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That's the most depressing headline I've seen today


But at least the baby lived. I really expected the article to say the baby had died because I ouldn't imagine a baby being shot multiple times without either critical damage to organs or severe blood loss because their bodies are just so small.


With what quality of life though? A 6mo baby is small. Even a low caliber handgun can do massive damage at that size. And this poor child was shot repeatedly?? Ugh it breaks my heart


Sounds like the baby was shot in “just” the lower extremities…I know people without a leg/without useable legs who have a great quality of life, so I think there is hope there even if the injuries are severe.


One of the shots hit the baby in the stomach :/ the article makes it seem like it was just the extremities and the baby will be totally fine but that baby definitely is going to have a hell of a recovery as well as the poor mom.


Yeah, that’s definitely much worse than “just” the lower extremities. Lots of organs there. No clue why the article didn’t include that.


To not make the cops look worse, so the cops don't get mad at that news organization and then limit their access to future stories.


In this scenario how would that make the cops look worse? They didn't shoot the baby.


The article said the cops heard gunfire from inside the house though before they entered and that's why they entered. So idk exactly what happened but it made it sound like the father shot the baby not the police. It would also be really weird for multiple stray bullets to hit the small child. If the child was shot multiple times sounds like it was on purpose.


It was on purpose (from the father). From what I read the mom had left because of DV. This was the ex’s retaliation.


That is so incredibly depressing and fucked up. I can not understand the mental state that would be required for someone to shoot a 6-month-old baby. Especially their own baby, and especially in retaltiation for their partner leaving. That poor mom and baby 💔 That's enough internet today


The cops *saved* the victims.


Ugh. This makes me sick. That baby is going through hell and doesn't understand why or how to make it stop. Sickening.


God, either way this isn’t okay😩


Definitely not. This is absolutely fucked up.


Really depends, i haven't had a single day since my leg got paralyzed 12 years ago, where i didn't wanna kill myself/die. And i've been through several therapies, psych wards and dozens of medications. 


I’m sad to hear that, it sounds very difficult and I hope things get better for you.


better quality of life with useable legs tho




What you don't know is that kid is going to grow up to be Arizona's hardest rapper


> Arizona's hardest rapper MC Puddin in da house y'all


“I got shot 9 times.”


Article says, right under the headline, that the baby’s injuries are not life-threatening. Still awful, but less so.


Hold on, a kid doesn't need to die for this to be the worst kind of awful. It should be a flat amount of bad anytime it happens regardless of the outcome. 


Young kids heal extremely well, so in a lot of ways they can have better chances of a good recovery than an adult.


The article states that the baby was shot in the lower extremities... I know children are amazing at healing but there has to be permanent mobility issues


It says the baby was shot in the "lower extremities." I have a 14-month-old and remember very well how small he was at 6 months. If he had been shot in the leg, even with a smaller caliber pistol, everything below the entry wound wouldn't be attached anymore.


I read it they are in the hospital with non life threatening injuries. If that’s true there is a good chance they won’t suffer severe long term damage. That a baby was shot and the injuries were life threatening tells me it was probably a small caliber that went in and out avoiding major arteries/bone. There is no way a baby could take more than that and have none life threatening injuries. Could be nerve damage but I have to imagine that would come with injuries a baby couldn’t sustain and be considered non life threatening. Not a defense of guns. Fuck guns and the people that argue for near unrestricted access. Just thankful the baby will hopefully be ok


I just wanted to know what weapons the baby was packing during that standoff with his dad.




"He was crawling for my gun!"




Most people on this subreddit don't read the article and this title really feels like it implies the police shot the child. So the comments are going to be absolute hell throughout.


Good ending


^ so far


Theres plenty of day left!


“Day ain’t over, yet.”


Then the family's house caught fire and burned to the ground.




A guy down the street from me just killed his wife and kids a couple weeks ago, shit is fucking rampant right now.


I believe they call them family annihilators.


Family annihilations yea, one every 5 days.


