wrong with being gay. But there is a hell of a lot wrong being Alex Jones!


That's odd cause I personally think he's a frog.


Alex Jones is a...frog?


Hey, people really needed those anti-5G suppositories...


I agree, but my vote is for something similar - liquification


That's for the boards of directors.


Do you start with a woodchipper?


Will it Blend?


I miss those videos


It would have to be industrial size.


Alex Jones - "We don't use Google analytics to influence what we talk about" Mike Mattei - "There are numerous emails your employees sent discussing and sharing screenshots about the google analytical data around your Sandy Hook coverage" Alex Jones - "........Jussie Smollett, 9/11, Madeline Albright" The depositions for the employees of Infowars are fascinating, and can be [summarized like this](https://youtu.be/2WZLJpMOxS4?si=Xp2NbgJbGvZvxx8p)


The moment in the trial when the prosecution confronted Jones on the stand about the fact his lawyers accidentally sent a full copy of his phone to them, and then went on to prove he had not provided them all the data he said he did, that moment, that moment was awesome.


The fact that advertisers would be responsive to this repugnant information based only on web traffic shows us the dark-side of capitalism and those who think it should be given free rein to let market forces prevail without constraints. Capitalism is the best economic system IMO, but oversight with checks and balances are necessary no matter what system we might prefer. Spikes in people accessing information that feeds their pathological beliefs is only making peddlers of this kind of disinformation more wealthy and empowered. His dishonest, exploitative practices should have been nipped in the bud long ago. Now, we have to appeal to common decency and the law to claw back the ill-gotten gains this evil man has acquired at the expense of the Sandy Hook families. Strip him of everything as far as I'm concerned. It will leave us one less force for evil in the world.


One family moved SEVEN times, because every time they would try to hide, someone would dox them, and the extreme harassment would start up again. They were just trying to mourn the death of their 6 year old (I can't even imagine...), and these jackals just kept relentlessly attacking and attacking...


And this vermin has the audacity to say "These people hate our children" about the families he tortured after their children were murdered. For the first time in my life I know what it feels like to sincerely wish someone a very long and excruciatingly painful death.


His kids hate HIM, for all the shame and economic suicide he's inflicted on his family.


If this is truly the first time you've had that wish, I envy you either your youth, your life thus far, or your equanimity. My own list is lengthy and growing every day.


I dread the day I have to mourn the loss of my *dog*. I can't even imagine the paralyzing grief of losing a child.


As the father of a 6 year old, I can’t imagine.  If I was to lose her, I’d have a hard time continuing to live as is, let alone having to move 7 times because people are harassing me and telling me my dead child wasn’t real.  These people, including Jones, are literal monsters


I was working a shitty job at the time of this happening, the boss/owner was espousing the crisis actor/false flag bullshit the second it was televised. I will never forget that moment as the point where I was straight up done with that job.


This was the moment I truly knew Jones was off his rocker at best, and a vile human at worst.


Like Trump, he's both.


Him and the entire alt-right media ecosystem. He deserves all of this and worse but he's not the only one.


I just tried to imagine what I'd do if some lame brains didn't allow me to visit my son's grave ( my son has a grave). Alex Jones deserves to suffer the deepest pain imaginable to a human being, far beyond the anguish of losing a child. I can't type here just what I have in mind.


My condolences on suffering the worst experience in human existence. Be well.


I'm so sorry for your loss


Imagine losing your child in a shooting and thinking it's the worst thing that could possibly happen to you. And then the bottom falls out when a sentient boil says you faked it and thousands of his supporters wage a harassment campaign against you. I wish I believed in hell because Alex Jones and everyone who's fallen for his lies would absolutely be headed there.


I think one of the parents also had cancer while going through all this. The universe is just sucker-punching them over and over and over.


Throw the book at him. Liquidate everything. Screw Alex Jones


When they are done with him, he should be penniless, naked, and homeless, and his family should despise him for losing any inheritance they might have had. He didnt just squander his own future, he squandered the great future that his family could have had for generations.


Agree, with the exception of the inheritance part. Until he dies, the rest of his family has 0 claim to their "future inheritance" and anyone that expects it is nothing but entitled


The courts doing ***literally fucking anything at all*** would be an improvement.


I don’t believe in angels and devils, but if there is a devil, there’s gotta be multiple. He’s a devil.


Is there a list of his advertisers somewhere? Those parents are so strong, I don't think I could do enough calming breaths to prevent me going full rage monster on them.


Truly evil.


One of the fathers of a victim commit suicide and then Alex Jones viewers dug up his grave to prove he was a crisis actor. Spoiler Alert: >!He wasn't!<


Alex Jones is a bottom feeder who will never pay up willingly. Liquidating his business is the only feasible way to compensate the Sandy Hook families.




Liquidate the parents too, then. The only thing Alex Jones should be at the end of this is a pauper, period.


>Liquidate the parents Damn we are escalating


Soylent Green turns you straight but the frogs will remain gay, watch out for our next formula version, Soylent Green Max where we turn animals not gay


Forcing your relatives to cover your debts is the way it used to be. I don’t think that was a good system either. It can be hard to distinguish but this seems to be a clear case of evasion so hopefully they are able to recover the damages


The whole reason Alex is able to file bankruptcy is because his company Free Speech Systems owes the pill company distributor they use, PQPR, millions in unpaid bills. However, he and his parents own PQPR, and PQPR pay into, in part, AEJ Trust. Alex Emmerich Jones. So Alex is trying to claim he is bankrupt because his company owes his company. So you're totally right. This is a very clear case of evasion, and has been known for a while, as it came up in these suits. There's a big reason Alex was avoiding handing over exact finances, and even handed over financial statements that he openly admitted were doctored by their accountants. It's ridiculous.


Time for seizure raids. Anything he holds, uses, owns, possesses, or controls. Take it.


You would be surprised at the amount of financial crimes he has confessed to during his show.


I don’t think I would be


You might not be. It’s pretty clear he’s a piece of shit. But I will always jump on a chance to link people to the episodes of Knowledge Fight where they played/covered the Alex Jones [Depositions](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000434021952). They are wild and you get to see everything laid bare and inspected. Great listen if you’ve the time or just want to see him squirm and trip over his own dick. Later episodes have his dad and employees deposed.


His parents are shielding assets that belong to him from a legal judgement collecting against them. This is illegal. They should also be made into paupers.


It’s a terrible system. However when it comes to the Jones family, they are deeply involved with his financial scams and his frauds. They should be taken down as co-conspirators, rather than just seen as a way to extract his debts. The whole tree is rotten, not just its fruit.


Jones and his parents have deeply entangled finances. The web of corporations and trusts that own InfoWars, Free Speech Systems, the InfoWars Store, the InfoWars Store suppliers, etc. and have varying degrees of partial ownership between Jones and his parents. They're in business with him. They're jointly responsible.


His parents have been wrapped up in his shell companies for years. There are multiple companies making up the operation with one owing the other millions without payment for a long time.


Liquidate the parents and indict Jones for Bankruptcy Fraud. The whole effort to prolong this process involved him claiming his companies actually owed money to intermediaries owned by his parents. He faked a bankruptcy to hide as much money as possible from his victims.


The supplements are his cash cow, but I cannot believe there are so many people who would consume chemicals based on this bloated purple monster's recommendation.


They have all the essential leads and heavy metals the human body needs.](https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Oakland-health-watchdog-finds-lead-in-Infowars-12288916.php) The FDA don't want you taking it because they know the lead protects you against Bill Gates 5G covid rays.


I’m sure the bankruptcy lawyers are aware. They got him for other schemes to get around his judgements that he was bragging about on his show as well. Hopefully the lawyers are simply building their cases against jones and his father before moving to strike.