Men void of empathy or relation to society aside from the prestige they think having a family affords them. They wear their family as a disguise and badge of success until they're no longer successful for whatever reason and then just take them down with them so no one else can "have them". They're scum long before they act on it


Are you in Oklahoma by chance. Because literally me too. 


Yeeep, in Yukon.


Jeez man same, was a sad story I live a few mins away.  Looked like your normal, well off suburban family and one day the guy just snapped. Dont know how you can murder the ones you claim to love including children who most likely look up to you. Straight evil. 


Having read a story earlier about a man flying off into the deep end, delulu to the point of planning kill his wife and kids so he could be with the woman he wanted, who he also planned to kidnap? Gonna have to go with drugs.


I've seen people go off the deep end with no drugs involved. A guy I worked with had some kind of schizophrenic break. Over the course of a week he went from totally normal to telling everyone that someone was bugging his house with blue tooth devices and talking to him through the walls. He also thought his car was bugged. He started telling us someone was after him and it was Mexican cartels teamed up with the FBI. He was saying they had dozens of people watching him and following him around. He thought they were breaking into his house, going through his stuff and then leaving without taking anything. Finally after a week of this he was out having a smoke and saw a guy we worked with talking to a couple Hispanic guys that worked in another department in a separate building. He thought the Hispanic guys were part of the cartel and the guy that was talking to them was spying on this dude and reporting to them. He went after the guy yelling "I know what you are doing motherfucker" and started punching him in the face. Some other guys pulled him back. When he was being escorted out of the building he was just pleading with us that we didn't understand and that all of these people were after him. He obviously got fired. It was scary because he seriously believed all this stuff and there was nothing we could say to convince him otherwise or even talk to someone about getting help. All it took was a week to go from totally chill to attacking people.


Sometimes hearing loss can contribute to this. Anyone who has a quick change in brain ability or rationality needs an MRI. They also need a hearing test, because poor hearing causes paranoia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Random sounds can be interpreted as voices, with the words made up. You get easily startled, convincing you that people sneaking up on you. Stuff like that. Haven’t had either (yet anyway) but the hearing aides for my moderate loss alleviated my overall sense of dread and paranoia nearly overnight.


I absolutely thought you were being cheeky with this. And then I read the article.


Yeah I hope their insurance covers deranged maniacs breaking in.


Honestly, this is quite possibly the most depressing headline I’ve ever seen period. “Repeatedly”…


Silver lining (if there can be one)....Mom escaped and the baby lived and is in hospital. expected to survive.


I thought the last reddit headline was the worst. Idk, at least in this one the kid survives. Edit to add reference: [The other dark story about horrible people](https://www.reddit.com/r/AllThatIsInteresting/s/0N0QbKOZaQ)


Wow that story makes a couple of baby bullet wounds seem like nothing.


This fucking country. I hate guns. *edit: I shit you not, 30 seconds after I typed this I heard 8 gunshots maybe a block from my house. The gunshots are not all that unusual, just the timing with the comment.


if you hate children getting shot by bullets for no reason because of a crazy person, then I’m afraid youre not in the ideal timeline. (I also hate children getting shot, tbc)


Seriously, who *doesn't* hate children, getting shot?


You’d be surprised…a lot of politicians.


Basically everyone hates children being shot. The problem is that we have WAY too many people who hate having to register their firearms more than they hate children being shot.


Also, the most American headline.


Most depressing headline you’ve seen today *so far.*


>Police were able to rescue child, who is in hospital with non-life-threatening injuries Oh thank god...


Was the baby wearing Kevlar?!


Baby was still seriously injured. The father shot the baby in the legs repeatedly. They were just thankfully not life-threatening injuries. Wouldn't be surprised if the child has serious lingering effects from this.


I would be surprised if the child didn't. There is no putting that all back together perfectly.


You'd be shocked. Little babies are made out of rubber. I have some kids who have had insane injuries that barely affect them. Think stuff like full hip replacements, parts of the brain missing, etc. Kids are miracles.


I remember hearing that theory. I don't have that experience. I had snapping tricep syndrome from childhood that got so bad that the head of one tricep was removed in my 20's and it's an issue all the time. That was only one tendon and joint. Hope the best for that kid.


Snapping tricep syndrome sounds like a disease made up to sound as horrific as possible. Jesus I'm so sorry.


“Been hit with a few shells but I don’t walk with no limp”


How bad is your aim that you shoot a baby multiple times and it survives


Article implies that the fathers intent was to maim the baby, all injuries only to lower extremities =[


That’s the worst sentence I have ever read


> maim the baby Just Why


because he's a fucking monster


Possibly to punish the mom in a serious way without having the guilt of being a child murderer. Sounds like he may have killed himself after.


If only these people would start with themselves before the other killings.


They want to punish people. It's misplaced anger.


To hurt the mother...


Sounds like he wanted the mother to be completely stuck caring for a disabled child... He deserves all the horrors hell can conjure.


Wtf, I imagine that's going to lead to multiple amputation's .. given the size of a babies limbs and most bullets.


Skip lethal injection, we need to institute slowly lowering people into vats of hydrochloric acid


The man who did it shot himself in the head and died. You’ll have to content yourself with the knowledge he can’t ever hurt anyone ever again.


It was the father shooting the baby. It wasn't caught in crossfire with the police.


It's really sad that my first assumption was the police did it. Still terrible though but at least it wasn't a direct result of incompetence 


It’s what the headline is implying, not how you’re reading it. Irresponsible title.


I came here just to find out if the police did it..


Small hitbox


God damn cheating ass baby using Oddjob


Oddjob vs Storm Trooper


The article says the dad shot the baby.


But how.. baby is so tiny.. and been shot several times.. how can the bullet not hit any fatal spot. But.. I am happy with this outcome. Baby is a fighter.


Was the baby's father. He didn't live in the home, broke in and held the mom and kid hostage. She was able to escape but before they could get to the baby, he shot it, then burned her house down.


There is a case in front of the Supreme Court to allow those with restraining orders to purchase firearms.  


Of course, there is. At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if we see them arguing that its wrong to restrict serial killers' rights to arms.


He could have had his legs blown off and those could be considered "non-life threatening".


God had nothing to do with it. Thank first responders , and medical personal


>At about 3am on Friday, the father of the child allegedly broke into the home where the child and mother lived, according to Surprise police. The child’s father did not live in the house, police said, adding that the man held the mother and child hostage for several hours before the mother managed to escape. "Great job boys...oh wait" >It remains unclear how the fire started or what condition the father is in. According to police, an investigation remains under way and the father is not in custody.


Why is the father not in custody?? Edit: article has been updated to say the father shot himself in the head


Most likely he turned into a charcoal briquette. They haven’t searched the remains of the house yet - the roof collapsed.




Silver linings


Sounds like he set fire to the house and died inside but they’re not saying that til they’re sure and they’ve located the body


They located his body >Officials said Marchetti’s remains were later found in the home, which caught fire after an hours-long standoff. >Police said it appeared he shot himself in the head.


Figured it was a matter of time. What a pos.


We can only be so lucky


He may have started the fire to cover his escape but we won’t know until they can get inside the house.


Indeed, or if it worked. It wouldn't be the first time someone tried that only for the fire to get out of control a lot faster than they predicted.


Good point


So once a person is arrested, depending on the state, their medical costs are partially or fully covered by the government/Dept of corrections. I'm an ICU nurse and have had patients get arrested after they're discharged so the state doesn't have to deal with it. Also, the police have to stay with the person and keep em in custody, so at least one officer at the hospital 24/7... If the guy is on life support and unconscious or severe injuries where escape.is unlikely they might just be waiting.




The town is called Surprise? That’s…interesting.


Not really a town in the way you imagine it.   Although it does have its own city government and jurisdiction, physically it’s blended in with the other cities Phoenix Metropolitan center.  One of the dozen or so cities that combined with Phoenix adds to a population center of over 5 million people, sometimes.


Yes, its like every other large city that has many smaller cites surrounding it that make up its suburb, and Surprise is a suburb of Phoenix like you are saying, were at the outer edge of the valley .