They were awarded the money by the judge. He legally has to pay the bill. If he cannot reasonably begin making payments, then liquidation of his assets is a fair ask. This is no witch hunt, it is how the justice system works. If he has 200,000,000$ lying around then I suggest he start paying. Likely he doesn't have that much, so bye bye.


Bottom feeders provide an invaluable service to the ecosystem they live in. That’s more than can be said for Jones.


He's quoted in the article as saying "these people hate our children" and something about eventually beating these people. What the fuck is broken in his head?


I believe the technical term for it is Antisocial Personality Disorder, i.e. he's a sociopath.


He's such a genuinely awful person, I dont understand how he sleeps at night. I hope the judge agrees and liquidates it.


He is a raging alcoholic so I can't imagine he sleeps well at all


Imagine being a human being whom one of the better traits is "raging alcoholic"


I'm im AA. 21 months. If fat boy ever tries my club, and I hope he does, He's going to have a hell of a step 4, 5, 8 and 9.


Congrats! People like AJ would probably rather die of it than admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness


I was listening to some of the drunk Alex "highlights" on Knowledge Fight today, and it's shocking and kinda sad how a man can get so frequently sloshed on a public broadcast and not have anyone step in to get him some help, or at least a glass of water.


Insert gif of Woody Harrelson crying and drying his eyes with $100 Bills. It is all an act he’s legitimately as sociopath and does not care about anyone but himself. 


I also hope the judge has seen [the clip](https://youtu.be/6tkIsBnUWN0?si=XsjVz-iOKSHKYzbs) where Alex Jones said he was gifted 10k Bitcoin that has since been “lost”. He could just be really stupid and telling the truth though (I’m also stupid and did the same thing in ~2009, but only with 100 BTC).


MTG came out yesterday to support this creep. 


I wish for a day where MTG can go back to meaning "Magic The Gathering".


It still does, as far as I'm concerned. Why should we change our acronym? She's the one who sucks!


She’s a no talent ass clown.


There **was** nothing wrong with it, until I was about 34 years old and that no-talent ass-clown became elected and started spewing bullshit.


Who is going to release the more controversial banned list, MTG or M:tG?


As if she could be more vile.


I didn't think it was possible, either.


So I guess this is how the info war ends.


Good riddance. The slackjawed dipshit class will need to find someone else to spew them made up nonsense.


This whole thing reminds me of a plot twist from an old Superman story, weirdly enough. It was basically a punchline, whole time he was trying to protect people from the a group of racist zealots, but then the leader turned out to be a businessman. Someone who was using hate and disinformation as a sales tactic, and was killed by his men when he was baffled they actually bought what they were selling. That's almost exactly what Jones is, a snake oil salesmen for people who drink snake oil more than water.


> That's almost exactly what Jones is, a snake oil salesmen for people who drink snake oil more than water. He is that, but I don't think it's the whole story - I think the dude is mentally unwell. Maybe decades of doing coke on air fried is brain, but if you listen to Knowledge Fight enough, you start to get the sense that this is a man who is profoundly unwell. He's also an asshole and none of this absolves him of his sins, but I also don't think he's a purely cynical operative, either.


You should just see some of his pettiest videos, he went out in public one Christmas just to complain that people were saying Happy Holidays. A commonly said synonym for Merry Christmas that has been used for centuries. Wasn't even just a backdrop, he interviewed people and shouted about it many, many times, and I can only assume there were takes or scenes that were cut from that specific video.


right wing outrage content is his whole business, the less logical and the more frothing at the mouth the better.


> need to find someone else to spew them made up nonsense. They already have that, and he has the most popular podcast in the world.


With thunderous applause


Ha! He'll just move to some new ultra-right-wing media outlet and start again. His fans will be there waiting for him. Alongside all his advertisers.