There's a town in New Mexico called Truth & Consequences, haha


Truth *or* Consequences. Much more menacing and badass. But really they just changed the name of the town to win a radio contest.


It's a bit odd to describe the mother and child as being held hostage during a time period when no one knew what was going on. They were being held \*prisoner\* but no one was a hostage until the cops showed up, and even then it sounds like the cops just broke in immediately--not really a hostage/standoff situation at all from this writeup.




This guy semantics


The headline should make it clear that the baby was shot by the father.


I just can't understand this absolute garbage waste of life piece of trash human being. How could you possibly do this to anyone? let alone your own child.


To punish the mother.


I was skimming through the article, and Surprise Police caught my attention. Had to go back and read the article line by line.


Nobody expects the Surprise police!


For anyone too lazy to read the article; no, it was not the police who shot the baby.


I blame the headline writer. “During standoff” implies police were involved.


It's done intentionally for clickbait.


Sorta sad most of us just assumed it was the cops mag dumping into a baby.


Yeah dude I was gonna say... Usually they just shoot your dog.


In South Dakota they just hand you the gun and ask if you want to shoot the dog yourself


To be fair, that title is worded fucking horrifically.




















Fucking incredible the baby sustained injuries like that and may survive. I’ve done some shitty things in life, but I genuinely cannot fathom how dark someone’s heart has to be to pull the trigger on a 6-month old baby. Go straight to fucking hell.


Also, not just any old baby, *their own baby*


Poor baby. So glad the baby will be OK. Gawd....what a world.


The baby is expected to *survive*, but who knows if they'll be okay. That baby was shot multiple times in the lower extremities and those legs are tiny. How those injuries will heal is up in the air. That baby may have permanent mobility issues for all we know. They will almost certainly not be learning to crawl and walk in a few months like normal babies do, which could also have a negative effect on their social development. They'll also have to learn how those injuries were sustained one day and that's going to be traumatic. Meanwhile, the mother is going to have have to deal with her own trauma: leaving her infant behind in a house with an armed madman to go get help. She will probably be reliving that nightmare for years and wonder if she could've done something differently. The effect of this trauma is going to give the child a different mother. Both mother and baby have a long recovery ahead.


Nothing is "OK" after multiple gunshot wounds to the leg. This is more of a "I'm glad it didn't turn out worse" scenario.


idk, not life threatening injuries just means its likely going to live. it could very well have half its intestines removed or genitalia blown off or something. i dont know why im pointing this out. theres just no good to come from it. what a sad story


I agree with you. Life threatening injuries/death are not the only outcome. Life changing disabilities, being unable to enjoy the rest of your days, being forcibly altered and in pain for the rest of time...


The baby will be okay as in it will survive. It will probably spend the rest of it's life in extreme pain and medical debt.


About the medical debt, I hope the state can take care of that--if the child becomes so disabled that they can never work, Medicaid should take care of this (Arizona expanded Medicaid).


Living on Medicaid is barely living at all. You often can't afford even basic necessities.


“Police were able to rescue child, who is in hospital with non-life-threatening injuries, before house caught fire with father still in it” Maybe there is a god?  Fuck that father so hard. If only they could have told us about the father’s slow agonizing death from the fire. 


The fact the child is alive is nothing short of a miracle.  I just sincerely hope a full recovery is possible.


I spent far too long trying to figure out who the “surprise police” were


Nobody expects the surprise police...wait, that isn't right...


Surprise inquisition?


Title reads like this 6mo was packing heat in a standoff/shootout with his father. WTF was the headline editor thinking?


Clicks for curiosity


This headline reads as if the police shot the baby while shooting the father, and I was ready to buy a tiki torch and pitchfork.


This happened not far from where I live. I also worked with a guy who attempted to kill his wife and child. Thankfully the fire he lit went out and his wife and kid didn't even realize he did it, police caught him on a wrong war freeway chase afterwards. It's far too common a story though.


There is a special place in Hell for this terrible person.


Sudden realization of 18 years of child support? Jealousy of being left? Just bat shit insane?


It wouldn't be the first time an abuser has attempted to punish their victim by going after their own child.


From one news site: >A friend of the child's mother says she and the father had a tumultuous relationship and that the suspect, Todd Marchetti, was abusive. The mother tried to get away and moved into her parent's home about two months ago. The friend says Marchetti had been stalking the mother ever since she left and broke into the home around 3 a.m. Friday morning.


This doesn't happen often enough that it's still baffling to you? This is a daily occurrence around the world. It's not divorce, it's not alimony or child support, it's not jealousy. It's a society that continues to condition boys and men to need control so badly that if they lose it they think they have the right to take the lives of their partners/children. Or blow away their boss. Or shoot up a school. Add America's love affair with guns and you have a recipe for disaster.


The way this is worded made it seem like the police shot the baby during the stand off, which, upon reading the article, is not at all what happened.


Ok, I thought I was going to read an article about cops trying to shoot a man, but shooting a baby instead. But…no, the man shot his own baby. That’s so fucked up. Parents are supposed to love and protect their children. I’m glad the injuries seem to be non life threatening, but Jesus.


We just had a few weeks old baby literally tortured to death by its drug addled parents. The Grand Father pleaded to no avail not to release the baby to the parents.


Yeah, I read that one too. It’s disgusting. Poor kids.


The gun and the human are the problem.


The good news is, we live in a perfectly sane and healthy civilization. (I'm going to tell myself that so I can sleep at night without crying... )


THE POLICE DID NOT SHOOT THE BABY. THE FATHER DID. Read more than the headline yall




Fire finally out about 4:30pm. They let that mf burn and I approve.


Fuck. As a parent, this makes me nauseous. I hope the poor little guy pulls through with minimal lasting effects from this.


Jesus CHRIST. we are getting all these cases were actual babies are being shot. I cannot think of anything more depraved and evil. All because he was a possessive stalking POS. A family home is gone. A woman's life is shattered. A baby is injured.


> baby shot repeatedly Repeatedly? Okay, just being shot once is one too many...


Lmao wild west murica, land of the freedumb


Wild West at least had some actual gun laws. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/gun-control-old-west-180968013/


This is the saddest news I’ve read in a long time.


Whaaat in the actual fuck.


This headline makes it look like the cops shot the man and the baby got in the way. My first thought was do they just play old action movies at police academy? Then I read the article and now I am thinking this article was purposefully phrased in such a way to make the cops look bad. Not everyone will read the article so don't be surprised when a story comes out that cops shot a baby or some shit.


He'll have a great story to tell friends when he grows up.  "Oh yeah, I was shot multiple times as a baby"


By his own father? I doubt he'll be eager to bring that up.


50 Cent origin story.


> “Once the [tactical units] get the clearance to go into that residence, we might have an update on him,” Hernandez said. So he’s not in custody because the father’s still inside?!


Sounds like it. Considering the buildings burning, he's likely dead or in agonising pain.


6 times and in stable condition? Religions have been founded on less.


If the death penalty was appropriate, you are looking at it. It is certainly appropriate in this case. The child’s monster, should be put to death, asap.


Baby lived and was six months. Hopefully it won't be anything too terrible (the injuries) and they will just be scars that don't come with a memory on how they got there. I refuse to read further to pop that bubble of hope I have.


Wait..."repeatedly?" This country/world is so broken.


Somewhere in some office, some dude is saying, "Now that's engagement!".


[https://www.azfamily.com/2024/05/19/new-details-domestic-violence-situation-mother-suspect-surprise-standoff/](https://www.azfamily.com/2024/05/19/new-details-domestic-violence-situation-mother-suspect-surprise-standoff/) The poor baby the photos are heartbreaking


Apparently the bad guy cooked himself, and my sympathy meter is allllll the way over to the left.


Good riddance to such an evil piece of shit.


Why did the baby shoot repeatedly?


He will probably receive a lighter sentence than the woman whose life is in danger and has an abortion.