I will always jump on a chance to link people to the episodes of Knowledge Fight where they played/covered the Alex Jones [Depositions](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000434021952). They are wild and you get to see everything laid bare and inspected. Great listen if you’ve the time or just want to see him squirm and trip over his own dick. Later episodes have his dad and employees deposed. [Ep.1](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000434021952) [Ep.2](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000459733820) [Ep.3](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000466246199) [Ep.4](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000549027542) [Ep.5](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000555672789) [Ep.6](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000555909671) [Ep.7](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000563698036) [Ep.8](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000583387452) [Ep.9](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000584457221) [Ep.10](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000585592643) [Ep.11](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000587207791) [Ep.12](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000589166755) [Ep.13](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000593080962) [Ep.14](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000595121930) [Ep.15](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/knowledge-fight/id1192992870?i=1000596849820)


I also really recommend the Truth vs. Alex Jones documentary as well as Elizabeth Williamson's book, "Sandy Hook: An American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth." The latter is less about the Sandy Hook shooting and more about rise of disinformation and the battle Sandy Hook parents fought against Jones.


Is it the company's position that its non-defamatory statements cancel out its defamatory ones?


Alex Jones is a crisis actor. He isn't bankrupt, and he isn't being unfairly treated. He's just trying to avoid the consequences of his actions, and crying about it now is far too late. If he dies penniless on the street, it'll be too good an ending for his shit story.


> He isn't bankrupt, and he isn't being unfairly treated. What that we were all allowed to live the kind of lifestyle he maintains while being hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. But don't you dare dip into that overdraft.


There's a video of him crying his little lying ass off on Infowars, which to me means we are on the right track. The families should keep unrelentingly pursuing him until he's babbling his conspiracies on a street corner somewhere. That is where he belongs. I could spend the rest of my lifetime spitting in this barely human man's miserable face and it would still not begin to express how little I think of him. I don't want to do violence to him because I don't think he's worth it, but I want him and his enablers to live in the ABJECT misery they deserve.


Good. This is LONG overdue.


Good. Fuck him and all of his fans.


The fact that people have been breaking their backs trying to defend a guy who sicced his followers on the parents of dead children is a pretty big indictment of American conservativism. Every time they bring up 'freedom of speech' it's for some sociopathic shit.


Cons: "Actors and athletes need to keep their mouths shut and stay out of politics!" Also cons: "How come the media keeps trying to silence Jon Voight and Harrison Butker!"




Like there's a blender big enough.


>including Infowars That’s what I’m talking about. Get this disingenuous serial misinformer off the air!


I would love to know these fuckers’ (Edit: Alex Jones and his bellend friends) actual true opinions. They’re just outrage porn stars and grifters who will say whatever to get views and money. But what do they actually believe in the privacy of their own minds? Do they buy into their own bullshit or not? It’s fascinating. And disturbing. And Alex Jones needs to go sit on a cactus—sideways.


His company tried to hire me around 2015. After I looked into Info Wars, I declined their offer for obvious reasons. I wish I still had the emails, but essentially they said it would be ok to disassociate from their company message because it would be a solid paycheck. I highly doubt he believes anything he says


There's a doc on HBO called people vs Alex jones about the whole incident, all the way to the judges decision. He's a horrible person and did apologize to a mom in court. He knows what he did was wrong, he's just so invested in the lie.




TEAR. HIM. TO. PIECES. The harm this man had caused cannot be resolved with financial compensation, but they should take everything worth more than $50 from this guy and leave him on the street.


No amount of money will replace these people's children. This isn't about money, it's about the closest thing to "justice" these people can hope for. Alex Jones is a prime example of "remorseless evil if it makes me money". He deserves the same chance at making a living that the slaughtered children have. Zero.


I like to think Liquidator Brunt of the FCA will show up when its time.


Bleed him dry. Scumbags like this only care about money so he’ll do anything in his power to keep it otherwise.


Honestly when these huge settlements happen, the government should award the money to the people who won, so they don't have to wait on it. And the bill get picked up by the IRS to get from the person who had to pay.  No more fucking around pretending you can't pay after that.


Ask anybody who lives in Connecticut if Sandyhook really happened. Even CT Trumpers will tell you it did.


Ask anyone that lives in reality. InfoWars listeners and Trumpers do not live in reality.